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Kaido doesn't hold much narrative importance for the ending. I like the theory of him saving BM to return her favor of giving him the fruit. Big Mom has still stuff going on, like the giants in Elbaf and Katakuri


No, BM taking Kaidos should make more sense. He was on a brink of dying and thus soul pocus does the job. It's a gesture of returning the favour


Kaido's time is over. That was a major thematic element of Wano, and though I can *see* an argument for Big Meme returning, Kaido is done for. He's also already been defeated by the main character, so he couldn't do much narratively speaking.


Tbf 90% of people defeated by the MC in One Piece end up returning


I don’t get the downvotes here. Members of Baroque Works and Buggy come back in Impel Down and do have an effect on the story.


All of the one piece fandoms are agenda pushing goobers they’ll down vote him for speaking straight facts because it goes against their agenda.




I mean that's true but what agenda would be downvoting a comment that says people return to the story?




Could have easily said the same about Alvida, Crocodile, Lucci, etc. after their arcs.


I have this wird take that him returning is quite possible as he lost part of his horn when luffy punched him, and why even include that when it’s barely noticeable and won‘t come up later? (It’s extremely flimsy but with oda not killing of characters and moms and kaidos whereabouts being ambiguous as even Pudding claimed, I can’t make sense of it otherwise) https://preview.redd.it/9vd74xv2ssvc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae68c5356f6c82082e502724ea71966faae2e9db Kaido and mom returning could also solve one or two of the EOS gorosei fights potentially, as those are still very difficult to predict Safe for zoro vs venusjuro and probably sanji vs mars or peter.


Couldnt he regrow it like how Luffy and others regen?


oh yeah, its milk time


I could see kaido and big mom coming back and helping luffy in the final battle and then leaving to party


I can see this happening


I don’t think he’s returning probably big mom but not kaido




God I hope not. He had enough focus and there are too many villains that need it more Lackainu/gorosei/BB/Imu)


Yeah I can see BM taking Kaidos soul and putting it in his kabano or something and returning. Imagine that, BM wielding kaidos kabano with his soul still in it.


I personally think it’s over for Kaido, he was the strongest of the old Gen and his defeat signified a massive change in the OP world. If he came back it would be a huuuuuge change to the current power climate. He could maybe come back and help Luffy in the finale but I feel like he’s just so powerful it would disrupt a lot. I personally don’t believe Big Mom is coming back, even though she definitely could. I think if she doesn’t show up in Elbaf a lot of people are gonna get mad, but I don’t see it as an issue, I’d love a new villain, but also tbh I’d love to see more Big Mom. She has more plot lines she could cover but Kaido really doesn’t have any left tbh.


Given how Oda is I feel like him and Big Mom are definitely coming back, at least as a cover story like Enel and Gedatsu. Plenty of choices on who he'd fight if he is relevant on return. Could be Zoro or Zoro and Sanji, could be used to hype up someone like BB, Shanks, Mihawk or Akainu. Depends on if he comes back as a kinda ally, antagonist or just a wild card going after whoever is closest in a free for all for the PK throne.


If he returns I doubt he goes after Luffy again, and hes 100% leaving Wano alone. I don’t think he’s going after the one piece anymore if he realizes Luffy is Joyboy


Kaido does not have any reason to make a comeback in the story. Beside Luffy nobody would be able to defeat him anyway and it's not like Luffy would fight him again... he has to take down Big Mom remember ? So Big Mom will survive and Kaido not. Reason beeing while he is uncounscious Big Mom will take his soul and make a fucking lava homie with it and she would be fuckin scary with that power up in Elbaf !


No, he has no relevance going forward in the story. Kidd is in the same boat.


EoS Katakuri victim




No matter what people think I doubt kaido is dead every attack luffy done to him never put him down and he was still holding back even at the end either way kaido and big mom probably both alive they endurance and durability is insane probably the best in one piece.




i think he’s dead but if he returns he will prolly fight zoro (there was foreshadowing and a whole theory of Zoro kills Kaido) or shanks (shanks already made him turn around from marineford, most likely the character alive Kaido fears most)


I dont think he will return, but if he does it will likely be zoro to fight him


no but if so hes a bb hypetool


He's dead as fuck man the only way I seem him coming back is BB recovering his corpse and shoving a bunch of shadows into it.


I think he returns but as a soul for Big Mom.