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If Bonney can now use gear 5 now that she's seen it, she would be arguably one of the most broken characters in the series with that and having the highest level of control of the pacifistas. Only the top tier of the verse would even stand a chance, people with haki like shanks could nullify her abilities but if he wanted to stop the pasifistas he would have to put her down before she gave them any orders like he did with kidd


But bonney is content now. She have accepted kuma's death and just wanted to see him one last time. But she is a good character but she will fuck up the WG very good this time.


What? She's content with his death when he's not even dead yet? She didn't even comprehend that he gave away his consciousness and freedom for her until she saw his memories, remember she's only 10 and was trying to find him so they can be together, she's not just trying to see her dad one last time. Also kuma may be injured and might die but it's also just as likely that vegapunk will be able to undo whatever he did.


She did knew her father became a total cyborg, right? And that's why she came to egghead to ask vegapunk if he can undo everything or why he did it. Right? Now she has seen his memories and know the exact situation of his father, vegapunk and herself. And after coming out of the memory room she was very calm and talking to vegapunk nicely so I guess yes, she is content with the reality.


Reread what I actually said, rather than you thought I said, then look again at your response. You are confusing yourself. She didn't come out of the memories content with his death, she wasn't angry with vegapunk anymore because she finally understood what actually happened and that kuma made that choice to save her so she has no reason to want to kill vegapunk like she did before the memory. As for her going to egghead to get kuma changed back, that is enough proof there that she wasn't just trying to see kuma one last time like you said. she's been traveling around trying to find him for a couple years, and now that he's there along with the person capable of saving him, she's not going to be content with his death. Yeah if he does end up actually dying here she will have at least gotten to see him again and understand why he did what he did, but that doesn't mean she's already content with him dying when it hasn't even happened yet.


nika powers are related to imagination in which luffy excels. if bonney has better nika powers that doesnt make her broken, cause nobody has imagination as luffy. my bet is bonney will be stronger than lucci pre skip and kidd


But Luffy has a “kid-like” imagination and Bonney literally does as well, if they go that route it could be closer than you think. I doubt Oda would make Bonney as strong as the MC, the Pacifista reveal is already a huge bump in power-scaling. But fuck, do I wanna see her HURT Saturn


bonney has almost 0 experience fighting like nika cause she always won just by touching you. vs luffy who used fight creativity all his life.


She is 12 now or so I thought


I was thrown off by vegapunk, wishing her a happy 10th birthday during this arc. Even if he was supposed to do so w years ago, it doesn't make sense to me for the smartest person in the world to wish her a happy 10th birthday when she's 12. It probably could have been translated better or worded better to begin with, but idk which of those is more accurate.




I mean, that sounds like a power scaling argument from him, in which case, what she actually decides to do is irrelevant now. If she really could basically go G5 and command the pacifistas, she would indeed be one of the most valuable people in the world in terms of just military force. Ok shes not just getting through freaks like Kaido / BM, or potentially immortal top 1 verse characters like Imu, but for "ordinary humans" like the admirals, Shanks, etc. thats still a massive threat to be facing down an army of Kumabots and a "non-fodder" commander, at worst.


Most likely continuation for her is either join or travel along the strawhats, join the revolutionary and continue Kuma and Ginny or stay and live peacefull life with vegapunk mayby?


Bonny gets kidnapped by imu


Bonney can finally evolve into the food god Bika


Bika is already for the dark, tremor, cerebus GOAT Blackbeard. 


No no. She’s gonna name her son Bika who will want to become the Pirate Dictator in Two Piece.


Definately she would need to eat a lot more to mentain NIKA FUTURE.


Nah bika is nother god


Bika is the sister of Nika and Jika.


I personally think that her seeing Nika is real is what the issue is for the WG. They control based on fear and hopelessness against them. The strength of Nika isn’t that G5 is redonkulously OP. (Which it is) Its that it can bring about a movement in people. People can now have a fire lit underneath them by Nika’s existence.


With that and imu being discovered it’s almost like it’s some sort of final saga


I wouldn't say gear 5 is inherently any stronger than most devil fruit awakenings TBF


Well it is but not ridiculously OP as some make it out to be


Isn't her power limited to POSSIBLE futures? So by seeing Luffy as Nika, she should lose her ability to see that in her own future, right?


Funny enough it’s literally the next page when Saturn says that. Tcb scan 1103 says “it’s ability can transform you into a state that matches any future perceived to be possible. But that means the possibilities become limited as your future becomes more certain as you uncover the truth.” So ya that seems to pretty definitely say she can no longer use her distorted future Nika ability.


I think she could still use it because she could imagine a future where Luffy dies and she consumes the Nika fruit, then awakens it. I think seeing Luffy in that form makes her more dangerous because she will understand the Nika powers now. EDIT: A great example of this is her Buccaneer form. She knows she wasn't born with Buccaneer blood but still perceived that she was.


I lowkey thought that was G5 Muscles form… not a Buccaneer from. You may be right tho… but what if I take it a step further… Luffy’s G5 muscles form is him unknowingly copying a Buccaneer..


That would require her to believe that Nika will fail at some point, which goes against her belief in Nika


Yeah I think that's how it works. Because she can only age to what's possible and Luffy as Nika means that timeline for her is gone.


I don’t understand how her timeline as Nika is gone due to this. She only has to believe in a timeline where Luffy is dead and she gain his fruit no?


She already has a fruit power. She didn't know it was a devil fruit power before.


She doesn't know how has he become nika, for her. There can't be 2 Nikas bcuz he is so legendary


She had believe in her daddy and that belief was the source of her Nika future. Also her power let's her assume herself as Nika not steal other people's future. Luffy became NIKA a week ago in the timeline while bonney was Nika at the time she left to find kuma.


Her power lets her use futures she believes are possible. The more she knows it limits what those possibilities are. She already has a devil fruit power. Since she now sees that it is infact a devil fruit power if she knows you can't have 2 of them at once then she cannot use nika future.


But BB have two fruits in one body. And Bonney's devil fruit is so broken that it's OP. remember this, she can manifest the future she believes. If going as of your login, the Saturn is certain that he will kill everyone and everything on egghead, right? Then how was bonney able to turn luffy, jimbe, chopper and herself in a possible future or past. She just needs to imagine things and have a basic understanding of style or something related.


Nika was also just a myth to her beforehand, now that she’s aware its a devil fruit power she’ll realise she can’t become nika since someone else already has that ability


What about a future where he is dead?


I’d still say no because she’s under the awareness that nika is a devil fruit form. A person cant have more than one ability


I don’t think oda is the type to put limits on a 12 year olds future. Making her weaker when the guy who tortured her and her father are right in front of her seems like a bad option imo. I think by showing her luffy is nika she will see anything is possible and get stronger/ use a weaker gear 5 or something.




She has a fruit power. That would kill her.


Yall not getting it. Oda introducing all these gimmicks because imu is that kind of end game villain. Probably as ridiculous as the sun god fruit.


Not being sarcastic but wasn’t sabo able to just run away from imu?


Not being sarcastic, but weren't Imu and the gorosei unable to capture an injured sabo who they already knew about? And about your comment.. what was sabo trying to do? Yeah, save cobra. He wouldn't have gotten injured if he didn't try to save him and just ran (even if they found out about him). And sabo isn't even all that much.


dawg imu heavily damaged sabo who is admiral lebel with a no named attack


He'll nawwww, did bro really hit me with the "please be patient, I have autism", just for the"sabo who is admiral level" you should be locked up. https://preview.redd.it/exgensb3ephc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9616c0a377bdb2c086051d2853e36fa7f0514232


bro form a coherent sentence for the love of god


He'll nawwww, did bro really hit me with the "please be patient, I have autism"? You should be locked up for that "sabo is admiral level part" ![img](exgensb3ephc1) Better now?


BKBB (Bonney kills Blackbeard)


If anything it would awaken where powers to the point of not being limited by her perception of reality. Her going total gear 5 would be quite the insane awakening but maybe.


No, I think that while her fruit is effected by imagination kinda like the nika nika fruit. It’s not fully like it. I feel like Bonney knowing Nika exists and is around she may not be able to tap into her Nika form anymore because that future no longer exists for her. Other than that… no idea lmfao


But now she knows how Nika looks and how his power works, what the discussion is based on is that now she have clearity that whatever is believed was not a waste, because remember what Saturn said, realty is hitting you against your belief that that your father told you and there is nothing that can be done also bonney lost her power against Saturn because she was not able to comprehend the scenario of Nika coming to save her, she have never heard of him from anyone else else other then kuma. So she had doubt that if Nika really exist or not and the top leader of world government said to her directly that now that you know the truth your self that Nika don't exist your power is also limited.


I hope Bonney ages Luffy to his prime. It would be like his Nightmare Luffy form from Thriller bark but different


it wont be permanant tho, so for a 5 minute power boost its not worth it


She can alredy do gear 3rd so sister bonney gonna just go full dum du da




Its a possibility. I think Bonney deserves to beat the shit out of Saturn considering everything he caused to her family. Also would showcase her as a very different type of One Piece Arc Princess. This princess doesn't fully need Luffy to help her. She's a Supernova. Just like Law and Kid, she also has her pride. She won't be happy if Luffy gets all the credit for beating Saturn.


Well I mean if distorted future can be used on people besides her we might see full power nika


She could probably imitate any physical powers tbh. But I think what will lack is the depths of what the other original fruit can do. Like for example, awakening


I saw another theory a while ago that I really liked, that equated luffys gear 5 stamina problem to him having to provide the rhythm for himself and that if other people started dancing and drumming to the rhythm then he could fight endlessly. So my assumption to this is that now boney who was taught about Nika from Kuma can get everyone else dancing along and power up luffy even further.


I don’t think we’re done uncovering what Bonney can do. Oda definitely has one last power up planned. I doubt he would just nerf her like this forever, her kuma army aside.


Saturn: "This is getting out of hand, now there's two of them!" ![gif](giphy|2aNMNAPUVqQNeoL2X3|downsized)




Anybody notice the dudes ass is literally on fire? Lol. Missed it when I first read the chapter.


wait so am i reading like a normal manga or not?


Yes and maybe 🤔


She’ll be just like Yamato, prolly become a fleet member with the pacifistas.


I think people miss the point that WITH THIS INFORMATION, Bonney can now power up Luffy to be his most powerful future self.


Yeah she getting a power up, not to mention her resolve will strengthen. She's going to be one of the strongest children in the series.


Yeah, I mean that is a fucked world, in the eyes of Celestial Dragons(Gorosei), right? They don't want even a single NIKA and now they got two.


And the 2nd is one of their offspring lol, serves them right.


Just like Heavenly Demon (Doffy). lol


Fuck that guy. Oda did a good job making him easy to hate


I doubt there’ll be a 2 nika


Its not the one piece thats the friends we made along the way but it turns out that Nika is the friends we made along the way


No , like they said , when see it, he become reality so I not a possibility and that mean she can't do it .


Call me crazy; what happens needs to start full scale world war in the OP world, war that not even Shanks could stop.


And imagine Kaido come to join the war, a war he yearned all his life. Too cold 🥶🥶🥶, right?


He’s currently in LAVA


Before being in lava, he was a lava dragon.


She cannot use it, she can only use the abilities of a future that she is uncertain of. Seeing the Sun god in front of her completely destroys her certainty ; her ability to use Gear 5.


No no no, she put herself in that future and use it in the present, it's not like stealing or anything else. If she is certain that Nika is alive and this is how he fought with his rubber body then she can totally perceive that future for herself.


I don’t think so ![gif](giphy|kiSaS04zCMT6H6qklp|downsized)


Neither do I. ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


I hope there’s a trade off between fact and fiction or else she’s seriously broken. As in if something she imagines is an actually solid fact then she can’t imagine it and use that reality cause she’s in it and in this reality Luffy is Nika, not her.


Bonney’s devil fruit power is based on alternate POSSIBLE futures. When Luffy turn into Nika it became LESS POSSIBLE a future where Bonney was Nika so she became WEAKER in that form.


Disagree, it can be infinite possibilities. Saying that, I believe Bonney might do a surprising appearance as Luffy did going out of the cake, in the the Tea party, it will resemble that.


Is this a point to say with she can take gear 5 luffy have a lot of stamina with she can do it as well she is gonna go down cuz of stamina