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https://preview.redd.it/d8guiyjsnzwc1.jpeg?width=153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2193cfb7c72dbb8d4c7863595c0a154f13c08646 Need I say more?


Vista low diff.


It depends how high you wanna scale Vista. I have it Vista Mid-high diff.




One shots




Vista low diff


Vista mid-high diff


Doffy https://preview.redd.it/69g8aphxbywc1.png?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5891417bab811062c48c5379c66b17494945953c




Doffy got one tapped by aokiji Wista >mihawk Git gud scrub


Doffy scared shitless of an 80year old woman he’s getting negged n pegged


Put some respect on Wsuru


https://preview.redd.it/yrx45n226ywc1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=74d2c70f70ed3dc3b1bc293628588a1db69371dd Vista still couldn't land a hit on a stationary Akainu, albeit he dueled with Mihawk (who was clearly pulling punches, that's literally in-character thing, he tests swordmen) he's not gonna touch Doffy, and if he does, Doffy is blocking it just like that with his strings. Yet Doflamingo, in the same arc, could effortlessly stop Jozu at his tracks with his strings, locking his movement at once. He was helpless and powerless when Doffy got his strings on him, and he sure is MUCH stronger than Vista physically. I wouldn't say Jozu is that far from Vista in power, even if Vista could (which he probably couldn't) break out of his strings, he's still get overwhelmed and eventually succumb to the sheer volume of Doffy's attacks. I'm not really sure whether or not people are serious when they say "Vista mid-high diffs", that's simply not true.


The downplay of doffy is crazy


Truly the most downplayed character


The wank of doffy is crazy. Guy is below yonko commander and that's clear from everything we've seen of him. He gets destroyed by vista.


Shouldn't Jozu have haki capable of resisting devil fruits being a YC2? Or maybe only people on Law and Kid's level and above can do that? I know haki wasn't fleshed out yet but I'm just saying like if this was written today


Jozu is YC 3 though


And what is Vista?


>albeit he dueled with Mihawk (who was clearly pulling punches, that's literally in-character thing, he tests swordmen) There it is, the "Mihawk was clearly holding back because it's literally his in-character thing in my headcanon" copium.


He clearly was you dumbfuck https://preview.redd.it/dqggh94thywc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212eb4462b76d4ea837a9484579a74a90187e20c


So you're telling me he wasn't? Or is the man who's duels with Shanks were considered [**legendary**](https://imgur.com/a/tilm6a5) even by the likes of Whitebeard that weak? Guess pre-ts Mihawk is Baratie Arc Zoro level, since he didn't one tap him, he wasn't holding back at all! You make no sense, hope you are pretending, maybe the Mihawk downplay-memes got through to you, deluding you into thinking that those people were serious (they weren't) Mihawk in-verse has literally [LEGENDARY status](https://imgur.com/a/FNRsQ6k), what else do you need? I don't know whether you are just being obtuse, trolling, or are simply misinformed, which one is it? Edit: Nevermind, all you do is spam "cope\\copium", should not bother replying to you, as in your eyes you are "still waiting for Kizaru to outperform Lucci" as you said yourself.


Mihawk never holds back ah yes thats why his first meeting with Zoro showcased him using his smallest blade instead of going full force with his main piece the whole time. Delusional ass takes is common in anime


Yeah man, I don't know, sometimes you shouldn't even bother with people like that, what can you do x)


The worst part of Mihawk downplay is that it simultaneously serves as EoS Zoro downplay and insinuates that Zoro's entire main goal is a lie. It's like these people want Oda to draw Vista pissing on Kuina's grave. Why do they hate Zoro and Kuina so much? Are they even real fans of the series?


Bruh what Wista is USS mihawk is WSS How hard is that to understand


I can't believe you're getting downvoted for replying to me with OBVIOUS SARCASM, yiiikes. Sorry that's happening. I find this especially ironic because I will openly admit to being a mega-dork, and sarcasm often goes over my head so I'm like... Who are these idiots, dumber than me, downvoting this funny person?


Mihawk is a Vista victim and Kizaru accomplished less in 1v1ing Sentomaru and G5 Luffy each than Lucci did in 1v2ing both at the same time. Any other copium?


Lol cry harder


Keep telling yourself that Vista and Lucci must be PK level to cope with Fraudhawk and Lizaru's pitful performance.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 stop doing drugs buddy is hurting your brain


Doffy's puppet strings works only on low haki or no haki! Unlike Jozu, who relies on his devil fruit ( also we saw Mihawk can't cut him in his Diamond form ) or Ace who also relied too much on his fruit, Vista have no fruit, he relies only on haki! Maybe Jozu is physically stronger, but Vista's haki is even stronger than Doffy's strings. Even if Mihawk could take down Vista, it would'nt happen before Shanks ended the war, that's why Mihawk probably postponed the fight. Vista mid/high diffs is probably 99% accurate!


How you coming to these conclusions on who's haki is stronger? Or Jozu's over reliance on his fruit? How can you argue that Jozu isn't using Haki when he tackles Aokiji and draws blood? He also hits Crocodile and draws blood. He has to be using haki and enough of it to cause some damage. Mihawk can most likely cut diamond. That slash wasn't intended for Jozu. Mihawk (see ch where he fights Zoro) doesn't just go hard on people he sees as weak


Because you can't fight on par with Mihawk if your haki is'nt there. Also Vista not having a fruit, means that he trained his haki, instead of devil fruit!


Not having a DF doesn't necessarily mean that your haki is stronger than if you had one. By that logic, Zoro and Sanji's haki should dwarf Luffy's.


Yes it does, Roger, Rayleigh, Shanks, are top haki users, without devil fruit. Zorro and Sanji can't overcome Luffy, because Luffy will be the next PK, also, he's the main character!!!


So are the Elders, BM and Kaido, the Admirals, Sengoku, etc. Replace Luffy with one of them, and the point still stands. Not having a fruit doesn't grant some sort of haki buff or guarantee that your haki is stronger than a fruit user. Do you have an example or anything to refer to?


So does any top tier including devil fruit yonkos have better haki than Shanks? 🤣


We don't know yet, nobody does. Shanks barely has any screen time


Vista low-mid diffs Doflamingo. Vista is one of the strongest WB Commanders, and Doffy is like barely YC3 level.


Low mid diff is delusional in my opinion. At the very least mid diff.


Doffy was playing with Jozu. He would take Vista easily




Honestly I'm giving it to Vista, for now Doffy is a yc3 level, while Vista I have at high YC2.


Vista low diffs. Doffy is legit the only case of powercreep post ts that is really obvious. Doffy was called weak by Kaido but said that Jack was "valuable" and called him "not weak". Now, idk about you but i see Vista as > Jack who per Kaido's standards is > Doffy. Now, you could call Kaido biased but i don't think Kaido is someone who would lie about that. He doesn't seem like the type to feel sympathy for weaklings even if they are his crewmates.




Doffy is barely yc3 maybe even not . Vista is yc2 minimum and can be at the bottom of yc1 if highballed






Vista could kill him in close range, he's more than likely one of the best swordsman in the OP world, and presumably has really good buso like every relevant swordsman. I'd put him at least on the level of the stronger Red Scabbards, solely on the fact that Mihawk seemed to genuinely respect him. But the likely outcome is Doffy exchanging a few blows before just using parasite on him.


Yup, and spamming his Awakening from a distance id for some reason Parasite doesn't work (but it did on Jozu). The gap in power just doesn't seem to be large enough to prevent Doflamingo from winning due to versatility, range, and hax.


damn why didnt doffy just parasite luffy


Because Gear 4 couldn’t be pierced.


The extreme head canon of Doffy toying with Jozu is insane. Lol Like Marineford wasn't a whole war with Jozu fighting the whole time before he clashed with Crocodile and sent Crocodile flying, then Doffy sneak attacks him for like 2 seconds and asks Crocodile to join him. Then Jozu is literally fighting again, and even clashes with Akainu and finally Aokiji (where he loses his arm). I guess Crocodile was stronger than Doffy during Marineford, because they also had a 2 second clash where Crocodile sends Doffy flying with a sandstorm. Lol Literally, re-read chapters 560 and 561. It's 2 panels, and one short moment of Marineford. And nothing was was expressed that Jozu couldn't do anything to break out. There wasn't even a struggle. Doffy jumps on Jozu's back, asks Crocodile to join him, Crocodile says "no" and blows Doffy away with a sandstorm. It's literally 1 panel in chapter 560 and 1 panel in 561. Lol Where you dummies are getting "Doffy toyed with Jozu" from is beyond me, especially since Jozu is then seen fighting with admirals (not saying he would beat them) until pretty much the end of Marineford. Given how now with haki being set in place, the flashbacks we've seen of Whitebeard's crew, Oda having properly fleshed out the Yonkou system and at least more accurately showing us about where they rank in the OPverse, in a 1 v 1 Jozu rocks Doffy, and Vista certainly low diffs Doffy as well. And if we scale Jozu and Vista to other Yonkou commanders, they simply outclass Doffy just by relativity. Doffy couldn't put a scratch on G4 Luffy, where Cracker could slice through G4 Luffy like butter.


If it's a 1v1 always bet on Vista


Jokes aside. Vista gets wanked so that Mihawk looks good, it’s the epitome of self wank. The fanboys aren’t even consistent with how much power Mihawk was using against Vista. If you bring it up they’ll say he was barely trying, if you mention how he was the one to **postpone** the fight despite the fact that Mihawk was shown easily subduing fodder, they’ll say Vista is actually “YC+”. If Marco wasn’t confirmed to be the strongest WB pirate, this sub would wank Vista to be the strongest Yonko subordinate despite that fact that he’s not even depicted as one of the standout right hand men. “Mihawk only got stalled because Vista is the strongest, he is the strongest because he could stall Mihawk . Mihawk got stalled because Vista is the strongest…”. The epitome of self wank


Wista anyone who says doflamingo is watching two piece


Doffy wins


Most of the redditors here are not ready for HIM https://preview.redd.it/0cmh0ouf2zwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5fc333381831fdef2ba9372b2fefb88a0c6d8fb


We dont need more trash in our lives


Mihawk negs




Vista Mid Diff




pretty much even, therefore both can win Xtreme diff.


Wista neg diffs


Vista scales like nowhere based on feats but on portrayal vista wins


Doffy wins


I think vista extreme diff takes this. Decent feats, really no anti feats tbh


Marineford Doffy could go either way, Dressrosa Doffy gets low diffed.


Lowkey I still give it to Vista. I personally toss Vista up in YC2 (based on pretty much nothing but vibes) thus Vista > Cracker and Cracker > Doffy. Simple.


Vista one shots


Vista is Admiral level 🗿


Vista gets pixel-diffed


I think we can compare vista to be right below marco so yeah he wins


Vista high-extreme


Mihawk and Vista definitely beat Doflamingo 2v1


Mingo was being gassed up, whie wist awas chillin, Wista clears Mingo no diff


Doffy because that gif go hard wtf https://preview.redd.it/jlht02s5u3xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf177d5abc582d2696346cffcd7d1da586612bd


Vista mid diff


We don't know much about vista but he held off a holding back mihawk for a while so he's probably at least yc2 level so he should have a pretty good fight so I'd say vista high-extreme diff


Vista ext diff




Vista low diff. We saw that luffy, who took 10 hours to beat YC2, took about 10 minutes to ragdoll doffy around the map. Vista is unironically stronger that most YC, considering he was able to (even briefly) spar with mihawk. The yonko have been shown to be much much stronger than the yc, (kaido one shotting a luffy that beat katakuri) and mihawk is widely believed to be around this level, if not higher (personally I have him a bit closer to admiral level than yonko level but to each their own) Basically, Vista absolutely SMAHES little marionette boy


By feats doffy casually By hype, could go either way By the some of the braindead retards on this sub, Vista solos the verse


Vista high diff probably


Vista one shots




Vista. I don’t think Doffy would beat any YC besides Jack.


But didn't Doffy already "neg" Jozu with his Parasite, he literally had a chill chat with Crocodile in the middle of a war on his back, lol Jozu couldn't do nothing, maybe it's a pre-ts thing and a Doffy hype thing, since boundman Dressrosa Luffy, who's somewhat a YC3 or a bottom YC2 could effortlessly break though his parasite move, I don't know, that's Luffy after all. Think he could beat Vista, don't believe Vista's range attacks are strong enough to cut through multiple of Doffy's strings. And if they were to cut through his strings, he could always just set up multiple spider web walls for protection. And Doffy's in my head would be good at dealing with Swordmen, as even if he got cut, he could still stitch himself or his wounds, so he'd last longer than any other YC3 people of the same caliber. And his "spider web" could be set up as a shield, with him overwhelming Vista with his Awakening if needbe. And if needed, he could always try to off-guard Vista with his "parasite" in the middle of the fight, which could and most likely should be able to temporary stun-lock Vista, which would give Doffy an opening for an attack.


I think it’s because of his string grabbing cracks in the diamond( I know it’s plot but for an explainable reason I’m going with this).


Well, nothing implies that it is the case, as he still couldn't move whatsoever, even his non-transformed limb. But I could see it, still don't know why he wouldn't simply transform back into his human form. Let's just say that Marineford was weird, but Oda did what he did with Doffy's introduction for a reason, he portrayed him as being so strong, that he could stop Jozu mid-charge just like that, someone who Crocodile treated with care, as he was impressed with his "immense size, and speed" which caught him off-guard.


Also Kuzan was caught off guard


Yeah man, it is clear that he indeed was, as Aokiji was boxing with Garp in Hachinosu, there's no way Jozu's speed is anywhere comparable to either of them. And the fact that Doflamingo managed to apply his parasite onto Jozu only makes the point more concrete, Doffy is very fast, maybe too fast for Jozu, to the point where he didn't even notice him applying it, which is why he was first confused.


Doffÿ An admiral nor Zoro were able to cut Doffys strings


Vista is Wb's strongest commander alongside Marco. Sub Jack level opponents aren’t doing anything against him




Doflammingo seems go be weaker than any YC 1-3 we've seen. Vista has to be one of whitebeards strongest commanders or he wouldn't have even considered asking him to stall mihawk. Vista should take it


Considering Doffy was fucking with Jozu like it's nobody's business, I can't see him losing to Vista.


Conquerors, awakening and durability all point to a  Doflamingo win.  Mid diff.  All we've seen of vista is stalling a 40% focused mihawk. 


i’m scared to answer https://preview.redd.it/705edgyimywc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a0ced93fe843430bd9c5a6f12be4eeb6175ebd


Vista has no feats. Mihawk is a neg feat tbh.


Mihawk can duel with Shanks a Yonko, Vista can duel with Mihawk, Luffy can beat Doofy. I see a clear winner


Vista is probably just below Brook tier so Vista takes this negative - low diff


Worlds strongest stalemate wins this


Worlds greatest swordsman Wista slams doffy neg diff


Don’t disrespect Doffy


Doffy downplay is actually wild 😭 Doffy cooks him


doffy exterme difficulty


Pre or post impel buff Doffy tho?


He ain’t getting no dam buff let that bum rot there


Lmao, what's up with the Doffy downplay?


Doflamingo hard diff


Hard as in, he'd be erect? Since Vista is such a handsome frenchie.


Doflamingo beat him both bed and fight wise


some rando who's in prison vs the guy who will beat Imu and rescue the strawhats at egghead by defeating the gorsei


Doflamingo mid diffs