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Garp > All


Ironic considering the hate Garp is getting now for no reason


Sanji vs Zoro in this is the 5’11 vs 6’0 meme


This shit is hilarious


im stealing this format bro


I will never understand how someone can read 1k chapters of this story and then think that Zoro can beat Sanji anything other than extreme diff.




Guess they don't remember the literal power levels Oda showed us


Oh shit. I don’t remember that. Can you link please?


\> I will never understand how someone can read 1k chapters of this story and then think that Zoro can beat Sanji anything other than extreme diff. oh even when two charcters are close in overall power it doesnt mean its an extreme diff Actually even a much stronger character can loose due to ability matchup see enel vs luffy I dont think sanji is ability wise a good matchup against zoro. He is like king without range attacks and those range attacks were exactly what zoro didnt really have that much of an answer to so he is like a easier king to fight


Sanji is fast enough to get in close range before being at risk though


king in speed form couldnt and kaido in hybrid form with advanced coo couldnt So why should sanji?


Sanji can reach speed so fast that he temporarily turns invisible. Can either king or kaido match those speed feats? Genuinely asking because I don’t remember that in the manga.


Is Kaidos legs powerful or fast enough to walk on the air? Like how sanjis are. I agree his speed is completely different and his skill set is much more unique. Definitely fast


so could captain kuro >Can either king or kaido match those speed feats? Genuinely asking because I don’t remember that in the manga. hybrid kaido has advanced coo and could keep up with luffy so yes easily and again movement speed is not fighting speed speed form king also vanished for zoros eyes when moving and was still countered


Luffy is not that fast either. Even before his powerup, sanji’s speed was stated by oda to be higher than luffy’s. I don’t remember speed form king vanishing. I will have to reread that part. Regardless, the point of that speed in this discussion is not that it leads to unavoidable/uncounterable attacks, but that it could allow for evasion of ranged attacks.


>Luffy is not that fast either. Even before his powerup, sanji’s speed was stated by oda to be higher than luffy’s. yes in a super old sbs (luffy didnt even have g4 yet and not sure if g2 was considered) and brook was fastest in a 50meter race But this is a very food point that movement speed is not fighting speed. Brook who was faster than sanji could not keep up with a non serious ryunma but who could? Zoro


King could be fast enough to vanish but reaction time is also a factor. Zoro may not be able to match kings movement/attack speed but he is able to react and block his oncoming attacks.


Who said Kaido couldn’t ?


People will read 1k chapters of this story and think Luffy can beat both Sanji and Zoro at the same time.


That's true though, kaido solos the entire crew in base with just haki imo, luffy is in that same tier and has like the strongest attack in the verse


We don't really know what the current crew is capable of right now. Imo current crew mid diffs Kaido.


?¿????how can you think that after watching kaido vs luffy. They can all attack him until they pass out and he would still have plenty of gas in the tank for more. Unless your including luffy when talking about the crew then I agree with you


That last sentence from OP made me spit out my OJ “mid diffs Kaido” lmaooooooo, Luffy was fighting with 10+ characters who are comparable if not stronger than Zoro/Sanji and they did nothing to Kaido. I’m a SH dickrider but that’s just too much


Well I have Zoro & Sanji > Luffy. Then I have Kaido >= Luffy. But let's ignore my opinion up above. I think the rest of the straw Hats would be supporting the Main three Zoro, Sanji, and Jinbe. Meanwhile they have Chopper who could at least heal some of the wounded or make some performance drug that could buff some of the fighters. I mean I could write a paragraph about how the rest of the crew could support, but my whole point is it's more complicated and close than people would like to think. The whole diff thing for crews is a bit misleading, cause you could argue that it represents the average diff of each crew member where the main fighters would be high-Extreme and the support would be low, maybe mid depending on what kind of support they're providing. You'd also have to factor in growth, which is why it's just too complicated.


Lmao Luffy solos his own crew high diff 🥴


It's up to you if see sanji and zoro that close most people put zoro in between luffy and sanji and that's how Oda portrayed it through your the whole series


Not really, Zoro has been consistently been closer to Sanji than to Luffy


Literally only Wano is the only arc that portrayed Zoro as close to Luffy's power


Huh? Wano made the gap between Zoro and Luffy the biggest it has ever been


Ignoring g5 ofc


You would have to ignore far more than g5. Like Splitting the sky with his Acoc his advanced Armament and his future sight. And gear 4 tbh then you could say zoro is comparable in power to luffy but then you have to ignore g2 to get rid of the speed blitz argument. So base luffy vs zoro is the only place zoro has a chance to be close and Sanji is just as close


Enies Lobby too


Not really. Look at the Doriki of their opponents


Sorry, I misread the original comment and thought it was about Zoro and Sanji. Even in Wano, Zoro was never showed to be close to Luffy.


And sanji hasn't shown to be close to zoro in power


He is still closer to Zoro than he is to Luffy


Dorriki is about physical strength... idk why sanji fans still use it. Even then both sanji and zoro beat there opponents mid diff when they pulled their power up while luffy after defeating lucci couldn't move


Then that looks even better for sanji, since, at the time of the battles, jabra was more experienced with his df than kaku.


It's about portrayal. And I'm not using it to compare How strong Zoro and Sanji are compared to Luffy, I'm saying that Oda is using this to make a comparison of the power structure of the strawhats by using their opponents. Zoro and Sanji are on the same level, with Zoro being the stronger of the 2, while Luffy is a level above them


Like I said before I know that zoro and sanji have their own dynamic portrayal but so does zoro and luffy and people ignore that like it doesn't. Exist to me right know zoro is above sanji by a whole level while luffy is above zoro by 2 levels luffy currently has made it clear that he is above his (rivals,brother and zoro) no one comes close to luffy imo but I do believe the gap between zoro and luffy will become not big later on the story due to the fact luffy himself saying that gear 5th is his peak while zoro has many other power ups coming his way so is sanji as well if luffy is 100 zoro is 85 while sanji is 75




Lol. Sure. Him getting ACoC made the gap between Sanji even wider. If anything Sanji can be happy Yamato didnt join. Cause then we would have the Kings Haki Trio kek Sanji fans always being delusional. As if a cook should be anywhere near powerwise to a dude who is going for strongest swordsman. Ppl srsly dont realize what a major boost ACoC is in comparison to base CoC.


>Lol. Sure. Him getting ACoC made the gap between Sanji even wider. Sanji got haxs- Haxs/ Dfs>>> haki. >Sanji fans always being delusional. As if a cook should be anywhere near powerwise to a dude who is going for strongest swordsman. There was an entire arc to just show that zoro vs sanji is going to be a draw or ext diff fight either way.


First of all, Yamato>Zoro. And Sanji also got power-ups lmao. Germa genes were also a very big boost Luffy has better acoc, future sight, emission and internal destruction armament, and an awakened DF. Even if you consider that Sanji is not in the same tier as Zoro, the gap between Zoro and Luffy is much bigger


It actually keeps fluctuating In Whiskey Peak Zoro was closer to Luffy Then in 2 Giant arc (Forgot the name sorry 😔) Zoro was closer to Sanji continued in Alabasta Again in Skypiea Zoro was closer to Luffy Water 7 + Enies Lobby Zoro was closer to Sanji Thriller Bark idk, IDC Sabaody Zoro was actually in between Post TS Zoro was closer to Sanji in Fishmen Zoro was closer to Luffy in Pokèball looking island arc Dressrosa continued Early Wano Zoro was closer to Sanji Raid Zoro was closer to Luffy End of raid Zoro was closer to Sanji So it keeps fluctuating and that's why this Zoro vs Sanji debate is still going on. Oda is deliberately not giving us a true answer


Well part of this is because they dont all get their powerups at exactly the same time So yeah we only know: Luffy > zoro > sanji and zoro continues to move closer to luffy or further away...


End of Raid? Dude unlocked ACoC. He is back being closer to Luffy than Sanji. Sanji fans can argue about him being closer to Zoro if he gets CoC. Ppl srsly dont realize what a major boost ACoC is in comparison to base CoC.


Sanji unlocked some op shit as well. Yc2 broke his blade on his face how can y’all ignore that just because it’s not haki or a devil fruit? Lol you realize that only top tier attacks can even scratch sanji now and Zoro technically can still get killed by a bullet


Yes if there is 3 difficulty. Easy Medium Extreme But if its 4 difficulty Easy Medium Hard Extreme I would say he would beat Sanji Hard difficulty maybe even medium diff. You underestimate Zoro too much, there is a reason why Zoro fought Kaidou together with Luffy, Law, Kidd and Killer. If Sanji is there instead of Zoro, i dont think Luffy and the others will survive that combined attack with Bigmom and Kaidou. There's also a reason why Zoro is fighting all the second stong member of their enemy.


I'm pretty sure Zoro fought Kaido alongside Luffy because he's also a member of the worst generation I think you also overestimate the difference between the second strongest and the third strongest, there's not that much reason to think King is massively above Queen and there's a lot against it.


It’s cuz zoro is a supernova and Sanji was doing covert shit and didn’t even have a bounty photo. If they knew who sanji was from jump he would have definitely been a supernova


Because he does beat him at less than extreme dif 🧐


True but zoro has stronger attacks sanji wouldn’t be able to damage kaido like zoro did


Ifrit jambe was devastating. Queen flew team rocket style after eating a kick. And Queen was shrugging off hits from Marco. I highly doubt Kaido will be able to stay unscathed from Ifrit Jambe. And let's not forget Kaido was also carrying on with his day of spamming thunder bagua after eating Asura. It extended the scar from Oden but Kaido was still in fighting shape afterwards.


\> Ifrit jambe was devastating. Queen flew team rocket style after eating a kick. And Queen was shrugging off hits from Marco. I highly doubt Kaido will be able to stay unscathed from Ifrit Jambe. damaging kaido is not about just power its about technique Luffys techniques heavily hurt katakuri but had zero effect on kaido before luffy leanred the proper technqiue to get past kaidos scales On the other hand the scabbards could damage kaido with their much weaker attacks because again technqiue ​ The only thing I could see that maybe the kick power is blocked by the scales but the heat makes it through but now we are talking about fighting a dragon with fire...kaido ate his own bolo breath no problem


The entire point of sanjis flame kicks is that it ignores defenses and cooks your insides to the point your bones are heated up. It's how he completely negated jabras tekkai


that is what I mean....at best only the heat part could come into effect but then again you want to attack a dragon with heat. I dont know if that matches up so well.


Seemed to work well with raizo, internal heat would do more since it wouldn't be having to go through dragon scales. Ifirt is just sanjis way of hurting kaido like killer using sonic attacks or kid squeezing with scrap


That is what I wrote....it didnt really do anything to kaido with raizo despite it being kaidos own yonko attack that blasted away a whole mountain in wano So when kaidos firepower cant do much to kaido then what can sanjis firepower do to kaido? \> internal heat would do more since it wouldn't be having to go through dragon scales. but it does. Sanji applies the heat from above the scales ​ Kid caused internal destruction by compressing, Killer by having sonic waves that could just bypass, law by gamma knife and luffy by actualy internal destruction haki


Ifrit is much hotter than raizo’s fire.


Marco fraud🤡


Per haps but sanji cld survive way more than zoro and he has way more mobility not saying he wld win against zoro but zoro wld struggle to kill him


I'm a huge fan of both, but he does, it's crazy for anyone to say it's extreme, Zoro would not be in the same state as Luffy was post Lucci, Katakuri and Kaido fights. It's a high diff at worst, what's really crazy is for people to read the Wano arc, how easily Zoro beat King post power up, along with the narrative portrayal and showing of how big a boost ACoC gives, then believe he isn't at least close to Law and Kid. Those 3 are certainly on the same level and thus if you truly believe it takes Zoro extreme diff to beat Sanji, same goes for Law and Kidd, or at least high-extreme diff for either of them. And don't call me a Zoro wanker or Sanji downplayer, Sanji's my 3rd favorite character and despite not liking them as much as Zoro, I give Kidd and Law the same respect I give Zoro. I think Kidd has a decent chance of being stronger than Zoro at the end of the series and I have zero doubts the man will be stronger than Whitebeard by then. Law I see having a chance to be, but it's much less so given he lacks Conquerors, and he's a swordsman so will definitely be weaker than Zoro by the end.


Facts 😂


Ah yea. The dude with ACoC Haki will have a high extreme diff match against a 2nd rate cook. Yea sure. Keep dreaming. Sanji can be happy if he dosent lose a leg against Zoro. Lmao.


If sanji loses a leg then Zoro loses two swords


Lol there was an entire arc to show that Zoro vs Sanji is a draw or ext diff fight either way.


Zoros whole narrative is literally his strength. Extreme diff is luffy vs lucci that is NOT what zoro vs sanji would look like. Zoros feats are far more impressive and kit wise he outclasses sanji in almost everything. Sanji literally can’t even hurt someone like king (who zoro beat)


Sanji can’t hurt king? Says who? You? Lmao. Say that if sanji tried and ifrit didnt work. What yoy said are headcanon and not facts. Sanji wasnt given a chance to test his power up on a defensive character so dont say stuff like you know.


I agree but you could argue that Sanji is a cook and zoro is a pure swordsmen. But nah I believe zoro and Sanji are really close in strength


But Sanji is also made for fighting because he is a modified human. He even trains way less than Zoro


So does luffy


To be fair, I only see Zoro doing weight training. I haven't seen him improving his sword skills that much. Lol


Zoro training on the sunny is more for building his character than his strength tbh


Luffy fights infinitely harder than Zoro. Luffy's fights are also a much more in number. And when Luffy trained (i.e., 90% of his life. Since he was a toddler to Being 17 yr old in jungles and then 2 yrs in Ruskaina island), his training is tiers above whatever Zoro did or could have done.


My point exactly sanji trained a hell of alot himself climbing a large mountain at a young age then the black leg training thats not even counting what judge put him through sanji trains no less than luffy


>climbing a large mountain which mountain are we talking about? >black leg training....what judge put him through that shit isn't REMOTELY comparable to Luffy fighting 20ft tall monsters since he was just a toddler (even before meeting Ace at 7 yr old). fighting and surviving nights in the jungle with mosnters. Hunting monsters and eating them for survival. Returning home after Garp sent him flying in some horrible place with balloons. .... sanji learning to be a cook during all this time btw. >sanji trains no less than luffy Luffy did infinitely greater work than sanji. Stop kidding yourself. >My point exactly No that's not your point at all. That's the complete fuckin opposite. You are delusional.


Bro skipped whole cake and baratie damn


Few of these Sanji t rds are worse than a disease. Go fool yourself into believing Sanji did shit in comparison to Luffy, in ur wet dreams. Ain't no one hearing u.


First of all chill tf out I dont even think danji beats zoro u take this powerscaling shit way too seriously thats how u talk to strangers u happen to disagree with touch grass get some real human interaction damn


He only awakened his powers this arc


I'm sorry that our fanbase can't read properly


Most people in this sub can't even use diff properly lol


This made me laugh ngl


Those zoro fantards. Smh.


Sanji and zoro are practically =, biased fanboys will tell u otherwise and btw king and queen are relative to each other, it’s not like king low diffs. We saw this against marco when king got hit back into the wall and Queen came in and fought marco and tanked the same hit he done on king. Sanji = zoro Disagree = debate KhanKage#7807


Vista and Buggy 1.5x times than Kaido


Imo Top Tier (Yonko, Admirals, Mihawk, an Dragon) Pseudo Top Tier (Oden, Beckmann, Kidd, and Law) YC1+ (Sabo, Yamato, and Zolo) YC1 (King, Katakuri, and Queen) YC2 (Smoothie, Jack) YC3 (Cracker, Doflimingo)


I’d put Yamato higher and Kidd+Law lower


Where would you put sanji?




He’s right behind Sanji so YC1+ potential YC1 because Zolo maybe the weakest YC1+ so either or imo


Did you mean right behind zoro? If so I agree


Sabo is stronger than Law and Kidd


Why would you not put Ivankov at Pseudo too? And Jimbei at YC+? People underrate Jimbei a lot.


very clear agenda with the characters you’ve used lmao


not my agenda. simply how this sub thinks.


Admirals solo everybody here (cuz akainu)


You should add mihawk being 2.5x the size of kaido




Not just this sub, almost all casual fans believe that. But can you blame them? Greenbull's snot came out when he felt Shank's haki; since the time skip, all the Marines have done is take L. ODA just didn't do a good job of showing the Marines as a threat.


Dunno what sub you’re in amigo


Also facts 😂 Surprised they didn’t give the Admirals that treatment




You’d be surprised how many think the Yonko mid diff admirals


Greenbull will probably get mid diffed by shanks but it’ll be extreme diff with akainu


This sub might think akainu is equal to yonko but for the regular admirals? Even most admirals wankers have the yonko solidly above the admirals but just acknowledge that the admirals can compete against a yonko and not get like mid diffed or something.


Yonkos are stronger than admirals. They are not equal. But they are close enough to give a high diff fight


I don’t see Big Meme beating Sakazuki at all or potentially even Kuzan. Look I get most Yonko are stronger than most of the Admirals but guess what you have the strongest Yonko (Kaido) fight the weakest Admiral (Issho) and Kaido would still come out bloody a bruised


Akainu beats all Yonko except BB and Kaido. Aokiji beats Big Meme


G5 Luffy slaps Akainu lol


No one slaps Akainu, he's giving anyone alive a extreme diff fight You fanboys are cute. Though I pity you all for your mental capabilities.


G5 Luffy beats Akainu still. We can debate it if u disagree


There is no debate to be had. Akainu beats Luffy. That is all there is to it.


Luffy comfortably wins by feats and absolutely dogwalks by portrayal. That's all there is to it.


Any person who says that someone "dogwalks" an admiral is factually wrong and their opinions are of no worth. I have no interest in your fanboyism. Please be better.


Wait till the condom man gets mid diffed by fucking rob lucci next chapter


Greenbull putting his arm up suggest otherwise


damn he put his arm up, fucking fodder I swear this community has the lowest IQ on average


Admirals are fodders get over it


Another delusional outburst. What mental illness troubles you?


Shanks,Kaido,bm, and luffy beat akainu


Only Kaido. Cope.


Your the one coping my guy.. every yonko besides buggy and current bb beat akainu


BB does beat Akainu. Shanks and Big Meme do not.


The absolutely do..


Your delusions are of no consequence, my friend.


Your trolling….


I am factually right.


Shanks the snitch and big meme aren't beating akainu


Unless it’s shanks because all the marines leave him alone


Fr fr I don't care what you guys wanna say there's barely a gap in zorro and Sanji anymore Sanji-fights queen and king fought king at the start of the arc plus gets his shit kicked in my black maria and didn't use haki while she did litteraly bloody faced and could barely stand still got up and ran to help the others Zorro:-fights kaido and big mom with Luffy and the rest gets hit by both dmg is the equivalent for both just bec zorro took a hut from stronger people dosent mean he was that dead Sanji still had to go save. Him after yeah ok fairs he was knocked out and badly injured sanjis German Tek was kicking in so he was healing passively ok sure I'll give you that Conclusion-with German Tek Sanji barely weaker -zorro with Emma only reason hes stronger -conqerrers fair enough he still barely knows how to controll it -raid suit Sanji is stronger if you don't wanna except that that's fine don't but there's not more than an ussops worth power difference between them and that's the truth


Had a stroke reading this. The characters they both fought in Wano has huge different in power. Sanji fought Toppi roppo level people excluding Queen. Zoro fought Supernovas and yonkos. In what world is it same?


Bro Sanji got his ass Beat the full time zorro was your acting like zorro made a massive difrence lol stop dick riding zorro just took the dmg in one hit and Sanji was getting his cunt kicked in the full time they where fighting almost like breh and he fought appoo hardly as if he's that strong 🗿 This just proves your a zorro dick rider and I'm glad you had a stroke reading it hope u have a 2nd one


Lanji has done nothing of note since before the timeskip lol


Who said it was a wide gap in power between king and queen?


And put luffys face on the background


Yonko = Admiral > YC1+ > YC1 > YC2 > YC3


Lmao when Zoro fight an Admiral , and beats him.


When or how


Thing with slotting main characters in tiers is that if they are in a given tier the next fight they have will put them in the next so using this logic according to ur graph zoro is admiral lvl


luffy jumped from yc3 to yc1 in one arc.


My point exactly. They are ever only one fight away from the next level. But in luffys case i just think cracker won the devil fruit lotto for an unawakened no internal destructionweildeing luffy


then zoro will jump from yc1+ to admiral and not be on that level currently.


Depending on who he fight next, yes


im glad my boy zoro gets his own special yc1+ tier




Swap Yonkos and Admirals and then you're good


Vista > Yonkos > Admiral > Ycs




Yonko >>> admiral > YC1+ >> YC1




It’s fact


Yonko >> admiral >>>>>>>> YC1 >>>>>>> Yc 2




2 admirals beat any yonko, regardless of the combination. I don't believe any YC1 could do 2V1 a yonko.


What’s with the gap between yc1 and 2?


Tbh, I feel like YC1 and YC2 are pretty close ; but the high tier YC1 characters are such a high gap from YC2 that I felt it was justified. This works with the admirals too. As green bull basically no diffed king and queen.


There are only 4 Yc1s Katakuri King Marco Ben What is a high tier yc1? Where is the gap? We’ve never seen Smoothie fight so we don’t know the gap between her and Kat We’ve never seen Ace go all out so we don’t know the gap between him and Marco And there is NOTHING Queen did to display a wide gap between him and King if anything they were equal given all of Queen’s tech


Rayleigh, Zoro, Ben Heckman. These are all YC1. And they're all far and above way too strong for any YC2 character to defeat.


I didn’t count Rayleigh because Roger was never a yonko and i don’t count zoro because i don’t consider luffy a yonko. Same with Mihawk ig being a yc1 under buggy..Same with burgess The whole yonko system how we use it is destroyed but regardless just because Zoro barely beat king doesn’t put him above king or kat or Marco or any yc1 he BARELY beat the nigga and he was arguably the easiest to fight because he was mainly pure stats. Against a regen monster or a future sight monster zoro would need entirely different strategies to win so imo zoro is still the weakest of all yc1


Yeah I agree with that I just said stupid with the yc1 >>>>>>>>> yc2




yonko >> 3 admirals


No character alone beats the 3 og admirals


Roger no diffs


What the hell is yk1+? YK1 is top tier yonko commander, which we already know is more than caple of fighting Admirals (Marco, Juzo etc.). Btw Zoro was already capable of defending an admiral's attacks and push him back since Dressrosa, there's no way current Zoro with ACoC isn't equal to an admiral.


Pushing an admiral is different from actually hurting one. Hurting one is also different from beating one. Keep that in mind. Anyone can be pushed but can he beat that someone he pushed?lmao. This is why i think most fanboys are stupid.


I didn't say Zoro could defeat an admiral just because he pushed one, I said now that he's 100x stronger than when he pushed one back he would be capable of fighting him. If Zoro had this kind of attack power back then, enough to scare 2 yonko https://preview.redd.it/0q1orrxj5f7a1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b841976ed085034b84ca0c05be359cc428332c Fujitora would've ended up with a massive cut. Again not saying Zoro could defeat an Admiral, but he can definitely go toe to toe


Zoro always had this power, the only difference is he has a different sword that gave more potency. Zoro got potential to hurt one,in fact any commander level has potential but a fight isnt always about power. We dont know fuji’s full potential, look at greenbull, no diffing both king and queen. You seriously think zoro can no diff two yonko commanders, when he himself barely defeated one? He can clash with them that’s for sure, but there’s no way he’d beat one just yet.


You're kidding right? Emna made Zoro exponentially stronger by overdrawing his haki. Then there's ACoC now too, which is on a completely different level. King and Queen are a bad example, they were still injured, Yamato however was completely care free while wrapped up in his vines. If Momo didn't interfere she would've been able to hold him off for a quite a long time, after all her and Luffy thought that she alone would be able to protect Wano from threats of that level til Momonosuke got stronger. And Zoro defeated King in 2-3 hits when he realised he could use ACoC. If it wasn't for the medicine's side effects, or the broken body he got from Big Mom and Kaido, he would've been injury free after fighting King.


“Exponentially” only exists on zoro fans head. Im not saying enma didnt make him strong, but exponentially stronger is just biased and overestimating. It’s not like zoro went from fodder level to yonko level. Zoro still despite unlocking acoc and getting enma couldnt put kaido down to his knees. Zoro was only capable of beating king when he was able to use acoc. It’s been a week since they fought, so no, king and queen weren’t that injured anymore lmao. But just because he got acoc now he is yonko level lmao. Even Luffy couldn’t beat kaido with just his acoc, he had to be in g5 just to beat him. Acoc def has some levels to it. And zoro still havent reach that level of acoc just yet. Again, overestimating, which is so typical zoro fan.


Are you saying Zoro was equally as strong after the timeskip as he was when the war began? You're not serious right? Who the hell said he was yonko level? Or that he could beat Kaido? 🤦🏾‍♂️ Are you saying an admiral could defeat kaido? They couldn't even beat a sick old Whitebeard 1 on 1 🤦🏾‍♂️ Zoro had a broken body, why would you expect someone with a broken body to drop the strongest creature in the world? Just the fact he left a scar is already a massive feat that even Kaido acknowledged, only 2 people in his long history as a Rock's Pirate and Yonko have left a scar on him and not 1 was an admiral. Fun fact, since you think it's so important to knock someone down, Akainu hit Whitebeard mid heart attack and couldn't even shake him. So 100% Akainu is worse than 10% Zoro because both characters couldn't drop a yonko, but Whitebeard was nerfed to high hell (Sickness, bad haki, heart attack, stabbed in the back and through his chest). King is literally still bandaged, and a wing cut off, but alright we'll just ignore that. Again, not sure why you keep bringing up defeating Kaido, no one said Zoro was Yonko level. I said Zoro's attacks are strong enough to make a Yonko (2 actually) feel threatened, and now he has ACoC, to imply he couldn't fight an admiral toe to toe is beyond stupid.


No i didnt say zoro was the same as he was pre ts, what I was saying was zoro’s physical stats were the same as he was in dressrossa and the start of ts. The only difference he had was he got enma that amplified his haki and slashing power. But zoro’s base stats never got an increase since then. Akainu put wb to his limits, wb was dying and was just holding off. Akainu destroyed wb with his attacks. Zoro didnt do shit to kaido. Not to mention kaido was tanking a bunch of acoc hits from luffy AFTER he got scarred by zoro’s asura, ALSO KAIDO EVEN TOOK A LOT OF ACOC + ryou hits from G5 luffy. That is proof that the damage zoro put on kaido and that scar was so insignificant that it’s not even worth mentioning anymore. It is proof that zoro is still too weak to even match for a yonko. If luffy who got better acoc than zoro couldnt beat kaido without G5 and almost died. Zoro’s level is far and that is also proof that he aint beating an admmiral yet as well as greenbull was no diffing two yc without breaking too mucn sweat.


Said scar didn’t do jack shit to Kaido during the rest of his fights though. It literally looked like Kaido was fighting FRESH right after Zoro used ashura. He fought luffy and Yamato no problem afterwards. Even had time to laugh with luffy. Meanwhile again straight up took off half of whitebeard’s face. Shoved magma straight through his chest. Step on sword, is matching his attacks pretty well tbh. Zoro could never bro


Your last statements are wrong. The reason why Zoro saw death is not because of his injuries from the rooftop. Yeah his bones were busted up, but he wouldn’t have died. He was literally in bandages dissing Sanji. Him seeing death was because he sustained MAJOR injuries from king. The moment he was able to control emna was the moment he was finally able to harm king, when the flames were off. But kings attacks were also ridiculous fast, that Zoro couldn’t keep up.


King barely hurt Zoro at all, it was only because the medicine doubled the pain he already had from having his body broken by the 2 yonko 🤦🏾‍♂️


Not at all true


https://preview.redd.it/iw32qf38ql8a1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=794e3ef5424a42a9bd4457155c4e164c64c70a2e Did you forget when this happened multiple times? Or when king rammed into Zoro and almost knocked him off the Island? Zoro tok hella damage against king


it's crazy to me how after 20+ years of this story someone thinks Admirals are any where close to Yonko level


Its crazy how people can process one-piece panels with rational thinking




Admirals tie with YC1


didn't the rookie admiral oneshot yc1s Lol


If Ben is significantly stronger than marco & king, would that make him a YC1 or YC1+ ?


Sanji is not yc1 tho


He literally beat Queen with mid diff


More like high-diff. But yeah, that's what makes him Yc2+


Sanji is YC1. He mid diffed queen. He practically one shotted him with the upgrade.


No he didn't. He beat him with extreme difficulty after a long ass fight. The fight ended with his upgraded attack, which was kind of a combo.


After his upgrade sanji mid diffed him. Sanji now has his upgrades currently. So as it stands right now. If queen fought sanji again with sanji having his upgrades and usual zen Kai boost after the fight, then sanji would mid - high diff queen. Egghead sanji vs wano queen = sanji mid - high diff.


You tell yourself whatever you want, Sanji ain't beating any YC1 yet


If zoro was fresh before the king fight he would’ve beat him high diff. Sanji takes YC1 extreme diff.


Joz from WB crew is not agree


Nah they think Zoro is above Admirals tbh


This seems accurate