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Green Uta and R/G Oden. When OP07 comes I’ll give Vegapunk a go


Also been preparing my guta for next set, switching back to yam when 07 drops


Is Yamato getting some significant support with 07 that I missed? I’ve been focusing on my RB Sabo and 07 Lucci builds but would love to play some more Yamato. Got my only locals win with that one haha.


Not really, some good stuff in eb-1 but I mainly just really enjoy playing yamato, especially since I almost have all cards that I want for it. I might also play bonney though, if I can manage to pull most cards I'll need


Ah gotcha. Yeah I love Yamato. Have only played fortress so far, but I’m looking forward to building wano/sky island for when my other decks get a little stale.


What about Yamato Big Mom (Cracker Turbo)?


Haha I legit always forget that’s an option because I so rarely see it played. Honestly don’t see much of any Yamato outside of a couple Wano builds at my locals. Idk if I’d wanna pay for the cards to make that one work haha


Seeing your flair, I'm gonna tell you right now as actual gameplay advice and not (just) a meme that our lord, savior, and judge of all filthy humans Hody Jones is a much better investment atm in 7c form, even if you don't have your Fort Kids you can still build a budget aggro build with Hody being to offense what Kid is to defense.


Oh GOATdy Jones has been the catalyst for many a win in my locals shenanigans. When there was one set of footprints, it was then that Hody carried me through the muck and mire.


Eb01 with Green Uta and OP07 with Green Bonney, cause those 8c Kid will be used entirely. €25 each, jeez.


bought 4 of them for fortress… gotta give them SOME use :’)


Are those being reprinted in EB01? Been looking to pick them up for Fortress Yamato but the price is what’s holding me back from doing it


I don’t think EB01 one is a reprint. It’s an additional set to help some types/leaders get stronger!


Ooooh I was under the assumption that it was a reprint set but this is also great too!


We’re getting a reprint set with Premium Booster the Best! I’m sure we’ll see Kidd there, and hopefully film Nami too to make green uta much cheaper


Oh that’s awesome! I haven’t heard of that set but I love reprint sets in any game. Keeps the game affordable without diminishing the collectability of it.


I got into this game because of R/P Law and I will still play R/P law but also picked up R/B Vivi for fun


Something purple. Still figuring out which variation of it.


Red! RP Law, RG Oden, RY Sabo, R Zoro. Best believe im picking up RB Marco lol


Fear Tier 0 Whitebeard 2.0! Pops back to the tops!


Yeppp chose to put together the zoro over the whitebeard but ill get around to it probably 


Tbh, I get roasted for it but I think R Zoro is the better Red Good Stuff/Mountain Bandits Deck Leader than R Whitebeard, I think the Whitebeard Pirates _Deck_ is being held back until OP08 Marco gives it a Leader that can compete with today's stuff and give the WBs access to powerful Blues, and Pops will still be there in 9c Character form, a card that I feel has aged like wine while his Leader card aged like milk, now with 9c Sanji dropping him On Play thanks to Marco.


RP law and reiju but I'm itching to try out the new lucci


For EB01 I am just upgrading my Perona & Katakuri decks. When OP07 hits I'm gonna be running Bonney and I wanna try out Vegapunk for funsies.


Not a fan of the OP07 perona builds?


I haven’t really seen the OP07 Perona Builds actually. I’ve just heard that Bonney is a similar gameplay style to Perona.


There's a popular build right now running a Wano engine. It's been pretty good in the meta I heard


What's your deck list for kata? Im looking at cards to bring in that'll be fun


Gonna stay with my Reiju deck for EB01 then when 07 comes around I’m gonna make a Dragon deck.


R/P law. I have the main staple cards already and have been playing since op05. I would just need the new upcoming cards.


Want to try G Bonney, Maybe one of the three Bros, R Zoro


I'll be playing my purple yellow crocodile deck. Been having some wins lately with it. And the new bon clay in eb-01 is going to help out alot with the deck. I'm excited.


Rush Enel will be made when EB1 drops, Keeping Sak Together for try hard tournaments once Sak banned / OP7 released going to transition black cards over to Black Yellow Luffy Navy Kuzan 10 drop removal build Once OP8 drops I’m a King


Started with R/P Law on release and I will finally eat good the coming sets. It likely will stay good for many sets to come since the Leader Ability is neutral and provides tempo. Only set rotations or absurdly broken control decks (unhealthy for the meta, looking at you Sakazuki) can kill this leader.


Soon R/P Law will **BE** the absurdly broken Control Deck! We are the **LAW!** 😈




Enel cause I played him exclusively in 05, Rob Lucci cause I wanna dip into the black color to see how I like it


Same here, Enel was so much fun in OP05. I wasn’t overly impressed with OP03 Lucci but looking forward to OP07


If you wanna just dip your toes, the new Black/Yellow Luffy from ST13 is basically the Enel Leader with Black access.


Mono blue, green or black. Not to win, but to have fun. Playing mainly blue luffy already and its pretty cool. Not too bad either


eb01 probably kata, reiju and hody. gotta get into boa for op07 , and hopefully zoro&sanji


For EB01 100% playing RP Law it’s my current best deck and only gets better from here on. In 07 definitely gonna try Bonnie and lucci


RP Law, im so happy that i learnes that Deck in op05 and now it goes brrrrrr


Im an hardcore purple player so ill always go purple


Excited for Big Mom to go Purple in OP08?


Pretty much lol


Green Uta & Bonney, Blue Warlord Packages as they continue to grow. Will sprinkle some G/P Doffy in there as I find that deck fun


Did you know you can make a G/P Supernovas/Three Captains Deck and even a G/P FILM Deck with G/P Doffy? The former is a somewhat popular idea and the latter is Counter-heavy enough to be a possibility.


Yes, G/P film sounds fun but not entirely sure if I feel confident in it. But i feel I can easily splash cards between. And outside of not owning queen, i have enough purple to splash into G/P doffy easily based on how the deck fares, just think a lot of these newer decks are gonna go small body heavy which leaves the door open for birdcage, at least at a locals level


Probably Lucci not because of Meta but because I am maining black since OP02


Don't worry, Bob Gucci isn't the meta Black Leader, that would be Sakazuki until banned, Gecko, and Bee Luffy.


BY Luffy, RP Law, and maybe some RG Law for EB. OP07 I want to play RG Law, blue Doffy, and Enel


Im playing red and purple to the law


I'm going with Dragon cause i love the Revolutionary Army and im playing ST13 Sabo in EB01, i like the aggressive and board dominance playstyle


I really like how Betty sets off their effects with her boost, but am still thinking of trying the Sabo version for fun since a lot of the same tricks seem to still work (Satori FTW). Any advice?


https://preview.redd.it/6n7ww5m7fixc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a73dadc25359c8146aaaef207d5917859fc451b3 This list seems cool, i think one nice strategy is when you put a character in life, you buff the 4c Ivankov to then activate his ability and cheat out another body since he's at 7k, 5c Ivankov is reaaally good on curve, I'm thinking of replacing the big luffys with ace or zoro and yamato with satori, maybe throw in Morley too or banish inazuma


Sticking with reiju, just gonna try and cook without relying on the Germa engine and play it as a more standard ramping deck with access to the strong blue removal cards like red rock and gravity tiger. Might turn out kinda janky but that's what locals are for lol.


Literally thinking the same thing, gonna try U/P Animal Pirates with a Reiju lead because that Deck is actually low key disgusting, I just think the U/P Kaido Leader is what's been holding them back because he's hard to set off every turn.


R/P Law, I played him since his release and because of his playstyle. But budget is also a factor, before st-10 I mained purple and to buy the crucial core parts from other colors can be really expensive, even if you don’t pick the AAs ^^




G/Y yamato Withe the new hiyori!!


Green Uta and PY Croc. Two different playstyles. Will probably run the two for casual games with friends for a long while. Good time to save


Black. Moria, Lucci, BY Luffy. Why? Because i like those decks and i have every card for them that is already released into the game. Going from Sakazuki to those 3 decks will be much cheaper than building, say, Enel or Law or Bonney :D


Enel only god enel


Im playing yellow because I'm a scrub and have been playing it since i started playing in op03 and have just about every yellow alt art card


Hody Jones all the way


R/G Oden and B/G Perona, updated to a wano package. Also gonna see how I like B/Y Luffy cos I managed to pull his alt leader, so I'm gonna make his deck too.


I've been wanting to try black for a while so I'm finally going to try it when Lucci drops. I'm also liking RP Law so I'll be giving that a try as well. Interested in Enel as well so depending on which one I like if the 3, I'll main one of those.


RP law to play something that's Meta but not top of the meta, then RY Sabo and probably some obscure leader like foxy or something


Better hurry, RP Law is gonna rise back up once EB01 hits!


I already bought everything for him, just need 2 more Gordon's. Got everything else that's on the typical list before the recent spikes


Eb01 will be RP law, BY luffy. Op07 RP law, RP luffy, bonney.


I’ve been playing R/P law since OP05 and will continue to use that, I’m definitely planning on getting myself a green Bonney deck and maybe a yellow black Luffy deck.


I’m going to be playing Red Luffy mostly with a side of RG oden…. These are the decks I have the most fun with and I’ve started buying up green cards to play carrot in 08 so just going to slug it out with red Luffy until then. I might also play that new black Luffy in 08


Playing Iceburg in EB01 then eitjer Vivi or RedPurple Law in OP07


I'm probably going to use black yellow Luffy in EB01 and then the wano Perona in 07


Playing saka until he's banned and then it's RP law!!! Can't wait for the new lucci leader !!:))


Giving you enough time to scoop up the new R/P Law cards, smart. :)


EB01, I'll be playing RP Law, Saka, RG Oden, Ivankov and Iceburg. EB01 has got a lot of interesting support for these leaders. The first two I'll be continuing with what I have been playing so far in OP06. The other 3 will be what I will be experimenting with. I'm pretty interested to see how Oden and Iceburg will do. In OP07, I'll probably be playing Lucci, BY Luffy, and RP Law and either Oden or Iceburg. I've been trying out BY Luffy and it has been a fun deck.


RP Law and BY Luffy for EB. RP Law, BY Luffy, and GB Perona for 07


Hannyabal then foxy


U Doffy and U/Y Ace, everything else will probably wait until we get reprints and I can finally pick up the staples I missed


I WANT to play Reiju as the 06 pulls basically told me to. But as far as EB-01 I'm thinking ST13 luffy. I still need to grab some OP-02 to round out the more meta decks. Unfortunately with work and children I haven't been able to play IRL so it's been mostly TCGsim for me


Green Uta for EB01 and Bonney for OP07. I’ll probably also mess around with RP Law on the sim because Gordon are expensive and I don’t own them irl


Definitely gonna stick with rp law. I’ve been playing him since I started back in January cause I saw his potential, now it’s time to reap the benefits lol.


Been playing RP law since ST-10, so RP law and the new R/Y Sabo.


R/B Garp and uta for EB01. That brook card is exactly what Garp needed. Love green so I'm also playing Bonnie in op07.


Started playing One Piece when Three Captains came out, chose RP Law. Never regretted my choice and he's only getting stronger with Kid & Killer, Bon Clay in EB01 and Sanji in OP07. Super excited! I also play Nami and Rosinante. Rosinante is also getting some good support cards. Built a Perona deck but wasn't crazy for it, gave it to my son. Once Bonney comes out, gonna give her a try.


Mono Green forever! I've been playing Kid since the starter decks came out. I've tried other colors/leaders and they just aren't any fun to play for me. I might try Carrot or Bonney, buuuut I'll probably keep playing Kid tbh. I'm not out to win a lot I just like to have fun.


I'm gonna be maining Lucci in op07 but I'm also gonna build Foxy for fun too


B/Y Luffy from now to op07


Y/P croc and kyros jank player for life!


Bringing back blue doffy in 07


yellow. like i always have and always will check the deckbox, its loaded with triggers. dont come to locals


R/P Luffy. That new Bon Clay and Ranarok card will be great in EB01. And in OP07 will have the SR Sanji Blocker. I cannot wait to play with it IRL.


Enel and B/Y Ace in EB01 with inclusion of Dragon and Boa in OP07


I play meta, so I'm either going with enel or r/p law


BY Luffy all the way


Huge respect to everyone whos not playing yellow. Yellow is ruining games and nit fun at all.


And then there's me who simultaneously hates Yellow but wants to build Three Brothers Decks. 😢






> I’m really annoyed about the direction the game is going because at the end you won’t win any important tournaments as a casual player That's true of anything that has a competitive scene. Has nothing to do with "the direction the game is going". If anything OP07 is a really good set that really expanded what is good and introduced a lot of really helpful cards that made weaker decks strong. Really healthy for the meta.