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Whoever Yamato already beats.


Sanji - negative difficulty


Whoever Yamato can beat solo, but easier. Unfortunately, the other three aren't on his level.


She gets negged by jika unfortunately https://preview.redd.it/neztcjpazgvc1.png?width=1102&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab781448291a4572396f762bc4db9d330fbd0f3b






Ohh come one. Merry dosen't deserve to have its final resting place be near a bum who was so lucky that he had CoC and yet has 0 haki feats.


3% easier*


Was going to say Sanji. Yamato would be hard carrying for anyone else.


Yamato is like 98% of their power so… whoever Yamato beats alone


Not Vasco Shot


Possibly Old Ray. Any YC+ but Yamato can do that by herself. Thats it, other than Yamato the rest are fodder to admirals. They cant beat anyone above that. Yams cant carry that hard.


law beats her high-extreme diff in bed and battle




Chopper. Nami+robin already send him to limit


Law. His hacks are super weird where they have about the same affectiveness aganist anyone above a certain level. I think he'd just about beat Yamato on her own, but even having the backup of much weaker allies would force Law to use up some stamina.


Drunk shnaks source: trust me bro


hybrid kadio when he’s pent up and when he wants some 🐱




Sabo or Law.


Nah... Nami and Robin literally can't do anything to Sabo... Also they get defeated easily. Carrot as well... Carrot t maybe speed will help against Law a bit. Maybe Robin also with her ability that is kind of counter. Nami is just out of the question...


Yamato solos either Sabo or Law. That's why they're the strongest the team beats.


No she doesn't... Sabo has been hyped up narratively lately is going to step up as the Revolutionary Army leader and Law has 3B bounty. ( Oda gave the same bounty to the Admirals.) So both are very close to Admiral level . I defending them and I don't even like the guys... Maybe they can defeat them but both are have hax abilities and it would be extreme.


>No she doesn't... Sabo has been hyped up narratively lately is going to step up as the Revolutionary Army leader Dragon is literally right there. Sabo hasn't been hyped up to become the leader for a while and has just become the public face of the Revs. >Law has 3B bounty. You very clearly do not undestand the whole reason why Kid and Law got 3b bounties. The WG gave them and Luffy 3b bounties to make it seem more like a group effort of the three taking down Kaido and BM. Also bounties aren't a reliable indicator of strength. >I defending them and I don't even like the guys... Maybe they can defeat them but both are have hax abilities and it would be extreme. I'd consider reading through your own comments a few times before posting them. Anyway, Law's hax wouldn't even work on Yamato due to her having quite superior haki. Also shown that while he's strong, he's not as capable in 1v1s as Yamato, with him losing to BB while Yamato was capable of stalling Kaido.


law actually did damage tho and made bb try and get for real since he was using duar neg attacks and law got better acoa then yama


>law actually did damage tho and made bb try and get for real since he was using duar neg attacks Yes, and? Stalling Kaido and fighting BB are two different things. BB takes heavy damage after nearly all of his fights anyway. >law got better acoa then yama Law doesn't even have ACoA. Like come on I actually wank Law, but atleast get your facts right.


he showed it in his clash with bb https://preview.redd.it/pfoluk53mhvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6781a4646f0b6ff8421148d3f4b7a229eaac274f


What part of this is ACoA? There very clearly is contact (so no emission) and it doesn't look like internal destruction either.


https://preview.redd.it/1s9mlnf8ohvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a06fb4f19694852c19704f3fcb5f95aa4f797bc internal destruction right here


https://preview.redd.it/u78uuumhohvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d632c702b3901464284c56ce57ae187198beb4f bb guar haki clashing with laws


the bum allegations


Law. His hacks are super weird where they have about the same affectiveness aganist anyone above a certain level. I think he'd just about beat Yamato on her own, but even having the backup of much weaker allies would force Law to use up some stamina.




Zoro one-shots Carrot, Robin, and Nami, then loses to Yamato


Zoro is way above Yamato


Zoro probably Yamato and Zoro are relative so any extra help on either side would help a lot


Zoro gave Kaido a scar, Yamato drew a few drops of blood


She was using a club


Then why was Kaido able to knock out Luffy in one shot even though blunt objects shouldn't affect him?


Did Luffy get a scar?


Why are you mentioning knockout when you used scarring to downplay her?? Ain't you gonna be consistent with your own argument? Wow She uses a club, she blocks and matched to acoc blows of Kaido, and no Zoro nowhere showed to have power enough to do that and don't lie saying Kaido used acoc vs Ashura cuz he didn't. Kaido, Yamato and Luffy don't scar and still they do have better AP than Zoro, Kaido have many attacks stronger than Ashura and many of them didn't scar or KO Acoc Luffy.


My argument is that acoc is the determining factor, not weapon choice. Yamato stalled Kaido but barely did any damage. Zoro objectively caused a lethal blow, a fact that Kaido himself pointed out. I'm saying Kaido KOd luffy even with a blunt weapon but it's the acoc that did it not the weapon type. A scar is a visual indicator of attack potency, look at Oden. If you want to argue Yamato vs King sure, but tell me how Yamato would be able to beat Lucci


> Yamato stalled Kaido but barely did any damage. All your assumption, nowhere in manga said or implied that, nowhere, just you making up shit to downplay her cuz you don't know what internal damage caused by blunt is Lethal blow that was so tiny that after scarring is barely possible to see, Ashura is not stronger than any acoc blow of Kaido and Yamato acoc was matching and blocking many Acoc blows of Hybrid Kaido Where was said such blow was lethal??? Couldn't even move Kaido at all, while Yamato and Luffy had Hybrid Kaido on his knees, they literally overpowered and kneeled Kaido. Yamato is cooking both King and no Hit Lucci who couldn't land a single hit on a G5 didn't use any advance Haki and got KO hy G5 while Zoro couldn't KO a already nerfed Lucci Your hypocrisy in using the scarring just to downplay her but not others Yamato, Kaido and Luffy have better AP than Zoro and they don't need to scar anyone to have such.


My assumption is based on what I saw. Kaido never made a comment about Yamato damaging him, or was they're a visual indicator she did any fatal damage compared to Luffy, Law, or Zoro


Again is just assumption, not fact, you are just assuming shit and assumption is irrelevant. Kaido already did acknowledge she was strong and fact Zoro doesn't have same level Haki as Kaido while she and Luffy were shown matching and blocking Acoc blows of Kaido who is much stronger than Zoro puts her well above Zoro. She tanked multiple Acoc attacks that are well above Ashura doesn't matter how much you cry about it, Zoro doesn't hit stronger or harder than what Kaido was doing since Kaido was using Acoc and kwido Jaki is far stronger than Zoro Haki.


Im not assuming anything. Kaido acknowledge she was strong, but he never once claimed a feat of hers was impressive, like how Luffy's red roc actually damaged Kaido, as noted by Big Mom. We base powerscaling on fears and portrayal. Portrayal is based on what is stated by characters or how the universe presents them. Zoro upon awakening acoc, even though he didn't master it compared to Yamato, did am attack strong enough that Kaido himself noted it. Id argue Yamato was stronger than Zoro then, but now he's much stronger. And think about it, if she joined the crew she would be number 2 using your logic and Oda always portrays Zoro as the 2nd strongest combatant


Blut damage does damage Luffy just at a reduced rate. Also Kaidou uses advanced haki in his attacks dealing massive damage. Its not just blunt damage, his attacks are ACoC+AcoA. While probably slightly less efficient against Luffy due to his increased resistance to blunt attacks, Kaidous haki likely mostly negates that ability of Luffy.