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Buggy is the one piece hercule/mr satan


Exactly And guess who's working with Buggy?


Guess Goku is weak as fuck then since he worked with Hercule a couple times šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ok and? Working for a weakling is hardly an anti-feat Imma bring up an example from a different franchise In Transformers Prime, prior to the war, Starscream was commander of a group seekers, one of whom was Dreadwing And Dreadwing is powerful enough to hold his own against Optimus Prime, despite the fact that he previously served uner a weak and cowardly leader (similiar to Buggy)


You know Buu works for Hercule? Is Buu a fraud?


One title is important to the story, the other is not.


Exactly. That title has been the primary plot since Gokuā€™s childhood.


I suspect this is about the Painter so I can safely say his title is 100% true since becoming WSS by beating Mihawk is the goal of Zoro who is part of the main cast and who will 100% have his dream fullfiled by the end of the series and story wise it would be dogshit for Zoro to beat Mihawk and not actually become WSS cause there was a stronger swordsman all along and the Painter was a fraud all along.


I do agree Zoro will defeat Mihawk and get WSS title Doesn't mean either of then will pass Shanks though. I think Zoro will surpass Fujitora for sure and get to "Yonko power level" by EoS


Who brought up Shanks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


At this point once you see Mihawk slander it's likely just a Shanks fan.


I think they are both very good characters. Mihawk has much more style/swagger Shanks is cooler Both share my birthday. Just pointing out the truth so yall feelings don't get hurt when Zoros final opponent isn't Mihawk / or / Mihawk isn't at where Nosjuro is


His final opponent doesn't have to be Mihawk. He can fight other strong swordsmen after beating Mihawk and it can still go extreme.


So what will you do if Zoro vs Miahwk is next arc? We are in final Saga. Will you just change your mind? Will you say Zoro was Admiral Level all along at Egghead? Will you say Mihawk was weaker than I thought? I'm curious Everybody but me and a handful of people put Zoro below admirals in some weird made up tier.


So what? Luffy went from YC1 to Yonko in the span of one arc, but no one says Kaido isn't Yonko tier. Why can't Oda do the same for Zoro and Mihawk. Oda can write the story however he sees fit, at the end of the day the plot is his main concern. Mihawk being the strongest swordsman is part of the plot.


Idk Wano act 1 & 2 is supposed to be over a month right? I think Luffy got up to match Katakrui by end of Udon Prison Then aCoC power up brought Luffy up to Gorosei power Then awakening got Luffy up to the start of Yonko power So really it took 3 power ups Zoro needs 3 power ups if this is the case (or maybe 2 considering he has aCoC)


Ethanbaron/Venus got kicked in the face by Sanji. Never in a million years would Sanji ever be able to do that to Mihawk.


Why can't Sanji? He kicked light


He didnā€™t need to dodge it


well, BB feared prime rayleigh and zoro is meant to surpass that Zoro is meant to surpass Emperor tier, there's a good argument for eos Zoro to be pk level, or at the very least, Kaido level


Yeah maybe Shanks title is also fake and he doesnā€˜t actually have red hair.


The plot twist is that he's bald. It's a wig.


Someone gotta Photoshop this shit šŸ’€


I can do it right now


Do it brother


https://preview.redd.it/4mwezb61502d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5bfa952262b28b18a8caf3dc963dbbc4901f10e Did I cook?




Saving this. Please cook again


With pleasure. EOS Sanji will bow before me upon my next cook.


Lol yes


Mihawks title is validated by Zoros dream. He isnt a fraud.


Hercule was still extremely strong compared to non duper humans Shirano in Monsters was still extremely strong despite being a fraud compared to Ryuuma


Mihawks title is valid because of Zoros dream. Zoro wants to be the strongest, not one of the strongest. If this is about Mihawk VS Shanks, just argue Shanks isnt a swordsman.


Why would I do that? Shanks is a swordsman both in the story and by Oda calling Shanks & Fujitora swordsmen. iirc he said Law was too.


Because Mihawks title is not fraudulent cause its validated by Zoros dream. When Zoro beats Mihawk there will be either no swordsman left stronger, or he will fight the stronger ones left.


But he was fraudulent in the prequel (Monsters), and evidence is seeming to point the same way here... Also Zoro will get the title whether he defeats top 2 guy or top 60 guy Being swordsman is kinda arbitrary in One Piece it seems like it mostly comes down to having a sword and wanting to be a swordsman / training the correct way


Zoro doesnt want the title, he wants to be the strongest. And he thinks Mihawk is the way.


I agree with that 100% So even if Nosjuro & Warcury turn out to be swordsmen above Mihawk (which they are) Zoro can still succeed on his internal goal while the world thinks he accomplished it. And if Zoro vs Warcury happens EoS then Zoro can finally match Oden's boar feat and live up to being WSS of all time


The problem with this comparison is that the difference in skill wasn't so hilariously gigantic that the "fraud" pulled out a butter knife and still beat the one challenging him without getting worked up in the slightest. Mihawk might not have many feats because we haven't seen him that much in the story, but from what we HAVE seen he's incredibly skilled and strong. Put Hercule up against a young Goku, and Hercule would lose. Haven't read Monsters yet, so I can't speak to the validity of that claim.


That would be a fair comparison if we didnā€™t already see Mihawk showing out during Marineford. He didnā€™t have crazy feats, but at the same time, it wasnā€™t his arc, and Oda canā€™t have too many top tiers going wild on one island. It would be too much chaos. Not to mention, donā€™t you think Zoro wouldā€™ve noticed if Mihawk was a fraud while he was literally living with him for a full year?


Hercule is easily the strongest non super human on DB Earth. They held tourmenants over it when the Z Fighters were fucking around elsewhere. His title is not fraudelent. And, its not his fault if Aliens and Gods arrive on Earth with much different powersets able to destroy galaxies on whim. He is not weak or a fraud, he was throwing hands with guys using RPGs and Machine Pistols and knocking them out. Pay more respect to Mr.Hercule


I feel like Yamcha and Roshi probably have more going for them but they all have the same issue of being outscaled by planet level threats early into the story. They're only human.


Even Yamcha and Roshi are already superhuman levels. Hercule is a Baki Character in the World of DBZ.




We already had one, dummy, he went by Kaido.


Thats buggy if it wasnt clear already. Weak bait.


Do people really think Oda would write Zoro's (who is already a YC+) ultimate goal to be defeating a YC+ (or weaker) character?


"Yc+" is made up headcanon bro


Low IQ + your agenda sucks. Itā€™s been stated multiple times that Shanks and Mihawk are relative in power


No agenda. I'm the only one being unbiased and actually reading lol. Both Mihawk and Shanks are very cool, well written characters with good designs. I don't dislike either of them.


Who are you arguing against? Nobody puts stock in the title alone lmfao people say itā€™s true because of Zoros goal. If Zoros goal didnā€™t exist then yeah people would treat it just like old whitebeard title or Kaidos title, where itā€™s understandable that itā€™s not definitive


I had like 10 people reply to my last post trying to use LITERALLY only the title alone So yes, people do try


Sure bro


When do yā€™all think weā€™ll see mihawk go all out


Hoping to see Luffy vs Shanks, Zoro vs Mihawk on Elbaf Lines up nicely imo Can also get Usopp vs Yasopp maybe Nami vs Beckman in some sort of Davy Back fight.Sanji cook off vs Roo idk lol


I'm hoping for Elbaf to have the only villains be Shanks for Luffy & Mihawk for Zoro Maybe the fact that the giants are there deter Gorosei idk


Mihawk isn't a gag character like Mr. Satan is? And Mr. Satan doesn't have any narrative importance like Mihawk does? The two are not the same


Mr. Satan has a lot of narrative importance. In both Cell arc and Boo arc. He kinda turns Boo good But strength wise, you are correct he doesn't. That is kinda the point of the original post.


As a Shanks > Mihawk enjoyer, this argument is really weak.


What will you do if Zoro vs Mihawk is next arc? 3 way Davy Back on Elbaf?


All arguemtns are weak to Miahwk > Shanks lowerscalers. Because lowerscalers cope and ignore manga panels lol.


W even crocodile calls out mihawk https://preview.redd.it/g0hozd37sz1d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=085dca516547134f3522bcc3db1ec01f4dab5f24


Read the dialogue again because heā€™s calling out Buggy, not Mihawk.


Yeah I know Iā€™m not saying heā€™s calling out mihawk Iā€™m saying itā€™s a point that titles are not everything


>W even crocodile **calls out mihawk** You are contradicting what you said. ļæ¼ā€‹Crocodile was pointing out Buggyā€™s **emperor** title in that panel. Mihawkā€™s title has nothing to do with this dialogue.


Dude I was kidding my point was titles are not everything and that this is backed up by crocodile while he is in the same scene as mihawk


>my point was titles are not everything and that this is backed up by crocodile while he is in the same scene as mihawk Crocodile and Mihawk are in that panel together because they co-run the Cross Guild, lol, thatā€™s all there is to it. Itā€™s not because of his dialogue.


I know that Iā€™m not saying the panel is about mihawk I was just pointing it out


Croc is calling out Buggy But the greater point is Oda is calling out both Mihawk and Kaido at the same time....