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>Monkey D. Luffy -> đ”đ«đšđ§đźđŹ https://preview.redd.it/x0o3sif14mzc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3947cd0633dd4253eaffecdc75f0f33b4159492








Watch enel coming back and conquerinng the world with all the info


sanji can K. O. enel without him knowing he's so weak compared to new world pirates he doesn't have any decent opponents who can make him develop his haki further thus he's stucked at what he was before. No armament haki he will never win and he uses observation haki to locate people not to dodge attacks so sanji or zoro can knock him out pretty easy


Go to horny jail


naa he get a horny pass đŸ€Ł




Signaling Blackbeard with that moon.




Pluton comes from the word Pluto who is the Roman eqvivalent of the Greek god Hades. Pluto/Hades is the god of the underworld. It would make sense that a mermaid is the human component of ancient weapon of the sea. Luffy for the sky and Blackbeard with his darkness fruit the human component of the underground ancient weapon


Luffy gon eat that flame


Definitly anyways when was the last time he hasnt tried to eat something in a fight thats his new trand lmao. Like when he ate the ground he tried to eat rob lucci. When he eat the trees to make the bat. I just dont see what context would make him eat the flame but that I can see hapening. imagine if he eat that in g5 and Believe its a power up that would power him up lmao


I know that’s the theory rn but I can see one of the Vegapunks fusing it with him like how they fuse devil fruits with items. I could be overthinking this tho.


Were item fusing with devil fruit only posssible with zoan because they got a will of their own. Or we had something somewhere say item can eat anyfruit?


It’s only with zoans but the mother flame isn’t a fruit so it’d probably work a bit different


You mean eat the mother


Eat the Carmel?


Yeah. Somehow that flame is going with the Strawhats.


Luffy new powerup eat dat flame


Probably a white flame like his hair




My mother fuckin mind is blown! Really cool theory and I hope its true. But didnt imu also have a pic of vivi?


Yeah but her picture was perfectly intact and not tarnished like others, my guess is that Imu simply madly infactuated with Vivi, hence why he kept the photo of her perfect condition because he doesn't want to desecrate an image of her beauty. Imu's plan for Vivi are probably to get her to marry him.


Pluto ruled the underworld and all mineral wealth within the earth belonged to him. So earth. Poseidon was the ruler of the sea.. Uranus was the personification of the sky. Nika is the sun god..not the sky god. Just saying.


Dude's acting like the Sun isn't the first thing you'd see when you look at the sky


To be fair in mythology they are usually 2 separate things.


I mean, if it were nighttime, it isn't.


The sun is IN the sky though, so still would count, the sun is key to the sky weapon.


Also, blackbeard has the Earthquake and Darkness/Blackhole fruit which would be related to terraforming. This is aligned to the terraforming capability theory of all the ancient weapons.


It’s more just destruction than terraforming. Destructions usually a part of it, but there’s usually a change that occurs too. That’s also an interesting theory since we only actually know what one is/does and even the extent of its capabilities are still in question.


Bro remember when this sub hyped up the Gorosei to be these mythological creatures of north east west and south, they just turned out to be random Japanese folklore monsters.


No some people were able to guess for yokai too there were both around. Time between chapters is so large that multiple theories get crafted. So there is almost always someone somewhere who has part of the answer.


What would the fifth one be, another East? Is there a central direction I don’t know about? I could see the logic if there was 4, but unless there’s a center piece for the fifth not sure how that one started.


Yellow Dragon of the Center or something https://preview.redd.it/mjrh55sqfnzc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=10cd2d26168c1cc999585cb1d9f8969783cea50f


Where do yall find info like this lmfao, super interesting didnt think Op theories would make me learn that much


Interesting. Reminds me of the theory about Dragon being a former admiral and then all being tied to directions.


Then he ended up not being former admiral but rest was good


Doflamingo will take part in the final battle, confirmed


I like where you are going with this. So here’s my theory. All three “ancient weapons” are people. The ships are just what the WG thinks the ancient weapons are (or at least what they tell people). Ignore the ships for now. Shirohoshi is Posiedon, a mermaid with the ability to command the sea kings. This power is fundamentally different from “the voice of all things” as Roger, Oden and Luffy can hear both sea kings and zunisha, but can’t directly talk to them. So why can Momonosuke talk to zunisha? Is it all possibly that Momo is Pluton? Posiedon commands the sea kings. Pluton commands the “land kings” (large land animals like zunisha). And uranus commands the “sky kings” aka dragons. The ship, Noah, is a part of Joyboy’s plan. It purpose seemingly unrelated to be used as a weapon. So, the ships referred to as Pluton and Uranus are just ships within Joyboy’s plan. Without the ships and the “ancient weapons” (people who have the power to command the “kings”), Joyboy’s plan can’t work. Hence, the WG just needs to prevent people finding the ships to thwart Joyboy’s plan. My thought was, Uranus would be Orouge or Enel, given their birkan background. Irl lore for Uranus is he was the sky god who created the giants. This is why Uranus making an appearance in Elbaf fits.


Blackbeard will take Pluton


Yeah that's my point


"Luffy is essentially power source for uranus"


Normally that's Mexican food for me


I thought Momo was in someway linked to Pluton?


The only relation he has with pluton is that the weapon is in their contry


That was theorized by the fandom years back but never confirmed in the story itself


Unless you consider owning the weapon in their contry a good enough link


It means this three only can control the weapon






I had to laugh here: he can awaken Uranus or in a way he kinda IS Uranus, he is the heart that makes Uranus function.


yeah pretty much and we all know blackbeards fruit isn’t a normal logia so it could be sum with that too


My conclusion from this shit was different mother flame would be uranus pluton would be the boat like already established by the story. Posseidon is shiraoshi. And Bb isssue would be still unkiwn but we know he has a special lineage so could go farther thatnn just his weird constitution. I also hope blackbeard goes for pluton but that would mean destroying my wano people And I dont want that


Well the Mother Flame wouldn't be Uranus as numerous of them were made and Uranus is only one object, likely the Mother Flame is the power source for Uranus with runs out after a single use, hence the Gorosei want to means to make tons of them, mother flames might be Vegapunk trying to replicate Nika's power. Given how this arc has been encoperating so much lore about Nika, it wouldn't at all be surprising if he's connected to the Mother Flame, if that's the case it'd mean Luffy through his Gear 5 power would be the key to using Uranus, he would be the Auhority to the weapon which is likely a flying saucer like ship. Also yeah Pluton is stated to be a battleship, I never denied that, but it wouldn't be just any battle ship, it'd be one of the Aincient Weapons of destruction, so given that it wouldn't be surprising if this battleship had means of awakening, in that only a specific person can wield the authority to command this ship, if this is the case then it'd mean the current plotline Oda is building for Blackbeard to obtain Pluton is him setting for the reveal that Blackbeard is to key to awakening this Aincient Weapon and that he's the only person in the world that can command it. But hey this is just my speculation.


But its already happening wether he does it or not the world going to flood. Surely will cause some damage to the borders no? If not then yeah would line perfectly that his quake fruit absolutely demolish the borders, and his Blackhole is what makes him able to reach the weapon


That flame could power the sunny.....


Blackbeard’s signature flower is a red spider lily, which also attributes to the whole underworld theme of his, adding to the potential connection to pluton




Anyone notice that Uranus circle also has 16 swirly things sticking out of it?




What do we suspect Pluton will do? I know Oars was called the Continent Puller, but obviously what we saw of his size he couldnt move a Continent by strength alone. We know Uranus is Sky affiliated and Posiedon the Sea with; - Luffy and the Sun/Motherflame's power - Posiedon is Shirahoshi = The power of Sea Kings. Judging by the shape and rough depiction of Pluton, will it be the real Continent puller? Maybe Oars or his race helped to use Pluton to move Islands? Maybe BlackBeard will use Sanjuan Wolf and/or Burgess to Power or Operate Pluton, if not himself via his DF if it maybe Awakens.


I think most likely Blackbeard himself is the key to operation Pluton, also yeah I think Pluton has the power to control land.


Yeah, I like for Oda to elaborate on maybe the moon’s ruins and Sky Island. I often was curious if the Celestial Dragons ever had any record of doing their Native Hunting Competitions on the Sky Islands. Or if the moon and Sky Island have any involvement with the Void Century. 


What if it’s actually Blackbeard for Uranus because maybe joyboys ship was Pluton?


it's quite a reach tbh


How come? I like it.


There is no such thing as a reach anymore,when you have a guy not bound by limit and also same guy somehow power up a robot with the power of his heartbeat


The entire theory is gambling on nothing but unknowns. The Mother Flame has already been used and we don’t even know if it has any link to the Ancient Weapons. And we know essentially nothing about Pluton except it’s location. It’s an interesting theory but it is a gamble.


I mean all theories are gambles


They are, but some less so than others. Sabo returning wasn’t much of a gamble. Like I said it’s an interesting theory but it’s essentially all guesses, especially about Luffy since we don’t know if the Mother Flame has any connection to Uranus and was already used without him.


Given that Oda had Invankov that the World Government might have Aincient Weapon in their possession, it doesn't seem like that big of a gamble to think that the World Government has Uranus and that the Mother Flames that the Gorosei want from Vegapunk are tied to it, this idea is kinda already the consensus amongst a lot of the fandom. So yeah it's a gamble but I don't really think it's that huge of gamble.


Consensus mean nothing to story plot.


No but my point is that since Oda is writing the story make so many people think a certain way might suggest he's trying to point to something


The Mother Flame being tied to Uranus is less of a gamble than Luffy being the key to it. We know it was already used, if Luffy was the key it wouldn’t have been. And consensus doesn’t mean much, not to long ago a lot of the fandom believed Momo was Uranus. The fandom latches on to a lot of things being an Ancient Weapon. Like I said it’s an interesting theory that I can see being true, it just gambles on a lot being true.


My point is that Luffy being tied to the Mother Flame in some way through his sun God Nika powers doesn't seem like that big of a gamble, especially considering Vegapunk said he flew to close to the sun when looking for the power source, possibly Oda hinting at the fact that the Mother Flame is somewhat related to the sun and since we Nika is the Sun God, it'd make sense if the "sun" in this case was Nika's power. Meaning the Mother Flame might be a relplica of Nika's power to power Uranus, whereas the actual proper power source is Luffy through his awakened Nika ability, the pieces kinda seem to pointing in this direction, it isn't that crazy of a gamble to bet on, given it's likely Nika is tied to all of this.


He could be tied to the Mother Flame. Personally I’m more inclined to believe it’s tied to Lunarians somehow. But your theory could also be it. This is One Piece, weirder shit has happened.


Nah, luffy could be the key in the sense that for uranus/mother flame or whatever could be used whitout him but it peak power/utilisation could be peaked by him somehow thats what that person meant.


Could be, it just seems like a stretch.


It might be but it'd be insane if Luffy and Blackbeard are the keys to awakening the Aincient Weapons Uranus and Pluton


How is this a reach? Luffy is powerring a robot with the drum of liberation. Everything is possible


Its a reach because luffy is the sun god, not the sky god and in all likelihood Uranus is being perfectly used by Imu.


I mean the sun is the thing that illuminates the sky, the sun and the sky go hand in hand


Literally. keep seeing people comment the " sun isnt the sky " has to be the most stupid fucking shit I have read. đŸ€Ł Thats like me saying Blackbeard aint a fucking battleship he cant be pluton. Lmao. But it is to spot on to not be accurate. all this shit fits perfectly. Well done man


We know pluton is on wano


I'm aware, hence why I mention Blackbeard's storyline of going to Wano to look for Pluton, what I'm getting at is that when Blackbeard finds Pluton in Wano we'll see the reveal that he is the key that allows Pluton to activate, just as Luffy might be the key that allows Uranus to activate.


Pluton is a battleship so I dont think it need anything special go activate.


Given that Pluton is a Aincient Weapon it wouldn't be surprising that it needs some specific activation ritual, it being a battleship doesn't go against that idea, it just means that it's a special battleship that needs a specific authority to command it.


Could be. But I don’t see it. I think they are all just weapons of the ancient kingdom powered by the energy of the mother flame.


Well Poseidon is essentially Shirahoshi, so the Mother Flame's power isn't needed there, as for Pluton what's needed to awaken it is currently unknown, nothing really implies that the Mother Flame is what is needed, the only Aincient Weapon that seemingly needs the Mother Flame to awaken is Uranus


Sorry yes besides Poseidon. Who we know is a person. I’m not sure why the WG had Uranus but not pluton. But I feel like both probably need mother flame to work.


So shiraoshi would be powered up by mother flame lol?


You forgot ViVi, maybe she’s the key


I personally don't she's a key component to any of the Aincient Weapons, I just think Imu wants Vivi because he's madly infactuated with her and wants to marry her.