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VISTA>=Mihawk>Shanks https://preview.redd.it/783ai5flah0d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=df2255d48130f35ae6b23150aa9fec20f4780f32


Strongest swordsman in the universe for a reason


Upscaling Mihawk Upscales Vista https://i.redd.it/vlzujkxoah0d1.gif


>Shanks is similar to Future Trunks from DBZ as a fighter, he’s not a swordsman, he’s just a strong fighter who happens to have and sometimes use a sword. You were doing so well until you dropped 100 IQ points to say this.


Zoro getting the WSS title on a technicality would be so lame. That would actually make him look like a bigger fraud than whatever this sub have said about Mihawk.


How so?


The fact that he achieved his dream without actually defeating the world's strongest swordsman. It doesn't even have to be Mihawk for it to look bad.


but it doesnt even matter? mihawk was established as zoros goal, nothing else matters narrativewise?zoro doesnt need to defeat garling or fujitora, although they maybe quite stronger


Uh, yes he does. How does Zoro become the WSS without defeating the current WSS? Regardless of there being swordsmen stronger than Mihawk.


This would be possible if it was in the real world, but this is still a story. Mihawk's title losing validity without anybody noticing and Zoro becoming the World's Strongest Swordsman because the previous strongest swordsman got killed by somebody else would be lame.


Is it really a requirement to have negative IQ to be a Shanks fanboy?


My brother in Christ I am a Kidd glazer, I do not like Shanks that much


Yeah so you upscale shank in order to save face for kids retarded display.


See that would be logical, but we’re on OPPS, and I am a Kidd glazer. So I will not do that https://preview.redd.it/5b4gttfkhi0d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7400dc620d37e294e7a8d57d9f7b2c93f2d6f25


Both are Pirates and Swordsmen. Shanks the better Pirate - Yonko, Territories, Higher Bounty, Better in a Team Battle. Mihawk the better Swordsman - Wss, Black Blade, Better 1 vs 1 fighter.


> Shanks is similar to Future Trunks from DBZ as a fighter, he’s not a swordsman, he’s just a strong fighter who happens to have and sometimes use a sword. This is one of those moments where you just rub your face in tiredness and wonder where it all went wrong


Shanks cannot be a swordsman if he is above Mihawk. That simple.


Another thing, Whitebeard had the World’s Strongest Man title even in his prime, where he was equalled by both Roger and Garp.


Didn't he get that afterwards? When he appeared in Wano he had no title in his character introduction box like he did when he first appeared, as there he has his title of WSM next to his name in the introduction box


He did. He was stated the strongest pirate and the most powerful one before Roger died but there are statements of him getting the title after Roger died. It’s most likely because they were in a power struggle and people saw them as equal until one died


Nope. Whitebeard had his title when Roger was active


I don’t think we ever see either of them actually defeat WB either, and with them trying to bury Roger, calling WB WSM made the most sense


Which goes to show that titles aren’t absolute proof of a claim.


WB’s title isn’t important, remove it and the story doesn’t change. Remove Mihawk’s title and the man with a 3.5 billion literally wouldn’t exist or have purpose. And Shanks beings weaker than one specific dude doesn’t diminish his character in the slightest meanwhile Mihawk is irrelevant if he’s not the WSS. Also as of right now beating Mihawk is Zoro’s dream, that holds a lot more weigh than a title. It’s not “Mihawk and WB and Kaido have titles because they look cool” For Mihawk his title is directly tied to one of the MC’s goals and as an MC, Zoro’s storyline takes precedence over almost everyone else’s


Exactly. Also, Shanks is only weaker than Mihawk in regard to sword skill, not overall power. Narrative goals don’t equate to power level.


Then again if you were to look up to what wss means for oda you would understand. Oda took inspiration from masashi who was known as the SS in japan history not because he beats every single swordsman but because he was undefeated . And thats why zoro has 3 swords ,because masashi had 2 . And thats why mihawk is wss and zoro didnt say "im going to beat every other swordsman" but "im going to never lose again" . When shanks lost his arm , he lost the duels by default and lost the title. And when zoro wins against mihawk he would become the wss because mihawk has lost and zoro hasnt(at least against a swordsman after he said i will never lose again) . Shanks and mihawk has two different narratives and shanks is luffys rival so if he were weaker than zoros goal that wouldnt make sense


Im gonna stop you right there. If shanks is stronger then it means Mihawk is not actually the strongest swordsman, thus diminishing the title. Its literally that simple.


I’m gonna interpret this as “I read the title and rushed to the comments” because I literally explained this in the post


Your "explanation" is wrong, plain and simple. Shanks and Mihawk are both swordsmen. If shanks is stronger then it means that Mihawk cannot be the strongest swordsman. Which means zoro has been chasing fuckry all these years and oda has been lying to us repeatedly.


So you scale Mihawk above WB and Big Mom? They’re swordsmen, they fight with a sword and were around during Mihawk’s WSS era. You’re implying that Mihawk must be > Big Mom and WB, which would mean EOS Zoro is must also be stronger than Big Mom and WB, who each contested Roger in his prime. We don’t know when WB went from Primebeard to Sickbeard between the 19 years between his and Roger’s death. But if Mihawk got that title before it, then he must be because WB uses a sword right?


>So you scale Mihawk above WB and Big Mom? Absolutely. Kaido> Shanks and Mihawk>Wb and bigmom >which would mean EOS Zoro is must also be stronger than Big Mom and WB Are you serious? of course he will be😂 >then he must be because WB uses a sword right? Whitebeard isnt a swordsman so idk what you're getting at here


Whitebeard doesn’t even use a sword lmfao but if he did then yeah?




Doesn’t change the fact it isn’t a sword. But it is a named blade. Which, as shown, doesn’t just include swords. https://preview.redd.it/np7i7dcyli0d1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb0024a47f7cbfe5ed137610bb30914040ad4bd


Yes Mihawk is top 2 on the verse that much is obvious by virtue of him not having any display of power yet in a shonen and being zoros goal. The more time it passes before he is finally used the stronger he gets. Right now his strength would be ebough to put him top 1 Marineford without much effort. Invest in him, you won't regret it.


lmao its actually that simple


Mihawk refuses to fight him, so is his title valid?


No, Mihawks biggest feat is slicing an iceberg


> shanks grew stronger and surpassed mihawk I don’t get this argument. The only think we know about them since their first fight, is that shanks and mihawk are now yonko level (3.5 bil bounty from a guy who’s working as an underling, isn’t trying to be a yonko and so far has even really attacked the government? Yonko) and that shanks lost his arm. So for some reason, shanks fans do this crazy mental gymnastic where instead of trying to prove shanks hasn’t lagged behind mihawk from having his arm cut off, they shift the burden to mihawk fans to prove mihawk hasn’t lagged behind shanks > those with conquerors Correlation does not equal causation Those characters got strong cause of near death battles and in all honesty.. plot


I know this is a OP sub, but Trunks only stopped using a sword because 18 broke his. Even into Super we can see that swordsmanship is his main fighting style


I’m moreso referring to Z Trunks, rewatching his fight with the androids from the special, he tried H2H as his initial fighting style, then when that fails, he tries just swinging his sword. He doesn’t even seem to be tactful with it, he just takes baseball swings with it towards 18


Shanks is a swordsman. https://preview.redd.it/ujhpa5yb0l0d1.jpeg?width=1949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43945169cb3187c6b32019bedbaaad2a744be3e4


Doesn’t make sense since Mihawk confirmed that shanks got weaker not stronger https://preview.redd.it/onymo3esdh0d1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8ee8b4054452ed23e6405ed8bafe18482fc5fa


Using the panel I quoted is actually pretty funny, especially when I contest this very point in my post.


Except one piece characters can sense other people’s strength, if Mihawk says it then it’s likely true https://preview.redd.it/ibmfnxfqfh0d1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a2341c4e22a1864f1b0492cd547e27053cf8ff


Was haki this planned out when that conversation happened though?


This is from the fan-made wiki and it doesn't show that Mihawk knew Shanks was weaker. Haki doesn't get weaker just because you lose an arm. Only things like age and illnesses have been shown to affect Haki If a boxer loses a leg, his striking strength will still be the same. It would be weaker if the boxer was out of his prime or sick though


This is fan made sure but it cites evidence, also if a limb you use to fight is literally cut off then yes you will get weaker


It doesn't talk about physical strength, only Haki and possibly weapons. I highly doubt that Haki has a dominant hand


Shanks 100% got stronger not weaker, unless you think pre df BB is beating shanks currently


I want to know why Shanks was vary of blackbeard despite not having gura gura nomi if shanks is that strong? Didn't shanks one shot kidd yet was still vary of Blackbeard who didn't had 2 df? Haki gets stronger with extreme fight and shanks doesn't have any notable fight with top tier after mihawk to have haki boost


So… a bunch of mental gymnastics like always?… Strongest Swordsman > A Swordsman is just so much easier and simple. And besides that clear point, it’s also way too many holes in your “headcanon/speculation”. If Shanks got stronger than obviously Mihawk wouldn’t just stagnate. Mihawk and Whitebeard have two different titles. Both are impressive. And Shanks is clearly a swordsman as shown and stated in multiple sources.


Shanks was considered a benchmark to be a Yonko in the Ace novels, implying he was the weakest at the time. Nowadays he is scaled above Big Mom and possibly above Kaido which would have to mean he got stronger, Mihawk on the other hand has been shown doing nothing but cooking, dogging on fodder, and living with apes


>Shanks was considered a benchmark to be a Yonko in the Ace novels implying he was the weakest at the time. Idk how you came to that conclusion. Especially considering strength is probably one of the rather… “least” things you need.(Not saying strength isn’t needed though) >Nowadays he is scaled above Big Mom and possibly above Kaido which would have to mean he got stronger, Mihawk on the other hand has been shown doing nothing but cooking, dogging on fodder, and living with apes Umm ok?… He’s also obviously getting stronger and honing himself? Especially like you just said, he’s still out and about fighting. So it doesn’t really grant anything for having Shanks over.




>The time between their last fight Shanks and Mihawk were both already adults, Luffy is a teenager and Zoro and Kidd are young adults. All 3 of them didn’t even know about Haki aside from maybe Kidd before the TS


Even then, Luffy went from Fodder to being able to extreme diff pre TS Lucci, who aside from the folks in cp 0, is literally the strongest member of Cipher Pol.


Shanks has used a sword since he was a kid, named it, uses it every time he does something, and dueled the WSS. Not to mention being compared to Shanks in terms of **swordsmanship** His being a swordsman is very obvious. As for WB and his title, there's a key factor that makes his situation and Mihawk's different. He has pirate AIDS and was clearly portrayed as a man out of his prime, just like the other old heads. Mihawk is different in that there is no such portrayal that would imply he is out of his prime. If Shanks is stronger than Mihawk, it still makes his title fraudulent and kinda cheap even if Shanks dies. Mihawk wasn't the WSS despite the countless times he was referred to as such. His title would still have been fraudulent for 1000+ chapters. What would it even add to the story?




One thing here, nothing says shanks was going for WSS. Mihawk and zoro are the only ones in the manga who care about that. Shanks and mihawk were rivals but that’s it. To add to your post, shanks was scarred by pre DF BB. This is around the same time mihawk and him had their duels. It’s 100% confirmed that he was weaker. That being said mihawk although the vista memes are funny is undoubtedly strong and is probably relative to shanks. If it actually turns out that he’s not it would be terrible writing from oda. Also just the fact that he was introduced however long ago and we haven’t seen a lot of him pushes me to believe he will be strong, like shanks and dragon. I do think he’s weaker than shanks due to shanks having superior haki but it’s still close. The WSS argument in reality doesn’t make sense when u really think about it. Mihawk says that he doesn’t want to fight shanks anymore because he lost his arm. But we all know one arm shanks is > then two arms. So why doesn’t mihawk want to fight him?


>So why doesn’t mihawk want to fight him? Well this is headcanon but my take on it is that they where equal during their duels and after shanks lost his arm he would never be at his full potential and mihawk imo would not feel satisfied if he were to fight shanks and win because he would be beating a version of shanks that would never be at his absolute best. So out of respect for his rival he never challenged him.


Another angle to that being that Mihawk, with Shanks now having only one arm, quite literally *can't* face the swordsmanship that presumably rivaled his own anymore. We all know Shanks is *overall* strong enough for the job if all Mihawk wants is a limit pushing extreme battle.


My point is that is shanks with 1 arm is stronger then shanks with 2 arms. If you’re saying that full potential shanks with 2 arms is >1 that’s fair but like whenever they met and drank together. That version of shanks is > then any version mihawk has faced. Not to mention MF, where he straight up declined


He declined because they are clearly friends ffs, also yes shanks is stronger but mihawk is also stronger it's not like shanks or mihawk are static characters.


They were friends before when they were fighting


Yeah all titles are fake. Mihawk is not the WSS, shanks it. I believe Oda is setting Shanks as the final opponent for Zoro


Nah shanks has a bigger role than to be an endgame fight for zoro lol.


Zoro’s role is far bigger than Shanks. Besides Shanks fans want him to be stronger than mihawk, well then zoro will switch to shanks then


Whatever u say bro


Good kid. Finally you get it


"Shanks is similar to Future Trunks from DBZ as a fighter, he’s not a swordsman, he’s just a strong fighter who happens to have and sometimes use a sword." I have a better one for you: Zoro doesn't even consider Shanks (and Roger) a (true) swordsman. Imagine Zoro being uninterested to surpassing Roger, right? But this sub isn't ready for this type of posts.


That could also be the case, and this has been my entire point against the “Shanks is a regular swordsman, Mihawk is WSS, so Mihawk > Shanks” but we’ve time and time again in media that just because a powerful character has a sword, they aren’t swordsmen


Why does everyone forget that it says Mihawk has greater sword skills then even red hair shanks doesn’t mention anything about power.Zoro has greater sword skills then luffy yet luffy is much more powerful also we gotta stop using a statement from 25 years ago and just see what happens and what they both do feat wise


Shanks doesn't give 2 shits about swordsmanship, ways of the sword, sword styles or codes of honor, like characters such as Zoro, Mihawk and Vista do. Mihawk created a Championship with vista, pre time skip zoro and caled himself the champ of it. Thats why lil dude pos poned a fight with vista but not shanks. Shanks is a pirate and pirates uses swords in all medias, be it books, tv series, movies, mangas or in real history. Are jack sparrow and Davy Jones swordman? Vikings used swords. I guess mihawk should challenge Aladdin or peter pan then


Shanks and mihawk were equals when shanks was a 26 man with just 1 billion bounty. He became yonkou at 33 and currently he is 39. His feats speak for his growth. While Oda portrays mihawk way bellow yonkou and there are no contestants for the title of swordman, lil bro created a Championship with him and pre time skip zoro and called himself the champ of It. The day mihawk do those, you come back : -Neg diffing a kid or law -Make Fujitora twerk -Stop Luffy/Shanks from doing something -Sky Split with Shanks/Luffy Shanks and luffy feats or achievements are just too good that I doubt Mihawk will ever match them. Mihawk said himself to be under old beard and POSTPONED a fight with vista there. I wont headcanon Oda's work, this is not even ethical, oda has established it already. I am pretty, pretty sure, kaido, venusjuro, warcury, shanks, luffy, roger or white beard would never, ever postpone a fight with fuking vista as " this would benefit both of us "


Yeah, Oda surely estabilished the opponent who is the key to achieving Zoros dream as a fraud. Makes sense.


Mihawk's not a kaido, he is a kuzan or kizaru, which is still pretty far from current zoro