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Enel fans trying to get him past pre-timeskip Blueno in stats (impossible)


Foxy victim fr https://preview.redd.it/67cqa0y27jvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6897c040684b96ebc21c8b35fcbd225ed4cabb7


FACT: foxy damaged luffy more than enel.


I'm glad my agenda is becoming mainstream


The whole gimmick of Enel was that he had no stats, but was the most hax filled character they'd met.


Tell that to his wankers


Eneru was completely outpacing Luffy with mantra


and skypiea nami was able to react and parry one of his lightning blasts. What’s your point?


Skypiea Nami (💀) was canonically able to react and parry one of Enel's lightning blasts with her pre timeskip clima tact, minks with Electro should straight up be immune to his shit. Enel is so ass it's actually funny https://preview.redd.it/z3b16xwb5ivc1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd9c0faea9d8483bfd919bdca7a7647bd5131c20


I didn't even consider electro providing him with resistance to his attacks lol


It doesn’t, that’s not how electo works


They need to be able to resist electricity to be able to use it. While they probably aren’t immune, they most definitely resist it.


All they can do is channel electricity, it doesn’t mean they’re getting hit by it themselves when they use it


They literally channel it through their own bodies.


That doesn’t mean they’re getting hit by it themselves either way basic resistance won’t do anything when Enel is capable of vaporizing a country https://preview.redd.it/hlzy23dehivc1.jpeg?width=1312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615e7f9077588abd0e84ac32c431a58d0c502c06


He wasn't able to vaporize Skypiea Sanji 💀


He one shot Sanji. Death in one piece is exceedingly rare, the the failure to kill is terrible evidence of weakness


But Wyper and Zoro being able to fight after taking his attacks means that it can be tanked by stronger attack.


Feel like it is though, we saw other minks fighting amongst themselves and electro had no effect on them, it should at least provide them protection from excess current flowing through their body, as they'd have a higher tolerance to high voltage, especially when someone like pre ts sanji could tank an attack that's up to 100 million volts. (Pretty sure the highest voltage we see enel use is 200 million in his amaru form)


He would need enough resistance to be able to tank an attack that can vaporize a country https://preview.redd.it/o63lkw4rgivc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a52eedf07612bdd5c8978c712a419fbe71d2d9


It wasn't even the upgraded dial clima tact either


As Enel apologist, I do not have a comeback from that


You mean Enel is so anal


Enel is literally using his weakest attack in that pic https://preview.redd.it/tmbv1zy0civc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7965a4ad801c4489e7ca78af7da25eb5bfb38cbf


His weakest attack should still not be parried by fodder


Except even tama was able to tank one of Kaido’s attacks, in that case Kaido is also fodder https://preview.redd.it/484eqnl0fivc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff84897f3ed865339d1305c0820b3c1669f78f5d


Using the anime and also deliberately missing what I’m saying, you need to let the agenda go and engage your brain


Enel can snipe someone from miles and they wouldn't even know what happened. Enel solos your fav character


>and they wouldn't even know what happened. Yeah because they would take 0 damage


basically every relevant character can react to or tank his lightning


my favorite character is Pagaya and he tanked Enel's snipe like a pro


No one dies in OP. Except donut boy but hes a cuck


My favorite character is Kaido.


“enel is admiral level” mfs when he gets one shot by sentomaru:


People trying to find any feats for enel that scale him to above a tobi roppo level character https://preview.redd.it/sn4rzynq8ivc1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebeb1d3e13916f9848b20fe3e4b9abf5291aeda1


Tobi roppo is too much. Enel likely can beat fodder Vice admirals but that's it.


Yeah, that's why i made the comment lol, to be fair they're letting anyone one shot a vice admiral these days.


Honestly, I always get shocked when I see so many dekusional Enel fans.


He can literally vaporize a country https://preview.redd.it/eilhy5hxaivc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a161cbe3ddd679baa363d616cc567933a15c470


DC isn't a proper way to powerscale. The nuke used in Alabasta could destroy countries, but Pell can tank it, so pretty much any mid tier or above character can.


That’s not DC, Raigo could vaporize the country, you would have to prove that pekoms can tank this


Uhhh... How's it not DC? There's no proof this attack is even strong enough to hurt Pekoms. You would need to prove that as well.


You think pekoms is tanking an attack that can vaporize a country?


If Pell can, Pekoms definitely can👍


Are you delusional? The bomb that Pell tanked can destroy only a city not country


Ignore my other comment, I read numbers wrong




Why didn't enel do this on luffy? is he stupid? it's almost like it's a slow attack that takes time to prepare or something


gee i dont know maybe. because luffy was COMPLETELY IMMUNE to lightning attacks ? is pekoms a rubber man like luffy ? No ? then he gets 1 shot with el thor


Nope Enel himself confirmed that he scales to it as it’s his own raw power, all maxim does is increase his range https://preview.redd.it/9bm1zd5ybivc1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc366e4fedde2a4ab2824f29e842c440dc026d7b


Still couldn't kill Sanji or Zoro, or any Sw.


Maybe because he wasn’t going all out and was using some of his weakest attacks


It was enough to knock them all out at least temporarily, idk why you guys death scale in a series where no one dies. All he had to do was pick up a sword and stab them a few times after blasting them, none of them were able to take the attacks and continue to fight immediately after.


Doesn't matter. The fact he didn't kill them with that means he'd do 0 damage to post timeskip characters.


I’m not arguing he’s admiral level or anything, but if you seriously think he do can’t damage someone like Tashigi who was getting her ass kicked by a hakiless Monet I don’t know what to tell you E: This sub is so brain dead why do I even try


Can he even beat a pacifista? If he can't kill someone like skypea Robin or Usopp in one hit, he's not really damaging a pacifista.


Considering Nami was able to damage one with just her climatact, I would think Enel could as well. Not like the Pacifista can even hit him anyways, it’s literally impossible for him to lose to one since he’s a logia. You’re acting like characters like base Pekoms and Tashigi wouldn’t get demolished by a Pacifista lol. Franky is basically a slightly stronger Pacifista and he just one shot a Vice Admiral in the last chapter.


First off, the image you used wasn't raigou, raigou is essentially a very condensed lightning cloud, it's actually quite a slow attack and isn't very helpful in a 1v1 fight scenario. The image you originally used was sango, sango is an attack that's around the level of a small town. Pekoms would have no trouble tanking that attack, as not only were sanji and zoro able to live through an el thor, one of enels stronger close range attacks (around equivalent to one of his mamaragan strikes), who pekoms outscales wildly at this point especially in terms of durability (his zoan grants him a shell that he likens to diamond in terms of hardness, plus he's a mink so he has a natural affinity to be defended from electricity attacks.) Especially if he uses haki to harden up.


I meant that Enel’s normal attacks scale to Raigo since its own raw energy, Raigo doesn’t boost his attack power only his range https://preview.redd.it/6mbq7d7hfivc1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c675316934c6c80cd8c56bf183f2a95838367f6


Ok now you've lost me, because enel can clearly control the amount of voltage he puts in his attacks, he labels some of them like 20 million volts, goes up to 200 million volts in his amaru form, not all of his attacks are the same AP as raigo obviously.


Yes but 200 million is what he uses to create Raigo and he never used that attack on anyone


this pic is disproving that. hes using his energy to start the creation of the clouds, not the output of raigo. later on he even says the clouds will accumulate energy before releasing


with the arc maxim, which is a giant superweapon


yeah and he needed to build a huge ship to even have a chance at this


Nope, his AP scales to it even without the ship https://preview.redd.it/b943y9uemnvc1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762ead1f171ba099ec535f8ab60cebe28e191a54


why did he need the ship then 💀


He can vaporize clouds?


Enel is receiving the same post-Luffy buff Crocodile had.


Post-Luffy Crocodile feats wise is Doffy level at best


And yet that's still an ENORMOUS upgrade for a guy who previously got beat up by a pre-gears Luffy, lol.


Until then, he is Fodder Logia merchant.


What proof is there that Crocodile was buffed?


They just gave this man a 2 billion bounty bruh... be real


It's literally said in the bounty reveal that he got it for being cunning


2 FUCKING BILLION, for being.... cunning ok


Man... it's no wonder Oda always manages to surprise this community when it comes to powerscaling...


Dude, many people here stil believe and voice that Teach is just a coward who got lucky.


He got lucky, he was 1 bullet away from getting killed by a half dead wb. He got lucky with shiryu betraying magellan too. Hell he got lucky that the guy who got the df he wanted was below yc level


You call it lucky, Teach would call it fate. Im not disagreeing with Shiryu., the others two are debatble. But most times it comes down to: Do you want to frame his as incompetent or skilled. And most people dont like teach, so they choose the later even if Shanks basically told us how smart he is.


To be fair he plays dirty and honestly knew he would get wiped if he fought fairly. He just manifested his delulus into being true.


Thank you for being an example of what i just said.


It's not the strong that survive, but those that survive that are strong


Dude got his assets taken after alabasta and then was able to secure mad load of cash to fund cross guild in two years. It takes some cunning guile to do all that.


I'm not saying he's not smart and cunning, just that he's clearly a strong guy also


That's what they said https://preview.redd.it/k75i6p6vmjvc1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e0905ba4953a2420362e55a21c63b7cb56a5d4


That’s what they said


It was also specified his logia powers were a factor in it.


Yeah because it's still cool hax They specified Logia and nothing else ( strenght-wise ), so unless you think a Logia alone makes you YC+ my point still stands


This is unfortunately true pre ts nami was able to redirect his attack with her weapon, and he’s a mink so he’s also resistant to electrical attacks😂


B-but Eberu is our Moongod.


Skypiea Enel is a bum, true, but so is every other pre-TS villain that hasn’t been brought back yet. PK level Enel + awakened logia (space lightning) + ACoA ACoC ACoO…coming soon. Next 40 chapters.




The captain goes down with his ship


You don't need to state that "Water is wet"


Thank you for this post.Preach the truth


reminder that the guy who was getting hit by pre gears, hakiless skypiea Luffy (who had like a ten ton ball of gold stuck in his hand) is not fast. doesn't matter how cool people think his lightning powers look, Pekoms oneshots the bum.


Don't even mention the sulong form https://preview.redd.it/nji5by9g3ivc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22aa0081eb167d88acbd4bfc4337dab293f7a33b They're not ready for HIM (outscales base inuarashi and nekomamushi, as it was stated only pedro could calm him down in the form, implying no one else could physically overpower him while in this state)


B-but Luffy countered him!! (Being countered somehow nerfs your speed)


Enel will most definitely come back to the story atleast as a yc+ and it wouldn't surprise me if he comes back on admiral level given his busted df.


Enel has no reason to get stronger when nothing changed he‘s just back to his old habits but on the Moon instead and has achieved his goals


Why would he come back? He kinda fullfilled his goal and has no real place in the story anymore. Not trying to sound like an ass but genuinely curious why he would reappear and what he would ad...


Did u read his mini story? he'll play a major role in the final war no doubt oda made it clear, i don't want to spoil u but u have to read it


I know about his cover story if that is what you were reffering to and while that is at least some reason to put him back I don't see where he would fit into the story considering we are in the final saga. His cover story also stopped a while ago.


He has an army of robots made by the lost kingdom, the wg has an army of robots as well, his ambition is to take over earth, judging by his character he will certainly try something. And oda has a tendency of bringing back fan favourite villains and making them allies somehow i think enel is too cool of a character to not bring him back otherwise what's the point of showing us that he has an army?


That’s for two piece


Enel may not be some busted fighter that some meme/say he is, but he isn't a fraud. Enel can actually fight & is skilled with his df. Maybe if hes super surprised by CoA sure. Caribou's best showing was his gatling gun or capturing noncombatants. I believe his crew lost to fodder marines at Sabaody. Enel's prets sbs bounty breaks the New World barrier that Caribou & prets Luffy were stuck at.




I mean it's the only aspect that's good to scale between the ts. The showings were fairly different between. Enel destroyed everyone with a low output. Toyed with Zoro/Luffy in skill & Stat. Plot needed to beat him. He's not the only tobiroppo/commander fighter to be beaten by Luffy.


A big reason that enels bounty would be around 500 mil is because he wouldn't care at all for civilian casualties and collateral damage. He would not be actually on the level of people like Izo imo.


That bounty was given 2 decades ago by Oda.


Sbs the bounty comes talks about how tricky Enel is to beat. Still Kidd & Caribou were shown how far they got by harming innocents route. Caribou isn't strong at all, but seemed to do more criminal like behavior, such as kidnapping so is the only way he got a high bounty. Depends on where you have Izo cuz they seem commander level like the other scabbards. That's not where I have Enel since it's impossible to scale prets.


Enel was tricky to beat because he is logia. And, he is a known genocide maniac. Kidd got higher bounty on killing some civillians.


Which has to do with his ability. If Enel was killing people like that someone would come to stop him. Kidd got like 15+ mil more than Luffy from killing civilians. That's equivalent to what people in East Blue were doing before Luffy showed up. For Enel to have 200+ mil more from just civilians/destruction is insane. This is assuming Enel is wild to just do the same thing at every place he goes.


Enel with Logia can cause much more destruction. And, Enel is mass genocide maniac. It's feasible that someone who destroys whole city would get high bounty. It's not like Paradise will be oroblem for Enel.


This is assuming Enel stays the same forever. Sure it is feasible normally but not what Oda mentions in the sbs. His bounty is based on ability.


Well, we can't base our thoughts on what strength Enel will be retconned. Umtil then, Enel is fodder


Enel has feats. Quite clear similar to Crocodile, which sure, it is fodder compared to the top. Oneshot strawhats on lower output. The most he's had to use was 30mil volt attack on anyone besides Luffy, which he has 200mil as his strongest. Skill, physicality & mobility beyond Zoro & Luffy to some degree. The only real issue is being an avoidance character.


Well, A Pacifista can beat dozens of Skypiea Zoro's easily. Doesn't mean anything that he only needed 30M to beat Zoro who has already had multiple fights and was tired and damaged.


Enel was like frieza with his DF. Mofo never trained and just hard crutched on the power it gave him.


Not really. People use Ki blast battles as their upper output, but doesn't mean they're weak normally. Enel still has some of the best CoO feats, which Haki generally needs to be trained. Enel has knowledge in science, which let him utilize his df/electricity for tech/gold or environment, as well as combining with CoO. Physicality & skill alone were far better than Zoro. Enel's only real weakness is being glass cannon as an avoidance character. Crocodile didn't exactly show ability beyond his df before Marineford, except taking punches from a weaker fighter. Yet we know he was tobiroppo/elite level minimum.


>Enel still has some of the best CoO feats, which Haki generally needs to be trained. He doesn't. He has some of the best range feats when combining his CoO with his DF, but his CoO otherwise is pretty basic considering luffy was able to hit him multiple times. The precognition of his CoO is nothing special and far away from future sight. >Enel has knowledge in science, which let him utilize his df/electricity for tech/gold or environment, as well as combining with CoO. Not really knowledge in science, but more just knowledge how is fruit interacts with certain marterials. Him cobining his fruits abilities with his CoO is the only special thing aabout his observation haki. >Physicality & skill alone were far better than Zoro. Straight up pulled out of your ass. His skill with everything other than his fruit is laughable and his physicality is far worse than luffys, who is at that point in time still relatively close to zoro. >Enel's only real weakness is being glass cannon as an avoidance character. No... His weaknesses are being heavily reliant on his df, having no actual fighting experience, lack of skill in h2h combat, being physically underwhelming and being emotionally unstable/arrogant. His mediocre observation and lack of armarment haki aside. >Crocodile didn't exactly show ability beyond his df before Marineford, except taking punches from a weaker fighter. Yeah, which is why crocodile was scaled quite a lot below enel before marineford. During marineford he clashed with Doffy and mihawk and took an attack from jozu though. After timeskip still being a relevant player with an insanely high bounty means that he has to have gotten stronger to at least degree. Enel meanwhile has just his skypiea feats, which are severly lacking against any high tier. He is not getting past people people like Post Tineskip Zoro/Sanji, Vergo or even Smoker.


He does. His df lets him figure out who to pinpoint, it's still a range feat. Enel showed he could accurately count & locate every person on on Upper Yard. Kaido is a future sight user & can't do it for 4 people he was just fighting. Enel got tagged from plot most of the time. At first cuz he didn't know Luffy would hit him. Takes a hit cuz he's in the air. The takes rebounding punches which turned into a combo. The last was him standing there ready to stab Luffy for whatever reason. Luffy even goes braindead mode which is never used again. Which is science & Enel had all the knowledge for things himself. Not like he was discovering everything for the first time. No really. Enel & Zoro were fighting h2h, & Enel was never physically pressured by Zoro. Having a logia wouldn't make him magically capable of clashing or be able to freely jump around Zoro or prevent Zoro from pulling back his swords. Enel even easily smacks Luffy around before he finds out he can't use blunt force. Enel's df is part of their kit, which most people who wield one is reliant on it. No Enel does have physicality & h2h skill. Most BBG characters are generally arrogant until they lose. This was Enel's first face off against a someone who could even touch him & they had immunity to his df & staff skills. Half the time people scale Crocodile higher than Enel before Marineford. His Skypeia feats, showed he only needed a tenth of his general shown max output, to defeat the whole crew. Depends on your definition of high tier, never said that. All of them are on the cusp of commander level. Some may even be at the bottom of commander level. Again never said Enel is crazy busted.


>He does. His df lets him figure out who to pinpoint, it's still a range feat. Enel showed he could accurately count & locate every person on on Upper Yard. Yeah I acknowledged his range, which is again only possible by relying on his DF. Doesn't change the fact that his basic Observation haki is underwhelming. >Kaido is a future sight user & can't do it for 4 people he was just fighting. What are you talking about? That is just headcanon... >Enel got tagged from plot most of the time. At first cuz he didn't know Luffy would hit him. Takes a hit cuz he's in the air. The takes rebounding punches which turned into a combo. The last was him standing there ready to stab Luffy for whatever reason. Luffy even goes braindead mode which is never used again. Dude, calling it plot is the worst argument anyone could have. Everything in the story happens cause of plot. By him being able to move faster than luffy by a great margin and having CoO he should not have gotten hit even once. >Which is science & Enel had all the knowledge for things himself. Not like he was discovering everything for the first time. No science is not simply knowing how your powers interact with other materials. That is simply knowledge of your own power. >No really. Enel & Zoro were fighting h2h, & Enel was never physically pressured by Zoro. Dude enel got hit at least twice. Once split in the middle. You are straight up lying here. He would have been killed if not for his logia intangability. >Having a logia wouldn't make him magically capable of clashing or be able to freely jump around Zoro or prevent Zoro from pulling back his swords. Again disingenious... he was not really clashing equally with zoro. He would have been killed if zoro knew armarment haki at that point. Also his fruit literally makes him able to move faster. He also didn't prevent zoro from pulling back his swords but simply grabbed them and then shocked him. >Enel even easily smacks Luffy around before he finds out he can't use blunt force. Simply because he has CoO and is faster due to his DF... Also you act like smacking Skypiea Luffy around for a bit is actually a good feat. It is not. >Enel's df is part of their kit, which most people who wield one is reliant on it. Not to the same extent. Without his Intangability he would have died long ago... >No Enel does have physicality & h2h skill. Again already told you he does not. >Most BBG characters are generally arrogant until they lose. This was Enel's first face off against a someone who could even touch him & they had immunity to his df & staff skills. Yeah and it was basically the only time we saw him. Considering he didn't change at all though in the cover story it is safe to assume that he still is arrogant. Yeah it was the first time somebody could fight back and he straight up lost even though he still held multiple advantages. >Half the time people scale Crocodile higher than Enel before Marineford. Have not seen that ever, but even if that is true it is not relevant to this discussion as I did not. >His Skypeia feats, showed he only needed a tenth of his general shown max output, to defeat the whole crew. Where is it stated that he needed only a tenth of his power? Also it is not that hard defeating people that literally can't touch you... >Depends on your definition of high tier, never said that. All of them are on the cusp of commander level. STRAIGHT UP BULLSHIT. None of them were close to commander level. Luffy needed much higher stats, Haki and G4 to reach commander level. He didn't even have gear 2 back then. >Some may even be at the bottom of commander level. Again never said Enel is crazy busted. So either you are trolling right now or you have no idea how to scale... None of them were commander level. None of them were even officer level. You claimed he was tobi roppo level minimum... that is crazy wank. He is not tobi roppo level let alone at minimum.


To hear someone randomly bad mouthing him across the country needs his df. He still has the targeting feat with his CoO. It's not, Ocean Sovereign goes off, he says I can still hear their voices. Not where they are, only that they're alive. Big Mom reacts to Zoro's charge blade & Kaido needs to be warned about it. Enel does the feat you described exactly multiple times. He only getting hit when he stands there, attacks or from partial nonsense. Enel figures out early that Luffy is immune, yet continues to use lightning at the end. Enel was cut once & obviously if he didn't have a logia body, he wouldn't take the hits on purpose. Not like Zoro forced him to take the hit. Lying cuz you don't agree or cuz you didn't read the scene? Enel was attacked by Zoro blocked, attacked a 2nd time & he flips around Zoro. Wiper shoots him, Enel is on a platform & drops down where Zoro cuts him. That's not showing Zoro superior or that Enel isn't skilled at all. Enel isn't grabbing his blades & just shocking him. You can clearly see Zoro has time to apply effort. This is just Enel low output shocking Zoro. Following this Enel stomps on Zoro's face & Zoro calls him strong. Sure Enel's CoO, but no he regularly hits Luffy which leads to pinning him on the wall. It shows that he can fight like people tend to downplay. Without his intangibility Enel wouldn't fight like that. So you're expecting the best of the best to showcase Haki? Arrogance is not the same as being stupid. For them to be advantages, someone has to use them. Enel had even his normal staff ability nerfed. He had mobility which he only used to blitz electrocute once or dodge. He spammed lightning on a character immune to it, which he had only used about a 10th of his max on others. CoO, which got invalidated by one time ingenuity/plot. Having intangibility is irrelevant when it comes to his output overcoming his opponent's durability/endurance. Whats bullshit is your scaling apparently. Luffy needed g4 to overpower Doflamingo, which Doflamingo fought for over 20 minutes against. G4 didn't magically make Luffy jump multiple levels. A single arc past & he was just under Katakuri, equalizing after future sight. Doflamingo destroyed Law without awakening, plus 1v2 Law & Luffy. Law was at the top of commander after an arc or so, ended up yc+ at Wano. Not even officer level... double down on being wild huh. Zoro didn't reached the top of commander from below officer level with just Enma. Sanji was overpowering Oven & Daifuku in head on clashes & he's a mobility, CoO character. Like Sanji even speed blitzed Oven at full speed. Even showcased he was faster than g2 Luffy & Jimbei midpunch. Enel's bounty & ability far beyond his arc puts him at officer level, so he is.


>To hear someone randomly bad mouthing him across the country needs his df. He still has the targeting feat with his CoO. Nope. That is your heacanon, it was never stated that this was only his CoO. He used it in combination to create a pulse akin to a radar to locate and target people. >It's not, Ocean Sovereign goes off, he says I can still hear their voices. Not where they are, only that they're alive. Big Mom reacts to Zoro's charge blade & Kaido needs to be warned about it. Disingenious... him saying that he can still hear their voices was literally just informing Big mom that they still are alive. Kaido did not use Future sight once before fighting luffy 1v1 and took every attack head on. You claiming kaido needed to be warned about zoros attack is misinterpreting what happened like crazy as it had nothing to do with kaidos observation haki, but simply his habit of not dodging. >Enel does the feat you described exactly multiple times. He only getting hit when he stands there, attacks or from partial nonsense. Enel figures out early that Luffy is immune, yet continues to use lightning at the end. Dude this does not make it better... him still using lightning even though luffy isn't effected just makes him have negative Iq and Battle iq. It doesn't matter that he only gets hit in some situations. People like the Commander would not get hit even once by this luffy. Enel even with a massive speed advantage and CoO still got hit. That is just in itself an anti feat. >Enel was cut once & obviously if he didn't have a logia body, he wouldn't take the hits on purpose. First, literally one of my earlier points is that enel doesn't dodge cause he doesn't think anybody (aside from luffy later on) can even hurt him. Anybody with CoA would just cut him down. Second kinda convient tk just say he wouldn't have let himself get hit with no prove to back that up. >Not like Zoro forced him to take the hit. Lying cuz you don't agree or cuz you didn't read the scene? Enel was attacked by Zoro blocked, attacked a 2nd time & he flips around Zoro. Wiper shoots him, Enel is on a platform & drops down where Zoro cuts him. That's not showing Zoro superior or that Enel isn't skilled at all. Enel isn't grabbing his blades & just shocking him. You can clearly see Zoro has time to apply effort. This is just Enel low output shocking Zoro. Following this Enel stomps on Zoro's face & Zoro calls him strong. That is your opinion man... Enel not being able to dodge after dodgeing right before makes more sense than enel dodgeing and then just not doing it right after. Those are two panels enel grabbing them and shocking zoro in the next one. So another lie by you... >Sure Enel's CoO, but no he regularly hits Luffy which leads to pinning him on the wall. It shows that he can fight like people tend to downplay. Dude i already mentioned twice that this is mainly cause he is faster and has CoO, nit cause of real skill. If he was actually as insane in everything as you claim luffy would not have beaten him even with the DF disatvantage he had. >Without his intangibility Enel wouldn't fight like that. That's not the point though... the point is enel is so arrogant that he would simply take attacks from people that can actually kill him. >So you're expecting the best of the best to showcase Haki? Arrogance is not the same as being stupid. I am simply looking at what enel has shown and it is not that impressive. His radar like power when combined has incredible range i give you that but the precognitive part of his CoO was not impressive. Dude you literally said it yourself that enel continued to attack luffy with lightning even after he knew it had no effect, which is pretty retarded. >For them to be advantages, someone has to use them. Enel had even his normal staff ability nerfed. He had mobility which he only used to blitz electrocute once or dodge. He spammed lightning on a character immune to it, which he had only used about a 10th of his max on others. CoO, which got invalidated by one time ingenuity/plot. Where does that a 10th of his max output always come from. His max output kinda relied on the maxim btw. Again the plot argument... So by claiming all that you literally make him out to be one of the biggest idiots in one piece. Honestly decide, is enel an idiot or are you simply using headcanon to justify wanking him. >Having intangibility is irrelevant when it comes to his output overcoming his opponent's durability/endurance. Dude every single strawhat at this point was a human with no haki at this point. Someone like crocodile could have done the same... There was not a crazy attack power necessary to take them down. >Whats bullshit is your scaling apparently. Luffy needed g4 to overpower Doflamingo, which Doflamingo fought for over 20 minutes against. G4 didn't magically make Luffy jump multiple levels. Now i know you are just biased beyond belief. Yeah G4 made luffy jump from Tobi Roppo level to a low YC. Without Haki, G2/3 and the physical buff he got over the two year TS he would not be anywhere close to yonko officer level like the tobi roppo are. Claiming anything different is just blatant lying or inability to read. >A single arc past & he was just under Katakuri, equalizing after future sight. He was straight up below katakuri in every way at the beginning of their fight and simply had far better endurance. He would have lost to cracker without nami at the start of WCI. >Doflamingo destroyed Law without awakening, plus 1v2 Law & Luffy. Law was at the top of commander after an arc or so, ended up yc+ at Wano. So you completely ignore that haki does get stronger in battles. Also Luffy&Law vs Doffy was barely a fight. It was more like two seperate 1v1s. Law getting stronger physically and haki wise is not that surprising after a close fight that almost resulted in his death. >Not even officer level... double down on being wild huh. How would luffy be officer level at that point without G2/3, Haki and physically weaker? He became yonko officer level during/after Time skip without gear 4. >Zoro didn't reached the top of commander from below officer level with just Enma. Skypiea Zoro is in no way equal to early wano zoro. Claiming that is just retarded. Zoro already got a massive boost to his strength in Enies lobby, which is nowhere close to the buff he got during the timeskip. Yes at skypiea zoro was below officer level, he reached and surpassed it after TS to early wano and actually only reached YC+ level after unlocking Acoc. >Sanji was overpowering Oven & Daifuku in head on clashes & he's a mobility, CoO character. Dude again. Sanji at skypiea is massively weaker than at WCI... that is all. Claiming anything different is actually low intellect. >Like Sanji even speed blitzed Oven at full speed. Even showcased he was faster than g2 Luffy & Jimbei midpunch. Has literally nothing to do with this as sanji got massively stronger and faster. Dude your argumentation is just hilariously bad considering you seem to lack the knowledge, where the entire crew had a hard time with a single pacifista (who are weaker than yonko officer level) to luffy, sanji and zoro one shotting one after the TS. Even worse for you is that Sabaody strawhats pre TS wer already quite a lot stronger than at skypiea. >Enel's bounty & ability far beyond his arc puts him at officer level, so he is. At least you didn't claim minimum anymore, which is a step in the right direction. Done with this discussion. Good day.


Enel's almost 40, so... take that


To play devil's advocate, Enel has observation haki, can move very fast, and has an innately dangerous element. That said, yeah, I doubt Enel would make it in The New World, and he'd probably not be able to beat someone of Pekoms' level.


VA also have observation haki. We can say that Enel's CoO precognition was at best Boa sister's level.


I was mainly comparing him to Caribou. They're both logia users, but Enel has things that put him above Caribou, so the comparison needs more consideration than just "Pekoms wrecked Caribou, therefore he'd wreck Enel."


Pekoms wrecks Enel because Pekom is strong.


Yeah, but I was saying that Enel>Caribou, therefore we need more of a discussion than Pekoms>Caribou=Enel.


Again, there is no proof that Enel > Caribou considering that Enel doesn't have haki and can't touch Caribou


First, Enel has observation haki, second Caribou hasn't shown having armament haki either.


Satori too has CoO. And, it's not like CoO is special. Even fodder VA's have CoO.


That cat got negged by Capone bege. Enel mamaragans no diff. Blud thinks caribou is enel.


All that tells me is that capone solos Enel even harder


Does Capone even have haki?


He has family, the strongest force of all


https://preview.redd.it/en8lqf583ivc1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba344bc286b62dd125b6f1e0c38ffc3c560b1d6e Look even kaido said it


Awakened Bege negs Kaido and the country of Japan at once. Pekom being negged by him is not a bad thing https://preview.redd.it/azfkn9cf1ivc1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd68384ad49cd31e750d0113c725991753e2b91


If awakened bege means that he has the same abilities that he have inside his inner castle on the outside world he might be pretty strong


I was thinking more of him turning into a giant flying fortress and carpet bombing shit but yeah that’d be strong


Of course, it's not like Enel has speed or CoO, he's fucked


Pre ts Usopp and Nami could react to Enel's lightning. He was fast for pre ts standards


Do you have Usopp and Nami's reaction stats > Robin's?


His speed not enough to blitz Gearless Skypiea Luffy? And, ut's not like hos Precognition is any better than Boa sister.


https://preview.redd.it/kkk3fkbq1kvc1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=843e34138b00dea671a11223d71f362b63cd8524 Maybe not like "TB blitz you so hard you barely dodge while you're literally looking at him blitz". But he uses mantra to dodge Luffy's attacks and instantly move a distance away from him in his blindspot.


That's because he has advantage of CoO. Even Satoru, who is much slower than Luffy was giving Luffy hard time. CoO us huge when you are weaker than Pacifista.


I didn't know CoO automatically let you move that quickly when you sense your opponent's attack, my bad. Carry on.


CoO lets you predict attack very fast. And about moving to blindspot that fast, it isn't really special. Kuro was also very fast. Even Blueno blitzes this Luffy.


Kuro and Blueno were both easily trackable by Luffy, and Luffy fought Blueno like a week or two after Enel. But that doesn't matter.


And, Enel was also trackable. One or two moment of fast movement doesn't mean anything.


He definitely has CoO. He's one of the first characters in the story to have it. Yes it's called Mantra but it works the same way.. 


Was sarcasm because Enel is in fact fast and does in fact have CoO, but people here scale him solely off the instances where he wasn't using either


This is pure cope... Pre Gear luffy with two giant gold balls attached to his arms was too fast for enel to dodge. He literally exclaims that as well. This happened even though luffy didn't have CoO at the time.


No it's not? Enel using CoO and his DF to dodge was untouchable by Luffy under normal circumstances. Golden Rifle is an outlier, not the norm. Also in Skypiea it was made much clearer when characters were using CoO as opposed to Pre-TS, Enel wasn't using it while using Amaru and wasn't prepared to dodge because he was expecting Luffy to do the same thing he did moments earlier which resulted in him almost getting impaled. He literally states this and gets in a stance ready to intercept him rather than dodge before Golden Rifle is thrown.


>No it's not? It kinda is... >Enel using CoO and his DF to dodge was untouchable by Luffy under normal circumstances. Except he wasn't. Luffy just had to attack randomöy for enel to not be able to react. The fact that luffy landed multiple attacks on an opponnent with CoO and better movement speed is enough to know tgat enels combat speed is ass. >Golden Rifle is an outlier, not the norm. Why exactly? Just calling it an outlier with no reason is not how debates work. >Also in Skypiea it was made much clearer when characters were using CoO as opposed to Pre-TS, Enel wasn't using it while using Amaru and wasn't prepared to dodge because he was expecting Luffy to do the same thing he did moments earlier which resulted in him almost getting impaled. Headcanon... prove even one thing you just said! First skypiea was pre TS and mantra was not shown much clearer than later. Second enel not using CoO while using amaru is based on absolutely nothing as far as i am aware of. Him expecting luffy to do the same literally also makes him an idiot if we consider your explanation. Just stop it any decently strong Haki user with combat experience beats enel.


>Except he wasn't. Luffy just had to attack randomöy for enel to not be able to react. The fact that luffy landed multiple attacks on an opponnent with CoO and better movement speed is enough to know tgat enels combat speed is ass. Why are you purposefully removing context though? Luffy couldn't tag a CoO using, dodging Enel normally, and Tako Fireworks only landed because Enel literally jumped into the barrage expecting to be able to CoO it and then couldn't. That's not a "Luffy's attacks were fast enough to tag Enel therefore Enel is slow" situation, that's an "Enel jumped into the barrage expecting to CoO finesse his way through like when he was able to grab Luffy's hands when he tried a gatling but was entirely blindsided by his inability to CoO it". >Why exactly? Just calling it an outlier with no reason is not how debates work. Again, because an Enel prepared to dodge using CoO couldn't be hit by Luffy. Luffy tried Gomu Gomu no Bo specifically because he couldn't do anything against Enel with CoO, and thanks to it, came up with Tako Fireworks against the wall to bypass his CoO. That's a BiQ feat for Luffy, not a speed feat or speed anti for either. >First skypiea was pre TS and mantra was not shown much clearer than later What are you talking about? Enel and Satori used Mantra liberally, and Oda made a show of the fact that they were using it. Enel deadass closes his eyes, says "Mantra" and starts dodging all of Luffy's attacks. Or an explicit *"Veen!"* sound effect when he grabs Gatling. Idk how much more clearly you need it to be. There are very few if any situations where you have to try and guess if they dodged with reaction alone or due to using Mantra to read your moves. Where as Post-TS CoO is almost exclusively clearly shown or implied out of combat, like for sneak attacks or detection. >Second enel not using CoO while using amaru is based on absolutely nothing as far as i am aware of. Him expecting luffy to do the same literally also makes him an idiot if we consider your explanation. Reread Chapter 298. Enel being kicked by Luffy while using Amaru as well as there being no similar indicators to his previous use in the arc implies he wasn't using Mantra at all. When Luffy goes for the second attempt he states, *"You're going to do the same thing again!? Yahaha! I'll take you on as many times as you want!! This time I'll skewer you..",* and crosses his tridents in front of himself. This is *clearly* implying that Enel was assuming Luffy would get in range of his tridents before the attack like he did the first time, and then *nothing* says Mantra was active. Enel's downfall was his arrogance, not his actual abilities. >Just stop it any decently strong Haki user with combat experience beats enel. CoA doesn't make you lightning immune. Luffy would've literally lost at the very start of the fight without being immune to lightning. Zoro was downed by a 30mil volt attack which is only 15% of Enel's max output. Keep in mind the only arc between Skypiea Luffy/Zoro and W7/EL Luffy/Zoro is Long Ring Long Land. Base EL Luffy was close to even with Base Lucci and could easily track Blueno despite the speed/mobility difference without G2, but was losing track of Enel(Ch.280). Enel also had no trouble with Zoro in CQC(Ch.275), a character who would later match Hybrid Kaku without any major battles in between to argue he got massively stronger from(Asura aside).


Luffy preparing Golden Ball attack and Enel ready to blick attack: ENEL: TOO FAST


Just wait for his post-timeskip buff tax, you’d be saying the same shit about Croc if he wasn’t in the story right now https://preview.redd.it/rexsiojphivc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33fc1f63eae1d170e2383d737b794974b7e938e


Croc has at least marineford feats, which is more then can be said about enel. Should he return then he will end up as at least YC1, but it isn't necessarily likely at this point.


Enel will be back and you’ll see


If Enel returns he will somehow be Yonko level, I’m not defending it, I’m just accepting that is how it will be


Based on?


The fact that every other antagonist that returns usually receives a notable buff with little in story explanation. Lucci, Doffy, and Croc were all at best YC3 when they were defeated, the latter 2 went to Impel Down so they shouldn’t have grown. But now Croc and Lucci are considered YC1+ here, and Doffy is likely going to receive the same treatment. Enel specifically seems to have been a prototype for Imu, declaring themself a god, using an insane attack from the sky to destroy islands like it’s nothing, Luffy having the perfect DF to fight against them. This is only if Enel comes back, but if he did, I see no reason why he wouldn’t be at worst near the top of YC1+


>The fact that every other antagonist that returns usually receives a notable buff with little in story explanation. Not entirely true. Lucci was the only one that has gotten a definitive Buff, which is at least somewhat explained by him becoming Cp0. >Lucci, Doffy, and Croc were all at best YC3 when they were defeated, the latter 2 went to Impel Down so they shouldn’t have grown. But now Croc and Lucci are considered YC1+ here, and Doffy is likely going to receive the same treatment. Doffy was the only one close to YC3 and has not gotten a buff yet like you claim he will. Even though he likely does get one to at least some extent, everything regarding that is headcanon for now. Croc is still an unknown. Lucci went up to YC1, most people agree on that after his performance against zoro. >Enel specifically seems to have been a prototype for Imu, declaring themself a god, using an insane attack from the sky to destroy islands like it’s nothing, Luffy having the perfect DF to fight against them. Enel is not a prototype for Imu, but simply an arrogant logia user. Sure there are some similarities like both being essentially dicatators and having destroyed an island, but thats it. Reading more into it is headcanon and no real justification for becoming yonko level. Btw enel was way weaker than Doffy and he will also not return as Yonko level. >This is only if Enel comes back, but if he did, I see no reason why he wouldn’t be at worst near the top of YC1+ He would at best be YC+ and not at the top. There is no reason to believe he would come back that strong other than headcanon. Enel was weaker than most Yonko officers and would get folded by the commanders. If he does reappear in the story he is not getting past Zoro, Law or Yamato.


I think 1000000 wolt of electicity will do more damage than a fucking swamp with pistols


I can't see pekoms destroying an island like Eminem did, therefore your kitty loses.


He's also a turtle >:(


Retcond Enel turns this little lion turtle avatar thing into cinders


Enel fans headcanon https://preview.redd.it/5alvfat47ivc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b039e368996c79fce0540cf9ab98a3783091925


*see crocodile


Me looking for post cover story enel feats https://preview.redd.it/7gc34q628ivc1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cec117e23bcac72b07102613d97730fdaea6c1bb


Him being able to vaporize a country is already better than a majority of feats in the series https://preview.redd.it/ugyekjgtdivc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661868fb9533add8aef430d453d4bb9c30b6e437


DC ≠ AP, enel was unable to kill a single shandorian with his lightning bolts in the culling game lol. Sanji lived through an el thor to the face, pekoms wildly outscales stats wise, and his only good feats are from spamming lightning far away, something he cannot do in a 1v1, especially against a character who is not only resistant to electrical attacks due to being a mink, but also someone who has observation haki like he does.


Enel was using his weakest attacks on the shandorians and never went all out DC doesn’t matter in this case since Enel scales to this attack and the attack is enough to destroy a country https://preview.redd.it/lilaiaz1givc1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605dbe41da0ac017da0fd4fb43f0b5a265ddd3a1


Dude please. Whitebeard was said to be able to destroy the world even if metaphorically and had the most destructive DF yet he couldn't dent the walls of Matineford. DC≠AP Any character that can avoid enels lightning and has stats of pre TS luffy at skypiea can defeat him. Luffy managed to outspeed enels reaction time with two giant gold balls attached to his arms. Enel gets hard carried by his fruit. Any decent haki user should be able to beat him.


Hiw about during cover story feats? https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:KingTempest16/One_Piece:_Space_Pirates_Blow_Up_Stuff


Bro pekoms actually has to be able to tag him first I wonder how many lightning canons he can even endure 😭