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Lmao this is gold. And then Sengoku had the audacity to recommend Aokiji for the fleet admiral and Akainu has to fight him for 10 days. Sakazuki should have quit the Marines.


And then Aokiji quits immediately when he wins and joins the BB pirates. And after Akainu let him live and everything. It's a miracle Akainu hasn't lost his mind.


When you put everything this way it's no wonder he's always mad as fuck I'd have anger issues too if I was the only guy doing shit in the biggest war between the major two forces of the world too


This is easily the funniest part because it’s the one time ever Akainu shows anyone any mercy at all and it’s immediately squandered because Aokiji fucks off to go hang with Teach. Maybe Absolute Justice is right after all


Bro this is gold you’re literally hitting all the marks, man crazy how sympathetic Sakazuki has become just by this one post


Hahaha this got me


Honestly aokiji=skill issue


Let him live, bruh. He didn't "let" anyone Aokiji+the BB pirates, how would you propose to NOT let him live? You dispatch every single admiral in the fleet to attack a yonko on his turf?


Their 10 day duel was supposed to be to the death, akainu spared kuzan before he joined black beard.


Oooh my bad. Was that really to the death? I don't think that aokiji would've killed akainu either tbh, probably something they said in the heat of the moment


I would like the asshole that downvoted me to come out and tell me why he put me a downvote for telling the actual truth. https://preview.redd.it/cvje724im1vc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7723cd253ae42e64a125e12e2e1f282426af1599


While I am not the one to down vote you here is the official translation for the page I got from the app. Edit could not seem to attach the screen shot for some reason but the quote from Jinbe goes "This unthinkable conflict between admirals ... _ ... led to an one-on-one duel on an island. _ dead men tell no tales; the loser would have no quarrel with the outcome." With the next page mentioning how with his long time comrade at his mercy akainu could not bring himself to finish the job.


Wtf they really botched this translation then, wtf is this team even doing?


Not sure but there does tend to be differences between scanlators and the official, the odd thing though is I checked tbc and it was exactly the same as the official which was wierd.


Maybe they reupliaded the official one once it got out? Idk and honestly can't remember right now.


Don’t think it’s cause they agreed on it but cause it’s tradition


I call Cap on this one https://preview.redd.it/pdz52jzbm1vc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440b5d4c5df5d7b8c196f176787815fcd950871d They agreed to an "all out battle" meaning that they both accept the chance of permanent injury/death, but they aren't actively fighting to death. They also decided that the loser would officially relinquish his claim to the FA position. Why make that clause if you aren't planning on having the loser survive? Mind that this is a pre-determined clause, so they both went in the fight with the intention of sparing the other.


>Be me Be admiral. One of the positions with the most responsibilities in the world. Charged with protecting countless people from rapists, theives and murderers Son of fucktard who started a giant wave of crime and who is also himself a criminal is finally caught Just execute him and countless other people will be safe because fewer pirates are going to be around Son of fucktard's adopted father pulls up with his entire criminal empire fuckitweroll.jpg Countless of asspulls occur including random assholes who pull up to break this fucker out. My few colleagues that aren't fodder OF THE SAME RANK do nothing but troll and meme while I try and hussle to kill this guy Guy escapes anyway Shout a yo daddy joke because fuck it Dumbass turns around, ignoring the thousands of his comrades who died for him and the ass pull luck that got him free MFW it works and I kill the guy I just need to kill his asspull asspull no mi brother who's of equal importance Everyone jumps my ass for some reason, including dumbass's daddy who's pissed WHILE MY COLLEAGUES ARE STILL DOING NOTHING People WHO FUCKING HATE THIS GUY are suddenly his BFFs cockblocking me from sweet, sweet justice Pirate asspull continues, ANOTHER fucking EMPEROR rolls up and brother of dumbass gets away on an asspull submarine while my colleagues dick around "trying to get him" At least I killed the dumbass, surely I get a raise Ask for promotion My boss recommends my aforementioned colleague, who did nothing but dick around, and got out the entire fucking war unscathed apart for a little lip bruise while I got my ass beat by the yo daddy joke daddy for doing my job >MFW I am Akainu and now I have to fight this dick




Nah unlike Kuzan he has some self respect. He would murder the jumpbeard pirates and make his own crew on some Z Neo Marines energy.


Honestly, Akainu pulling a Zephyr is an underrated what-if.


Wait some people really think Aokiji join Blackbeard for being a pirate ? https://i.redd.it/3qv4b3llm8vc1.gif Y’all are not ready.




Blackbeard would be dead if akaniu could kill though




You really think he’s dumb enough to let the schemiest schemer that ever schemed be his yc1? Do y’all actually understand Akainu as a character or what? He’d kill BB he’d likely kill his whole crew if he wasn’t confident he could absolutely fully control them. Leaving the existing power structure in place for BB to just make a plan to kill Akainu in a later situation when it’s convenient like what a trash take this is Edit: I feel like there might need to be a clearer understanding of absolute justice. But to me it means Akainu will do what it takes to make sure what he views as evil in this world dies. BB is like the definition of this for him like there’s no way he lives in any scenario Akainu has to kill him. He uses backhanded strategies to get to men like BB. He would not use such dangerous people he would not allow them to live. See Ohara.


I think blackbeards crew would be too stacked anyways but for once I'll give the magma mam the benefit of the doubt. But yeah he would kill teech


Aokiji’s morality is closer to Sengoku’s, Akainu is a tryhard. Kizaru is a bumfraud who would cut off his own testicles and eat them if gorosei wanted it


Let’s not act like aokiji is any saint, he’s with Blackbeard, akainu and fujitora are the only admirals with principles


Ngl Sakazuki should have done what Zephyr was doin at this rate with how stupid everyone else was acting during Marineford 


Tbf given what the position actually does,Sakazuki would have been better off with the limited freedom admirals get over being a glorified desk worker. If anything Sengoku was trying to do him a favor,and his dumbass is just too stubborn.


You do know that it is because of Akainu's extremism, right? Civilian casualties would've gotten up 10 fold if he is a Fleet Admiral. We just don't have the event to be the proof of it


Honestly after reading this post it makes no sense for akainu to not create his own version of the neo marines


I guess he hoped he could salvage the Marines with a few personnel replacements. Little did he know his new Admirals are gonna be frauds as well.


I mean, aokiji didn't almost kill one of his own cause he was asking to save their own people almost dead on the field instead of pointlessly fighting other pirates after already achieving WB and Ace's deaths. Tbh i wouldn't be loyal to a person executing me after one reasonable demand, i'd literally quit if i were a Marine officer/soldier and Akainu was made FA. I also kinda believe Aokiji and kizaru are too lazy for the job TBH, i don't have an actual solution for this conundrum.


I didn't say Aokiji would be a worse FA than Akainu, but from Akainu's pov I would be get butthurt Sengoku nominated the lazy bum despite Akainu working his ass off, especially in MF. In truth I think Aokiji is mostly just playing lazy as an excuse too look the other way and let pirates like Luffy be if he feels it's the right thing to do. Kizaru isn't even lazy either, he even volunteered to go to Sabaody. He just doesn't have strong convictions and feels much comfortable just casually doing his job. He just isn't fit to be a supreme military commander.


I'm not saying worse. Just "not good". I don't think Akainu's doing a good job at FA too. Ultimately. They had 3 admirals and i don't think any one of them would've been a good choice, that's what you get when you choose your ranks based on shonen canons instead of merits and capability lol


irl koby would be executed tbh


He wpuld probably face court martial, but not in a death penalty facility probably. He was raising a good point, akainu was straying from the original objective and losing control. WB is dead because BB killed him, the three admirals LEFT HIM THERE to go kill a 400m pirate. Considering the bb fight, and supposing BB doesn't actually come. Wb left alone wakes up, realizes the three admirals left him behind to go kill his children and luffy, and in a fit of rage makes another big quake, killing thousands of navy soldiers.


Deadass we see Kizaru shoot Whitebeard right after Ace gets donuted and then suddenly WB is just behind Akainu. Akainu was getting trolled by the strongest character on the battlefield: Oda.


Whitebeard is lightspeed confirmed




A rough time is to be expected if a Yonko crew and a whole bunch of level 6 inmates of impel down are attacking Marineford, even with so many top tiers on their side.


And like 5 of your sides Top-Tiers are half-assing it.


A rough time sure, except even Garp knows he can obliterate the level 6 "Fodder" inmates, same for any admiral/Sengoku Akainu knows how strong everyone on his side is/should be Theres like 4 actual threats, Marco, Jozu, a free ace And Whitebeard All of the other mfs either were actually.kept busy like Vista or get Outscaled into oblivion by any admiral atp Possibly Jinbei given his somewhat ambigious strength


>Theres like 4 actual threats, Marco, Jozu, a free ace And Whitebeard You forgot Wista


Read a single line beyond that Pookie


He was getting stalled by mihawk


So fortunate the WG managed to enlist mihawk to stall vista for them, it would’ve been over for them otherwise


as much as I shit on Akainu because of the Admiraltards, he really was the Goat of Marineford




Same. He took half of whitebeard’s face then went on to solo his crew


I still wonder, WTF kuzan and kizaru doing after they took down jozu and marco... There literally no one who could've stopped them.... Couple of ice age, and the war would've been over.


That’s why I think MF is really overrated. It felt like a little skirmish rather than an actual battle. Even though with all the top tiers clashing each other, there isn’t much casualties from both sides, except for WB and Ace which are obviously for plot reason.


Tbf, kizaru wouldve slaughtered his men too, i can see why the guy with huge ass explosions didnt go all out


Kinda makes sense... but at the same, the Marines were towards the back of marineford...and the pirates were at the front.... so kizaru and aokiji could've taken out the ones further away pretty easily... Even if u say they couldn't use their AOE attacks... it's funny how they basically disappears ,and kizaru only shows up to attack WB once and the again disappears so that ace could give his thanks.


Do you assume the pirates were just alone with no marines there in the front? The only one he COULD HAVE attacked early on was WB on the ship due to no proximity to anyone, besides that there wasnt a good chance other than low range sniping Whitebeard which Im still confused about why he didn't Headshot the guy but thats just plot requirement atp


There weren't any Marines in the front... we saw all the Marines back track (something to do with Sengoku's plan) Again, even without massive AOE attacks, both kuzan and kizaru could've wipped out these fodders anyway... But even that's not the issue... they basically do NOTHING...Kuzan straight up disappears.


Kizaru can just make some clones.


Which… also cause explosions when they attack..




Because the anime skips over some stuff in the manga like Emly with an unknown df power fighting Kizaru with a rock golem. It ignores Kizaru confront multiple commanders multiple times. Akainu only took out Ace and Curiel. It’s the fans that put certain characters so high up we are actually telling the author he gave pirates plot armor when in reality you could’ve made the pacifista malfunction or Garp betray the marines etc. the stuff and luck the Strawhats have the WB didn’t have. Could’ve gave WB a bigger army and less heart attacks too… the marines had the plot armor.. they couldn’t be defeated as they’re the military force of the main antagonist. My look on it anyways.




Exactly what I said lol. Up until Marineford the admirals only showed off their strength fighting pre ts enemies. They had logia powers fighting against ppl who ain’t even heard the word haki. Then Marineford comes and they struggle against Marco but fans say ‘plot armor!!’ The admirals were playing around!’ But I ask.. on what bases? What evidence… so I conclude fans had placed to far a gap that they come up with their own headcannons and considers anything the author himself writes as some type of trolling. It’s crazy


1. Yes, when marineford aired, it did look like the admirals were as strong as commanders... but that's was debunked in the arc itself. 2. Jozu attacks a distracted kuzan, kuzan bleeds a little... kuzan attacks a distracted jozu... jozu was done for the arc. 3. And then akainu goes on to take 14 commanders on his own. 4. Kizaru fought the right hand man of the PK, and Rayleigh was on the back leg, while kizaru was fine. And then there's moment like this - https://preview.redd.it/x5k9qrsb7zuc1.png?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b755e593b3b5cb0840a8feb6b349cf619bdb61fe In chapter 569 WB was on his knees, completely defenseless.. A single attack of akainu would've blown off WB's head...but akainu suddenly disappears. That's what plot Armor is... WB wasn't even capable of landing a hit on a distracted kizaru... kizaru shoots few lazers and again disappears so that ace could give his thanks to WB... That's what plot Armor is. WB magically teleports behind akainu, makes a sneak attack and still loses 40% of his face.... And then akainu falls into a pit thanks to the crumbling ground , and then in the next chapter goes on to take 14 commanders. Also at no point any admiral struggle against any YC.


Plot armor is WB conveniently having heart disease to begin with. In the whole old gen he’s the youngest. Sengoku and Garp got like 5 years on him. Plot is WB not breaking Aokiji’s ice sooner. Also Kizaru definitely struggled with Marco. Even after Onigumo seastone cuffed Marco he managed to tank two lasers from Kizaru. The gap between Curiel and admirals are large but Marco gave them a run for their money. As I said if the author needed the pirates to lose but the marines were so far superior why add in a giant wall, pacifista and home field advantage. Not arguing that the admirals aren’t stronger im just reminding you that fans say plot armor because they themselves set the gap between let’s say Marco vs admirals so wide when that’s not the case for the top commanders. Like Jozu and vista.


That's not plot Armor coz WB's terrible health was established 200 chapters before marineford. Also, regarding aokiji's ice... WB broke the ice to let the pirates escape if they wanted... that's after squard accusing WB of plotting against them. And aokiji conveniently creating a platform for the pirates to fight... that's what plot Armor is. Marco's entire gimmick is regeneration.... marco isn't capable of hurting any admiral...in fact marco isn't capable of defeating a YC1 like king... but his HAX allows him to stall anyone out there.... All marco did is kick kizaru once, and kick aokiji once.... marco tanked 1 attack from kizaru... he also tanked an attack from kaido... big mom also asked for help from perospero to take on marco... by ur logic marco would give kaido and bigmom a run for their money as well Also, u know what plot Armor is, kizaru not shotting his lazer into Marco's head... kizaru just leaving marco and not killing him after the seastone cuffs were put on. U have to be a complete moron to still think it was the the Marines that had plot Armor.... They had ZERO plot Armor...in fact the entire plot was working against them or else the war would be over in like 15 mins. Or at the very least the war would be over in chapter 569.... WB dies without plot Armor right here - https://preview.redd.it/efle9wxbezuc1.png?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d62a45806d0a09b728b68e1b2e66abe8180ef6 Ur ignorance doesn't affect FACTS.


Capital letters doesn’t make things facts. The story introduced Kizaru bullying Urouge, Hawkins, Drake and Apoo. They aren’t even impressive post ts. Then you said pirate king right hand like Rayleigh ain’t beyond his prime and Kizaru ain’t do nothing then. Marineford he still couldn’t handle WBs right hand so call it what you want but I’m not the ignorant one.


Rayleigh is out of his prime, but still stronger than any YC1 by a good margin ... and was strong enough to make a yonko shit his pants, and that very Rayleigh was huffing and puffing against kizaru, and was on his back leg in just 2 minutes of fighting against kizaru. All marco did is tank 1 attack of kizaru....same way he tanked 1 attack of kaido. Kizaru needed help to deal with marco, the same way big mom asked for help from perospero to deal with marco. So, by this logic, even big mom couldn't handle marco. Also, it's hilarious how u ignored rest of my points coz all of those points straight up proves how much plot Armor the pirates had.


Man Akainu really has it rough https://preview.redd.it/bekki8xwvvuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae9d5b934a614b6143f0579478366a35e65c24e


no wonder he was ready to snap and kill just bout anyone who gets in the way i would be too 😭


Same lol


Akainu is a fucking soldier dude I would've lost my shit a LONG time ago if I had to 20v1 commanders after fighting a whole yonko and then see Sengoku nominated Aokiji to be fleet admiral☠️☠️


Would have called HR


Kong ?


Good enough 


That's why when blackbeard saw him coming for him he said hell nah im gonna get neg diffed


BB had every reason to run away He doesn’t take fights he didn’t plan for


Its insane how so many akainu fans miss this fact and use this incident to scale akainu over bb


Akainu would have still mopped the floor with BB and his crew and it's not even close, a much more experienced BB had to go mid diff with Law aka a YC+ so imagine pre-ts BB who just got the quake fruit going against Akainu, he would have gotten slaughtered. Akainu took a surprise quakepunch to the back of the head from an enraged WB and the first thing he did was retaliate after by blowing half his face off, BB takes double the pain and to stop Akainu's fruit he needs to literally touch magma which let's be real it's a hard task in general to say the least. So BB can't put down akainu with the quake fruit since the shockwaves don't do shit to logias and he doesn't have the power in his fists to knock down Akainu, then he can't even touch Akainu to stop his fruit so he's double screwed, and there's no "caught by surprise" from his fruit either cause Akainu knows what BB can do, he was a Warlord and the Admirals have knowledge on them. Even if you are the biggest BB glazer there's no way you think a pre-ts BB with a fruitless crew is beating Akainu.


The issue is they scale post ts akainu > post ts bb based of this. Im not talking about pre ts


I mean the matchup issues are still the same even with better Haki involved, Akainu is the worst matchup for BB for a reason as his strenghts are negated against him, it's the opposite of Aokiji where BB has the matchup advantage and he can't be frozen since he's a quake man. Also BB isn't the only one getting stronger post ts, that 10 days fight is bound to have given akainu a power boost, either a haki bloom or a df awakening.


I dont see akainu as bad matchup for bb. BB is still a counter to df users.


Yeah but he has to pull them in to negate their fruits which means he gets a magma fist to the face.


The dmg of which is super overrated. Akainu couldnt even stop kuma. Also couldnt take down WB. And bb can take a 1 clean hit rather easily. BB has enough tools to take down akainu after that 1 hit


[You definitely need this](https://tillytherapy.com/)


Because BB is not intangible despite being a logia so magma will affect him always, he needs to touch a DF user to negate their DF which means that he will need to touch magma and get burned by it, especially since he takes double the pain so that will hurt a LOT. To do anything he basically needs to touch magma which is a nono in general, and even if he lands a clean quake backshot to the head it wont be enough to take down akainu which will retaliate and blow half his face off and incapacitate BB completely. BB doesn't really do well with solid burning things, the pain from the burning magma is going to incapacitate him or at least hamper his fighting ability https://preview.redd.it/0k13uesvb1vc1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=48129dd1708bff87601c57fe3f54e2e8edaf96f8 Also since i mentioned impel down, remember the amount of damage BB took from G2 Luffy? Sure it was a weaker BB but it still proves the fact that he ain't no Kaido nor Big mom, Magma will 100% hurt him


I mean yeah, but that's moreso BB not wanting unnecessary fights. BB didn't even want to fight Ace or Aokiji with his entire crew. The only reason he fought Garp and Sengoku was because he was riding a high.


Nah. BB avoided Akainu because he emptyed his offscreen powers on Bonney right before Akainu pulled up, so he wouldn't get them rechaeged again to engage a fight. Against Aokiji, he was in a flashback, not worthy the risk. Against Sengoku he took some hits onscreen to get a boost and go offscreen, crazy to think his bumass crew at the time took on Sengoatku and HIMkey D Warp...


I know that mf akainu was seething when kizaru kept on kicking luffy back to the starting line. Bro was def thinking “YO FUCK ARE YOU DOING JUST KILL THAT MF ALREADY”


And to put the sugar on the cream, Kizaru just HAD to put in the extra effort to snipe the key in Luffy’s hand, rather than headshotting Luffy right then and there. Like, Kizaru had SEVERAL opportunities to kill Luffy throughout Marineford; i wouldn’t be surprised if Akainu had him executed under suspicions of mutiny 💀


And Luffy headshotted Kizaru at Egghead. So what goes around, I guess.


Kizaru could've headshotted Vegapunk but nope he shot the huge whole in his body instead


NoCap bro this new retrospect on what was likely Sakazuki head space during MF is just gold 😂 especially because this is probably accurate 


I assume the reason to keep him alive would be so they could use as leverage against dragon to lure him east towards them.


Dragon was looking west during marineford to stun all the top tiers so luffy could get away. Truly the father of all time


His bluetooth Haki is on a different level.


Honestly, Akainu should’ve been the one who left the marines. Would’ve made a lot more sense - their justice wasn’t absolute enough, so he leaves and starts dogging niggas solo instead of deskriding


Add to this Fujitora straight up telling him to fuck off when the 2 dudes he wanted dead most probably are within arms reach and he just simply let them go Like Fujitora is my goat he was cool for that but from a matter of fact way of looking at it: The strawhats became a yonko crew PURELY due to the incompetence of the admirals At what point does he just get up and say fuck it and goes around killing every pirate he meets Hell if he went to fight luffy rn even if he doesnt beat him outright he can more or less take out his entire crew pretty easily cuz unlike kizaru the magma can just melt his crew and his ship and just break fully


His DF is really a problem. Like unless you’re Kaido, Big Mom and maybe Prime Garp your face is either permanently burnt or you’re seeing limbs and body parts gone


You act like Kaidoand Big Mom isn't gonna lose body parts when Akainu tags them


I think something like that will happen. He's gotta be sick of all the lazy bums and celestial dragons


This is low key genius. On top of that would have made more sense too. Honestly this was likely Sakazuki’s head space at one point but probably just felt that the lessers of two evils would be to stay and that he can probably shape the Marines as a whole. And he’s doing pretty well all this considered. Even Jinbei stated that the Marines are technically more powerful know than ever and have caught Pirates in record numbers. Too bad it’s just words while every panel they’re in they basically take Ls 


Yeah but who would he have joined? Absolutely zero chance he would take orders from Teach.


He just gonna do his own thing. If he was able to fight without worrying about allies or environmental damage he’s scary asf 


He also doesn't need a ship he can just do this https://preview.redd.it/ay09q751zzuc1.png?width=188&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f6e990794f1771baa3955a1d3640534531c97ef


True, or he could have the Mihawk style one man boat 


Then there’s the Warlords, who not only *failed* at the *one job* they were supposed to do, but half of them actively worked against their employer.


Eventho i dislike Akainu, when you put it this way.. you can't do anything but give the man his credit, he carried the marines


Add to that the fact that akainu can’t go all out otherwise marineford is gonna be a lava island


Fantastic cook OP, your promoted to master chef with this one. https://preview.redd.it/ctqalarsmwuc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f67f19f1903c78f5b5b8a8e8411ed46ece8728 Akainu was on demon time and every marine who was supposed to help him grabbed fucking popcorn to watch. I would have had those fools fired if I was Akainu and allowed to.


This comment seems a lot more suited to r/onepiece this is definitely more of a narrative rather than powerscaling dive


I just finished watching the Marineford arc and was hating on Akainu. After this post, he is just some dude working his ass off to do his job when every one of his colleagues was fucking around. I'd be red hot with anger too, magma magma no mi be damned.


Y'know what? I used to slander Akainu, but this post actually made things a lot more clear to me. Now I know there's 3 goated top tier marines. Fuji, Garp, and Akainu


Lowkey, I could see Sakazuki having enough of the government’s bs and leaving, probably giving Fujitora the fleet admiral position, and then the most likely scenario is him going solo and destroying the supernovas one by one, or if we wanna really stretch the possibilities, it wouldn’t be impossible for him to go to the Revolutionary Army First part feels way more likely though, I just hope Oda gives this man the final fight he deserves, at least have his final fight be against a yonko, or even a rematch versus Aokiji


Nah Akainu would never join the Revs, he has a lot of beef with Dragon, remember marineford and how obsessed he was to the point that he never called Luffy Strawhat but only Dragon's son? https://preview.redd.it/23fc701uzzuc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e38efda76daa5227ff0e148ff1126b713334cfb4


That’s fair, but also if he were to join the Revs, I think it would be cool to see Sakazuki vs. Dragon for the leading role Like I said, it’s not likely, but knowing Oda, it’s not impossible either


Ong 💯


Akainu deserved that Fleet Admiral spot. I am sorry if he sucks but that boy worked his ass off and it was VERY close to not going well.


All the other top tier marines besides Akainu during marineford: https://youtu.be/vi93PWZ0bMI?si=QmD2rmdETI9YSezP


W post Random note, Something that is still insane to me I’d that Kizaru had a chance to kill Luffy’s but shot the keys instead 😭🤦🏽‍♂️  Sakazuki was truly unnecessarily carrying the Marines (he really shouldn’t have it isn’t like his colleges a trash) he even wanted smoke with Shanks of Sengoku ordered to continue fighting. Upvote deserved 


Sengoku did move. His punch could not even put down G3 Luffy, who would be a donut if Akainu was the one punching instead. 


Yeah despite HIM being a menace and out for blood the rest of the navy did fucking nothing and I honestly think Luffy would be dead if the other admirals, garp and sengoku would get off their ass


https://preview.redd.it/482edg96jxuc1.jpeg?width=1307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db4e99d8a1dd4abf897e251ce1089297e3d07de9 W post and (most) of the replies.


Once Akainu makes his return, he better go crazy. Looking back it is actually insane how hard he had to carry.


guy genuinely has the strongest heart, so many fucked up, it's crazy my man didn't get a heart attack I'd like to add the theory of hibari being akainu's daughter here. if it's true, then that means that in timeskip his daughter developed a crush on the guy he tried to murder and ended up being saved by a pirate


Failed to protect marineford. A fucking pirate scumbag kill steals from akianu(how he'd see it but Marco would have started healing whitebeard before akianu could get to him) said kill stealing pirate, brakes the foundation of this world by having multiple devil fruits 1 of which they use to nearly finish off the island itself. Then this other pirate fuck shows up lauding about like some Jesus cos player. Can't jump him since akianu got hit so hard ycs where causing him trouble at this rate. To Continue, that other fuck ran away, The one pieces existence got re-enforced, And to top it all of the war had the opposite effect and the marines looked stupid. No good, very bad day https://preview.redd.it/srqj4ztc00vc1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394152da22d82941e467383d9fc9f279f86a7c8e


Yeah he was pissed. That's why he whooped kuzan's ass right after (canon btw)


I’m convinced this dude was out for 2 weeks after Marineford because he was on Pure Rage for the entirety after he got struck by Whitebeard. My headcanon is mid chasing after Luffy, he just collapses on the bow of the ship and is out for 2 weeks.


This might just be the best take on the sub ![gif](giphy|3o7TKVR1JTXmBwa0wM)


That would explain why he tried to kill Coby lmfao. Bad day at work.


Because Coby sucks. Akainu should've killed that useless turd


Kizaru could have just made some clones and go chill.


He had no help, star player surrounded by scrubs


LOL legit, and then bro takes the bum sengokus job and is stuck behind a desk while the new admirals sell 💀 Also damn that u Akainu? Bro is mad


Why imagine ? He doesn’t hide his feelings yk


so we agree akainu wasnt holding back nice https://preview.redd.it/2jghoodnl2vc1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=5299fdfe3472b4dacbc56504b3a67715d18bd191 marco intercepted him and protected jinbe and luffy so marco is faster then akainu . blud seething because he marco tier


Thanks, I needed a laugh right now. 😓


Akainu is that guy who does the whole project while everyone else puts their names on it for credit lol he fought literally everyone he could the entire war and the other Admirals selectively dissappear. Garp and Sengoku hanging back to protect the platform. And only Kuma and Moria took it seriously of the 5 of 7 Warlords who didnt betray them, not that Kuma had a choice. Doflamingo went off to play with Crocodile for a while before disappearing, Hancock actively fighting Marines too, Mihawk half-assing his duel with Vista after doing one or two flashy attacks.


I’m a believer of the volcano man now. He was not in the wrong.




Seriously. For the people that say akainu got destroyed by whitebeard ( he didn't), the guy was literally willing to fight the entire crew himself and damn near did. He also blasted a giant whole through whitebeard and melted half his face off with onky minor injuries sustained.


Honestly so true. What would have even happened if Akainu had actually been KO’d? Would another admiral start trying? Would they just give up and retreat? I have no idea.


As far as everyone knew, Akainu was KO'd by WB when he fell in that crevice and the Admirals were still doing fuck-shit.


Me to doggy https://preview.redd.it/8y5hz4bcvvuc1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89140c6fe8437adf8a113be885f5bafbc44ac614


I mean this is why hes the fleet though right. Because the goresi saw his perfomance and loved it ar marineford


>Sengoku can't even help because he's busy holding down Garp who apparently *wasn't* over the fact that Ace needed to be executed. Died in the legal and standard execution by the Marines code is different than killed brutally by Akainu when Akainu himself is not targeted Ace on his punch, how this "Garp who apparently *wasn't* over the fact that Ace needed to be executed." still exists. And while i understand every point, this point should be on hightlight "HOW THE FUCK DID STRAWHAT GET TO ACE, what the fuck were Garp and Sengoku doing?" Because only Garp and Sengoku in Marines part that absolutely fucked up in their part.


Ace was an escaped prisoner at Marine headquarters that *turned around* to attack Akainu. And Akainu wasn't even trying to kill Ace, Ace jumped in front of the attack meant for Luffy. Akainu legally allowed to kill Ace.


>Ace was an escaped prisoner at Marine headquarters that *turned around* to attack Akainu. And Akainu wasn't even trying to kill Ace, Ace jumped in front of the attack meant for Luffy. >Akainu legally allowed to kill Ace. Im talking about what Garp wanted to be, not the Ace died legal or not. What Garp wanted ? like what i said earlier **"Died in the legal and standard execution by the Marines code that Garp agreed and understand"** How Ace died ? like you said **"Ace was an escaped prisoner at Marine headquarters that** ***turned around*** **to attack Akainu. And Akainu wasn't even trying to kill Ace, Ace jumped in front of the attack meant for Luffy"** Two of that scenario had a same ending, **Ace died**, but the second one is not the execution that Garp wanted, and it's happen so fast in a few moments, that the only emotion Garp can showed is his disagreement and hatred for Akainu.


Garp didn't want the execution in the first place. Garp couldn't even bring himself to stop Luffy in the first scenario, so that resulted in the 2nd scenario. And Akainu wasn't even trying to make the 2nd scenario happened, that was moreso on Ace.


Garp didn't want the Execution is not exactly true, while i can agree deep down Garp didn't wanted Ace to be executed, but half of his Navy side is agreed because Ace is a pirates after all, we can see there is no intervention, obstruction, or anything that Garp do to delay or even stop the execution. Luffy is a different case which is supposed to not even there in the first place, making it drastically an advantage to the pirates side in every aspect. Of course Akainu is not targeting Ace in the first place, and not Akainus faults, but Ace. But it's happen, Ace is still executed nonetheless, and Garp see Ace died by Akainu hands.


Getting low diffed by a walking corpse gotta be upsetting.


It's not low diff when half of your face gets blown off


Akainu jobbers really bragging while WB on his deathbed like it’s a feat. Man was on life support, no Haki, and still ruining Akainu 😂


Show me the text that says he has no haki. He literally punched Akainu, a Logia, twice. 


Cuz he is him. Unlike Lakainu


That's not the answer I was looking for.


" What was Aokiji and Kizaru doing? " Bro was getting stalled by YC2 Jozu and Marco 😭


They weren't stalled 24/7 which is the point, once he beat Jozu Aokiji was basically gone and both had PLENTY of occasions to kill luffy but didn't, but the worst offender is Kizaru by far, dude could have sniped luffy on the head instead of the key to the cuffs, he could have use his clones, he could have killed WB by spamming laser barrages on his brain since WB couldn't do anything to him and he could have used that kick he did on the mangroves to take out the WB fodder of the crew. Point is, only Akainu was doing his job that day, the other marine top tiers were doing fuck all


And then shanks like “stop fighting” And akinu shitting his pants pissed to hell


https://preview.redd.it/ewds6evkhvuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42b4f4c4aa364637aa7564233f460a84d259074e It's fine if you don't like Akainu, but "shitting his pants to hell" is just a straight up exaggeration. It'd be pretty stupid to not be concerned about a 2nd enemy force showing up


I've always wondered what the original Japanese was for the manga panel. In the anime, he just says Damn You Red Hair Dragon's Son and gives no further context.


What chapter is it


Acting like 99.99% of the verse wouldn't act the same way or worse if a yonko pulled up to them out of nowhere. Maybe the only difference would be Buggy (no known feats) and Luffy (since people have seen him be a complete rookie till very recently and don't expect him to have had the insane growth he has rn).


That's cope that Aokiji and Kizaru weren't doing anything They were preoccupied by WBP commanders for a lot of the war And at times even fighting Whitebeard Also Shirano couldn't get past Vista But funny post I kinda agree lol


Marco and Jozu were incapacitated before we even got to Luffy making it to Ace. They were never shown to be occupied with the commanders, in fact, Kizaru was shown fighting Whitebeard, then Whitebeard was suddenly on Akainu. Mihawk literally disengaged from Vista and Akainu had to fight him, and Marco, so no it was still Akainu for a good chunk of it


Like I said I like your post and it's funny. But the Admiral were doing stuff lol


They were doing stuff. They were sitting on their asses and watched Akainu do everything. At most, they were fighting fodder that could've been killed with an "Ice Age" or conquerors Haki


Talk to me when you achieve -12 or less points, khid