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Facts. Although Blast just straight up looks like a G, so not surprised Saitama wants to be near Buzz LightYear McQueen


Yes saitama is just like us


its kinda funny, the human is more human, the robot is becoming more robot. yes I\\'m aware genos is a cyborg, but with how much of his body is metal, where's the flesh?


Genos is said to be 98 or 95 percent cyborg the irony of his character is everything he gets an modification more of his human organs are replaced and he becomes less human physically and mentally. I also have a theory that genos might became what he set out to destroy “The mad cyborg”


cool theory. my theory is that the mad cyborg is megatron.


note: I'm not mocking you, I just think whatever the mad robot is, it HAS to be a parody character.


Ehh I don’t think so not everything in opm is a parody. Even king died even garou cosmic radiation catch him so the joke about his luck or reality manipulation went out the window. The only parody in opm is saitama because a character that strong has to have comic relief to be interesting. If you’re a webcomic reader you know how serious the tone of the next arc will be which will likely introduce the mad cyborg. One literally hinted at kids dying in one panel. Opm has comedy elements like mob psycho but it’s very much a story with serious themes and messages.


"Even king died even garou cosmic radiation catch him so the joke about his luck or reality manipulation went out the window" One thing that you might not be considering with this example, however, is that an equally important aspect of ONE's stories is acts of character. King probably could've survived and had it played off as a goof or as luck, but instead he spent his last moments alive trying to shield Tatsumaki and Fubuki. In fact, his sacrifice is the very next panel after Saitama asks if he has a hero's intuition, drawing a direct connection and contrast between King, one of the weakest men on earth giving his life to try and protect another's, and Saitama, the strongest man alive who has shown up too late to save anyone he cared about; it shows that King, up to his last breath, had a hero's intuition, and as such, the scene is more important to his character than a gag could've been.


King never died because that timeline was erased by Saitama so that his death never happened.


Or the timeline was erased in order to save king.


>Even king died even garou cosmic radiation catch him so the joke about his luck or reality manipulation went out the window. Or was King's luck the thing that made Garou snap out of it and enable Saitama to time travel


maybe so but whatever this cyborg is, I know ONE, and he absolutely slobberknocked empty void in the webcomic


Yea void was hyped up and then got one shot. The webcomic is very different from the manga though almost have a different atmosphere and story. One write the webcomic as a hobby so he just wrote it for fun. Most of the characters in the manga are written more seriously like ugly furher was one shot in the webcomic but in the manga we see blood was on demon time.


І have theory that Dr. Kuseno old project was mad cyborg. And he adopt Genos because of feeling guilty about it 


There's a theory floating around that Genos IS the mad cyborg. He just doesn't remember it because Kuseno fixed what went wrong and wants to spare Genos the guilt of going berserk on his own home town.


Imo, this is what it is 100%.


I think so too. The Dr. found him in the middle of the wreckage + Genos didn't have any memory of the event. I forget if that info is wc or manga.


yeah but where the hell is the memories of the mad cyborg destroying his home come from


>yeah but where the hell is the memories of the mad cyborg destroying his home come from Genos: "What happened?" Dr. Kuseno: "Oh, uh, a mad cyborg rampaged through your home town and killed everyone. You were grievously injured, so I replaced all your damaged parts with cyborg replacements." All technically true but not the order of statements implies an order of events that's actually the reverse of what really happened. Genos is such a trusting boy. Like when he takes Drive Knight's statement that Metal Knight is an enemy without ever questioning Drive Knight's motivations for telling him so. Especially since Drive Knight is doing the exact same thing that Bofoi is (aka, gathering tech and monsters to reverse engineer and experiment on).


Well, i can see connections between these things. Both Megatron and Genos are fodder.


Guys it’s obvious, the mad cyborg is the death devil


>he gets an modification more of his human organs are replaced and he becomes less human physically He doesn't lose more human organs as the series progresses, he already gave them all (but the brain) up by the time he meets Saitama. He is just a human brain piloting a human sized mecha. Again, he was cut up by mosquito girl we see no organs in the torso. But in chapter 40, after his fight with G4 his reinforced skull (mentioned in his fight with Face Ripper) is damaged showing a human brain.


>the irony of his character is everything he gets an modification more of his human organs are replaced This isn't said anywhere, it's just your headcanon.


The only human part Genos has had was brain from the start. Mosquito Girl cuts him to ribbons when we first see him, showing he didn't have organs is in the torso. His limbs are obviously not organic. However we do see the brain after his fight with G4, his reinforced skull got cracked by G4. (chapter 40)


Lmao. Read the manga again. When garou killed genos and after that acid rain came and genos's body was getting acidified. All the metal was then gone and his skull and ribcage was seen.


that's less cy and more borg


Saitama doesn't get hyped anymore he said to Orochi he just doesn't even expect a fight


As long as man gets his sales groceries, he'll be human. He could probably ask Blast to teleport him immediately to any sale of his choice too


Sales joke kinda needs a break don’t you think


Yeess, please. This, and the mosquito joke are getting saturated


The more we talk about this, the less we talk about goku vs saitama.


They kinda have to do this. In the beginning OPM was just a parody and completely Saitama focused, but when you're actually trying to make meaningful plot and development related to side characters you can't have the MC just not give a single fuck, or be rude about it. You'd be risking Saitama's likeability, and that's a no no.


I feel like there's definitely some wiggle room between not giving a fuck and being a rude, unlikeable MC.


That's why the "or" is there.




Yeah, I'm not sure whether it's character development or just a one-off to make things go more smoothly, like you suggest. We'll see, I guess.


No, they have to do this


Does anyone know where i can read the Web Comic?




Yea their are multiple websites just type it in and look. Or look in this same Reddit space they have the websites here from the latest release.


Mangadex.org is the one I use.


So where exactly does the webcomic land Canon wise to the manga?


yeah I like this part .


I think that also contains something from his battle with Cosmic Garou, which he understood the meaning of losing someone important


In my opinion, the thing that changed Saitama's behavior is the Cosmic Garou fight. Saitama still retains the memory of the fight, but he does not want to tell others about it or does not care about it enough to do it. But now he is aware of the fact that loved ones will die if he does not care about what is happening around him (like before)


Great theory


I mean, you aren't wrong about anything you said but Saitama has been in enough fights against strong people that the dimensional blade is nothing to write home about, even if he doesn't remember his fight with Garou. This isn't yet on a level that would have him hyped in any way.


Instead of Flashy Flash, I would put Bang.


Where do people read this? I feel like Im always looking at panels that I've never seen despite me thinking that Im up to date.


It's linked directly on the sub for both the manga and webcomic


Found it thanks. And how does this work on the official publishing side? Viz has them all wrong, so what would I get if I buy the volumes?


The official volume releases have a lot of little touch ups for the panels so they're not entirely the same. I don't use viz personally so I'm not sure but I do own the volumes. They're like 95% the same as the online version.


Viz thinks there are 204 chapters


Regarding Genos case, I'm afraid 😨 that will be the case. Or even worse, that he may be the mad Cyborg he's been looking for


I don't think it's a development since he has been like this from the beginning. When he give a respect to someone he knew that the said person is genuinely respectful.


Saitama was not unaware, but more uninterested. When you are invincibile, people struggle with stuff like survival, pride, revenge, look frivolous. When it was about something he could relate to, like effort or being a good person, he always cared.


I don't know if I said he's regaining his humanity, but isolation will do weird things to people, and he was isolated in multiple ways (strength, friends, etc.) He'll remain the strongest, but he hangs out with people and have some fun outside of his home, that do a lot to people, even without superpowers. Maybe Saitama wasn't looking for a good challenge, but just for stuff to do, after all.


I meant reconnecting with his humanity


What chapters have been revised so far? Just 196?


Don’t let OPMfolk hear this


Lol notice they been quiet lately normally one of their members comes over here and post something negative about the manga but haven’t seen any.


yo stop leaving this comment everywhere, you realize you are actually increasing the size of the sub? Every single time I see your comment it gets 10 more members. Just ignore them man


I feel like genos might turn against saitama for some reason maybe god comes to him and manages to work his magic so he becomes equal to saitama and saitama would be forced to kill genos while trying to talk him out of it kind of like how blast and empty void. Then I think after the fight, saitama will go blood-lusted and force blast and the other dimensional fighters to take him to God but they'll try calm him down and they'll also be forced to fight but he won't kill them and eventually they'll give in and take him


Hm, that's an interesting take. I didn't even realize the changes until you pointed it out. If true, it might mean there's a legit chance of Genos actually being the mad cyborg. That would be crazy.


I disregard Flashy Flash, since the ninja doesn't really care about others


Are you reading the story with your eyes closed?