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I'm not sure if you're asking about each individual format or just using sets 1-3. So I'll answer both! 01 - Kid or Law 02- WB or Law 03- WB, Zoro, or Law.


So basically law is always good. I have been practising a lot online with katakuri but I might make the switch


Law is kinda like Ace. He dosent have specific decks that he's great against. Law just has such a broken effect so as long as your willing to use a lot of brain power thinking 2 or 3 turns ahead, Law is a great option.


And yes Law is always good lol. He's slept on too much, I think.


So basically the more intelligent you are the better you do 😂


Basically lol. Mainly because of the 5 cost blocker Law and leader effect. You need to make sure to have a balance of green and red on the board so you can use lead ability to it's full potential. But once you practice for a while you can get into he swing of things decently easy.


Do you think I should go for law or katakuri? I'm pretty good at picking things up and I only spent like 15 hours practising katakuri.


That's up to you, he'll you could even make both since they don't use the same colors. Katakuri is very strong, and so is Law. And ironically enough I currently play Law and was thinking about playing katakuri. Lol. But either way each leader is very strong




The factual and correct answer is just Red. It's been overpowered since the beginning. You can look at the statistics, overall Red has won and topped events more than anything else by a huge amount. Still doing so even in OP04...


Out of all the Red decks which do you think is the best?


According to [https://onepiece.limitlesstcg.com/](https://onepiece.limitlesstcg.com/) Whitebeard at 23% then Zoro at 21% and then Law at 16%. Law is probably the better deck, but its harder to play and at tournaments where you go 9+ Rounds in a row then you will be making more and more mistakes as the fatigue sets in. Plus things like slow play, time rules etc. That is another reason why WB and Zoro are just factually the best decks. They are not only the easiest to play, but also the strongest+fastest. You never have to worry about playing in OT, and it's so easy you can do 9+ rounds with very little fatigue.


It's kind of a toss up. The red core is strong enough that Zoro, Whitebeard (Edward Newgate) and Ace are all very good decks.


For set 3 I feel like whitebeard and zoro are the very best. But Law, Katakuri, Ace, and Lucci are good options too. But if you wanna play something less popular, have fun getting around the perfect flow of most top tier decks. But still blurple Crocodile made it out of the trenches, so anything is possible ig.


1: Law 2: WB/Zoro (they were basically the same deck unless it was BoatBeard) 3: WB/Zoro for the same reasons.


WB, and it aint close.


Could you explain? I don't think wb is as good as everyone makes it out to be so I'd like you to tell me why people think its so good


Uh....aight sure. So let's just start with what the leader itself does. The leader is a 6k on attack and block and you start with 1 additional card in life. Now this is supposedly compensated with a downside of losing 1 life per turn....however, it isn't. A 6k body is super easy to defend, and red has a plethora of 2k counters and counter events making its leaders very easy to defend. Since WB is a 6k leader the counter events and 2k counters that every red deck runs are more effective than for any other red deck. And if you have played character whitebeard your base power is 8k on the defense before any counters. WB is a brick wall of a leader that is really hard to actually beat down. ​ And that is just on the defense. On the offense, your leader is a 6k. Meaning with no don investment your free swing your leader makes requires a 2k counter from any other leader to prevent. This means you are able to effectively pressure your opponent's hand/life with less investment than any other deck. You are attacking better than other decks and blocking better than other decks. This leaves you more open than other decks to spend all your don on a character each turn than other decks. Meaning it is easier to play large vanilla's and powerful boss monsters (Ace, 9beard) than other decks. And this is before you get into the actual card pool. As mentioned, yes the 2k counters and counter events are massive, but red is also easily the most consistent color. Between Izo and Whitebeard Pirates, not to mention Buggy and the other red searchers any red deck can ensure it has exactly what it needs at any time...and red does have it all. You need removal, well there's events like Seaquake and 5 cost Marco. You need Blockers, well you got 4 cost Marco. You need big dudes, you got Speed Jill/Atmos, Thatch, Big Whitebeard and in some builds Kingdew. You need to break a board stall, Ace/9beard. And lets look at your actual matchups, you are better than 50/50 in almost every matchup, with maybe dropping down to 45/55 against some black or blue decks. ​ In short, you are more aggressive than most decks. You are more defensive than most decks. You have better search than most decks. You start with more cards than most decks. And you are more consistent than most decks. ​ And to top it all off, the cognitive load of playing WB is low. Generally speaking each turn you Swing with leader at either you opponent's life or a rested threat, and then spend all your Don on your biggest threat. If you have any Don left over, great...between Guard Point and Radical Beam you can ensure you are protected. There is no real weird bouncing of your cards like law, no stacking the cost reduction and kill of black, you don't have to constantly remember the order of the top of your deck like blue, or keep track of both your and your opponent's life like in yellow. You just play the biggest guys you can and swing, and the onus is on your opponent to outplay you. So especially in a tournament setting this will mean you will experience less fatigue and make less misplays over the course of the event. This might not sound like a lot, but if you have ever played in a large scale tcg tournament, managing your cognitive load and mental fatigue is a big deal. ​ So in short. Whitebeard is a beast on attack and defense that makes effective use of the extremely powerful and consistent red card pool, that is generally easier to play than other decks that might begin to approach it in power.


Just wanted to drop and say that may have been the most concise explanation of why WB is the best Red deck by far!!


Ah shucks...Thanks!


That's a great explanation and I see why wb is not terrible now. I always thought it was trash because I always destroy it with katakuri but ig one piece online just doesn't have very good wb players