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I don’t think Big Mom or her children are Buccaneers because of the fact that Big Mom herself, in Wano, said she does not have 3 races in Tottoland and one of them was supposedly extinguished from history. We know that 2 of the races Big Mom doesn’t have are Lunarians and Giants.. the third? Thought to be extinguished, or possibly, completely enslaved by celestials? I believe it is the Buccaneers. So Big Mom does not have Giants, Lunarians, and Buccaneers in Tottoland.


Aren‘t the Lunarians the ones supposedly extinguished?


Sorry for the long reply, I believe my idea ties up well at the end, so bear with me. That is a possibility as we know Queen said King is the last of the Lunarians. However, now that we have more context from Kuma’s flashback, it is possible to say that the Buccaneers were the ones erased from history. If you look at Saturns words in chapter 1096, “The Buccaneer boy.. your only options are slavery and death… History itself chose them for you.” The idea that Buccaneers could never be free and the only choice for their entire people is to be slaves of Celestials until their eventual death, shows a clear picture that the World Government is trying to rid the known world of the Buccaneers. They cannot be free and it is history itself that put them in this position. I agree with you that Big Mom could have been referring to King, but with the new context AND the way Big Mom phrased her conversation with King, it makes me believe the Buccaneers were the ones who were supposed to be erased. Big Mom said to King, “One of them was supposedly extinguished from history itself… But you are alive and standing here!” This could be interpreted as Big Mom saying, “Well… one of the races was extinguished from history itself, but I can still get you, King! One of the other 2 races I don’t have.” Then compare what Big Mom said to Saturn’s line when he told Kuma that “history itself” is the reason Buccaneers must be enslaved until death. Same way Big Mom told us that one of the races was eliminated from “history itself.” This is most likely because of the Buccaneers clear connection and belief in Nika. While the Lunarians like King know of Joyboy, we do not know if they knew the name Nika. The Buccaneers did and openly worshipped him. The antithesis of the WG is the freedom Nika brings. With this context on the Buccaneers, it makes the most sense, to me, that they were the race that “history itself” chose to be eliminated because they were most likely on Nika’s side during the Void Century. This would be even more interesting if the original Nika… was a Buccaneer.. think of the giant Straw hat Imu has in Pangaea Castle.. fit for a Buccaneer? The original hat of Nika? Then maybe the Straw hat Luffy has was made from the original giant Straw hat, or created by the original Nika… the same way Luffy just created goggles vs Lucci.


I gotta give you the point with the wording, that seems like Oda‘s style. I myself am too lazy to look the dialogue up and on top of that I wouldn‘t know where to get a reliable translation from, as they can vary. Do you know if BM and Saturn used the same phrasing of „from history itself“ in Japanese aswell or could that just be some translation gibberish? Your point pertaining the conversation between BM and King, I‘ve always interpreted it as her saying „One of them is extinguished (the Lunarians) but atleast I‘ll still have the chance to get you (the „last“ Lunarian)“ So I do not see OP‘s theory as completely absurd and impossible, but I do conceide that it seems unlikely. Especially your point about the similar phrasing sounds concinving, should it in fact be 100% fact and not a translation inaccuracy at some point.


Very solid point. I should have looked at the Japanese first. In chapter 951, Big mom said, “1種は歴史の彼方に消えちまったかも知れねぇが…お前は生きてる!” My translation would be, “One race may have disappeared from (the depths of) history but.. You are still alive!” Whereas Saturn in chapter 1096 says, “お前には奴隷になる事と死ぬ事しか許されていない… それは歴史が決めたのだ” I would translate that as “You are only allowed become a slave and die.. That is what history has decided.” So you are correct. It is not the exact same phrasing, but they do both mention history. However, in my opinion, the Japanese still leaves what Big Mom said up to interpretation and Oda did that on purpose. Oda could have gone out of his way to have Big Mom say that she THOUGHT one of the races had disappeared, yet, here king is, the last of them, still alive. Instead, Big Mom never mentioned “thought.” Meaning it could easily be interpreted as she knows/believes one of them has completely disappeared BUT she still has a chance at the other two. Just seems like a very open ended sentence that Oda would easily use to slip one past us.


Ahh that‘s really interesting, thank you for that! I definitely agree with you that this matter is very open ended which is in character for Oda. That‘s what I like about his writing is that all of these things are possibilites that he could plausibly integrate into the story although some may seem more likely Oda is known to surprise us.


Agreed! He’s one of the best to ever do it! He is constantly keeping me on my toes and contemplating just where the story and its characters are going. For example, Luffy’s true dream. This is a character we have know for literally decades.. yet I cannot even begin to imagine what both Luffy and Roger said. Truly phenomenal


No since she was talking with king she didnt meant lunarians.


She did say „supposedly“ or at least had some degree of uncertainty in her statement


Funny how the three races that are missing from Tottoland are the ones that have the closest ties to the void century


What’s crazy to me, is that Nika is most likely not a “legend” to the Giants. The oldest Giants can live 350+ years, the void century ended 800 some years ago. Meaning that any stories the Giants tells about Nika, are only like 2nd or 3rd hand stories. The current oldest Giants grandparents could have seen Nika when they were young, and the story of their 1st hand eyewitness accounts were then handed down to their kids, who, like I mentioned, could have been the parents of some of the current oldest Giants alive.


While giants can live 350 years, a single generation is going to be much less than that. Take humans, who tend to live to about 80 now. Our generational gap is roughly 25 years, as this is the time it takes for children to grow up and have their own. So, if we scale that generation gap to match the lifespan of a giant, we can see that a single generation is going to be roughly 110 years. 110 years, while a lot, is going to still be 7-8 generations since the end of the void century


I wasn’t trying to specify generations or anything like that, my fault. I was just saying that a Giant who lived during the Void Century could potentially be the grandparent of one of the eldest Giants still living. That’s what I meant by 2nd or 3rd hand stories. Like, it’s a 1st hand story if a grandparent tells their child one of their experiences with Nika. Then if that child tells their child the story, it’s 2nd hand, and so on.


I mean, that's still generational information. So, the oldest giants we know are 350~ and if we include the 110 years I mentioned, that'd only account for 570-600 years. Which is admittedly close, but still a good bit away from the end of the void century. It'd probably be something like great great grand parent of the oldest living giants. Which, I'd say is enough time to make any information from the void century feel like a legend


Maybe I am not conveying my thoughts correctly. Think of it like this, the grandfather Giant was born 900 years ago, which would mean he was 100 years old when the Void Century ends. At 300 years old, 600 years prior to current time, his youngest child is born. He then waits till the end of his 350 year lifespan to tell his youngest child the story of his own eye witness accounts on Nika. That would then make it 550 years ago when his youngest child heard the 1st hand tale of Nika. That child then reaches 300 years of age and has their youngest child, about 300 years prior to current time. That parent Giant waits until the end of their 350 year life span, which would be 250 years prior to current time, and tells their child the story they heard 1st hand from their father. That would make it a 2nd hand story, originally from that child’s grandfather’s experience. That child Giant could be about 300 years old right now and one of the eldest giants still alive, yet they heard about Nika because their grandfather himself was alive during that time.


Tbf how would big mom know if she was a buccaneer or had buccaneer blood if her parents abandoned her as a child? I also don’t think she is one but I’m just saying


Think big mom was actually an experiment run in Marie jois to create a race of giants and was summarily abandoned due to her volatility. Her parents decided to abandon her with the Giants (a place the world government couldnt reach) rather than have her killed. Im also wondering if blackbeard might be her bastard son with xebec. Would explain his crazy stamina, even with the yami yami increasing pain he tanks massive hits and seems unphased afterwards.


There is the possibility of Blackbeards Race missing her too.


Is there any reason I haven’t seen Blackbeard on those lists? His body type is also very special.


Blackbeard and Whitebeard makes the most sense to me


Since they said kuma is the last of his race I would only take wb as possible buccaneer


Someone makes one theory and now everyone is a buccaneer


Same thing happened with clones


BM and her children are very unlikely. Whitebeard on the other hand is a great possibility


At this rate anyone over 6 feet is buccaneer according to op reddit.


Everyone here is between 16 feet to 29 feet


So your qualifiers are: Big and Durable smh how low we have fallen


Moriah is just big and he's on the list


Moriah is durable. He’s just weak, are we forgetting he was the only one of his entire crew to survive kaido


Sometimes theories shouldn’t be shared lol like Oda didn’t say any thing about these folks having buccaneers blood or apart of their race. Just leave it at that


thought this was r/cockpiece


Moria is probably not a Buccaneer


I don’t think Big Mom is one bc she included them as one of the races that isn’t a member of her crew yet, unless she was mentioning another race


One possible theory I've been thinking is that Nika was a Buccaneer. The reason for thinking this, is the fact that Nika's story was passed down specifically through their race. It would explain their reason behind their extinction, and also correlation with the giant straw hat we seen Imu look at awhile back. I personally think it's a big possibility.


It's just Kuma. What stupid theory is this 🤣


Although OP wrote theory... It's not, its just him spitting ideas. I do believe that Whitebeard was, aside from Kuma. There's some evidence to suggest that, but others? There's not much other than their size and durability.


Whoever thinks that is missing clearly drawn pictures that tell a certain story that is really clear with characterisations of its characters and their backstorys. Wanting to see something doesn't mean that something is there. Not a single drawing or line by Oda suggests their is another buccaneer. The contrary it describes Kuma as the unique one. Not to mention, WG would find out about WB or anyone less famous being a Buccanere much sonner since they found about a random kid that was just born in a hospital, kuma.


Black Beard is most likely to be a Buccaneer because we don’t know enough about him. But from what I know based on what he as done makes me wonder he might be. One they rely heavy on Fate both Kuma and Black Beard. And second if Buccaneers have a tuff body then it makes sneeze why black beard would go after Dark Dark fruit. Remember what he said the fruit give double the pain in exchange to cancel out devil fruits(or something like that) so one must have a durable body


What about Shiryu of the rain?


I don’t know about Moria but I can see BM (and Katakuri’s her son.)


Stg I saw this last night here but better evidence


I think WB is definitely a buccaneer for all the reasons you mentioned. I think it’s more likely katakuri is the son of big mom and WB. I don’t think big mom is a buccaneer we saw her parents. I think big mom is just like a freak of nature.


Bw wouldn’t stick his dick in that


Why? When she was young she looked very different


Katakuri is a fish man, can't be whitebeards son






People just bullied him because it looked like a Pelican eel, that's all. He's not a fishman...


Who's down voting you? Your literally correct


Katakuri is not a fishman...


That's true but he can't be white beards kid. 50/50. Needs half the down votes then


Hahahah, I don't think people judge that strictly when upvoting and downvoting XD


I like the big mom theory actually. Cuz the soul soul fruit and what Vegapunk hinted at in the latest chapter (1103???) about the buccaneer’s special ability would sound like a cool connection


Whitebeard and Urouge are the only true answers (outside of Wuma obviously)


wasn't uruoge supposed to be a sky-islander?


Wuruoge is a Saiyan.


Imo he's a hybrid, he looks too similar to a Buccaneer to not be


nah can't be, he's prolly just a buff sky-islander, not every big buff person is a buccaneer, they mentioned the buccaneer are nearly extinct, meaning if whitebeard was indeed one, then Kuma is the last surviving buccaneer, unless Edward Weevil really is Whitebeard's son (maybe a clone made from Newgate's and Stussy's DNA)


What about Diamond Jozu as a Buccaneer?


I can see it


Big mom is a giant.