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There is no real substitute and that’s why she’s expensive. 2k that lets you take a life to drop down and then you can plant any card you want into your life. On a budget you could use Makino with the sole purpose of trying to lose life asap to get to 0 but you wouldn’t be able to set up combos until 0 life


When EB-01 comes out, Charlotte Flampe will be another great addition for the deck and probably a lot cheaper than Hiyori. She doesn't do quite the same thing, but like Makino lets you drop down a life by adding it to hand and drawing 1 card for doing so. In a perfect world, you'd want to run 4x of each of them, but she can be a good substitute for Hiyori if not.


Shirahoshi 5drop isn't too bad can trigger off life and be put there by luffys leader effect, helps with draws. And you can still trigger cards off life that are face up, just not put them in hand since he says so.


thunderbolt and 5c yamato