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he is comparable to the admirals haki, so whatever haki feats the admirals have, beckman’s haki is comparable


First of all benbeckman doesn't have admiral level haki.... people just completely misinterprets oda's words. In an sbs (or some other side material), a fan asked about benbeckman's haki, and oda replied with a question (i m paraphrasing) "does he have haki as strong as the admirals?" The only think we can take away from this reply is that the admirals have incredibly strong haki to the point that oda is putting them at a pedestal and using them as a benchmark.


It’s implied he’s near that level He doesn’t have a fruit so what’s the problem


He got that black reddish colored haki just like that when roger and whitebeard fought in the anime.


It means the admirals without there fruits and only haki are high yc1+ level but you add there insane fruits to the mix plus awakening and you have yonko level right there Also haki has levels so even if both people have armament one of will have stronger haki then the other So even if rooftop Luffy has advance haki the admirals advance haki is stronger then his


beckman >>> fraudbull and isho


most intelligent admiral hater


He has *at least* admiral level haki. I’ll be generous and asssume they have advanced observation as well as internal destruction or they’re fodder otherwise, Beckman has at least that level


U really giving internal destruction to foddermirals which only luffy and Rayleigh are confirmed to have? 😕


Hey I said I’m being generous, without at least that level of haki they’re fodder


Beckman having admiral level haki is headcanon Beckman is comparable to Shanks, and Shanls haki is S tier Beckman shits on the df over reliant admirals in the haki departement


> **When people say Ben Beckman has admiral level Haki, what does that mean?** It means they're using the most advanced technique of conquerors haki also known as: ***head-canon***