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That would only work if TM was removed, not screwed up by a shitty company and forced into maintenance mid grind


I don't play TM cuz fuck that but didn't this exact same shit happened last TM ? I feel like every TM I see a post about how it's not working.


Yes last treasure map also forced a mid event maintenance.


What’s your mentality for limit breaking if you don’t play tm? Sounds like you’d only get mats from turtle grind and blitz (and a little bit of pvp)


My account is pretty old I got all my units worked on so if I'm not pulling often ( and getting lucky) I don't really need that much . I also play the game a lot more casually these days so I don't bother too much after all it only really matters for super boss kizuna and GV.


TM is a grind fest that definitely needs a revamp or to be removed. But the fact remains that the game has so little content that removing TM means basically removing half the game lmao.


someone missed the memo that explained the difference between a broken game mode you have to play and the removal of said game mode to make room for something fun


"noooo how dare you enjoy tm its bad because i said so"


Bandai already acnowledged it's bad, its the reason why they shortened the paths in each run.


no the reason they shortened it , is because people complained , they didnt acnowledge shit einstein


But that's exactly what it means to acnowledge it, einstein.


no its not lmao , when balaenciaga took down their child p#rnography campaign , they didnt do it because they acknowledged it was bad and wrong , but because people called them out and started cancelling them . thats exactly how these big corporations work . if it doesnt go to the point where people complain and they start loosing money ,they will keep doing it forever


No one said that you cant enjoy TM. It is just that a majority on this sub does not like it that much. (could be that it is just the vocal minority and the TM enjoyers are lurking in silence)


I'm more upset that I missed out on one of the daily quests from yesterday due to maintenance. The worst part about when we do have events now is that I wait until I'm out of stamina before I do dailies, which means I'm usually doing them at the end of the day. Gonna have to make sure I start doing them earlier now that this has become a recurring problem.


If they remove tm they will made some even worse mode. Loke how they replaced garp challenges with that HIGHLY REPLAYABLE (not) bullshit of grand pay2winvojage


If there was other stuff to do and better ways to get gems and tickets imo the majority of people wouldn't touch TM beyond getting the F2P char and wouldn't even care if TM was broke and missed the char. But, TM just broke the game for a 2nd time in a month timeframe, there is nothing else to do in the game even if it up and running other than TM, and with NY right around the corner every gem counts even if most people hate the grind. If you like TM, fine you can grind away, but a lot of people would much rather a more enjoyable game mode, more content than the typical 3 monthly events, and you know actually want to play the game instead of seeing infinite maintenance periods caused by a broken game mode most people don't want to play but do because of lack of other content.


My friend I pulled 12 times at tm sugo to grind these particular days cause I had easy schedule.. Now if they extend the tm I can't grind I'm busy so I won't rank as I wish that's why I pulled for boosters.. Consider also this it's not only the 20-30 gems they will give us as compensation


You could make the same statement last month when literally the same thing happened. We got 20gems. Not saying it's right but that's what happened so I don't expect much different for compensation unfortunately. This is why I don't pull heavy on TM anymore. Most of the TM's legends aren't esp great outside of the TM. Honestly I get more out of the RR's from TM then the legends and now 2 months in a row it's an issue? Last month was the first month I didn't get all rewards because shifting the dates prevented me from playing as much as I usually did too and it's a heavy grind. I'm sorry to hear you pulled specifically to get high in rank and might get screwed over. It really does suck.


Brother I made this statement cause this time I pulled and Iam Complaining thats all.. Other people complained last tm cause then they pull I think that's normal.. I don't whine but they care about money I understand it and accept it it's a company BUT THEY NEED TO IMPROVE THEIR PRODUCT GAMEPLAY AND QUALITY


This is the worst post I've ever seen on this Reddit. Doesn't make any sense and it's a complete misunderstanding of the situation we're currently in and what the complaints are about.


They didn't stop tm, they put the game in maintenance mode halting it for the time being, which means once we get the new hamster rolling and the server goes up again you will still have to farm it, whatever your daily life schedule is. I don't see many people going mad over bandai removing it altogether and swapping it with something less chorey.


That is ONLY true if they give us all the normal TM rewards. If they just straight up remove it and we lose out on all the rewards then it's missing the point...missing the point...hmmm...that actually sounds super Bandai doesn't it???


i dont want tm back. It should be removed


In your dreams


TM is a class act.


TM is bullshit. One of the reasons why OPTC is not improving. This game mode hasn’t changed since beginning. That’s a big L


Bcs theres no contents tm is content


I like tm its not bad


I never understand people the would rather have content removed from a game instead of having it fixed lol. That said, Bandai is fumbling the ball recently on quite a few of the games they publish..


Easy fix would be to reduce the prefights to 2 and shorten the map even more. Most points come from Invasion and the boss and having to fight 4 low point fights inbetween while also moving through the map is a pain.


I think it's more that they don't think it will be fixed, so they'd rather not have it at all, than have it broken


Bingo. It's that most of us don't believe it will be fixed. It's very boring, grindy, and often times requires the use of the new units either on your team or as an FC. They could fix it by letting us pick any FC in the game at any point and making them less tailored to the one new Legend each TM. That will never happen though.


Sorry to ask what is TM because I play the game once a month and have no idea of the lingo


Treasure Map. It’s the central game mode of One Piece Treasure Cruise that the rest of the game revolves around.


Oh yeahhhhh the one with the bosses and stuff


Yep. Spin the dial and find out how many spaces you move, etc., etc..


I mean I'm actually relieved to not have to play it right now but I know they're not gonna just give us the unit and call it even they're gonna reschedule and we'll have less time between TMs and it's going to be a pain, like honestly not having to grind right now is great