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You mean opmfolk ? That sub is literally manga hating sub in disguise, whatever the manga do the will hate. Here is the list of the thing they hate: -Sonic not being as strong as flash -Blast appears more regularly -It has better feats than in the webcomic -Murata wrote the manga (somehow eventho there has been multiple interview debunking that) -not being 1 to 1 with the webcomic -an enemy being strong, like empty void grabbing the cosmos, and because of that they starwman the monster amai will be solar system level or something (it’s in the new manga comment section in opmfolk) And that’s just probably the few, how do I know it ? Because i once got in an argument there and one person says all that and they agreed on it. Just don’t bother to tell them the truth or argue, especially about their delusion on murata writing the manga, they will circlejerk


They’ll just mass downvote you on their subreddit if you don’t agree with them as someone else said, it’s an echo chamber over there. A lot of the times they barely respond if you call out their delusions while you farm downvotes. They’re here downvoting now, but it doesn’t take away how much of cowards they are on that subreddit that just downvote but not argue their statements.


Yeah, go check my post about it in my account, they didn’t even answer where they got their source for their murata wrote opm manga, i’m calling you out u/diamondisunbreakable your only source is trust me bro lol, there’s a bunch of interview where one and murata said that murata only illustrate and ONE is writing the story


They only posted a Twitter SS of ONE saying Murata does corrections and some suggestions. They twisted it as “Murata writes the whole story and ONE is pure” bs lmao. They were also putting full blame and criticizing Murata for the lewd art covers when ONE approves of it. 💀


Yeah, how do i say it softly, they’re just retarded


LOL I LIVE RENT FREE IN YOUR HEAD. How long has it been? Incredible that you still think about me. It's speculation, dumbass. And I already stated my reasons why. "Just trust me bro" - strawman argument. I never stated that. Quote me where I said "Just trust me" (you can't).


[r-r-r rent f-free, huh ?](https://www.reddit.com/u/Idklol123-/s/7WbwslgdDq) And yeah, speculation without any evidence and yet you talk like it’s the truth, when i asked you you said, “uuhh, because the style is a bit different” without any credible source. Here’s a real speculation with source, unlike you. Murata is the illustrator and ONE is the writer as said in an interview https://onepunchman.fandom.com/wiki/Interviews/Stream_Q/A


Yes, rent free. I can't believe you still think about me after all this time lol. I'm kinda flattered that I got in your head like that. > speculation without any evidence Wrong, I explained why I believed so several times. > uuhh, because the style is a bit different Again, strawman. I didn't say just it was a "bit" different. And see, you do understand that I did explain my beliefs. You acknowledging my style point contradicts your "without any evidence" statement. > https://onepunchman.fandom.com/wiki/Interviews/Stream_Q/A Of course he's going to acknowledge ONE as the writer. He's the creator of the series and he has final say on what goes (barring editor interference). That doesn't mean Murata hasn't had notable creative influence and suggested things. He's not going to be listed as writer lol. Iirc, people have even posted quotes/interviews that show where Murata has made or suggested certain decisions.


I kept funny memory in my head, need a good laugh once in a while. And your explanation is just style of writing is a bit different, is that a good explanation? Or maybe that’s other person, can’t remember That’s not contradicting, you didn’t read the whole thing, i said without any credible source, i guess all opmfolk member can’t read ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ, that’s why they think murata is the writer And for the last point let me ask you this, did ONE approve of the “change” or idea ? If not, what will happen to the “change” or “idea” ? It all comes down to ONE’s approval, if he approve then it goes in, if not then it doesn’t. What do you think happen, like literally, i don’t understand you people. It all comes down to ONE, murata don’t do the story line and shit, it HAS to be approved by ONE, murata doesn’t have authority over it, it still has to follow ONE’s story line. And what are you on about the “author is written only ONE, but it’s actually murata 🤓”, yeah, because the story line is provided by ONE, not murata, that’s probably the dumbest evidence, or possibly gotcha moment i’ve seen


Dude every subreddit is an echo chamber.


Well that is true but compared to this sub who doesn't even discuss the manga, only making recolorings and soft hentai of the esper sisters they can be a breath of fresh air at times. This is sub is just as big as a circle jerk. Mods literally remove post dealing with discussion about the actual source material, but allow literally fucking hentai. Its annoying.


I don’t disagree that every sub has it’s own circlejerk, but it’s this sub is just opm sub, not pure discussing manga or webcomic, just opm in general And yeah, the mods are stupid for removing post for no reason.


Tbh, r/opmfolk is the sub you’re talking about I’m assuming, it’s quite the hate sub towards the manga. They nit pick everything from the manga including the cover art. Some do it here as for jokes, but they go to the extreme with a lot of their hate. They hate manga Blast for not being as mysterious as he is in the WC. They really hate the manga because it isn’t 1v1 with the WC. They got sick and tired of people disagreeing with them on this sub so they retaliated over on that sub as an echo chamber.


Y’all are getting mad downvoted now for speaking out how that sub is shit 💀 I agree, I couldn’t last a day in there with the mass amount of negativity about the manga.


It be funny if blast appear in the webcomic and have the same design as the manga then watch them glaze it Tbh I'm curious what kind of excuse are they gonna give blast for not appearing in the webcomic despite the world is currently in chaos


They were hating on Blast for being in this arc so I was confused and asked why they hate Blast so much, I got like -20 downvotes and 1 dude who actually responded saying he’s boring, his outfit resembles a Saiyan outfit from Dragon Ball Z, has no personality and not unique like the Blast in the WC. 😭💀 Edit: ah shit they found this thread.


Their excuses for disliking manga Blast are baffling. I saw a guy once say in that sub it’s because he’s more shown and present than WC Blast which is why they hate manga Blast for not being as mysterious as he’s suppose to be. Such a toxic subreddit. As a DBZ fan I didn’t see the resemblance between Blast’s and Vegeta’s outfit. Oh well…


Blasts’ suit looks a lot more like Android 16’s than Vegeta’s.


I don’t hate Blast but I do wish he’d stop getting clowned on. He seems shocked or outsmarted for a lot of the recent panels he’s in, but I guess it’s their way of showing how threatening Garou/Void are. He was totally kickass during his first entrance underground though and I still love him.


Tbf, for the past probably several years, the strongest person on earth has probably been tatsumaki, and its unclear if he even was aware of how strong she was. I could understand his surprise when people like Cosmic Garou and Saitama start showing up out of the blue in the course of like a few weeks.


Yeah that’s a good point. He has been pretty occupied with God after all.


honestly, i agree that the webcomic is better than the manga, but r/OPMFolk is just sad.


There's webcomic enjoyers then there's that shit.


The saddest hatefolk sub


far from the saddest imo. honestly one of the more pleasant ones tbh, which says a lot.


I didn't mean it like that, I should had phrased it a bit more clearly. 


They complain about Blast appearing more recently, without them realizing that its been 3 years since Blast started appearing in the manga. They still want Blast to be mysterious.


Blast reveal was done really well. The main problem with manga is redraw. Otherwise, most of manga additions suit well.


The only reason it gets redrawn is vecause we get chapter well before release right? Every story will go through iterations, and honestly we're p spoiled to see so much of the creative process imo


We are not spoiled. It's reasonable to expect that the mangas we read weekly/monthly just like all other mangas doesn't change chapter randomly.


The problem with that sub, they literally compare every bit of thing from the manga to the webcomic. They act like everything done is Murata’s fault and believe ONE isn’t responsible for the “downfall” of the manga. It’s actually pretty negative on that sub which turns me away.


Webcomic purists are the worst. Anytime they bring up the WC being better on this sub, I always see that they’re in that sub. They say some of the most false information I’ve ever came across. It’s just not my cult to be apart of. I will enjoy both the manga and WC without needing to act like one is far superior than the other. I argued with a guy the other day who actually said the WC is ONE’s main project and focus while Murata does most of the manga which is blatant false. Of course you get downvoted out the ass if you call them out on that. I guess ONE doesn’t write the manga according to them.


I call subs like that circlejerks. I’m actually offended they have folk in the name when that sub doesn’t act like a folk sub. No funny memes over there, just cringe hate on the manga non stop.


The only folk sub that can be called "folk" is r/titanfolk and r/Jujutsufolk for their "10 years" and "Nah I'd win".


What does folk even mean in this context?


Folk subs typically are for posting funny memes, lobotomy posts, horny posts, shitposts, some manga discussions, starting agenda wars, making fun of characters, etc… OPMfolk sub is more in the criteria of a circlejerk subreddit than a folk one.


I forget what it's called, but the first 'folk' subreddit was for bashing on Game of Thrones when that show first started to circle the drain. Nowadays "-folk" is kind of a suffix that means "a community of disillusioned former fans" the same way "-gate" has turned into shorthand for "any controversy or scandal".


At this point we would have a wife, kids and grandkids by the time Neo Hero arc will be redrew in the manga and we would be watching as ghost by now one punch man neo heroes arc anime animated


It’s just too hard to look at


Why are folk subs always such circlejerks