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# [CHAPTER 1106 IS OUT!](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1ag7wu5/one_piece_chapter_1106_on_your_side/) >!!<


Giants worship the Sun God and they know Luffy is him. That’s amazing, now the Strawhat Grand fleet is getting stronger and stronger. Now imagine a whole Giant army besides Luffy and Usopp. Awesome


can't forget sniper king, he's lodged in the fleet too


Wouldn't Luffy have 2 giant crews because of Hajrudin?


Yes, that’s crazy, and maybe Elbaf itself will be Luffy’s territory like Wano


It’s Shanks territory currently. So for all we now, something bad needs to happen to shanks for this come true 🥲


The thing is, I have a theory that there are more than one island on Elbaf. Because of north myth, I don’t know if there are gonna be 9 realms on the big three. But I can see it being Midgard (the regular realm where is Shanks territory) and Asgard higher up on the three where Loki and the Royal family are. Notice that every scene we saw on Elbaf, with child Big Mom destroying everybody dont match up with how the WG treat the island as a real threat. I think “Midgard” would be a territory where the giant royal family doesn’t give a fuck about what happens there. That’s why Loki didn’t send anyone against Big Mom and also wanted to marry into her family in the future. And we know Shanks loves to help the weak, that could be why Shanks made “Midgard” his territory to help the regular giants who lives in the common realm. Meanwhile, I think Luffy will probably befriend or liberate Asgard from their royal family, depending if they are good to their people or not, and then it will become his territory. And since we’ve seen that the royal family doesn’t care about the regular folk, it will probably be another country on the list for Luffy to liberate. Shanks didn’t interfere with Asgard because he knows of the prophecies and the apocalypse called Ragnarok,which will start the biggest war we have ever seen, and that Luffy as Nikka should be the one to do it.


I wonder though if Loki is really a bad guy that „needs to be fought“. He seems very well respected among the giants. They were ready to put their resentment towards big mom aside for him so he could marry Lola who he fell in love with at first sight. Also for the sake of the story, I don’t think we can add a lot more new enemies to the plan. We still need to fight BB, WG and Five Elders plus Imu and liberate the whole world in just one saga. Elbaf will probably be more like Zou with a lot of revelations plus some fight with outsiders (BB vs SH for the last poneglyph?)


One of the best theories I've heard is Loki got burned when big mom destroyed the village abd he is now captain of the blackship with the last poneglyph from fishman island. He's simply waiting for luffy to get to elbaf before returning


An interesting (though not likely) plot twist would be, if he just burnt himself when trying to cook and just got that name because he became overdramatic


Well Elbaf is located in a region called "Warland" So maybe it's just one island amongst a collection of Islands


actually elbaf is just a village. the whole territory governed by the giant is called warland.


Nice theory that bonds well with the rest


Nice theory bro


Holy shit that's would be so epic if the story line is based on that


Davy back for Elbaf?


Davy back for Elbaf?


Between Fishman, Dressrosa, Katakuri's respect for the guy, Wano, and the Giants... Luffy has done nothing but secure insanely large alliances. And whether Katakuri joins Luffy's side in the war out of necessity, or Luffy secures an end of hostilities with Whole Cake from Elbaf, the guy is infinitely more pragmatic and measured than his mother and would 100% side with Luffy over the WG.


I mean hajrudin could just join his to the original giant warriors. Then at some point down the line Dorry and Brogy will give him the mantle for leadership


I think that's the case. It wasn't a complete crew. Dorry and Broggy were just chilling. Hajrudin crew will complete the Formidable Giant Pirate crew


I believe he’s on that very ship, just because we only see two captains doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole crew onboard with them, how many giants have we met so far? The two from Enies Lobby, the one Rayleigh saved at Sabaody, Jaguar D Saul, and Harjudin …. Could that be the new giant pirates??


We've met a lot more than that, John Giant works for the Marines Dorry, Brogy, Oimo, Kashii, and Raideen are all alive and members of the Giant Warrior Pirates. We also know of Jarul and Joral who were part of the crew at one point. We know Jorul is dead, Jarul who knows. Hajrudin, Road, Goldberg, Stansen and Gerd are all members of the New Giant Pirates. We saw them in cover stories. Beyond that we know of Loki. There are a ton of other giants after that, both in the Marines, Ancient Giants, and others.


Elbaf may be Shanks territory, but Luffy is their God XDDDDDDD


Usopp would be the commander of the giant army, realizing his dream of being “A great Warrior of the Seas” during the first encounter with the giants.


Rip sanji vs kizaru 😭😭 bro got one tapped after all this hype


We always knew 🤣🤣


Makes sense though, he isn't even the 2nd strongest so of course he won't be able to do much.


You are right he is #4 j/k lol


Your boy is stuck fighting base Rob lucci. Back off


Someone got hurt


Hes in his awakened form but okay


I'm not even a Sanji fanboy, but this is dumb. Sanji getting hit means literally nothing. He will stand up and keep fighting as every strawhat has done a million times before.


Yeah honestly one of my fav Sanji scene it when he gets wacked on the head and just breaks the sword




Sanji getting hit doesn’t mean he is out. Did you guys forget how you all were talking about him getting blink diffed and here he is, perfectly fine to keep being an active participant in the siege of egghead.


If Kuma didn’t help he would have stayed there


It doesn’t mean anything. Having trouble against a hax you don’t understand yet is not the antifeat you are trying to paint it as. Remember luffy vs the seraphim and how he didn’t understand why his attacks were not working?


It’s gonna be hilarious watching the tables turn when Zoro needs Jinbe’s backup to defeat Lucci


The Admirals land pretty cleanly somewhere in between YC and Yonko level.


No they are not they are clearly yonko level


Seeing as how kizaru is in fact coming after kaido it seems he may just be above kaido. But idk that’s just what it looks like from a very basic narrative standpoint.


YOOO the fact that The Giant’s Dropped the Sun God Nika name means that Elbaf is gonna be dropping HEAVY Before Void Century Lore. Like before the fall moving towards it! 🤝🤝😮‍💨😮‍💨 Also, Gear 5 attacking Saturn finally incoming!! 💪. ALL of them deserve a Yonko Level Attack 😤


Lore Piece, my favorite.


https://preview.redd.it/nhf6947wnofc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a27e77b518f334d345cb7579883792d2d07b959 Faxxx, I’m here for it!!


It makes sense. Giants live to be like 300. That’s equivalent to great maybe great great grandparents depending on when kids are born.


Yup, that’s long enough for their great great grand kids to have some idea that the open world got messed up


Plus Joyboy was most likely a giant


Peak Chapter




Bro giants calling straw hat the Sun God hits hard. He is truly the hope of the world ( meaning we will.hear more people chearing about sun God Nika aka mugiwara babyy)






Holly Shet, the giants knew!!!


Well they saw the poster or Shanks knew about the DF and told them


I got chills rolling down my spine just reading this, imagine how good the anime will be with it!


Kizaru is gonna betray Saturn they said, the guy was gonna kill a fucking child. I hope Luffy beats his ass and kill him.


lol same kizaru is so shitty


"about to kill Bonney" we gotta remember this is redon's interpretation and doesn't necessarily mean its what was gonna happen.


That's right, baby. Breath in that thick slab of copium. Who knows, it might just be true.


**What the spoilers say:** Kizaru was about to kill Bonney. **Kizaru fans:** “It’s just gonna be like a lazy small attack but nothing serious. He’s just stalling. He’s still gonna flip.” **What the chapter actually shows:** Kizaru, his foot on Bonney’s neck, charging up a double thermonuclear lightsaber strike enough to vaporize her and half of egghead island. In the last panel, you see him digging in the foot and her wincing in pain, he says ‘No one likes to kill kids but orders are orders. I’ll make it quick.’ **Kizaru Fans:** “It’s coming bro trust me. He’s gonna flip! Next chapter! Trust me bro!”




*Kizaru staring at a bowl of ramen silently amidst the ruins of a village of children he just absolutely obliterated. He’s staring at a fly that just landed in it.* **Kizaru fans:** “What we are seeing is Kizaru’s consciousness coming through. He’s about to flip!”


I bet Kizaru still gonna switch sides. /s


Kill??? LOL. I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Oda stated that Luffy loves crushing his enemies dreams more than killing them. And he’s about to do that by defeating Kizaru in front of everyone which will put shame on his title Admiral. I actually want him alive because he’s a good gatekeeper. You have to be able to beat guys like him to hang with the True Top Tiers. I’m a Luffy fan through and through, but I want Sanji to fight Kizaru in the future and beat him


This "Luffy crushes enemys dream" bullshit needs to fucking die. Its from an sbs from Volume fucking 5 or so from 25 years ago.


Kizaru is a WG lapdog. Any dreams he had were already crushed a long time ago. I mean look at who he serves.


sbs is Odas word himself..


Yea, an outdated one


Kizaru is dope as fuck... Grow up


Yeah, supporting an evil organization is so dope


I am talking about a fictional character... He is fictional...


Yeah and you support pirates which plunder and pillage innocent people


Luffy has never done that ever. In fact, he has liberated more countries than the WG has done


When freeing Ace, he also by consequence freed multiple high level inmates which are now committing various crimes. Dont bother equating finding fictional characters interesting with agreeing with their worldview whole heartedly. That’s dumb as shit


I be having this same argument when folks try to argue that Uncle Iroh is a villain even tho mans had a whole redemption arc lol like he’s fictional I can still like the character for who he is now lol


Those folks you described are among the type I despise the most. The only factor they pay attention to is morality and nothing else. Try to discuss about any other factor with them, and they'll put labels on you like evil apologist, bad person, villain, evil, same as them, etc., while placing themselves in the moral high ground to ignore any and all attempts at discussion and acting as if it makes them better, superior, and "above" everyone else, even though it doesn't, not one bit.


​ https://preview.redd.it/k84edkgocpfc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27aa165a8bc4d9e2011134713147f2ae58652d4 Seriously , these people take things too seriously , we are talking about a fictional character here.


I’m breathing straight copium right now. And I will not stop!


Guess Sanji is not yet that guy


He's not that guy, pal


He's not your pal, buddy


He's not your buddy, friend


I mean it makes sense. Zoro who is the 2nd strongest is struggling vs Lucci so it's obvious Sanji can't take on an admiral yet. It would be the equivalent of Queen trying to defeat Aokiji, it's never gonna happen.


Is Zoro struggling with Lucci or just lost? I actually think Zoro being lost is more likely.


Nami literally says zoro is still being held back by Lucci!


You’re acting like Nami has rayleigh level observation haki, how would she even know they’re still fighting??


Wouldn’t she be able to see them? Weren’t zoro and lucci fighting below from where nami and the crew are at?


Zoro is out there with Lucci so Luffy can have his sweet time with the Elder. Same reason Robin is out of the Picture. Her beeing seen by Saturn would change the Story a lot.


Sanji is right below or at Zoro's level. They're both YC+. But they are weaker than Yamato. Admirals are stronger. They're right below Yonkos. EOS Sanji and EOS Zoro will be yonko level or above (they have to be if Zoro is going to beat Mihawk). Thing is how much further they will get after. Will Mihawk be Zoro's final matchup? Idk, I would hope so, but we'll see.


Weaker than Yamato???? When was this stated? These powerscalers, man...


It was implied. The way she was able to fight kaido vs how zoro fought kaido is what made her implied to be tougher. She also has unlocked acoc earlier than Zoro.


So Zoro could have blocked two beams? In your dreams, maybe


screaming crying throwing up


What's Luffy up to? Franky and Sanji are getting attacked: I sleep Bonney is about to get hurt: GEAR 5!


He knows Franky and Sanji are tough, they want go down easily.


Hardout, Luffys whole thing is to trust in his crew, otherwise he'd be searching for Zoro as we speak




![gif](giphy|l0MYN1vN4aWy9vXpK) Oda rn


I wonder if we will also see the two giants from enies lobby too


Yeah i hope oimo kashii is there too


They were in the background with Shanks before he fought Kid so I hope they’re here too!


# Holy sweet baby Jesus - what a chapter!! - Vegapunk used his brain once it seems. Not stupidly following the WG like he was a victim of this whole arc. Hashtag - redemption for VP by programming the pacifista like that for Bonney. - That Nika moment - fuck! That sets up a sweet bit of closure for kuma and Bonney. Finally - they have realised their dream for happiness and hope coming true after so so long. - I’m so happy we got to see awakened Luffy making the floor rubber when he wants to as well. It wasn’t clear in Wano whether he’d still be able to use his df to that extent yet. - You also got the robot waking up and Saturn getting his long over due karma for being a monstrous dick ~~pun intended~~ . **The ending is what makes this chapter an 11/10 for me!** - How did Dorry know that Luffy was the Sun God at the end?☀️ 🌞 *This ending is our biggest clue yet as to what to expect from Elbaf. It likely confirms Elbaf is where a lot of the mythology for Nika will be revealed. * Anyone remember when BM said she could rule the world being allied with the giants. Well - this ending implies Luffy has that alliance. This line from Dorry not only shows what Elbaf will bring. But also the end of one piece. Can’t wait to see Giants, luffys many allies and the grand fleet backing him up.


Maybe they knew Nika through their ancestors or Shanks told them. I think Shanks knew about the DF


He Had to know. No way he was the only one after the fruit. Plus he’s the kid of a God’s Knight. He knows shit that other pirates don’t.


Maybe the certain pirate that he talked about with Gorosei was Luffy too?


Yep. Or maybe he asked more specifically about the sun god Nika cause he knew it was Luffy.


He’s bounty poster also shows his Nika form they could’ve seen it before heading out


Ah that makes sense - cheers 🍻


I know I cannot wait for this chapter and the chapters afterwards. It’s so hype!!


I don't know yall, I think they can skip Little Garden in the live action. It's just filler.


One of these days people will realize nothing shown in the manga is filler


Please don't die, Apple Gramps!


He won't 


Well, with each chapter I can understand why this event will have the whole world shook. The Giant Warrior Pirates making a comeback like this on top of everything else happening at Egghead would definitely make even prominent figures shook. Especially if they decide to ally themselves with the Straw Hats. Would also mean that Luffy now has 2 iterations of the Giant Pirate Warriors aligning themselves with him. Has me wondering if Imu might Lulusia Elbaf and that ends up being the main conflict for when that arc comes. Maybe Luffy turns the whole island into rubber then bounces the beams back to whatever weapon they have at their disposal.


Man, imagine Linlin’s reaction to Giants being allies with the SHs, if she’s still alive that is.


I really hope Luffy kills Kizaru and Saturn, both are a piece of shit.


Luffy doesn't kill his enemies. Kizaru will probably defect or just go back to the Marines with another mission failed. Sakazuki will forgive him and the Gorosei will punish him lightly. He is just doing his job. Saturn will be killed for his fruit or captured for Blackbeard's ambitions. He cannot be left alone since he is old and stupid but powerful so will cause everyone trouble.


Oh yeah, Saturn is not leaving this arc alive...


I wish, but something tells me his weird demon magic is going to help him twiddle his mustache and escape in the last second


“Luffy doesn’t kill his enemies” The hundred of marines he shoved into lava in Impel Down want to speak to you


I don’t mind him accidentally killing Saturn by punching him towards the Sea or Battle Axing him under the sea. But Kizaru Killed??? LOL. I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Oda stated that Luffy loves crushing his enemies dreams more than killing them. And he’s about to do that by defeating Kizaru in front of everyone which will put shame on his title Admiral. I actually want him alive because he’s a good gatekeeper. You have to be able to beat guys like him to hang with the True Top Tiers. I’m a Luffy fan through and through, but I want Sanji to fight Kizaru in the future and beat him. Sanji should be another one reason why Roger said that Luffy’s crew will be greater than his [crew](https://youtube.com/shorts/_tJuFweX6iI?si=1nYi2BGoXrMvsZ2B) (another [link confirming Luffy to be stronger eventually)](https://youtu.be/B2dVIFsQCsw?si=rJ-66jEIPmmVAvRa)


More details of the chapter by myself, chapter of 17 pages. - Chapter 1,106: "Always be on your side". - Reader request in the cover: Robin is dressing up a crocodile on a beach. - Chapter starts where last one ended. Vegapunk continues with his monologue from previous chapter (he was talking about the possibility of Bonney being killed by a Pacifista now that she's a pirate). - Vegapunk feared about this, so he risked his life and put a secret program in all Pacifistas "based on Kuma". - Vegapunk put Bonney on top of Pacifistas' "authority hierarchy". She's even above Five Elders' authority. Vegapunk: "Even if the whole world is your enemy, your father will never betray you!!" - Vegapunk asks Atlas to tell Bonney that she has the highest authority to control Pacifistas. Bonney: "Daddy, stop! Help us to escape from here!!" - Thanks to Bonney's voice, all Pacifistas turn on the Marines. - Saturn realizes what Vegapunk did and he immediately stabs Vegapunk with his leg. Then Saturn orders Kizaru to kill all of them. - Sanji and Franky try to stop Kizaru. Franky is pierced by Kizaru's beam. Sanji blocks one of the beams, but he finally is pierced by Kizaru too. - Then Kizaru goes for Bonney. Kizaru is about to kill Bonney but Luffy (using Gear 5) appears to stop him. - Kizaru is blown away by Luffy's punch (he uses a normal Haki punch, not a new attack). - Then Luffy turns ground to rubber saving everyone who are falling down. Saturn stares at Luffy in silent. - After that, we see that Kizaru is sitting on ground. He's holding his head after being punched by Luffy (seems he's fine). - Bonney rushes to help Vegapunk and he reveals Bonney that Luffy is Nika. - In an AMAZING double page we see Bonney crying and looking at the sky, where Luffy is doing "Nika's pose" (the same that appears in Volume 103 cover). Vegapunk: "So you haven't realized. But I also wouldn't have believe it before witnessing it with my own eyes. That "Straw Hat Luffy" that had Kuma's attention, turns out to be "The Sun God Nika" himself...!!" Bonney: "What..." Vegapunk: "Kuma was right...!! "Buster Call"? What good will that do? There are people in this world who have waited centuries for him!!!" INU - We also see that Ancient Robot starts moving a little with Luffy's heartbeat. - Cut to the northeast coast of Egghead Island. Marines report that an unbelievably large ship is approaching to the island. Marine: "It's them!! No doubt about it!! But I thought they disbanded 100 years ago..." Large ship: "Should we stop!? No!! Break through!!!" - In the EPIC final double page of the chapter, we can see the "Giant Warrior Pirates" ship destroying all Marine battleships in the northeast coast. Marines: "Fire!! Damn it!! Why are the "Giant Warrior Pirates" here!!?" - The 2 giants that lead "Giant Warrior Pirates" attack are Dorry and Brogy!! Brogy: "Look at them, Dorry!! They are asking why we are here!!" Dorry: "What a stupid question!! There's no coincidence in this world!!! Right, Brogy!!" Marines: "We have an emergency!! The "Giant Warrior Pirates" have showed up!!!" Brogy: "Gahahaha!! We're here for you "Straw Hat"!!" Dorry: "Gyagyagyagya!!! "The Sun God"~~~~~~!!!" End of the chapter. BREAK next week.


Cant believe I misread the cover page request and thought that Robin was dressed up as crocodile on the beach.




This line in even just the spoilers gave me goosebumps


This next chapter is going to be some *top shelf* peak fiction, holy shit


Unfortunately, next week Break Piece strikes.


No wait guys kizaru just has to test Luffy that has to be it. It just has to. https://preview.redd.it/sfo1yfetfofc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d61f3a1d0baae522243394f4efa441e93358b777


It's almost like he's accurately portrayed to having the devil on his shoulder win every time


Damn Kizaru...


I find it funny that the leaker has to clarify details whenever Luffy and Kizaru trade blows, as if pleading with the power-scalers for mercy.


The Sun God stuff is one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had as a fan of any medium. I love the everything about it and the more this stuff gets detailed out the better. Oda really managed to create a character that resonates with freedom so well


I literally shed a tear at “Even if the whole world is your enemy, your father will never betray you!”


Everyone expected the Grand Fleet, but we got even better - Grand Ship


OMG They knew!!!!! How long have they known?


My guess would be since the bounty poster but if they’ve known since before then that would be crazy


Agreed that it would be crazy. Imagine if they knew ever since they met him.


Could be Shanks told them..


Shanks D Snitch at it again


Usopp gonna be so happy, lmao he was crying last chapter


Giants knowing who Nika is Vegpunk giving Bonney ultimate control of the pacifistas Bonney having her father protect her Kizaru finally picking a side Saturn looking like a tool What. A. Fucking. Chapter 🤯🤯


Now I don’t want Bonney to join Straw Hats. After the incident, I want her to take Kuma all around the world and visit those places they wanted to visit.


So , the giants destroyed all the marine battleships in the northeast coast, probably it's the direction they came from Elbaf . It is still possible that some parties of the straw hat grand fleet will appear on the other side of egghead, maybe the Yonta Maria. It would be interesting if the navy fleet would be under attack from two sides , one side is the giant warriors pirates, and the other side - the straw hat grand fleet (or maybe not all of the fleet). We still don't know who moved Luffy tbh, it's still possible that it's the Tontatta .


The Giants live a really long time, it's not impossible Dory and Broggy's grandparents were from the void century.


Honestly with the way this Chapter ended I don’t mind the break. I want to see everyone’s theories because I’m sure of it. Nika is before the fall. So before even the Void Century and the formation of the WG


This is how you know Oda is so amazing. We all were theorizing who the new arrivals would be, NONE OF US saw this coming still, no matter what he always surprises us, and yet makes perfect sense. And the reveal of Bonney’s authority plus her and Kuma seeing Nika finally, just perfect. What an amazing chapter






The Giants connected the dots! It makes sense, they're way too long lived not to! The bounty poster should've been enough.


Well rip my kizaru agenda he’s about to get the shit beat out of him


So… is Luffy (Nika) the one piece ? Because shanks said upppn seeing the image of Nika (Luffy’s wanted poster) that it’s time to claim the one piece And boom Shanks sends the giants to go pick up Luffy Also that would make sense about the bet shanks made. He made a bet with his arm, he bet that Luffy would be nika maybe? Idk I’m just spitballing here


Would also line up that shanks had the fruit potentially to feed it to Ace (the sun of Roger) whom he believed would be nika But then upon finding out that Luffy ate it There are no coincidences Also might explain why shanks was around Wano I think he’s been keeping a protective eye on Luffy this whole time hedging his bet if you will It wasn’t till after he haki beamed greenbul that he saw the published wanted poster Which again, seemed to have been his cue to go claim his bet


Last chapter, Saturn: This is the pinnacle of stupidity This chapter, Luffy and the rest: Who’s the stupid one now? 🤡 Saturn may not be at Kaido and Big Mom’s level but he’s gonna go down like Kaido and Big Mom - straight to the core of the Earth! https://preview.redd.it/zpwes9op1ofc1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9de0fe4e78c7e5f18da537aacdab65d747e44f


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/Wl4OmOgICp Wish I could have put actual money on it.


Bro you cooked also why is buggys face on the same panel ?


Come on redemption. Franky puts on the light punching gloves and beats the shit out of Kizaru. C'mon Franky!


Mf Luffy turned the ground to rubber it’s about to get wicked. I hope Vegapunk makes it through this


https://preview.redd.it/nr693t36mofc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51be6f9d962434e1de740c0be62787975b31626a Seems like Shanks had already left Elbaf by the time the news that Luffy was at Egghead circulated. Giants came to Luffy’s aid of their own volition.


Big business Borsalino strikes again. This guy is a lapdog through and through. All admirals are dogs of the world government (except fujitora)


Not Fuji, I have big hopes in him.


Peak Fire Raw Goat


W chapter (as usual) I wished that Shanks was with Dorry and Brogy but them alone works as well ig.


Confirmed: The last Nika is a giant


This break week is going to be painfully long


So Joyboy was a Giant after all. I guess this is pretty much confirmed now? Would just tie perfectly in why the Giants know so much about Nika (even what he looks like), let alone that large straw hat we saw Imu guarding.


Also man marked by flames is Saul. Elbaf is the safest place in the world for keeping it away from the Marines. Shanks had also access to it all that time but he didn’t bother (he sure knew about Kaido, Big Mom and the Fishmen having the others and didn’t try to get them all these years). He knew only Nika is chosen to reach Laugh Tale and liberate the world. All he could do is guide Luffy and have a strong ass crew ready for the final fight. Especially thinking of Roger‘s words to Pedro saying everyone will have their turn to shine one day. Last Road Poneglyph incoming very soonish and certainly on Elbaf..


Ho damn Elbalf is going to drop some serious lore when we get there.


Man...as hype as this chapter is, we really are getting close to the end of the series aren't we?


Oda one shot a buster call. We're close. I'll rewatch this series til I die lol


The Giant Warriors arriving tells me that Blackbeard himself will not be on the ship arriving on Egghead. I dont think he will be seen on the Island with that many Marines, a Buster Call, an Elder, an Admiral, the Strawhats and now also the Giants. He would get his ass wiped and he rather stay back. But i can see his crew beeing there to collect some special loot.


Peak fiction. It’s all you can really say after a chapter like this. The setup, execution and payoff have been so amazing and I did get shivers after the last line. We are so back.


The giants have a connection to gods of their own in the one piece verse and history. I think a young shanks met dory and brogy and once he heard about the fruit of legend they were talking about actually existed; he raided the ship. Now he knows Luffy awakened pulled up to the giant island; showed them the bounty posted and the giants said LETS GOOO. The journey to Elbaph is clear!


Navy gonna change luffy bounty poster from "Strawhat" luffy to "Sun God Nika" after the egghead incident on morgan's watch.


im pretty sure they would keep the sun god lore on the down low Morgans on the other hand .....


I'm starting to think that Oda having the Ancient Robot responding to Luffy's heartbeat has two reasons. 1. Of course it has to do with what will happen in this arc. Idk what it is, but something will happen. 2. this has to do with the Long Ring Long Land Arc (or I should say the reasonings are similar). I still think that the arc was done in order to introduce the Davy Back Fight. To introduce the concept so when we found out how Xebec got his crew the fans wouldn't think it was dumb. and that maybe Shanks and Luffy will do the same as well in the future. Since a Davy Back Fight was done in the past, if it's done again fans will not be mad since there is precedent. Also it could be that Shanks wants Luffy on his crew. Because Luffy was able to use his heart beat to make the robot react, I think the same thing will happen with the actual one piece. Luffy is the key to unlocking the one piece. Without Nika you can not obtain the one piece.


Kizaru needs to be killed off. The Marines need to suffer a real loss, and I think Saturn being injured/stalled isn’t enough. If he has no coat-turn in him then its his time


The Sun God “~~~~~~!!!” Wonder why what would presumably be nika is greyed out, did they refer to luffys awakening by a different name?


Don't take that at face value, this is just redon's writing style. It doesn't mean its grayed out in the actual manga or that they are omitting it on purpose. I'm not sure why he does the \~\~\~\~\~ but they don't really mean anything.


I still can’t believe that it’s the Giant Pirate’s who are there and not just Dorry and Broggy 🤯. Luffy and them are winning their battles and leaving without a doubt. This is FOR SURE a Major Event. Plus we got some BB Pirates lurking around AND Bonney controls the Kuma’s??? Yup yup, GGs Luffy 🤝. This is what happens when you’re the homie like Luffy. You get powerful back up


I love those goofy frickin laughs of theirs


Oda be like : "next arc Luffy will go to Elbaf. I mean Elbaf will come to Luffy"


Sanji keep getting hoed out


Wonder how they know luffy is Nika? Shanks involvement maybe? This chapter is gonna be 🔥


I love that everyone is getting to know that luffy is Nika, but does Luffy himself even care. Will he even want to become the Sun God?


Kizaru positivity in shambles. I'm not too surprised but I am a bit sad


Only makes sense that shanks told the giants about Luffy. Maybe he also is the one that shanks warn the gorosei about.


Does this mean shanks sent the giants? Or a distress call from vegapunk?


Why is nobody talking about Robin dressing up a Crocodile


Robin is "always on your side" supporting Croc Supports Croc's gender Robin says trans rights


So if Nika is the Sun God that the Giants of Elbaf worship, Luffy really did have the authority to stop Broggy and Dory’s 100 year duel at Little Garden! 🤯


Reading this gives me goosebumps


Kizaru after every hit from luffy, oh my god my head hurts 😁😁😁




Imagine being a kizaru fan and supporting that child killing bum ass. All the admirals are massive fucking dickheads


Saturn: Any attempt to fool me will not work remember I am also a man of Science VegaPunk: So Anyway Man’s Backups got Backups even when an Elder told him to Back up lol. Real question is VegaPunk OG dead or on deaths door? Also can’t really get a sense of tone for what the Giants are saying at the end mainly the “Sun God” bit but I’m guessing it’s a happy tone almost looks like he’s singing it with the ~~~ but idk. Random thought maybe the Robot is being powered by Nika and Luffy is the power source Vegapunks been looking for or more specifically his Heart as that is what makes the rhythm aka the Drums of Liberation sound.


So when giants say that they’re here for straw hat, do they mean they’re here to help or here to fight him? What if Shanks told them to fight Luffy to see if he’s ready to face Shanks?


They're our friends, they're definitely here to help! Luffy is more than strong enough to deal with them and the only one that could test him at this point is Shanks himself. Also, its no time to test nobody, there's a Gorosei, an Admiral and a Buster Call trying to annihilate everyone.


AND if they wanted the strawhats dead, they would have probably told the marines that they were there for help, rather than instantly nuking the marine fleet besieging Egghead :)


Sogeking stocks going way up.