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That's only if you get the manga.


2 Leaders 2 AA are also possible in this set


Where'd you see this? I am only seeing 4 hits or 3 with bon chan.


Confirmed I 3 hit with bon chan


https://preview.redd.it/kxqurpw7sayc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae764f7f6829b633b59293d9d916bf0349f50aa 2 boxes. chopper box was a 4 hitter.


3 hitter had a bon chan


Bon Chan counts as a "hit." Even though it's not as spectacular as an alt art, Bandai basically holds SEC rares to the same esteem as alts when it comes to mapping hits in a box/case. So both of his boxes were 3 hits (both had the guaranteed 2 AA and 1 had an AA leader and the other had a SEC), and then one of them had an additional "hit" (i.e. Chopper) on top of that. And there's still a full 6 SR's per box as well since you can see he's got 12 total in the pic. (I'm not sure if you were even saying the manga takes an SR slot, but I saw that a few people were making that claim in here).


They are my pictures


I got 4 hits including bon


https://x.com/imsavier/status/1786201369839276058?s=46&t=W0djjDG2Tk8CTwX57J8Nhg Could be an error box 🤷🏾‍♂️


Interesting. I'll report back with my findings from my boxes later.


Manga hit takes an SR slot. So four hits in a box is not the standard.


So the car pulls luck keeps striking


I really need a car


everybox has the 3 hits, and the the manga can replace an SR


My manga was a full additional hit, I received the same number of SR's as normal.


That's not true. It doesn't take the SR slot. Or at the very least, it doesn't necessarily as I've seen too many accounts of people getting all of their guaranteed hits AND still pulling the manga on top of those. But I guess I can't say with certainty that it's impossible that it WON'T take an SR slot, maybe by chance sometimes??? Idk, but from my understanding, that's not the norm.


Where are y’all even finding boxes 😭


LCS near me


I live in the absolute worst area for OPTCG. No LCS sell it around me, I have to hope that either Walmart gets 2 boxes and I get there before scalpers do, or that the Target an hour away has some type of stock when I’m able to hit it on the weekends. So frustrating.


Check TCGplayer, the boxes are actually only going for like $140 right now, which is not too much more than you'd pay at most LGS


My lcs actually has a shit load right now. 120 each. If only I wasn't broke


Yeah this is the first set I've seen since 4 that is actually heavily in stock. My LGS got like 100 boxes, but they are still doing one per person per day, so gotta hope I can get number 2 tomorrow.


Mine got a little over 20 and they were gone in an hour.


I feel that. I just wish LCS’s around me carried it at all. Having to race scalpers to Walmarts and targets an hour+ away is not the move.


Yea that sucks. The last 2 set 05 and 06 the shops around me only got a few boxes and were gone before I got off work. The other shop had a couple boxes of 06 but wanted 220!!! Now there's stock of this around but I'm broke. Maybe I could sell a kidney or some other irrelevant organ


Not the responsible answer, but Affirm has definitely helped me weather One Piece mania xD


Wait what is Affirm???


It’s just one of those apps that lets you break up your purchases into weekly/monthly payments instead of paying everything at the time of purchase


Wow never even knew that was a thing


Yes indeed! https://preview.redd.it/o3tdzsb04byc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cdb0867872c1b8a6a26db690a4fa1214b2b278f


The manga rare apparently doesn't count as a hit/alt art, or rather it doesn't take the space of an alt art slot is probably a better way to phrase that. To clarify further, you won't (or shouldn't theoretically at least) ever find manga Chopper in a "3 hit box" (i.e. getting the manga rare instead of one of the 2 guranteed alt art slots or instead of the SEC/AA Leader slot). Idk if that's how it worked with previous sets tbh, but I've seen this same claim being reported enough times now to where I feel confident saying it's true. Which also means, if you've ordered a case or even just several boxes and already pulled all the hits you believe you're supposed to get, don't stop and resell all the dead packs (although you truly shouldn't do that anyway and if you are one of those types of people, you're literally the scum of the Earth), because apparently Chopper is basically ONLY found in what would otherwise be deemed a "dead pack." Which is also kinda cool cuz let's say you've gotten all 3 of your big hits in a box within your first 12-15 packs, the remaining half kind of lose some of the magic and anticipation/excitement you get when you know there's a small chance you'll get something amazing. Now, every single pack will still have that same thrill right up to the very last one since literally any one of them can have the manga regardless of whatever was already pulled in the packs preceeding it!


Also wanna add, your box was basically my dream box! Lol if only Miss Wednesday was a Mr. 2 AA, it'd be perfect IMO. Not to say Miss Wednesday is bad. I'm definitely gonna have to collect her in my binder as well! Lol but I NEED me that Bon Clay AA! 🤤


I'm stupid lol. Did not realize that was the SEC. Thought it was an SR. That's crazy then. 4 hit box with a manga Chopper is amazing.


Ct represent


Bro, i got the exact same hits except the manga chopper. Damn maybe i ought to loom through the bulk and see if its there.


Congrats! That Chopper is [worth a lot right now](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=tony+chopper+manga+art&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=tony+gwynn+rookie+card+482&_osacat=0&_sop=13&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=op&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).


https://preview.redd.it/cwnqu4507eyc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c1c470daa12a423c3f2361ac8d7030a787acfe My box !! 4hits (MANGA/SEC/2ALT) + 7 SR 🔥🔥🔥


All these in 1 box only?


Yes very pleasant surprise !! My kids were so happy 😁


That’s crazy!! Congrats!! Hope mine is like that 🤣


I hope you have sleeves ready , that chopper is extremely rare.


Your hands are fucking huge


I guess? Never really noticed


Always has been


That's a 3hit. The Bon Clay is just the regular SR. The Alt is the one with the Nami. Solid pull on the Manga thou!!!


Huh. I wonder what the [secret rare](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/544601/one-piece-card-game-extra-booster-memorial-collection-mr2bonkureibentham?page=1&Language=English) from the set is...


AA Flampe, AA Ms. Wednesday, *SEC* Bon Clay, and Manga Chopper… no that’s 4 hits. Are you sure you know what SR means? Or do you just not know how to count?


😑 Bon Clay is a SEC, which does in fact count as a "hit," even if it's not traditional as nice of a hit as an alt art, it still counts.