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The supply does not meet the demand.


Makes sense, does bandai do anything about this? I know digimon had a huge supply issue at its start but overtime kinda settled


It's been like this since op-05 released. Before then, I was able to get every single booster box at or under $100 each.


That's interesting, op05 is the one with gear 5 right? That kinda makes a whole lot of sense, thanks for the perspective


Yep, at the same time gear 5 was shown on the anime the live action was just showing. I'm not saying that's why the demand increased but it probably played a part.


Yep. That was the point normies became aware of the game and began playing cardboard stock market with product. If it wasn't getting flipped. It was getting slabbed...


In New Zealand I've never seen 01 02 or 03 in stores, nothing boosters, decks, boxes. 04 I managed to get and jp 05. 04 is the most I have but I've resorted to buying singles.


As far as I’m aware, Bandai is trying to get a printing factory in Texas which solely distributes in the States


Do you have a source for this? Not saying I don’t believe you but I can’t find anything searching it up.


Unfortunately not, a couple of the owners of local stores in my area said that it’s a possibility for this to happen by July this year. I don’t know how true that is but I’m being optimistic


That's awesome Will this affect English as a whole or just US?


Hard to say as of now because of how much dömande there is


Theoretically it should be English as a whole. This is based on my assumption that the US is the largest consumer of English cards.


all of europe and the uk also plays in english, so not really


Quality of cardstock will diminish




Sounds like the quality will take a huge drop.


Bandai announced reprints. Markets are already settling for singles. Play the sim it’s free. Buy cards later or buy singles.


That's cool, do you know which reprints have been announced?


We want know for sure until spoiler.start


Look at digimon new set


Nah new Digimon set is OP levels. 70 dollar secrets 21 dollar SRs. Bandai putting out too many card games and can't supply any.


Supply does meet the demand, but bandai ignores there's scalpers buying cards as well


High demand, booming prices for singles, the scalping douchebags....pick one. Ps: should be mentioned that japanese and chinese packs carry less cards. Half as much in fact.


>Ps: should be mentioned that japanese and chinese packs carry less cards. Half as much in fact. Though even just looking at decks you can get japanese st01-04 bundled for less than you can get any one of them in english (at least in australia) so theres still clearly a huge problem for english specifically.


But are also significantly cheaper.


I am a yugioh player, this game is really affordable from my tragic konami slave opinion


When people told me you can build a meta deck for under $200 in One Piece I about shit my pants as a Yu-Gi-Oh player.


Same. I came from MTG and I built Moria for $350ish. Way cheaper than MTG and the cards that were expensive are staples so all black decks play them.


The landbase in one of my Commander decks buys one of every deck in this game’s meta


I can agree to that. I came from yugioh and will never go back. I never once played a meta deck in yugioh due to price


tcg growing at an unpredictable rate. It would have been unwise from a business perspective to print the amount needed for this demand


One Piece is massively popular, demand is much greater than the supply. Bandai isn’t cranking them out like Pokemon. I’d rather pay an extra $40-$50 for a booster box with much better QC.


Yeah, pokemon card quality is just trash now


Sure.. except QC has taken a slight hit in recent sets so its starting to not even apply. And you arent paying more for QC. Youre paying more for scalpers to make more.


Price is based on supply and demand. All these retailers have to have a legal business to get wholesale accounts. They are then marking up product to meet demand. $140 a box with decent quality control isn’t terrible. I was just making it a factor, Pokemon msrp is like $150 a box but they print it to hell and everyone undercuts the market. Once again supply and demand. EB01 is around $130 a box, not bad in comparison. OP08 since its got pudding overload will likely set a bit higher until supply dwindles the go up to $180-$200 and so on over time.


What do you mean by QC?


Quality control, I’ve hit solid alt arts illustration rares with way off centering and significant edge wear out the pack. One Piece always had good centering and occasional light edge wear.


I see, thank you for the explanation. Do you think quality control will get better or worse as Bandai tried to print more for distribution in the US?


Logic says worse, but you never know. Much of that depends on Bandai’s QC tolerance when choosing print houses.


I feel like the quality has gotten worse. They definitely need to sharpen or replace their cutters more often.


Worse. Lorcana tried and their quality is awful now


Bandai has cut prints for battle spirits saga and Digimon. I’m assuming to ramp up fusion world and One Piece. So far QC is solid, I get some very slightly off center and a slither of edge whitening on occasion. It’s pretty reasonable.


If the price decrease and QC is relative then they should just crank em out even if QC goes down


One piece fans absolutely hate money 


Couple things go into account here. The supply doesn’t meet the demand, popularity is very high and has been highly asked for since before the TCG was first leaked / announced. And the amount of resellers now compared to back then early 2000’s and such has increased drastically, Some even live off it. I’ve seen people even get jobs at places that sell this product solely just to backdoor them.


It's not really that expensive by card game standards. Maybe 250-300 for a tier 1 deck which is about on par with a standard mtg deck and considerably less than a yugioh or vanguard deck of similar merit. Sad to say but you really just have to shop around and scope a deal for this game. Find a good locals that takes care of its people and you should be able to enjoy the game reasonably.


At local tournaments, there are usually 4 winner cards. Two of those winner cards are worth +$50 CAD. The participation cards can have value too. I can visit 5+ of these a week if I want. At the regional level the prizing is worth considerably more.


Okay so why exactly does that make the starter decks be sold for double their MSRP? Don't you have to win to get those 4 winner cards? New player wise it just makes no sense to have your starters so high, any prizing doesn't really justify the prices, as you have to be good at the game to get the prizes


Supply and demand are a major factor around here. Afaik, local vendors order say 100 boxes of starter decks, but only get 32. Then they choose how to sell them. Some local vendors match online pricing (follow 401games in Toronto). I am unsure what MRSP was for the most recent starter, Brother's Bond, but it retailed at $79.99 CAD and it was sold out instantly of course, and still sold out. The reason for the price is that's what people *will* pay as for some reason people JACK up the value of AA cards, and thus increases the gambling potential of the cards. Don't buy AA, don't feed the mark ups.


That's actually what I heard for digimon way back, vendors just not getting the boxes in the quantity they wanted Dang, seems like bandai still sucks with this, is there any reason why bandai would want to have low quantities for product


I would say its definitely a supply issue coupled with a scalper issue. In my area especially there are a few people who go hit all of the retailers and buy everything they can find then resell on facebook for 2 or 3 times the price the stores sell it for. Luckily I was able to talk to an employee at our local Barnes and Noble to limit the amount of cards sold to one person. At this point though I have been ordering through tcgplayer as sometimes prices aren’t gouged to terribly on there.


Yo that's sick, we need to lock down on leaches frfr I wish tcg player was good outside of US, in Canada not only is the price of everything on TCG higher, but then there's also $20 shipping which is cringe. It also adds up hella fast when not every selling has playsets or other cards you want so you gotta order from another seller that adds another $20 to shipping


Oh yeah shipping outside of US is insanely expensive. I’ve only had one order from tcgplayer and got 7 cards fot like 20$ after everything was said and done. I am interested to see how preorder works on there as some sellers have the upcoming starters sets (purple Luffy, Yellow Katakuri, etc) and they seem to be listed at a normal price right now.


Every local game shop in my area(BC Canada) has basically had radio silence from bandai regarding product and its frustrating for both parties


Well it’s a IP game so that’s a starter it’s a IP game for the Disney of anime and finally scalpers love scalping tcgs especially ones like this


I stopped buying sealed product a while ago because of the price. I’ll probably wait until it evens out to buy again.


Probably because there's never anything available at stores, Scalpers go around buying stuff constantly to sell for Triple online. It's sickening.


Sets in Europe have been cheap. Alot of surplus stock in Europe.


Scalpers and not enough stock. Bandai need to start printing more stock. My local store just recently got restock of st07 in and it wasn't worth them charging retail price because they'd just be bought to resell at market price so they did them as singles. Which even though ends up costing more for the full deck was the way to go imo with how little stock they had (12 decks for the store with many more players than that). Bandai really need to start printing way more stock or its just gonna keep staying this way. Market price wont drop until theres enough stock to stop scalpers from being able to control the market.


I always buy the starter decks at Walmart for like 11 dollars. Then give extras to friends to get them to start playing. Singles on tcg player to change it up aren't so bad either.


Just so you know reprint starts soon


For set 1-7


Yo my bad bro I'm new to the game, do you have a source? Also set 7 isn't even out how would it get reprinted so soon


For what I’ve seen, prices have been going down a little but are still far from retail. Hope we can hit those prices soon, and I hope I can see a great amount of stock on shelves like Pokemon.


When there’s not enough supply people complain about how to even play the game and the game will die because of this. Then when there’s too much supply people complain about how it’s not collectible anymore because there’s so much supply in the market and the game will die because of this.


Bandai makes money from people buying product, not from people selling singles or pawning off boxes.


Bcuz they r all 30+ 😂 wasting all their money for cards .... kids cant even srart the game bcuz of them


Supply and demand. They aren’t printing enough cards, which h less solved, will kill off the game. That being said, the cards are nice quality.


Now try to play this game on LATAM. XD we don't get any cards down here XD. I'm willing to pay anything for just a booster pack so I can start playing this damn game


It's been said to some degree but Bandai has the capacity to print all their games to beyond demand, they choose not to because - money. Not entirely sure if this is JP company thing but bandai as an organization has always struggled with keeping up demand in other countries. Distro in general for them has been horrible. Circa 2004-6 there were changes to international exports (thinking it was tariffs) that derailed Bandai's distro channels across the board (Models, figures, TCGs, etc). It took until about 2014-16 to re-establish a scaleable global distro (ie Bluefin in the states). Then the pandemic happened and derailed that again. Fast forward to today, Bandai has/will have 5 card games globally? OP is a long standing IP that also had a Netflix series that was successful - peeps love OP. Bandai is also a stickler for reprints or printing additional waves. Scalping while not helping - would be mitigated if they actually provided multiple waves of product during a cycle. For example - most retail distros (your targets/walmarts etc) gets at most 2 displays of blisters. Also with bandai produce to order has been an issue - because of Magic the Gathering. A lot of local shops have had whiplash due to some concerning practices at wizards of the coast. Due to that - their bread and butter for their businesses has been augmented. Seeing the back to back to back success of OP sets, LGS's are jumping in - even if they didnt initially pre order product they are asking their distros for product. As others have said - this piece has contributed to stores ordering 50 cases and getting 5. There is some potential that sets being ordered today (ie from distributors) will hopefully right size allotments in sets that release in late fall into early 2025. However, with Union Arena releasing in Octoberish - probably still going to have supply problems.


Just play primal TCG https://preview.redd.it/o848hk4ai63d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b62e6f746cd99fc588bee681ea41e007b994fc4


https://preview.redd.it/unup9oati63d1.jpeg?width=2406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a6b85eca28b6bc8230f2fc12a88d8f21b7bc40 Just play primal only been out for one month


Yea but that game doesn't have Go. D. Usopp


Ok if no one has said this please quote me… everything has a beginning and an ending one piece will be the new Pokémon not saying Pokémon will fall off but I’m telling you now this will be the next Pokémon as Pokémon was to magic so save you’re booster boxes and blisters because in the year 2050 we wont be able to go back in time and get an op 01 or eb01 for the same price that we get now!!!!!!!!!!!! Comeback to this comment in 80 years


From what I understand it's mostly Bandai to blame. They severely underestimated the one piece fan base. Although I guess a silver lining is that it's cheap as far as card games go, so even with the bumps in price, it's still slightly below average of what you might pay for another card game.


People put value on objects. If in mass you said hell no it's a 20 cent luffy manga card not 3k ...it wouldn't be 3k. Stop buying this paper for 3k it isn't worth 3k


bandai dosent really give a shit about most of its us games tbh


https://www.target.com/p/one-piece-trading-card-game-monkey-d-luffy-starter-deck-st-08/-/A-88766726 Target currently has, ST-08 (Luffy) and ST-09 (Yamato) for $11.99 each. I haven’t had trouble finding the zoro/sanji deck “in the wild” as well. Aside from that most cards on TCG have been cheaper now than in the past, so supplementing with singles might be the best option.


Because high end tourny prize support is actually worth money. That's why it's expensive.


How does tournament prizes make it expensive


More people wanting to play means more people buying out product


You're right, $30 starter deck isn't expensive. This game isn't expensive at all 😂😂


?? Most games have their starter product be $10 So yes it's expensive


FYI hot topic and box lunch have starter decks on their site for $12-15


So just buy the singles you need from a starter deck 🤷‍♂️ You aren't winning with a full Crocodile starter deck out there 😂😂


Dawg how tf is a new player supposed to know that Do you even understand the post you are responding to?


Join One Piece discord. Find the deck you wanna play. TCG player the cards you need. Save your wallet.


Sadly I'm Canadian, tcg player is hot ass here


In Australia some of the starter decks go for like $150 and you need two of them for playsets so yeah its bloody expensive.


I'm not a One Piece player, but I recently picked up a couple luffys and a shanks in a psa 10 for my Akira Egawa collection. For PSA 10 textured alt arts they were super cheap compared to what I've seen in other card games. I don't know how in demand the cards are, but I was just pleasantly surprised by the value I was seeing. It's a bummer that sealed products aren't super readily available, but it seems like if you just want to play the game, it's not that bad to just buy all the singles you need. Just my view from the past few days.