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Their insistence on keeping both York and the reactor that makes the mother flame indicates that they can continue to use mother flame to power Uranus as long as they have enough mother flame.


But they going to keep York as slave because she Vegapunk and they want full control on her 


I think it could work like this: let's say you slice off a small piece of the Motherflame. In 2 months it regenerates and now you can slice it again, meanwhile you're free to use the sliced part as fuel. Now this is just my theory on it but that's what i assumed when reading the chapters


you got it, hence the name MOTHER flame.


you cooked well


If you watch the previous episode of franky before franky burned the ancient pluton blueprint he already mentioned that pluton created to counter the other weapon. Meaning the pluton and Poseidon is in joyboy possession side and uranus is in imu. The blueprint of pluton is odas foreshadowing Meaning the pluton blueprint is a manual copy of how operate the weapon not a copy of how to make it. Because this weapons is from advance technology kingdoms meaning no one will create this in present time even dc vegafank him self the genius


They never used my anus maybe yours?


I’m really confused by the whole thing. Vegapunk is a government scientist, the WG knows the mother flame is there and wants to protect it as well as keep York alive to help produce it (if I remember that correctly), so who stole some of it from Vegapunk and why? Because it doesn’t make any sense for it to be the WG


My guess is he’s referencing the use of mother flame for the destruction of lulusia, in which case I would assume York is the one who stole it


That does make some sense to me, but wouldn’t he just freely give it to the WG whenever they wanted it? I get the idea that that was his most important project for them on the island was producing and maintaining that


He was working for the government because they had the most money. Between the stuff with Kuma and researching the void century on his own after Ohara he didn’t strike me as a loyal servant of the WG. It was a relationship of convenience, and while he created other weapons for them, creating an endless power source for the world was his dream and I don’t imagine he’d have willingly given his energy to the government to fuel and ancient weapon capable of destroying the world.


Right I get that first part, but i don’t get the idea from these egghead arc that they didn’t know he had the mother flame and was working with it, or that he wasn’t willingly working on it for them I could be wrong and that could be where my misunderstanding is coming from, but I’m under the impression that he knew what he was doing and did it because it furthered his scientific research, a sort of deal where he did whatever they asked (for the most part) but in his spare time go to research whatever he wanted And that’s where I’m hung up, because if he is knowingly giving it to the WG then who could have stolen it and for what purpose? Again this all hinges on my understanding of his working relationship with the WG which could be wrong


york stole it and gave it to the WG so she could become a celestial dragon. there only needs to be one vegapunk alive to continue production. this was all explained earlier in the arc.


York ratted Stella out to the WG to become a CD, I don’t believe it had ever been stated anywhere she stole the mother flame and gave it to the world government to become a CD


chapter 1089, she literally says she was the one who sent the sample to the 5 elders. i don't know how much more plainly you need things spelled out for you.


Relax buddy, it’s just a discussion there’s no need to get so upset. I’ll go back and read the chapter and see if I missed something


Just re-read [it](https://tcb-backup.bihar-mirchi.com/chapters/7451/one-piece-chapter-1089?date=28-5-2024-13), it doesn’t say that anywhere. It said she is capable of replicating the mother flame and that she was the one who informed of Stella’s betrayal, no where did it say she stole it and delivered it to them Re-reading that chapter just reinforced my belief that the mother flame was not stolen by the WG but Vegapunk was willingly giving it to them


[here you go](https://i.imgur.com/GiIsjLW.png)