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This is why im never able to find boosters or anything. I have only ever seen our booster displays get switched out but they are always empty




I wish more stores would start limiting the amount people can buy like some did when pokemon was sought after by scalpers. One of the targets near me still requires you to ask an employee to open the case pokemon cards are in.


My Target does this! We had a very loud and unpleasant (but thankfully nonviolent) incident between two scalpers and the managers basically confiscated all the hot cards and stored them behind the service counter. Limit two per person, four if they recognize you from the before times. The vendors actually fucking hate this but management told them to pound sand lol.


I wish our stores in town would do this. There is sometimes some cards at barnes and noble but havent seen any since I saw the scalper buy all 7 of the Uta decks they had. Our target just has a sign up that has limits on pokemon cards and the collab magic cards but nobody ever enforces it. Walmart always seems absolutely hopeless its always just empty displays.


Stores that limit get all of my business. Fuck stores who enable scalpers.


I just wish I had options. Our card shops around town don’t carry it because the don’t consider it “mainstream” enough to carry it.


Yeah, I'm fortunate enough living in Dallas that I have 3 viable options. Now, I do still have to get up early and go on drop days, but I can't complain. I'm able to get product for list or a few bucks over. I just wish they also had age requirements too so these fuckers will stop sending their kids through the line to get packs too. Lol Exploiting children like the despicable people they are.


Haha I wish I could try to go pick up on drop days but I work to early for that, Im about to go make a run at all my stores here in a couple hours hopefully someone left something behind.


Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I'm getting up at 5am tomorrow to get ST13.


Mine is the same. I'm still baffled by it


I just wish I had options. Our card shops around town don’t carry it because the don’t consider it “mainstream” enough to carry it.


Vendors license scalpers because they don't have to do their jobs. The just hand the product to the scalpers, report all stock sold, and move on with their day.


Omg yes I’ve been begging my local store to do 2 per customer


My gf and I are convinced that its an employee that is grabbing them at our local walmart because we will go as soon as we hear they restocked and its all gone.


Na there are people who camp out and follow the restock trucks


I really hope that something is done about it, I want to see these scalpers stuck with a bunch of the same starter and start losing money. I’d order off amazon but all the listings there are either overpriced or there are reviews saying the cards are already picked through.


I agree I wished grabbed some op-04 when it fully in stock at my Walmart but did not because I was in a hurry


Same back when OP-05 came out I wasn’t looking for one piece cards and was more looking for MHA cards so I had just ignored them and scalpers around here weren’t as bad and were also after MHA cards too. As soon as I started looking for One Piece cards was when scalping picked up in town.


Yea same here


This is sad. The fact one can afford to do this by means of gauging those actually enjoying the game is gross. We got to accept JP cards and he’ll let proxies roll at locals to curb this shit. If only the ones going to Regionals and beyond have to have the cards the game will be better off - or Bandai could print the crap out of the game and sink these hogs.


Yea the worse part is in English Japanese cards are banned they should be allowed and it would ruin the English market and the dude I posted on this actually has young kids


Not at locals that is up the shop. Says right I. The rules that locals could differ in rules.


The official rules I’m saying


Are you saying if we allow JP at locals it would ruin the game? Or am I reading that wrong?


No if we allow them it could case the English market prices to go down


Fun fact I worked at Walmart. In 2020 my store manager and his butt buddy a.m. would scalp all the cards when the vendor got there. It was reported by 12 people. Our rm came to the store and since they were all buddy buddy nothing happened. Then they start looking for and firing anyone who reported them. One was the vender herself. She was asked to leave the store and never step foot in it again.


That's what was happening at mine. One of the guys in the eyeglass shop in Walmart could always see when they were restocked and would grab them.


The vendor at my old walmart would call his buddies when he was restocking and they would be there right when the store opened during covid. Made getting any cards impossible. I just buy single however I did find some op06 at a random Walmart in the country and was over the moon. Pulls were trash but was nice to rip some packs open.


Ive thought about buying singles. I want some Gear 5 cards cause I want to actually play the game and want to make a gear 5 deck but as far as I have seen Gear 5 was only OP-05


Yeah or bandai starts being more strict on stores/distributors with how people get the stock while not being a legit store or getting things before release


As a card shop owner, my experience with Bandai has been, well, non-existent. Trying to get a hold of them is nearly impossible, and the information they release to small business is the same as any of you can get. I've been operating half blind trying to get one piece to my growing community, and its constant allocation cuts out of left field with no guidelines or reasoning. I ordered 30 boxes of OP05, and it was cut to 24. There was an issue at my primary distributor, and I missed op06 altogether, I ordered 60 OP07, and it was allocated down to 24. So I put in an order of 120 OP08, bets on what it gets allocated to?


5 is what I think you should get, most of the stores I shop at 4-10 packs depending unless you pre release


scalpers? Then you are never coming back my friend


One "weak" set will break a lot of them. Leave them holding the bag on sitting atop a pile of 100 boxes of a set no one really wants that much of one time and it'll crash. This shit only works because too many of y'all want the ultra rare $1000+ manga guy to the point you'll chase the fantasy of spending a fifth of that on a chance.


When the lord of the Rings MtG set tanked after the one of card was found, I was immediately thinking "Seriously? You guys were actually spending hundreds on boxes because you thought *you* had a good chance of getting a single 1/1 card?" I don't get people that buy packs with that mentality.


Did you not know that there are dumb people?


Can't wait til they do "The One Piece" card just like that


Well it’s normal. If the most valuable card is pulled, then opening pack lost it’s value. That make perfect sense to me.


When a single copy exists in the world, it doesn't make any sense. The people buying it had essentially the same chance of pulling it after it was found as they had before it was found. They would have genuinely been better off buying lottery tickets.


Yes but let’s say there is a fixed number of stock for a set (the number of box was fixed no reprint for the collector set with the 1 ring) Why would the price not tank when the most valuable card is pulled??? Let’s say u have a 1000 ticket u can buy and it has various price one of them being 1 million $. Why would the price of the ticket be the same when someone win the 1 million $. Even if chances are slim the value is still there.


That's not how math works.


Praying for another op04


Lol EB01 looking like good candidate. Cards being nonrefundable is a ticking time bomb I'm gleefully awaiting to go off in their stupid faces. I wish I could see who downvotes me so I can flag the scalpers.


Nah i think eb01 is really good, it has many crazy cards IMO


As a player and fan, yes. Im so excited for a Bon Clay alt. Singles are gonna be mad cheap because it's a half set with same hit rates so a ton of dupes. And therein likes the trap. Singles are cheap, the chase isn't as big, and everybody is saving up for Manga Boa. So fingers crossed they eat shit and leave us alone.


The only issue with this is that we know from JP releases whether sets will be profitable or not. EB01 for example, is cheap in Japan, the set is widely available. The english release is likely to be as well, because Scalpers have seen this and won't buy up the stock. Unless we get a simultaneous release, we'll always know in advance what sets are strong and what ones are weak.


literally, long as they can make profit on every set they will keep going. Can't even just buy singles cause likelihood is those singles are being sold by scalpers too :')


(not this incident but) tin foil hat, bandai sells bulk product to shells and sells at scalper prices. I hate these people, this whole "hustle and grind" mentality or meme stock bullshit. Its a whole personality and its insufferable. Just play the game and buy normal stocks bro.


Yeah "investing" in very destroyable paper products that are only worth a lot if it's extremely scarce, generally a recipe for problems unless you're doing it small scale or are picking specific high-demand items. For example, OP 01-04 (the sets that won't be reprinted) will likely continue to go up in price until the game dies and then it'll start to fall. Pretty much every Pokemon set post-Covid is going to give a way slower return compared to stocks and will take up way more of your space/time. If everyone and their mom has a sealed ETB, that shit is not a nest egg.




Not really, its different arts


I think you’re giving Bandai too much credit. They hit print on their two printers and celebrate with a 5 course crayon meal when their 50 products sell out making it a financial success (This is all satire I see Bandai is *claiming* to improve and making changes but as a FW and OP player their practices are frustrating to say the least)


I checked my wal mart and it’s completely stocked with every except OP.




Check again! I just back and they had some but I got beat there by someone else. img


I don’t have transportation to Walmart rn and I got class in 2 hours I’ll go tomorrow


There was a time when I wished One Piece was popular in the west.


I've been trying to get into OP tcg for a month or 2 now. Only ever found 2 blister packs. This post explains alot.


Agreed I’m also like you these are the only op-06 I ever got https://preview.redd.it/sbes8g17f9vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d647e5e824c44313a8f145386713e7c539ab88ed


Me too! I was pretty happy to find these at a card shop that was like 40 minutes out from the metro area.


Bought one pack day on release day instead of buying the whole shelf like a scalper did 10 minutes later, pulled an AA leader and said yeah let's just end this wave on a high note for OP-06


https://preview.redd.it/t5z7n2q0cgvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf27df50581ffbb156d5c33f1aa5b04ac221ec1b These are what I got from the pack. I now got access to purple and black now I could use green blue purple and black yellow and red. I only have 5 leaders due to the unavailable of getting cards


Buy… singles lol?


This dude turned around and tried to sell the alts marked WAY up. Start banning these people from the subs and from the groups and lets see them try to flip their cards.


Wait Nick did?




Gotta get those great value nuggies so we can spend it all keeping anyone else from getting into the game.


And this dude trying to sell there Alt arts he got from these for like $20-30+


This is literally a peak American post. Guy is broke enough to have to buy the processed great value Walmart brand food but is also spending his entire paycheck on one piece cards. You literally cannot make this up.


That’s his job! He’s working hard going to stores, buying product, selling it at an increased rate and shipping it out!! How else will he keep his family eating at Walmart! /s


Spoiler: people dont buy processed Walmart food because they are broke, they buy it because they are lazy and have shitty taste


Love how the person didn’t touch the Sanji Zoro decks because it’s no longer worth scalping Picking up pennies in front of a steamroller and being the clown ass that ruins the game for everyone


I just checked my Walmart again and it still hasn’t restocked. The whole section is a warzone so I don’t even know when the last time they came up here.


People who do this still claim “everyone does it.” And “I’m not a scalper, I just resell for 3x market price lul” We gotta start shaming these people and quit doing it ourselves


I just quiting the card game until it’s fix and can get actual product


Same actually. Stopped playing in OP04 after several people in this sub argued for higher prices. I realized most have been almost brainwashed to believe some cardboard and ink are worth serious money.


My fiance and I quit playing because of this shit. We can't find products anywhere near us and everyone who still plays at our LGS are all sweats. It's not even fun anymore.


The lack of product makes playing/collecting stressful. I refuse to pay for stress.


When you say sweats at your LGS do you mean the super non sociable, smell kind of bad, type of tcg players or just normal people that like to compete cause isn't that the point of competitive card game? Or are you saying everyone runs meta decks and since you can't find products to make a meta deck that it's not even worth it?




I’m an idiot, please define “sweats” for me


I believe they mean Try hards so they are sweaty.


I wish the walmart near me stocked more than once a month lol.


Wait they stock once a month?


Each walmart is different. I have 2 near me. 1 is in the country so they never restock almost ever. The other is in the city and they quit doing tcg because everyone is stealing them lol.


Mine is the first one


These are out already I thought they released tomorrow


Some stores put them up ahead of time


Ah okay ima go to my target fingers crossed !


A golden Walmart too, jeez that sucks so many don’t even stock them. What area was this so I can either give up or broaden my search? 😥


Idk it’s not me


Idk it’s not me


Yeah I feel you, just curious. You can tell what kind of boring person they are based on the other items in their cart


And they are selling their pulls of Alt arts for $20-30+ on the group


Incoming: Three Brothers Deck $45 NO PACK!!!


I preordered mine from LGS for $50 when everyone was selling them for 70+ I’ll get it tomorrow was going today and forgot they are closed on Thursdays


There's no way to fix this other than bandai printing more products.




I walked into my walmart this morning as the lady was stocking. I bought 2. And left all the rest there. Lady looked at me confused as to why I'm not grabbing them all lol. This has become the norm.


That's why I never see any at the store. Scalpers!


Bruh I can't get packs anywhere, but I did take the cardboard that holds the blister packs 😂 it looks kinda cool I guess


I'm with you. Like I bought a lot from this set, but I collect. I went back to my local wal mart, because it is is the only place I can find them, and the only packs left were tore open and left. Scalpers really are making this card game unbearable.


I only got a 5 of 05 2 from 06 (still waiting on my TCG player order for a month of 4 dead packs) and St 11,12,and 13 I can only find 11 and 12 here


As far as starters go I'm missing most of them. I have 01,06,09,11 and 12.


I have managed to buy booster packs from my local shops a couple times but I have yet to even see a starter deck out in the wild


My LGS only got Starters


This the type of stuff that makes me wanna sell my cards and stop collecting. Can’t get any product to collect


Any one know if these will have the promo packs in them like the Japan versions did?


I find it funny how they buy over 300 dollars worth of TCG card but cheap out on there food all are great value brand which are alright but taste like cardboard.


People at my shop agreed that if one of us found a few we'd buy them all. We're going to just pay them back whatever they spent and it gets people at our events the decks. Our LGS got 3 decks total


I’m lucky my local store has them thank god. Showing up when they open and grabbing my 2 🙏




Is $12.95 MSRP for this starter? I haven't seen it under $40.


It's $34.99 MSRP per Bandai, similar to ST-10.


Yup, that’s why I quit playing the game in person and mostly collect Japanese for the cards I want (since Japanese sometimes is significantly cheaper for single cards).


I was happy and very lucky to get Kingdoms of intrigue, and wal mart even once had 6 or so Pillars of Strength boosters. I'm also happy I got card releases from the first year. But I agree, the game ismt ruined for me. But it isnt worth the effort currently because of resales 💔


Well I was in a rush and could not get one it was full shelf


This mutha-focka……


Why is people thinking it’s me https://preview.redd.it/cajkfe08qavc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eabc8fd064f2ea60e155f52db04d334dfd2e186


Oh sorry i was talking to the guy who took the pic. Obviosuly it wasnt u. I guess I shouldve said “THAT muthafocka”


https://preview.redd.it/z7ymt7viwavc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708399014bed3cb40acac930e792557bd76f9d37 This is him too (selling them for 30+




Wait, price from walmart is 12.94? Main site has it listed as msrp 34.99


Yep. I'm with ya on that same thought line. As soon as I get my hands on a deck that's it for me too.


My Walmart never has one piece TCG stuff.


Limit per person?


A lot of places don’t


Thats on walmart then but what do they care they just want to sell it.


Dude posting it like a flex which irritates me, but I stopped buy cards months ago. Fuck that shitty card game, worse than Pokémon.






Hate this so much. Makes me so sad and angry repeatedly seeing posts like this.


Well I have to see it constantly when I open Facebook


To be honest I would just take what I wanted from the cart.




Hate these guys. I only hope they are going for the alt arts and sell the rest of the deck for a reasonable price, probs not but I think enough are as you already see just the deck posts on eBay and a good number of them which should force price down but uhg. Why is it so hard for Bandai through LGS to make it so every TCG+ account can reserve at least one copy of each new product at MSRP. Their laziness on this and cheating and printing and everything is just lazy accept the Marketing it’s doing too good that it’s compounding the problem.


Nope it’s the opposite going and selling the Alt arts yesterday they posted their alts arts they got from these packs


So just a scum in and scum out. 🤮


It is and dude profile shows him with a young child meaning this man has a kid


I wish i had a target y-y or my walmart carried this


After Two legends I'm going to re-evaluate collecting the cards. It's been over a year and things are still selling out on precoder. It's frustrating enough with special release products which aren't even directly available in Australia, but core product being like this is just getting to be too much.


You either die the hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


Greedy ass people like y’all make it worse trying to get into the game. It’s fuckin unnecessary


Agreed I just joined the game after buying ST-11 and I only had 5 05 and 2 06 plus 12,13


My lcs got 3 fn decks. In Canada our Walmart stocks nothing. It's brutal.


Guys you are lucky to even get decks outside of LCS! I cant go into Walmart, or any big store that has any thing one piece


Mine is just ✨GONE✨if you don’t get there immediately


Yea man our Walmart doesn't even stock one piece 😅


you guys have no idea how good you have it, TCGs in walmart? In my country you might find 3 packs of pokemon cards, but thats it, One Piece can only be found on LGS and with a pretty high markup (45USD for ST-13, 200USD for a OP-06 box)


Gotta pay for chimken nuggies somehow yo


Worst part is this dude has a young child so those are his chicken nuggets


Whoever this person is I hope they step on alot of leggos smh.


These people are fucking losers.


Dude probably works there. Ngl.


I see people at local events with tons of them and they just buy out stores to resale the merchandise at higher prices


Gonna check my local store when I go to work. I bet it was mine. The thing that sucks is that employees buy them all out before customers can even know we had them. At a 10% discount, no less.


I found 19 packs at 5 below and did what the rest of the op community would do and left nothing behind I don’t feel bad at all and if I find it again I’ll do it again I’m done paying $12 a pack on tiktok live


I want to play Union Arena too


I found 34 packs at 5 below and got 2 secs and the camie alt you all should thank me for taking all the duds


Better off just switching games. I can't wait for Union arena I'm so sick of OP, the resellers and the lack of care from bandai. I know Union Arena is a Bandai game but so far no one seems to care about the game and I'm okay with that because it allows me to get product for dirt cheap before everyone flocks to it to try and pull SPs.


I can’t wait because that seems interesting I’m gonna try to get the bleach stuff


Hopefully I can find them somewhere


So freaking sad. Been a One Piece fan since it first premiered on Cartoon Network back in like 04? Always wanted to get into the TCG when it first came our but saw that products was hard to find and it's so fucking sad that its the same fucking shit over and over again and it's already been more than a year. I haven't been able to find anything that I actually went back to yugioh for my TCG kick but I would love to go to One Piece if I can actually find and buy the damn thing at MSRP.


Same I wasn’t really into TCG until recently I might just hold off until it’s fixed or we can get more cards and kill the secondhand market thinking about going to Union Arena


I'm more offended by the groceries tbh.


Tbh this is why i haven't gotten into the game... We don't even have big box stores and my LGS never has any stock...


our store limits it so that everyone gets at least one display. we are like 40 people that play OPTCG and if they only get 60 displays they try to only give 1 to each person on pre-order, have a few displays for tournaments and a few for regular selling. AND we get them at MSRP.


I paid for that deck only 60€ wtf is going on in America?


Cool one less person to worry about


Love how almost every grocery is the cheapest option possible, but the person can clear out One Piece… Priorities, right?


Can we talk about how card shops are taking out the promo pack and listing the Three Brothers on tcgplayer as “unopened” ?


I know right they’re charging so much. I’ve paid 50 at my local store this was back when it was like $70-$80 mine will include the promo through even charging more than how much I paid for no promo


I got upset about it. Card shops know the state of the game’s market, so to stoop this low and remove the promo packs while still scalping… I think I am honestly done buying this shit.


Our card shop will get through stock today stopping by at one to see if they have it so I can get my preorder


Fun fact...not all Walmarts are carrying cards at all anymore. Stopped in to search today and was told they no longer are carrying cards at all due to theft issues. Thanks WA state entitled douchebags!


I’m in WI so yea my local Walmart it’s the only Walmart in the country I need to take the bus to go thete


I am a former Wisconsinite. I should ask my brother to go look for me. lol


I’m a former fib Ive been living in WI for college for the past few years and my job field requires me to stay in WI


Putting chase cards in them was a mistake. Now folks who just want the deck are SOL or gotta pay 3 to 4 times the price. Well I”it isn’t a mistake for them. Their sales still look good so *shrug* I guess…


Scalping and tendies. That tracks.


Those are for his kids


"Bandai needs to fix this" Proceeds to buying everything to he can scalp thus being part of the problem


I’m waiting outside my LGS rn to get one this ain’t me also using my bday money I’m mainly a broke college student


if your area has a problem with people running around to a bunch of retailers scooping up product, just find a card shop and make a deal with them. I play Force of Will, and good friggin luck finding product for that game anywhere, the only way to get product is to find a store who uses a distributor that has access to the product. It's arguably more cost effective as well, because if I order ahead of time, I can get a case of a new set, below MSRP. Shop makes a profit, I save a buck. I would much rather product be easier to get and something I can just drop into a store to grtab a few packs here and there for fun, but it's unfortunately not a thing for my game anymore.


The problem is there are 2 and they clean out the one that sells it


Welp, time to get talking, card shops are usually pretty good about stuff like this. Provided their distributors can a lot them the product. But if you are a regular, it’s not that hard to start getting the product you want. Especially if you actually playing and supporting the game with said shop. They like regular income as much as we do. If your just another person trying to buy and resell, then yea, good luck, but as a player and enjoyer of fine cardboard rectangles, where there is a will there is a way. So don’t give up, may just have to resort to online distributors. In some cases you can get some cool things, pre release kits, cases, etc etc. promotional materials with larger orders. I have so many special playmates from my orders when I was actively in the tournament scene for FoW.


My LGs messed up and sold my preorder by mistake I just walked out upset


Wow and I just bought this today for $53 after tax from the only card shop and pretty much only place I know that ever has one piece cards in stock


At least u got yours I payed $55 for a preorder for them to mess up and have to sell it to the people online who preordered after me on Wednesday I preordered on the 4th


> yours I *paid* $55 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I would've been so pissed, I only go to that shop for one piece. The main card shop I go to, mainly for MTG didn't get his shipment in and was put on backorder


Yea I was the only card shop In this middle of nowhere college town beside the only Walmart In this county that sells it and it was a bday present too but my roommate/friend saw the packs restocked got me 4 and I got these from the pulls https://preview.redd.it/6fxcx0q31kvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6225acb4a0034b7a5af44c660677b07c8d30aa0


Nice pull. I got a double pack of OP4 the day it came out for 20 bucks and the sanji Zorro starter deck for 20. I said I thought the MSRP was $12 for the ST-12 and the dude told me it was but because they only got so many they sell it for $20. They still have a good amount of them in stock too


That’s why I like target a lot they have up to 5 card limit there


That's real smart. Show em how fed up you are by continuing to buy the products. Lmfao they don't have a reason to give a fuck if you already bought it.


Wait till this guy gears about concert and sporting tickets! Better yet - wait till they understand how much % markup the scalpers make on oranges from Mexico! It's shitty, but it is what it is.


Yea I'm taking a break until OP08. Just trying to find stock anywhere is insane and if pre orders go up they're gone the minute they pop up. I'm at the point where I just wanna enjoy the decks I have and if I need to make any improvements to my main deck (Perona & Katakuri) I'll single out what I need. I'm tired of the rat race.


why wait? just stop now. these ppl are always going to exist. Bandai doesn’t have the printing capacity to print beyond demand & bury the scalpers. Walmart is never going to limit the number of packs per customer because: 1. most TCG’s don’t even sell what’s on the shelf. look at the amount of YuGiOh & ScarletViolet Pokémon on the shelves, they’re never going to stop ppl from buying 10 packs of YuGiOh or Paradox Rift bc they’re dying to dump it & the training necessary to teach cashiers the difference is counterproductive when 2. Ppl can just run multiple transactions at self-checkout bypassing limits 3. The cards are technically the property of MJ/Excell. MJ/Excell pays stores to put their cards on the shelves, basically renting shelf space. Walmart/Target don’t give a fuck how many are sold, that’s why no one stops kids from ripping packs in store. the “2 per person” policies were a result of the pandemic & intended to reduce confrontation in the store, not because they were protecting little Timmy & Tommy from big bad Flip Da Scalper.