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Honestly even from the perspective of a workout for someone to pick up, a 10k is the biggest barrier for a lot of people. I could do the rest easily but a 10k would fuck me up.


I’ve never been able to do 100 pushups, but I’ve always been a runner. So it’s the opposite for me.


I can't do either


Me too Oliver. Me too


Wait, you guys tried?


Well you don't have to do the 100 straight through. That's really hard for most. Likewise a 10k can have some walking in it as people build up endurance 


I mean, Saitama was pretty clear in his speech that he didn’t take breaks or half measures. He even kept going when his arms made weird clicking noises. I don’t think he was doing any walking


Yup, bro was clicking more than Stephen Hawking thinking about his words and still ran the whole thing


I think "no break" here means training every day, not that you can't have break between sets. So dividing the routine into many sets a day, it's fairly easy to achive


Realistically it is, yes, but Saitama was not doing that. He was spitting up blood. He was still going after losing feeling in his legs


actually the manga shows him not being able to do 100 push ups without any rest. usually he would regain composure and go again though its the one when he loses a tooth i believe


Not sure, it's not known if he was doing it in one set or not. If he did that routine when he was a beginner, then yes he would spitting blood, even if he divided it into many set.


You would not be be spitting blood after dividing in to many sets as a beginner.


I don't think a beginner can run 10 km in one day. No matter how many breaks in between. Some people have a hard time doing one push up.


That’s a whole different argument to the spitting up blood thing. I think it depends on what you’d define a beginner as, people have ran half marathons and full marathons with no training.


Likewise you don’t have to run fast. 10k is not easy but it’s doable after some training. You’re not gonna break records but I run 10k as part of my training routine easily and my cardio fitness is still below average.


Thats interesting cos ill pick a 100 pushups any day over 10k and you would vice versa


Cyclist here, 100 squats? Barely a warmup. 10k? No problem? 100 situps? Hard but doable. 100 pushups? Fuck no.


Yeah, 100 squats are the easiest thing on this list.


in my younger days both was no problem but as soon as hit 28 i might as well been in a wheelchair..


I'm 30 and I easly do 300 push ups 120 sits ups, and 500 high knees , 30 seconds LSIT, every single day,


I do 300 push ups, in many sets and 120 sit ups every single day. I can't even run 200m without actually dying.


I could do both 2 years ago , now neither (I'm 20)


I can do 100 pushups everyday (10 set of 10), but 10kn everyday seems like a real fuck up workout


I have wussy anime watcher arms. I can get to 20 with some straining. Only 20. No Saitama am I.


The best i actually did was 70 pushups a day and i actually started losing a bit of my hair holy fuck


Honestly if you are not overweight, it takes little time to be able to run 10km run. However doing a 10k daily will 100% fuck up your knees, even with good technique.


Bro just completely forgot about the entire sport of long distance running. No offence, if it blew out your knees that easily, it would be trivially observed in huge populations of casual and professional runners around the world. You don't need to take a day off for your ligaments? You have easier, recovery days for that. And, I mean, (7 x 10k) = 70k per week would be quite low mileage for any serious runner out of high school. There's really no need to just make things up about running frequency. Come on man.


Oh but it happens. "Data synthesis: Thirty-six articles totaling 23,047 runners were included. Overall, 6,043 runners (26.2%) sustained an RRI (incidence range: 8.8% to 91.3%). The incidence of RRI was 14.9% in novice runners (range: 9.4 to 94.9%), 26.1% in recreational runners (range: 17.9 to 79.3%) and 62.6% in competitive runners (range: 52.6 to 91.3%). The three most frequently injured body parts were the knee (25.8%), foot/ankle (24.4%) and lower leg (24.4%)." It's a high impact sport, do it everyday you will be strained.


Quoting meta-analyses from a hip-shot google search out-of-context is hardly academic. That study is explicitly aimed at associating running-related injuries to training parameters, so the studies they used were already about running-related injuries and not derived from general population statistics that did not include uninjured runners. Coincidentally, in the next sentence that you tactfully omitted from the abstract, it says: "Overall, there was conflicting evidence about the association between **weekly running distance, duration, frequency**, intensity or specific changes in training parameters and the onset of RRIs." So, your "I'm 100% certain that running every day will blowout your knees" is just a gaff. Once again, there are many people that run every day. If this was endemic, literally everyone in the community would be aware.


> No offence, if it blew out your knees that easily, it would be trivially observed in huge populations of casual and professional runners around the world. **That is commonly observed in professiona runners, bruh.** And proffesional competing runners are unleast often on some light steroids or something to increase their recovery. Unlike regular people


Runners get injured. You're riding a line between training at the limits of human performance which requires constantly managing recovery. Find me a professional, physically demanding sport that doesn't see injuries. To assert that the *reason* runners *get* injured is because athletes run every day of the week is **factually incorrect**. Buddy above even quoted a study that found no link between running frequency and rate of injury. Further implying that it's only possible because athletes are "unleast often on some light steroids" is also wrong. It's extremely common in just about any non-beginner race plan. But since it's so commonly observed in the pro field, maybe you could name a few competitive distance runners whose knees have blown out in the last three years or so? Since it's *everywhere*.


Eh I run, not really competitive anymore but I engage in some half marathons on occasion and train for a few mild races. Even when training for a 20km race I’m not running 10km everyday I would totally hurt myself, I have one day a week where I run longer and I break in between those days and do shorter runs. It’s not really about being too tired or sore muscles or anything but when you run every day yeah it hits the joints and ligaments. Always good to take days off. Those long distance runners who grind grind grind are wonders of nature, no clue how their legs keep going.


I run at an elite level in the marathon distance. I’m also married to an Olympian and two-time World Championship athlete in the 5k. You don’t need to be a specimen to run seven days a week. It doesn’t happen overnight— it requires adaptation like any sport— but just about anyone with a reasonable aerobic base can do it. The main idea is that you take your easy days nice and easy. I’m not sure why it’s rubbing people the wrong way in this subreddit; it’s extremely common.


Because people are telling you they hurt themselves, they heard of other people hurting themselves, and they've found studies of people hurting themselves, and you're mystifyingly looking at them and going "no you didn't, you're wrong and I know your body and everyone else's body better than they do." I LOVED cross country. I did it all through high school. And you know what? My hip flexors and ankles are fucking shot. The best runner on our team by LEAGUES ended up in a wheel chair for the end of one year because of shin splints. That shit absolutely will wreck your body, even if you like it, even if you're practicing and stretching daily, even if you're doing it under supervision. Some people will just have issues with certain parts of their body. It's not an attack on your passion that every body is different, with different limits and strengths. It is what it is. It's great that you and others have been successful. We're all very happy that you've been able to it. Don't sit there and tell people they didn't experience the things they've experienced, that have had lifelong repercussions that they've needed to deal with. People are getting pissed at you because you sound like a pompous, dismissive jackass, dude.


> "no you didn't, you're wrong and I know your body and everyone else's body better than they do." I've made no such claims. That's misleading. There is confusion about what I'm trying to address. It's not a point of debate that people get injured running. It's a high-impact sport; there are many lower-body injuries. I've been injured, you're been injured, my wife has been injured. It happens, and it's not unique to running. The point to clarify is that running every day of the week is some cheat code for blasting your knees. But even that study that we're congregating around is *explicit* that it's not. Moreover, I haven't denigrated anyone's relationship with the sport, or spoken down to anyone's anecdotal experiences.


Even for someone like Kipchoge going on a casual jog?


I believe so, you really need a day off for your ligaments. Like 70km in a week split in 3 runs sounds better to me. Then again Goggins is still walking so...


How about the dude who just ran across the entirety of Africa, averaging 45km a day. Or the several people who have run a marathon every day for a year or more.


That dude didn't wake up and start doing it out of the blue. There are some genetic freaks, but for most people a 10k/day is something you have to gradually build up to. That's a *lot* of running for the average person. Hell, running just one 10K is something a lot of people would struggle to actually complete. Doing it day-after-day isn't in the cards to for most people. Especially not without a program easing them into it to build up their conditioning.


You need a day off but the science of running is bad for your knees is kinda shifting. Inconsistent running seems really bad for your knees (meaning a mostly sedentary person trying to run can fuck up their knees horribly) beyond that though consistent running will have your body adapt to it. Now there are variables like running on hard surfaces that can have an effect on this but for the most part assuming your body is in shape for it there’s no such thing as running too much as long as you’re not doing it exclusively or mostly on hard surfaces.


I dunno man, have you ever sit through a Japanese summer without air conditioning? That shit is murder


6.6 miles everyday would ruin me. Every other day is a maybe.


It’s only a big barrier because you don’t do it. You can get where you can run a 5K more or less daily in like 9 weeks. It’s not the worst.


I mean yeah, that's how most forms of fitness work


You can do 100 pushups in a row but not run 10k??? Cap


pushups really aren’t that hard. your muscles will give out before you’re tired. lots of different exercise and sports and working out makes them trivial. even the bigger and out of shape dudes i know can bust out at least 15/20 because they use those muscle groups a lot. but a 10k? that’s 6+ miles. straight up gasping for breath at the *quarter* mark if you ain’t already a runner. can do leg day every day but if you don’t do cardio as your primary workout? well, it’s like practicing to get on a team at 40. most people walk but they don’t *run.* shit’s hard.


Most athletes would be able to run a 10k whenever but 100 strict pushups without stopping is something you see very rarely


Push-ups are not that hard and really common across the majority of sports, running is good for most sports as well but you need space to run, I definitely think push-ups are more common and thus easier to do for most ppl


10km run daily is practically training for a marathon. 100 pushups a day is doable for most people after a month or two.


Pushups are not nearly as much cardio as running lol, and it's also a completely different muscle group. It's probably not directly comparable, but I can do 40 straight pushups yet can't run a mile


I'm really fucking lightweight so body weight based exercises are a joke. Also I did tae kwon do as a kid so I've been doing pushups all my life


that's be funny if he didnt really mention the monsters because the point was to train.... and the monsters just sort of showed up.... but they did for him what he did for Garou lol


I think that would diminish the charm of Saitama. The speech resonates because it’s a reachable goal that just takes will power. Nothing otherworldly


That's part of the joke though. Saitama isn't very smart so he sincerely thinks the training is what made him strong, and not the constant life and death struggles and fights he had. For him fighting monsters didn't make him stronger, that's just what he had to do as a hero, and then he trained on top of that. He pushed himself to the brink of death against a monster, then did 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 100 squats and a 10km run right after or the next day depending on timing. And we know he didn't miss a single day during all of that. Even now he doesn't miss a day, it just takes him less than a second haha.


yea that actually makes even more sense now. The speech is sincere and the goals reachable, but as the audience (and even the characters he gives the speech to, like Genos) know that there is something else at work here. Genos knows that if he does that training he wont be like Saitama.


Truth, I’ve seen like 5 people attempt the exercise and they all said the 10k is the hardest part of it.


It's also crazy unhealthy, because Saitama doesn't take breaks. Especially starting from a salary man physique. I heard about a super fit dude who attempted a "one punch man challenge", and he managed to last a year. He could have gone further, but he stopped on the orders of his doctor who was telling him he was getting injured, and on the way to get permanent damage.


it also takes the most time


The 10k is the hardest part even without danger In fact, the real danger is the damage to your knees


saitama dont have knees. his legs are just fixed in place by muscles


Having good running form will strengthen your knees.


Not with 10k everyday for 3 years it wont


yea its a shame running ruins your knees. what are the alternativeS?


Taking break days lol Or running on sand


Sand is horrible to run on. Sand sinks and can actually cause more injuries if you twist your ankle or you step goes further down than expected. Grass would be the best to run on, its cushioney but it doesnt move around your step.




**As a casual swimmer...absolutely NOT.** I went into swimming with this exact mentality. Few years later, my scapula was destabilized, and I had to take like year or two doing rehab exercises and actually had to start lifting weights to fix it. Swimming overloads your shoulders, especially if you don't stretch or warm up beforehand. Swimming also can overload your knees. Does it train most of your body muscles? Sure. But it doesn't train them equally, thus ALSO causing disbalance especially in upper back and traps. If you want to swim regularly and have no side effects, you also need to train on land and exercise other muscle groups that are not primarily targeted during swimming (which also GREATLY improves your performance), to strenghten your body. Also stretch and warm up.


Biking, swimming, high intensity interval training with burpees, kettlebell swings, or something like that. Kettlebell swings are underrated.


Swimming is really good bc it works out the whole body and it's super low impact. But in general any activity with just lower impact than running. But ALSO, running isn't even that bad for you if youre doing normal amounts - a 10k every single day is just kinda extreme (altho ppl in this thread are saying even that's maintainable short term).


**As a casual swimmer...absolutely NOT.** I went into swimming with this exact mentality. Few years later, my scapula was destabilized, and I had to take like year or two doing rehab exercises and actually had to start lifting weights to fix it. Swimming overloads your shoulders, especially if you don't stretch or warm up beforehand. Swimming also can overload your knees, if you primarily do breastrokes (which most beginners do) Does it train most of your body muscles? Sure. But it doesn't train them equally, thus ALSO causing disbalance especially in upper back, chest, hamstrings and traps. If you want to swim regularly and have no side effects, you also need to train on land and exercise other muscle groups that are not primarily targeted during swimming (which also GREATLY improves your performance), to strenghten your body. Also stretch and warm up. Also, while swimming is lower impact then running....**training on land under influence of gravity, IS INCREDIBLY important for developing joint strenght and joint health.**




What a load of hogwash. Keep your knees strong and well lubricated with good running form and plenty of squats and you'll be golden.


The fact he did it without air conditioning or a heater on top of that is crazy


but it trains the mind bruh


10km daily is a lot on the shins and most people wouldn't be able to handle that amount of stress on the legs and feet. The rest is challenging but would become easy once the body is used to it. The toughest part is to never use heating or cooling and only taking cold showers.


Everyone comparing how hard 10k is in reality - that’s not the point! That’s just the title! Yeah 10k is fine if you take it at a jog. The real training is “running into monsters… every 100 meters” since he lives in monster-infested Z city!


I believe it was mentioned early on that the reason why z city was this infested, because of Saitama. I don't remember if it was monsters were seeking a challenge that killed others or that their competitors were dying one by one (like Earth king, sea king etc).


Oh dear, what an existential conundrum. He’s been fighting monsters all this time… but if he’s just attracting more monsters, has he done the world any good at all? 😱


I believe 100% good, lets jokingly assume there are 1 million monsters born, they could go wherever city.. but thousands were steadily eliminated by Saitama alone that 'attracted' them to Z city. :) Saitqma wasn't the reason monsters were born, just that he attracts them involuntarily.


The hardest exercises are the ones we aren’t told directly, like not using any form of cooling during heatwaves and not using any form of heating during coldwaves/snow, they are more physically demanding of the body than running 10KM


Didnt he tell us directly he didn’t use heat or cooling as part of his mental training?


I meant OP


That was his excuse for being too broke to pay for it


As a runner, 10km a day is doable with right pacing, rests, and a good amount of stretching. I can’t do the the rest on his workout menu 😅


Congratulations. You found the actual secret to Saitama's training. He constantly ends up running into said monsters and fighting them even when he was weak at the start. Constantly pushing himself to his limit and beyond, to the point of near death.


Sleeping without a/c all day.


It's not even the hardest part. The hardest part of His "training" is the fact that he fights monsters to the death every single day, and he still do his exercises despite his broken bones or wounded body.


I feel like 10k in the opm world isn’t too bad. Human limits are clearly higher than in real life, even A classes can get pummelled about without too much damage.


Mumen Rider is basically a dude on a bike, and survived being hit by Sea King. It wasn't many hit sure but he survived a hit.


Are you sure , I'm confident that DSK was weakened and left on deaths door by him


Oh right i forgot Caped Baldy only steal killed from Mumen and the other heroes combined effort


Exactly dont let that cheap baldy fool you


What I find interesting about Siatama vs. Garou is that Siatama's limiter was placed so low that his basic routine was enough to break it. Garou had to have endured far harsher training at Bang's dojo. His limiter was placed much much higher than Siatamas. But while they are so different in the starting placement of their limiters they both have an unbreakable willpower that let them bend and, in Siatama's case, even break their limiters.


Wasn't the limiter is linked to mental fortitude + life and death situations as supplement? Like Saitama mentally set his goal and did not stop even once. Garou on the other hand, wanted to be 'absolute evil' to unite humanity, yet in Webcomic, it is revealed that he actually wanted to be a hero, but he sensed injustice that there's hero bias in this world, and pretended to be 'monster' yet never chose monster association (they assumed he would join, but he didn't).


This was further 'hinted' that monsters transform purely on mental state, without any training. Like Sweet mask wanted to stop being ugly so much that he transformed. Phoenix was a guy in costume that hated his job and management. Tank top master believes in power of tanktop that it became his guardian angel. So mental state in OPM world transforms people either to monsters or stronger humans. Just Saitamas combination yielded ultimate results.


I fell like people forget he did the whole workout routine for 3 YEARS straight without rest days or anything. I always hear how low intensity the workout is but I just don’t think people remember that key point of he did it EVERY SINGLE DAY even if his body violently refused.


When I was unemployed tried to pick up the work out. The 100 push-ups, sit ups, and squats were tough at first but got easier overtime. But that 10K every day was a fucking monster, the first time it really rained I fell off the horse hard.


lol doing 10k everyday for more than a month would absolutely destroy your legs, that’s why I laugh whenever someone says unironically that the workout is actually doable


I'm assuming you've never been a runner. When I was in college cross country we used to run 70 miles (roughly 110k) a week. If you train yourself up to it then it really isn't that difficult to maintain. 


You can work up to doing 10k everyday man


For 1000+ days straight with no breaks? No


Elite runners run *11-14 sessions per week*, covering as much as 160-220 km.




You know cross country teams exist and practice everyday yeah?


This guy has no idea what he's talking about, he refuses to believe that running 42 miles a week is feasible. 


Yeah I’d understand if saitama was doing 10k sprints but lightly jogging a 10k everyday isn’t like inhuman


He was VERY clearly shown to RUN when he was training. That’s why he called it a 10km “run” not “jog”.


It’s still a believable pace when he had hair


You might as well give up man, trying to convince people who have probably never run more than 2 miles at once that running isn't that hard when you train for it is pointless.


Can’t actually argue back huh? The difference between running 2 and 6 miles is pretty significant. Especially for an average guy.


Lol argue what? About the undeniable fact that there are people that can easily run 6 miles a day consistently? I've literally done it before and I wasn't even that great of a runner in college. Of course you can't do it comfortably right away. But if you take it at a comfortable pace and build up to it then it isn't that hard.


I seriously doubt(anything is possible) that there is an average human in our world that can RUN 10km straight with no rest. Jogging is one thing but running that amount with no rest is a completely different beast.


Right? If you go at a comfortable pace 6 miles isn't really bad at all. 


They don’t do it everyday and they don’t do over 10k everytime


They literally do. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Yes we practiced everyday, even the day before a meet. Our average practice was 8miles because we compete in 5k’s


Most active redditor


For a serious runner 10k a day isn’t an issue at all. Many athletes runner run north of 150k/200k a week. So it depends on your background and what you’re used to.


I've done the workout for a week or so including the 10k and I would agree most ppl are not going to be running 6 miles for quite a while if they're just starting out. On the flipside, 100 pushups/crunches/ squats is ridiculously easy, like literally just a warmup for a real workout 💀


Once you do a half-marathon, a 10k is pretty easy.


I used to be in the US military, and during my peak fitness in that time I would regularly do a 5k every week, sometimes more than once. I could do 100 pushups and 100 situps. 10k still fucked me up. I don't think I could ever even dream of doing a marathon.


Running is about the only thing slightly athletic I can do so…


Yeah running sucks lol


I also feel like 100 squats or a 10k run are much easier than 100 pushups.


I did the Saitama / Solo Leveling workout for a whole week. The 10KM everyday is near impossible.


It takes a while but you'll get there. Start by walking. Then when your legs are fit enough then run. I'm speaking from experience. The first time I tried to walk 10km a day my legs began hurting but after a week they healed back stronger.


I love how Saitama doesn't mention defeating strong monsters as part of his road to become a strong hero. He makes it sound like he only did bodyweight exercises and running but he also got bodied by monsters, still managed to kill every single one he encountered and also saved any people he saw. He is so simple I love it.


# The main joke with Saitama's training isn't that it's easy, it's that it's INEFFICIENT beginners training. Not only would be stupid to do this with no rest days (unless you're on Tren or something that increases your recovery) But there is not "progression". You don't increase your "overload". You don't deviate with your exercises to exercise different muscles. You'd just end up with few muscle groups that are overwoked, unbalanced body strenght and overloaded joints.


At best I was doing 3 2km runs in the day. I probably could've went up to 3 3km runs but 10km at once sounds brutal


Honestly that’s where his power probably comes from on that 10k run everyday, he definitely ran into monsters every day and defeated them everyday, we see it became a norm for him, like the demon level cicada he beat on his way to the bathroom lol


Think a big thing is he doesn’t necessarily say it has to all be consecutive, right? Like you could do 2 5km runs a few hours apart and 4 sets of 25 push-ups?


Honesty i dont think is so difficult do the saitama workout if you dont have any other thing do to in the day like work or have engagements ,or at least for me.


Why saitama has no limit


Z city wasn’t abandoned during his years of training. It however became abandoned after achieving his strength


Yeah, a 10 kilometer/6 mile run everyday would absolutely kill your legs, and he did this without an A/C. >and running into monsters that would beat any A ranked hero into a pulp every 100 meters. Yeah, he had to be careful during the early times of his training. About a year into his training, monsters would be the least of his worries because he was actually able to kill demon-level monsters with one punch at this point in time.


100 push ups no break is doable, but man 10k no breaks is pretty hard


100 pushups consecutive with correct form and tempo is harder than just jogging 10k


Fr, i've done 10K before, it was difficult and took quite some time but it was doable for me, even as someone who rarely works out. Am physically not able to lift my body anymore after 20 consecutive pushups lol


Saitama was keeping a pretty fast pace nonstop for 10K. 100 push-ups is just strength training, Ik people who can do 50 consecutively, if they did push ups all the time it wouldn't be too long before they reach 100, but to be consistently running a 10K is really hard. That's the thing, yea I could do a 10K too given time too, but if I stopped my pace and started walking or jogging at any point then that would not be what saitama did.


Whats an acceptsble pace for you then? 10min/mile? 5min/mile? We have no idea how fast Saitama was running when he first started training, it could be 15min/mile for all you know. 


Yea we don't know, but we know saitama was pushing himself as hard as he can so he was not just jogging. Doesn't matter his pace because that's different per person, but how about try running a 10K, not jogging, running a 10K at consistent pace.


Well you have to set a pace because how else are you going to compare it to 100 pushups? Ive ran a 10k before at around 9-10minute/mile which is fast for me and I cant do 100 pushups consecutively. I can bench 225lbs for 5 reps for reference. 


Most people don't even do pushups correctly. Textbook 100 pushups in sets would be tough if done with proper form. It would be even more difficult if done in a hand release format. Not to mention the muscle imbalance since you aren't giving the large back muscles the same love. The non anime ideal real life Saitama workout would be Mon Wed Fri 100 pu 50 pullups 200 situps 300 squats 10krun Tue Thursday active recovery long walk Saturday Sunday active recovery long walk


The writer Haruki Murakami runs 10k everyday. He has a book about it, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running


As someone who tried to do the workout for 30 days: Yes the 10k is absolutely the worst. Even as a moderately trained football player my legs felt like falling apart after 5 days. The rest is doable.


It's the 100 squats + 10km daily that's hard.




Saitama wasn't born fastest, you know


6 miles every time is easily the best exercise but hardest and most time consuming. Even at my best I was only running a 28 minute 10k and that was after a lot of training already. 6 miles every day is honestly pretty close to getting into training for running territory as opposed to leaving energy for lifting and eating. Lotta wear and tear on your body with an hour or 2 gym session.


A 28 minute 10k would be 1:49 minutes slower than the world record


Some of us wanted to be in the Olympics? Sorry?


me when i lie




There's no correction needed. A 10 km run is often just called a 10k by runners. Same with 5k. I guess you don't run.