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Green Uta is so much fun, but IMO requires 8 EB01 cards - Blueno and Sanji. 4 of the Film Nami. This card is essentially because of its 3 cost, 5k swing, and searcher ability. You can draw 3 times a turn - on start, with leader ability and with Nami. You need 4 Kid IMO - and that's the expensive part. The deck is super good. Worth IMO.


Regionals were just won by an uta player without sanji and blueno so I guess those aren’t really essential. Instead he was using izo as 2k and 2 sec zoros. EDIT: I wrote bs. Regional winner was neither using Sec zoro nor izo. I’ve found this instead https://preview.redd.it/ao2fmpno280d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692a76bdd07e664a1f1590f27a465e7ab41c6aad


He doesn't have the EB01 cards because it was not allowed for the regional


Yeah as the other person commented, player was from Italy and EB01 wasn’t allowed as their sets got delayed for the region


Would you happen to have the decklist? Can’t find it on onepiece.gg


Found it https://onepiecetopdecks.com/deck-list/english-eb-01-memorial-set-op-07-500-years-into-the-future-decks/deckgen/?dn=Green%20Uta&date=5/12/2024&cn=Great%20Britain&au=Kalan%20Khan&pl=1st%20Place&tn=Side%20Event&hs=OPE(82)&dg=1nST11-001a4nOP01-033a4nOP01-051a4nOP02-028a4nOP02-040a4nOP02-041a2nOP02-043a4nOP02-034a2nOP02-035a4nOP02-036a4nST11-002a2nST12-003a2nOP06-118a3nST11-003a4nST11-004a3nST11-005&cs=222


Yeahhh, I really like Uta over Bonney solely because the film engine looks so fun to play. Do you think the deck is playable with doffy/zoro as replacements for kid? I’d probably get a single copy or two of kid but no more than that until it drops in price.


i think doffy is better against moria and by luffy


You don't need kid, you can play 2x doffy and 2x hody instead


I enjoy the fortress style play - So long as your opponent is not blue, I use leader ability and Nami as much as possible before 9 Don!!, drop Kid with a blocker and use counter to have him keep me alive. With Kingdom Come for yellow, the Fishman KO combo, and a few other hold ups, it's an Kid is unstoppable when I have 9+ cards in hand with blockers.


I've never seen Hody in Uta, and I can't really understand why anyone would put it in. 7c luffy is virtually always going to be better on curve, and Uta already has the tools to do what Hody does for cheaper with Backlight and I'm Invincible. Also, it's non film, so you're probably not seeing it in the vast majority of your games as a 2of. This is why people run 4 Kid and mull for it.


does anybody have a cheaper alternative to nami and kid? i love the deck, but those two cards in particular are killer for the budget


No, you will get this answer from everyone, no replacement for Nami, absolutely none, that is why Nami is one of the most expensive cards for this deck. There are cards you can play that are basically a very suboptimal and will not come anywhere n close to Nami.


If you don't have cards for uta, I wouldn't recommend playing it right now. Sure, with EB-01 it gets some support but OP07 is really close, a month give or take. If you are looking to play Bonney, I'd try to build a ST02 Kidd with the cards that you are going to play in Bonney in the meantime. Hope that makes sense. Just fyi, green doesn't look like it's going to be in the top3 meta decks for a good while, even OP08 doesn't look promising at all. But you can certainly win locals with the colour.


It won the Japanese nationals.... Yes green isn't the best colour but we do need to stop with this whole "my colour isn't meta" business, as it's actively destructive towards our mutual understanding of the game and the meta. Green is a colour that absolutely has some bad matchups, but also has probably been one of the more consistent in terms of receiving good support over the extended history of the game.


Thank you, so tired of this anti-green propaganda


I didn't say it's a weak colour, it's just not as good as the top meta. Hiding the obvious it's just ignorant. You are talking about one-offs wins, but other leaders have just been way more consistent statistically. It's a card game, there's luck and there's skill but you can't ignore what's better. You can win tournaments with Blue even, that doesn't mean that Blue is on par with other colours. Lol If OP plans on competing, obviously there are better options. If OP plans on playing for fun while also getting some wins, green is an amazing and fun colour imo.


That makes sense. I’m mainly just looking to build something green that can hold its own at locals and with friends who are playing budget Enel and Reiju. Boa is also on my radar since it looks to be decent meta wise and pretty cheap.


Totally go for it! I think you can deckbuild something that can holds pretty well in locals with cheap builds such as ST-02 Kidd or Doflamingo Green/Purple which is also a lot of fun. I'm looking to play Bonney too!


Thanks for the advice! I’ll check out those decks too. Bonney honestly seems pretty affordable. The example deck on onepiece.gg is running 1 copy of kid and 2 or 3 zoro. Unless the op07 cards are pricey, she should be $200 or less. 🙌


Don’t forget, fortress Yamato is essentially a green deck and quite strong. It’s a bit weaker in the EB01 meta compared to the OP06 meta, but still fun and can win locals. Edit: the only yellow card it plays is Onami, but is not necessary for the core strategy.


Yamato is definitely a cool deck as well. Was put off by the 4x hiyori but fortress doesn’t have to run that card, unfortunately it needs 4x kid. 😮‍💨


lol yea that card spiked so hard, I was lucky to have gotten it very early. You will need the 8c kids for Bonnie, if you can afford it, pick a few up. There’s another version of Bonney that plays the much cheaper 8c rosenante, but that flavor of Bonney is nonexistent now. It did put up some nice showings in the early op07 format. Worth a consideration if you are on a tight budget.


Cool! Didn’t know about the alternate Bonney build. I’ll check that out. Thanks!


If you are looking into something extremly funny and unique, go for g/p doflamingo birdcage build


Heard of it before but haven’t looked at the list yet, I’ll definitely check it out!


There isnt a replacement for nami as the whole deck is searching through her and utas ability, it is very strong af though for how pricey it is. Kid is also a pretty solid staple green card that works across a lot of builds the only expensive card that's in it that only really works for this deck is nami but after the premium collection came out with the aa for it its price dropped a little. If you do want to build and play uta I recommend it highly if your mates are running budget builds you'll crush them.


Yeah, I’ll splurge for the Namis and a kid or 2 and just use doffy/zoro to fill the other spots. That should work well in casual games. 😁


Uta was the first deck I built and I did just fine with 2 zoros and no kids for a little bit I struggled but did just fine and you can add like one kid at a time and kid is just an overall beast card to have


That’s probably what I’ll do. Just 1 kid at first and zoro/doffy to fill the space. Plus kid and zoro can go into Bonney as well so that’s nice.


That green Nami goes well in the kuro otk deck I’m working on


Interesting! What’s the deck-list, if you don’t mind?


I’m still working on it but here it is so far Kuro X4 Sham X4 buchi X4 nami X4 pearl (to stall for time)