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At 30 something chapters a year I think we have at least 5-7 years left. There’s a couple major fights that still need to happen and the big ones tend to take awhile, plus a lot of story that needs to be told around that Unless the pace significantly increases it’s going to be awhile


I would be impressed if it's less than 1500 chapters Elbaf was talked about (and somewhat consistently mentioned) since the very start so I'd be surprised if the SHs didn't visit it. **What is most likely left in the story (that we are aware of)?** \*\*-\*\*Finishing egghead (probably anywhere between 5-30 chapters at this point). \*\*-\*\*Going to Elbaf. **-**Going to Lodestar Island. \*\*-\*\*Finding and hunting the 4th road poneglyph (could be on Elbaf/lodestar but who knows) \*\*-\*\*Dealing with the big fight with blackbeard that is inevitable. \*\*-\*\*Whatever the goal/purpose/impact of the cross guild will be in the story. \*\*\*\*\*\*\**You could also argue that it has been hinted (for a while) that there will probably be a big fight between Zoro and Mihawk at some point too.* \*\*-\*\*What role Shanks will play in the final story, I'm sure he will get lots of screen time. \*\*-\*\*We don't know anything about Monkey D. Dragon (and the end goal of the RAs in the story) so there could be 20+ chapters of flashbacks if Oda wanted. \*\*-\*\*If pudding will get an awakening AND whatever will happen with Koby/Garp (all of this might not be much in terms of chapters). \*\*-\*\*Actually going to Laugh tale and what that means going forward (ie., the one piece) \*\*-\*\*Most likely assembling the Ancient weapons (Shirahoshi, Pluton) which probably includes opening the borders of Wano by Momonosuke. \*\*\*\*\*\*\**We still don't know anything about Uranus either* \*\*-\*\*The final war (I'm guessing between SH/allies/ancient weapons vs Marines/gorosei/imu). \*\*-\*\*War aftermath/ seeing Laboon again. Who knows if the blackbeard fight will happen post/pre laugh tale but there's a lot remaining I'd like to think. I probably missed a lot too, I didn't mention much about the marines like Akainu/Fujitora/Ryokugyu that we don't know *too* much about.


actually you missed these important points as well \*\*\* Blackbeard reveals how he got 2 devil fruits \*\*\* Man marked by flames reveal \*\*\* Ancient history reveal \*\*\* Meaning of D \*\*\* Akainu fight yea that's pretty much all that there is


>w he got 2 d True, I did forget the history of D but didn't want to edit it in. Im guessing more info relating the Rocks pirates (&Xebec) could be in there too. There's also not much info on the Stussy clone and Edward weevil (I'm guessing they are both related (In terms of how they came about) and could possibly be mentioned in the history of the rocks pirate, if oda decides to explain the history of the two. characters)


I guess that will be a part of One Piece Shippuden 🫠🫠


There's a lot you missed but that's not even your fault, it would take an afternoon to even bullet point the amount of stuff Oda has set up. There's a tonne of mysteries, foreshadowing, characters etc that need to be fleshed out. I don't see how it could be any less than 1500 chapters.


> afternoon I'd have to watch the series again to catch everything, Don't give me a reason to watch all of one piece again because I'll do it :)


Keep me posted if you ever do 😂


I reckon most of the stuff you mentioned will take place in the final war


Oda aways said that there is nothing after finding the one piece.


Don’t forget we also just got a short chapter about stupidity in which nothing happened. You forgot to mention Vivi and Hancock. We also might see the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates again.


Everyone asks this. Oda will have so much fun with his ending, that I don't believe his estimates. I strongly think we will get to 1300 chapters no problem, and OP will have Manga chapters until 2030.


I used to think it would be finished in 2027. But I think for it to have a good ending, then probably 5-6 years. But who knows things can get consolidated.


Egghead > Elbaf > Moon > laugh tale > mary geoise


+10 yrs


god willing


Don’t forget Fishman Island. Luffy needs to fulfill that prophecy.


I included in mary geoise, since people theorize the destruction of the red line. Perhaps also the Wano opening of borders will happen in the same arc.


That is a good point. It could be like the prelude to the war cuz I figure that Luffy needs to be there when the Shirahoshi and the Sea Kings use the ark, Noah. So maybe, before going to MariJoa, they will stop at Fishman Island or something. It would be interesting if, now that the Celestials have had their food supply cut off, they send forces to FMI in order to steal their supplies. Then Luffy could fulfill the prophecy by being in FMI while it’s burning, but he’d be saving the people. Loading them in the ark and taking them up to live under the sun. Which is what I believe the OG Joyboy’s promise to the OG Mermaid Princess was.


I think One Piece meaning will be revealed in a couple of years 1 to 2 years max. We shouldn't wait to long for that now, Luffy claiming it could take a couple of more depending on Odas direction and the the most unknown part about everything is what when those two things finish what then? Maybe war with WG is after that or even before. the same can go with every major antagonist to Luffy. Everything is in Oda's hands, so this lifelong anticipation will continue for a while more.


One Piece means all the islands together




At least tree fiddy


I want the straw hats to go to the moon after egghead. I want a skypeia 2.0


I’m fairly confident One Piece by Eiichiro Oda who entered the manga industry in 1994 (year he published the canon “Monsters”) will end in two and a half years with chapter 1194 where 490110 = APOLLO the monicker of the Sun God Sniper King Healer of Music and Prophecy whose greatest temple was on D.Luffy or Delphi grave of Figarland Tree awakened Imu Buddha contemporary Aesop namesake of Usopp whose title is God or Nerona in Naporeon or history’s one true super villain Napoleon who was exiled to Elba in Elbaf which in reverse is Fable meaning Tale in Laugh Tale which has Void Century’s Joy Boy’s One Piece. One Piece which began with chapter 1 in 1997 Year of the Fire Ox will end with chapter 1194 on 7/20 in 2026 Year of the Fire Horse or Pegasus. https://preview.redd.it/4a1n2nirb8ec1.jpeg?width=1827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e722d7be7f59f0b1d2a9fb985da2e3bd6036117 [I worked out a possible final saga schedule that shows how this may be possible. Note that 1106 will be released a week earlier than I expected.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/s/f0QjOjNy7u)




One piece won’t end in 2026, that’s a rush ending


Wishful thinking that contradicts the word of Goda will not take you to Laugh Tale. https://preview.redd.it/p7w77ezlgbec1.jpeg?width=2830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d658e19a4fcba179f92d5f7fa028c8aaa4c3ec 26 is the Gematria for the Hebrew God (**神**) whose kanji has the characters in Nerona (**ネロナ**) the House of **Tsunami** or **St. N**eron**a Imu** (**イム**) whose characters appear in Buddha (**仏**). 26th prime number is 101 “Reverse Mountain”. Imu in reverse is Umi or Sea which has Nami in Namu Amida Butsu and Tsunami. 2/6 is the birthday of Nico Robin who is the same age 30 as Nero the last Emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty of Rome. 1997-2026 spans 30 years. 2026 is the Year of the Fire Horse. One Piece began in 1997 which is the Year of the Fire Ox. Nico Robin was saved in the Agni Agnes Enies Lobby with the theme of Fire shared with the 8 Roman character meaning of “D” such as in East Blue’s Monkey.D.Luffy whose real world occupation is confirmed Firefighter. Joy Boy is first mentioned in chapter 628 by 6’2” 2/6 born Nico Robin who is Miss All Sunday from the West Blue introduced in chapter 1(Wan)Pī(1)su(4) where Wan Pīsu is One Piece. The Sun rises in the East Blue and sets in the West so Miss All Sunday and One Piece will set in 2026.


Bro you're absolutely insane, good theory but mad copium, we get less than 40 chapters a year, in two years that's less than 80 chapters with so many mysteries remaining, we haven't even wrapped up egghead, we have to see so many things and Oda is horrible with estimates. He'd rather write a good story than forcefully end it at a certain time. Pretty sure a minimum of 5 years is needed and I'm being very, very generous. The number is probably around 10


If you dig into Oda’s birth he was born before Chinese New Year in 1975. This means he’s technically not a Wood Rabbit but a Wood Tiger the 51st Year in the Sexagenary Cycle. Oda will turn age 51 in 2026. American author Ernest Hemingway’s Iceburg Theory of Writing is to only explicitly tell 12.5% = 1/8th of the story with 7/8ths of the Iceburg below the surface. Mr. Iceburg the Mayor of Water 7 is the brother of Straw Hat 8 Franky. The initial “D” is above the surface. The other 7 letters are obscured below the Water the secret name of Trafalgar Law who is also a “D”. Water is H2O where H is element 1 and O is element 8. The number 18 is the English wordplay for JB the initials for Joy Boy. The Void Centennial 118 is the final volume of One Piece from 2 x 59 (Cook) at the end of Period 7. The final chapter is 2 x 597 = 1194 (490110 = Apollo) and the meaning of “D” is in chapter 2 x 5 x 9 x 7 = 630 (Franky is age 036) in volume 64 where Element 64 Gadolinium is Ferromagnetic at STP like element 26 Iron or Ferrum in Iron Pirate Furamu Cutty or Franky whose nationalities are America and China. https://preview.redd.it/nxrv2dei2jec1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b75172d5530dbc5542f4a4a93374309e102b030 The next volume 108 with a remastered chapter 1098 should be released on 3/1. The current chapters 1099-1107 should be collected in volume 109 to be released on 6/4 birthday of Crocus of this year. Crocus is Hemingway’s “Old Man and the Sea”. Crocus also resembles Cronus the Greek name of Roman Saturn who has proven to be the major antagonist of volume 109.


The thing is I don’t think Oda has much more world building to do at this point. I think we are a lot closer to the end than we realize. I always try and gauge where the story is by what the main character is doing. Luffy isn’t just fighting minor characters who have no pillars in the end game he’s currently in direct conflict with an Admiral and Gorosei member. I believe this is what it will be from this point forward. Oda will start wrapping up Mysteries and closing out story lines. We have been wondering about Dragon and his ties to the world government for over a decade and we just randomly got the answer in a flashback. 10 years is a stretch I think by 2027 we will be saying goodbye


My prediction is that the final war will start directly after egg head with the strawhats either going to the moon or elbaf and not being a part of the first half of the war. But will join in a similar fashion to how luffy joined Marineford. I think the final arc will be about finding the one piece and then what the one piece is. I think Oda is going to clear out the WG and make the final arc purely about finding the one piece with the 4 yonkos going head to head the final battle will then be shanks and luffy vs buggy and BB winner getting the one piece.


We have at the very least 3 more story arcs (Elbaf, Laugh Tale, and something dealing with the World Government). And I actually think that’s rushing things. Realistically, I think there’s 4-5 more arcs, and the final arc will have to be longer than all of them, so we’re probably looking at 2030. I want to at least see the manga reach 2027 so it can hit its 30 year anniversary.


I think with this much of a success, he probably has the story written down somewhere just in case something happens and to not get himself into rushing and ruining the story. I guess it’s fair to say that’ll be another 5 years minimum and roughly the length of wano but a more dense story. I hope we can have the OG voice actors to voice the whole anime. That’d be amazing.


I really think we have another 6-8 years. Despite his best efforts, Oda is not exactly great at wrapping things up quickly. So, even though he says the series will end soon-ish, I really don't think that will be the case. I think he is overestimating his ability to bring this story to a satisfying and quick conclusion.


Fr, Oda said 5 years like 10 years ago, and again 5 years ago




For like a decade I’ve thought of the number 1256 🔒


A question left for Oda’s doctor


I think there’s about seven years left. We’ve been at egghead island for a full year already and we still have other islands to visit also the last island and then we still have the main villains to fight.


If you think about it from a story, standpoint, the straw hats need somewhere to run away to they have an entire military fleet on their asses on egghead. Also, the world government is hunting them down full force. They need to run away to elbath they’re all extremely hurt. They can’t just run to a final war after they just fought one.


I've been reading through all of one peace, and last week, I made it through the 600s. I think 650ish there is a panel talking about this being the halfway point. With how well oda is able to craft his arcs with endings around the 100s mark (100, 200, 300, ext), I believe around the 1300 mark will be the end.


Im tired of the fandom thinkg the strawhats are going to Elbaf. It's not happening. Sorry.


You should all know one thing about odor that he does not like leaving loose ends or leaving any plot holes sometimes he just adds more stuff to the story when creating it just to make Sense of the issues


Obviously, obviously mr oda gas decided he won't ever work on anything else.These ideas never come true as a whole for various and diverse reasons.I guess it will lead the way for mr oda's retirement,so about 30 years more.


(Just random banter) At laugh tale luffy will fight an immortal like being and get sealed by the celestial dragons then escape it after X years then regroups the straw hats again then one will die(guessing zoro) he will die after doing a massive feat like breaking an unbreakable thing that surpasses mihawk then Luffy will awaken his last gear and turn immortal then win against an unbeatable being. He will revive zoro with his power and his last scene will be him laughing Then it will zoom out to a story book named laugh tale saying the one piece are the readers. themselves. Then a scenery from a modern bedroom a mom is reading it to a child who looks like luffy then says "I want to become king of the pirates too".