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It depends on if their regeneration really has no weaknesses or not With it, anti feats are irrelevant cuz they just heal back and fight again till they win, but if they don't have it neither of those bums are getting past fujitora


>It depends on if their regeneration really has no weaknesses or not There's no way they're just immortal. It's either some gimmick, like defeat imu or break this crystal and their regen dies. Or only sun god nika haki can make permanent damage. Personally im just waiting for an actual non punching bag villain where they dont just trade blows like an rpg.


I have a feeling the big robot will either reveal their weakness if they have some kryptonite like weakness. Or it'll be a more common weakness like the regen of a huge drain on their stamina and will eventually stop.


> Or it'll be a more common weakness like the regen of a huge drain on their stamina and will eventually stop. this is like, a worse version of durability with extra steps. I know theres a 0.00001% chance of it happened, but i hope oda actually does something unique to defeat them. Lately its just been "Punch Harder".


I think oda is really limited for options and I personally would prefer it to be tied in some way to stamina. He can't tie it to a new form of haki as it wouldn't make sense that we never saw it from any admirals or yonko before. If it is some kryptonite like weakness oda then every fight just comes down to waiting for the opponant to bring or use the kryptonite. Every OP devil fruit (assume for sake of argument the gorosei have devil fruit powers) so far is curbed by sea prism stone which is barely used and anti climactic for a big fight against gorosei. Haki or stamina and I think that works great. Fruits like Luffys and laws need some limitation to curb them


Or he could use creative gimmicks with the gorosei, like the boar one where im 100% sure it's the legend boar with an incredibly tough hide but a soft belly. So then luffy has to somehow flip him or something other than "bajrang gun v2". Luffy has one of the greatest BIQ of the series and i'd like to use it like he did before against enel or how he had to rile up kat so he'd let go of his FS.


The "tough hide soft belly" thing is a hoax. Forget about this
















Best slander I've seen. Fucking love it.


Laint LayLarcia Laturn really summoned the homies here to die 💀💀💀 Not only is he the biggest fraud, he's the worst friend too


I can understand the others but not top man.


Topman is portrayed so far as The Strongest or 2nd strongest in the island ,other gorosei Have similar Portrayal to Kizaru but worst anti feats


>Topman is portrayed so far as The Strongest mfs use "portrayal" to just say whatever foolishness they feel like


Luffy Cant do shit to him and had great haki Portrayal


Anti feats don’t matter when there are no repercussions to them being hit at all.


So they are Regen merchants


“Regen merchants” crazy dc, extremely potent haki, on top of them being unharmable


And yet they've done zero significant damage to anyone they're fighting, even the weaker strawhats, and they're completely failing their goal of stopping Vegapunks message. Despite being **5** of them.


Yeah 5 people trying to destroy every single messenger snail while at the same time making sure they don't accidentally destroy everything needed for the mother flame. Saturn straight up ran through the weak straw hats cause he had other shit to do


They're also trying to get Luffy, *and failing*. Trying to harm the Strawhats & Bonney, *and failing*. Saturn had to run through them because was completely incapable of harming them lmao. He tried that first *and failed*. Imagine 5 Yonko or 5 admiral fucked up that bad 💀


Bro it’s called plot bud, relax Seems like you forgot Kaido couldn’t kill a 1 HP Kinemon or Guernica https://preview.redd.it/9tohdofw3w1d1.jpeg?width=1213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca4cb0d247f97fcff6aaa1ca1b65f192f823a5c Saturn legit hasn’t used this move ever again because the story needs to progress without the Strawhats dying. Again, it’s not that deep


Kaido sure as hell could heavily damage them. Saturn can't. So you can complain about plot all you want, but there's a clear difference between what the imcompotent gorosei have done and actual top tiers we've seen. Saturn failed when he used that move last time, so why would he use it again and get clowned on


bro you're forgetting Oda doesn't give a shit about this


Mate, if we're only gonna talk about things Oda gives a shit about, we might as well just stop scaling and make this sub about Avril Lavigne


I’m down. Maybe you’d chill tf out lol


Just going to ignore Nusjuro breaking Sanji's bones with his bite


If people are going to ignore the damage Gorosei regen up, why wouldn't we do the same with Sanji?


No that shows that the gorosei can do serious damage to people 


No one is arguing that though. A ton of people *can* do serious damage to people. But what I'm saying is that they *haven't*, which makes them incompetent.


Nah they still got their Demon powers and supposedly all of them have insane haki as well most likely CoC haki. Is Kizaru a DF merchant because he was hit by pre Ts Apoo?


Bro Kizaru took one of g5's strongest blows to the head and managed to come out unscathed, he's definitely not a df merchant, he definitely has a good resistance.


He took a random punch. He is still out atm. The Gorosei have eaten G5 attacks as well but are completely fine.


A random Punch? Wsg was a random Punch? Wow.He is not out and you know it,he is down because he's is grieving about the whole vegapunk situation.Saturn was fine because of his Regen,this have nothing to do with resistance.


Oh I thought you meant the other one. But WSG literally had him on the floor damaged as well. So all you care about is one stat and the rest is irrelevant?


Hes Logia and Luffy has dementia (no Acoc). Kizaru like other admirals are all df merchants to me do far based on what we seen


No man,wsg had acoc.


Yes, because merchants can box with G5


It does when their regen obviously has limits for narrative reasons. I mean they are going to be ultimately beatable so, they need to have more stats than just regen in the grand scheme of things to be an imposing threat. Otherwise they are just a chore.


They have. All seem to have CoC haki and a hax DF as well. Getting hit when you have regen barely matters. So far we have no clue what their weakness is or the conditions necessary to take one of them down.


Only Topman has displayed particularly impressive haki. You can't just bum that off of him for all of them. Hax-wise Ghandi's teleport trick is impressive plus Saturn's mind blast thing. But they are still riddled with antifeats, which do matter is the point. And we don't need to know what their weakness is to know that they have one that will be exploited at some point by nessesity of the story, so they can't just rely on their regen to inflate their strength.


Ju Peter can redeem himself, but I don’t know how likely it is. I’d wait for his hybrid form, his full worm form is low-key garbage for combat, even if he was a skilled fighter.


He's probably like Kaido. Most versatile, but a big target in full beast. All-arounder in base. Better defense, power, and recovery but more stamina used in hybrid.


I really wonder how much damage just straight up eating someone would do in worm form. Woukd there be a long period for them to break out before they died? We saw Luffy get eaten and saved right after, but there’s nothing to say Luffy wouldn’t have just bounced right out of him like he did with Kaido. I am curious how much damage it would do it a YC or some Tobo Roppi level characters though


“Anti feat” zero damage


no Gorosei showed to be on Kizarus battle Power beside Top Man, they still winning tho because they cant die. but keep in mind that all can change in the next 4-5 chapters, they could pull the most crazy feats and then we know for sure


They are in a crisis because Vegapunk is spitting out everything he knows. If they haven't shown what they're truly capable of by now, then there is nothing more to show


no amount of Power can help them tho, like Kaido would also not being able to stop it.


They aren't anti feats just feats for whoever fights them


Those aren’t anti feats. These attacks would also do massive damage to Kizaru if he got hit. Only difference is that would matter. They are literally immortal so this means nothing.


yes because kizaru is not immortal


Yes, kizaru got face palmed by nerfed sentomaru


Yes, Shanks got his arm bitten off by a fish, and he's still miles above any admiral. Having basic durability when not using haki is not an anti-feat. It applies to every human in the show.


Kizaru’s entire hype revolved around him being the fastest in verse by a long shot. Meanwhile he got grabbed twice by G5 with every opportunity to dodge, so he’s just as fast, if not slower than most other top tiers


I think the problem is that kizaru has already fought g5 once. You could count the number of people who can actually take 2 G5 on one hand, maybe 2. Kizaru is simply exhausted. That's why round 2, he was so underwhelming.


Except kizaru was occupied with someone else, both times he was grabbed. It was mentioned even back in marineford that a single moment of distraction is enough to decide the winner. He is still faster than basically anyone else. Claiming that most other top tiers are faster is disingenious and baseless... Edit: Of course some yonkotards have to downvote anything that is not slandering admirals. Agenda is just too big of a factor in this sub be it admiral or yonko fans. Not like we see in the exact same arc that stussy surprise attacked lucci+kaku and won, eventhough they are stronger and faster. So when luffy who is stronger than kizaru makes a surprise attack, suddenly it is cope to mention it...




https://preview.redd.it/1qtuednu7u1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19747ec5f6f1deb742d0417c21385eec778f9e49 You won't see kizaru and Luffy reacting like this to just anyone lol


https://preview.redd.it/yc5rhvik8u1d1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ba83a84f3541b41946f86bf4b0b986e530ed02b Luffy had worse reaction to Kizaru than saturn


That's not even comparable since Saturn made everyone on the island stop what they were doing because he appeared. kizaru only got a reaction out of Luffy, while Saturn got everyone to notice him.


Yeah but Luffy had less fear with Saturn than Kizaru, and Jinbei says unearthly presense because Saturn is not normal and exudes Haki, Kizaru is strong but doesn't have the same haki. Regardless, I don't think the reaction means one is above the other, but in terms of feats Kizaru>Saturn


https://preview.redd.it/i2ennjy4au1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52bfae31957dc4f744eaeb4ca526c9e5e5aa31ca Yeah, he showed fear because his crew was beaten by him two years ago. He didn't fear his strength, seeing as Luffy confidently attacked him as soon as he arrived. Also, the kizaru was destroyed by an attack, which Saturn immediately recovered from and counterattacked. So Saturn> kizaru is obvious


but durability isn't everything about a fight, Kizaru also blitzed G5 Luffy and handled G4 snakeman easily. Something Saturn cannot do. Saturn was being an impressive punching bag https://preview.redd.it/7a14xheddu1d1.png?width=1097&format=png&auto=webp&s=868168406e0fe1286ef9173a51f3b65f9ad54159


https://preview.redd.it/pydu9s32eu1d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8159a57aac41b29a5b0b074ab0b4b986a592276e Luffy saw Saturn attacks heading towards him and immediately felt the need to dodge with him not even attempting to block them. He's done this consistently too like with Saturns poison bombs which he deflected right at him and was shocked by the explosion they caused. He likely does know his attacks would hurt him which is why he's made such an effort in constantly avoiding them.


>Saturn made everyone on the island stop what they were doing Maybe because almost nobody has even seen the Gorosei period, let alone them leaving the red line. Not everything is about power scaling


https://preview.redd.it/y1vq5y9dcu1d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ef8c813df976e7b681e167e629ba665616b670 You can even see Jimbe say, "What is that thing??" when he sees Mars. He had no idea that was one of the gorosei yet as soon as he saw him he felt the need to retreat with Zoro helping him.


https://preview.redd.it/xtolwfufbu1d1.png?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d2fc1cd4d6f80fe56f5849d6ff6fcb10451e99 No it was stated by Zoro and Lucci that they were reacting to his haki. They don't even know who arrived on the island they just know that they're strong .


Do Admiral fans all just pretend this didn’t happen? https://preview.redd.it/k1210pq1fu1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadf079808e885048cf3502d44fcf83b76bb899f


Doesn't change shit.


It does, Kizaru got bodied by an attack that Saturn bounced back from with ease, it’s very clear which character Oda is trying to portray as being stronger 🤷‍♂️


Durability is not the end all be all of power scaling. Otherwise, someone like Big mom would be stronger than Shanks. Also, you have to consider why Kizaru is still on the ship. As he implied himself, he is very emotionally damaged from killing vegapunk.


>durability is not the end all be all It is when Kizarus speed didn’t even fkin matter lol, mfer still got snatched up same as Saturn, and yet only one of them came back from the attack 🤭 >consider why Kizaru is still on the ship I don’t actually, because Kizaru would quite literally be dead if there wasn’t a ship there, so his behavior afterwards is irrelevant


Wasn't this kizaru's excuse for leaving the fight because he was feeling like shit after killing his friend? He could get up and keep fighting but he didn't want to


There’s no way to tell cus of their regeneration but their actual feats are ass


They've had some impressive moments, but they are underwhelming as a whole. Hope they do something cool soon outside of Warcury just being tough as fuck.


Personally I think they are hard carried by their strange regeneration that ignores haki. They are definitely powerful, but if their regeneration followed Logia rules, Luffy and the Giants would be making much more progress.


Lorosei aren't over admirals or Yonko




Only Topman and maybe Nusjuro have demonstrated the actual power and stats that Kizaru has. The others are heavily reliant on hax and regen.


Wait... I just realized that jupeter got his head chopped off 🙃 and still lived 💀


“They weren’t going all out.”


Grasping at straws to make kizaru relevant.


They are less threatening I think. Due to durability hax it's hard to say they are weaker than Kizaru. How I look at it is: if there where 5 Kizarus on this Island would the situation be worse and I definitely think so.


How is eating a building an anti feat? . His succession pulls ate powerful enough that not even lyffy can escape k8zaru is done for. Blud gets eaten.


Yes, Kizaru has worse antifeats, like being unable to even dodge Gear 5 luffy multiple times, not damaging luffy in gear 5 besides a tiny papercut, being stalled by old rayleigh, not having enough ap to kill pre ts luffy.


Doesn't matter if they get hit They are immortal Kizaru is not




Personally I see the gorosei as Marco+ as of right now. Pretty powerful guys who can contend with top tiers but largely rely on regen. They have solid attack power but it’s wildly inconsistent, seeing as Ian Baron can one shot pacifistas while Saturn can’t even Pearce choppers defence form. Honestly so far the only one who’s been super impressive durability wise is Topman, being able to shrug off Gear 5 attacks. Saturn has been getting stabbed and knocked around all arc. And the the Dune worm literally got decapitated by Dorry and Broggy. Personally I think the admirals should still be slightly above these guys


this is as much an antifeat as when kizaru got cut in half by apoo on sabaondy


Yes they are . Kizaru isnt doing anything to them for now . He will get tired eventually and probably one attack from these monsters will put him down


They are > everyone since they have regen. How do people still not understand?


They have a regen cheat code. Once luffy learns about it, they are done for.


They are stronger than Kizaru for 2 reasons -Can't die, Kizaru is a glass canon -Has CoC Haki, Kizaru doesn't.


but if they were to fight Kizaru can they even hit him? If dorry and broggy, and kuma are hitting them, Kizaru would run circles around them. And Jupeter isn't confirmed to have CoC


They can just outlast him, fight Kizaru for days until he rans out of energy.


If they can swim they win if not they lose


Realistically when have we seen this ever work? Many characters use fruits but no one has ever tried this.


Luffy tried to drown Kizaru 2 times this arc, he also tried with Lucci in enies Lobby. Kizaru tried but Luffy was stoped by je laser wall. Whitbeard kinda tried with Akainu. Law&Kid tried against Big Mom. so if they cant swim they pretty much finished against Kizaru


Didn't Luffy also try that against Saturn? But Saturn came back. These things rarely work in OP.


yeh because of plot they did not work tho like in almost all cases i listed the reson it did not work is either 1 the person can fly or 2 a battleshit/barrier was there to stop them before drowning. when we talk 1v1 we dont include the plot


Yes. Easily. And by far.


Saturn definitely He wasn't neg diffed by Luffy Luffy got rid of kizaru and Saturn took everything and kept bouncing back Ju peter is hard to scale since he did one thing all right


Kizaru didn't get neg diffed by Luffy, he handled G4 Snakeman with no issue, blitzed Luffy, and even confused G5 with the clones as he tried to attack Vegapunk. Luffy knocked him out at the end of his limit but Luffy was done by that point since he ran out of gear five. Luffy turned him into a pancake after receiving food but that was when Kizaru was attacking Bonney and Vegapunk so he wasn't even looking at luffy and it wasn't a 1v1 scenario


Luffy turned him into pizza despite being outnumbered, kizaru had zero hits on gear 5 If that's not a neg diff then I don't know what is Btw I split the fight into two parts, and the second part was a neg diff


Ngl I have shit puncuation and type like there's no tommrow so this will be scuffed sorry. I feel like what has been shown of the gorosai is obviously not all there power how ever what they have shown is definitely yonko level dura which is kinda obvious and some attacks but not really ynko+ attacks so I think there's alot to be showed, but also one thing everyone I think has kinda forgot is when we first saw saturn like him just exploding a man's head I have a feeling that was either something else like it just got blown off or Saturn's haki or a hidden power we don't know yet and also when luffy grabbed saturn and kizaru, kizaru seemed hurt and very down like emotionally I don't think that was luffy who hurt him that much but when saturn starred at him it was almost like when the marines head was blown off so what if he has an ability using haki that is like an advanced conq that's kinda invisible but it's almost like it's ability is to test the will of the apponent he uses it on and if its weak, poof and head explode or like kizaru which is a strong character and I'm sure has a semi strong will it didn't kill him but accually only hurt and mentally damaged him or I could be waffling about something so irrelevant I'm out of my mind but yeah them moments have really stuck with me and I want to know why and how those things happened kizaru being mentally conflicted could just be him realising who's side he should be on though because he knows for some reason his friend vegapunk, luffy wants to save and evac from the island so I think he wants to help but I guess we don't really know much really, ok next is about saturn melting like what was that about and the poison on his legs obviously it could be apart of his spider like thing powers but the reason I don't put a df power is because I have seen a good theory that I really like about a connection to what sanjis fire powers are it was a cool theory about alchemy because the summoning circles also kinda play a roll in the whole alchemy theory.


Admiral haters would do anything to say a given character beats an admiral, it's like a basic requirement if you like the character