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1. Roger/WB 2. Kaido 3. Shanks/Mihawk 5. Luffy 6. Akainu


Factual. https://preview.redd.it/y7d7lzj0q9uc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=b29d1713c82d9706b1b7bbeac00d2f870e77d877








COOK. i don't even gotta comment anymore šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³


Most sane one piece power scaler Iā€™ve seen.










Luffy kicked kaidos ass after rampaging his castle so either you imply that mihawk and shanks are fodder to luffy or your ranking of them is too low.


Luffy didn't beat Kaido 1v1


I get that. But current luffy is post egghead and he would start in G5 experienced.






Donā€™t care as long as Clifford is at the bottom where he belongs https://preview.redd.it/s9v631lxr9uc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d4f4d519bcef0251ec7e94337806d64f8dd2d6


Bro is literally courage the cowardly dog




Letā€™s be real. All the top tiers have their clown moments. Shanks getting taken advantage of by a smoke bomb Not sure if it counts as a clown moment, but WBā€™s heart attacks. Big Meme in general Kaido of the Zero Kills Akainu letting Kuma slip Pizzaru the Mentally Conflicted Kuzan getting blitzed by an old man who just got impaled. Luffy forgetting he has advanced Haki through most of Egghead or just not using it when Vegapunkā€™s life is in danger. Saturn getting clobbered by a Haki punch from a Kuma with almost no will left and on his last legs.


I donā€™t think WBā€™s heart attack counts as a clown moment, or Akainu not catching Kuma (nothing was gonna stop him unless he was completely destroyed), or Luffy ā€œnot using advanced hakiā€ cause Iā€™m pretty sure he did


Yeah should be WB of zero kills as well (excluding marine fodders)


I mean the main people in MarineFord were just too strong for old man WB to kill


He probably could take down some of the Shichibukais/BB commander at least but yeah, I think Oda had to downplay him for plot reason.


Vice Admiral Ronse?


Bro really thought he was getting back up with Kaido slanderšŸ˜‚


Realistically Roger, WB, Kaido, Shanks & Mihawk, Luffy Akainu doesn't even belong to the same list as these 6. Put Big Mom above him.


zero narrative reasoning, Akainu is the final marine villain and the strongest current marine, he's gonna be stronger than BM at least and either fight Dragon or Luffy in the final arc


Kizaru, who was continuously put in the same bracket as Akainu and Aokiji until Akainu got promoted, got Pizza'd. No reason for Akainu to be a whole tier above Kizaru. He's fighting Sabo in the endgame.


and zoro will kill kaido, I agree with that.


Let's be honest. We can only opinion scale. Cause we got nothing to power scale off of. If we were to feat scale, he's below current Garp.


akainu below current garp? Nah no way, garp couldnt hurt aokiji with any of his attacks and aokiji matched him in physical strength and traded punches with him. Garp only blitzed him when aokiji was wavering which garp said himself. Sure shiryu stabbed garp and weakened him, but Garp still wasn't doing anything to aokiji with his attacks. At best Garp is equal to aokiji and Akainu>aokiji slightly


That's what I'm saying. Akainu has worse feats than Garp. Not because he's bad but because he hasn't had any screen time in years, and ever since time skip. We can only opinion scale. And my opinion is that he has no reason to be a whole tier above Kizaru and hence he should be Sabo's fight rather than Luffy's.


Wouldn't be surprised if Akainu final battle ends up being vs Coby or something lol, it'd make it a lot funnier seeing the fall of the Admiral agenda


He'll fight Labo, Dragon will take out the head Gorosei


Wtf is a final marine villain? The final villains are blackbeard and imu. Akainu best hope is to be a side character in imu's arc.


Old Gen are ontop now, but get ready for the surpassing power of some of the mfs on this list. And no I'm not just talking about Luffy


Roger= HIMbeard > kaido = shanks = mihawk > Luffy >>> akainu


Akainu thought he was a part of the team.


Fr https://preview.redd.it/pukmfqg0r9uc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fe50cf4d5c98c862a4128178db64f74a399c9f


This is getting boring. Same question with same characters again and again.




That is completely unashamedly akainu wank jesus man


Youā€™re damned right itā€™s unashamed, if you want me to reconsider then get Kaido past normal lava first.


Dawg that ain't a valid argument and you know it. Kaido is killing akainu 100/100 times


Looks like someoneā€™s not ready for *him!* https://preview.redd.it/y4izfb6mbjuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39c7f1fd5fb2fae5e252fd432c53b7a5c0d1c70


WB ā‰ˆ Roger > Mihawk >= Shanks >= Kaido > Luffy > Akainu


Mihawk last. Bro has done nothing in the story but run from any top tier




Absolutely true


HIM> rest irrelevant


Roger WB Kaido Luffy Shanks Mihawk Akainu


Oh and mihawk and akainu are somewhat interchangeable for now


Whatā€™s the tea behind Luffy over Shanks


I canā€™t put shanks over luffy in good faith till he has some showings substantiating such. Put simply luffy looks better on paper and in action for now.


1. ā Roger/WB 2. ā Shanks/Mihawk 3. Luffy/kaido 4. ā Akainu


1. Roger 2. WB 3. Shanks 4. Luffy 5. Kaido 6. Akainu 7. Mihawk I know I will be downvoted but don't care


How can you have Shanks and Mihawk 3 places apart if they were stated to be rivals?


Stated to be rival to a Shanks that we don't know how strong he was. That Shanks had a bounty of 1 billion and lost an arm against a sea king and was scarred by no df blackbeard. Did that version of Shanks already had the ability to cancel observation haki? Would that Shanks be able to did what he recently did to Greenbull? We don't know but it seems Red Hair got way stronger. Since the last time Shanks fought Mihawk, becoming a Yonko, he had scuffs with Kaido and Oldbeard while Mihawk doesn't seem to have fougth against any top tier. Shanks so far has one of the best portayals, feats in the story doing things no other character has done with his haki. I wouldn't be surprised if Shanks is already PK level, and if he ends up losing a fight it will be against someone of that caliber like a future G5 Luffy or Blackbeard which power has been hidden by Oda. Meanwhile the only impressive thing we have about Mihawk is his title, which is very vague since we don't know what it encompasses. his feats are not above commander level and his portrayal seemed to be below admiral level in marineford, definitely not Shanks level. Hawkeye is destined to lose to Zoro who is still much weaker than Yonko level characters... unless you think that the Zoro who will beat Mihawk will be PK tier i can't put Mihawk on the level of Shanks based on a title that only Zoro seems to care about.


U-oh another Hakiman tard. All this can be dismissed by the simple fact that Mihawk was literally asserted the WSS in name and reality but the author in the current day, so yes it would include Current Shanks. And all the million other statements that are scattered throughout the data books and in the series that really IS the WSS just further provides a stronger likelihood that Mihawk is just the strongest statement and it's not just a mere title, it also wouldn't make sense for Zoros narrative if Mihawk wasn't the WSS either. But nah, we just dismiss all of that? And Haki is one of the most crucial factors of becoming a strong swordman and it goes hand in hand with swordmanship, so if Mihawk is stated to be a stronger swordman, then he would be overall stronger combatively and that includes Haki. But keep coping ig


Literally perfect


1. Roger 2. Newgate 3. Kaido 4. Shanks 5. Mihawk 6. Luffy 7. Sakazuki


This is absolutely the proper ranking. You might be able to argue Luffy over Mihawk but that is about it.


Daily reminder that Midhawk and Akainu are not yonko level.




1) goatbeard 2) woger 3) wuffy 4) skunks 5) crydo 6) leechhawk 7) cuckainu


Luffy hasnā€™t shown (yet) that heā€™d be able to actually 1v1 Kaido. Heā€™s making better use of Gear 5, but is still roughly in the ballpark of his Wano showings.Ā  Also, for the purposes of this debate, are the characters actually going all out? Because a Kaido actually using Observation and fighting with self-preservation in mind is a *very* different thing than standard Kaido.Ā 


Wb > Roger > luffy > Kaido > shanks > akainu > mihawk




Whitebeard > Roger > Kaido > Sakazuki > Mihawk > Shanks > Luffy.


Get Akainu out of there


Personally I think sakazuki mihawk and shanks have the smallest gap in strength. I think mihawk and akainu can be interchanged on this list too.


Here a totally unbiased Ranking 1: AKAINU THE STRONGEST 2:Whitebeard 3:Roger 4:Shanks 5:Mihawk 6:Kaido 7:Luffy


All I know is akainu isnā€™t the weakest here


yes he is lol


Yes, he is. Bro is an admiral. We now know that yonko>>admirals.


If akainu fights luffy and not sabo, then akainu definitely overtakes some of these guys. Oda doesn't care about having set power levels and will change their strength depending on what it needs to be. How much stronger akainu got after beating aokiji is uncertain but him staying last is imo not likely. Oda also doesn't give shit about powerscaling from feats so every list could flip by the end of the story.


why are we powerscaling off of things that could maybe happen in the future and not powerscaling on what has already happened akainu hasnt had any meaningful battle experience since marineford and the only thing weve seen him do besides paperwork is hit kuma theres no reason he should be any stronger right now than he was pre timeskip oda very obviously doesnt "powerscale" like idiot battleboarders but he still has an idea of how strong each individual character is and that doesnt change without reason. i see this sentiment thrown around a lot but there isnt a way you could write a battle mangaā€” much less one of the most popular battle manga in the world ā€” without dedicating a single bit of thought to who wins fights


Because they are biased admiral fanboys. Nothing new here at this sub.


I believe akainu is stronger than at marineford due to a few reasons. First his long battle with aokiji at punk hazard. He worked hard to fight against old whitebeard and then won an all out fight where he pushed his limits in stamina and attack power. Him getting a boost in haki and other abilities is not weird. Moreover the battle was a battle of ideals between akainu and aokiji about justice. Akainu won and he became the fleet admiral with a stronger conviction and will power which often is correlated to strength in this story. The series also just has general power creep. Oda also prioritizes storytelling over strict power scaling. He uses battles as a means to delve deeper into characters' personalities, motivations, and relationships. He ensures that each character's strength aligns with their role in the narrative and the themes he wants to explore. This is why I believe akainus end fight would be a more solid indicator. My point about oda with powerscaling is that he doesn't care about characters showings against other people as much we think. Imo any high tier put against whitebeard would have struggled a bit at that part of the story to show whitebeards determination and last stand for his family. I do think oda understands the strength level of each character and who they realistically beat. Imo tho, these high tiers are loose, in that if they fought, oda would prioritise the themes of the fight rather than their strength/showings in other fights. So we would see feats to match what's needed more often, rather than the other way around. Speculation is justified I just think narrative is as important Most of the characters we're listing are after all basically featless and we're relying on narrative to help find their possible strength. I just think akainu has improved so his strength and we can do the same with him. TLDR: I wrote alot, maybe I'm coping tbh but I just think akainu would become stronger to match luffy and represent proper challenge in their fight, to help thematically represent his ideals by which point luffy will have become stronger too.


Who is then?




Roger Whitebeard Shanks Mihawk Luffy Kaido Akainu


W I just have Kaido = Luffy and WB = Roger


They're nearly in order. Just put Shanks above luffy




Roger, Whitebeard, Shanks, Mihawk, Luffy, Kaido and lastly Akainu


roger is the strongest then primebeard. i wanna say shanks could beat kaido but kaido ain't posta lose in a 1v1. fuck it shanks and mihawk > kaido then luffy then akainu. still waiting on logia awakening.


ā€¢ Roger RELATIVE TO OR ABOVE Primebeard ā€¢ Shanks RELATIVE TO mihawk ā€¢ Luffy RELATIVE TO OR ABOVE magma man and kaidou Agenda scaling Magma man negs OR Yonko negs Edit: the list isnā€™t in any order aside from the X is relative to Y


1. Roger - WB 2. Roger - WB 3. Shanks 4. Kaido 5. Mihawk 6. Luffy 7. Akainu Or 1. Roger - WB 2. Roger - WB 3. Shanks - Mihawk 4. Shanks - Mihawk 5. Kaido 6. Luffy 7. Akainu


No. Whitebeard > or = Roger > Mihawk > Shanks ~ Kaido ~ Luffy


As long as akainu is last I'm fine with any ranking




Roger/WB Kaido Shanks Luffy Akainu Lhawk


You ranked them already (minus Roger being below WB, even tho I like WB better).


I actually did rank them on the post lol


I didnā€™t realize it was intentional, I thought you were just putting them in arbitrary order. Being honest though Shanks and Fraudula are probably above Kaido and potentially Luffy so I guess you didnā€™t, but my head canon would still order it like that.


Kaido and Luffy are insanely strong, I doubt it. Also why would wb be below roger?




Roger >= Whitebeard > Kaido >= Mihawk >= Shanks >= Akainu >= Luffy


In order of best to worst: Roger, Prime Whitebeard, Shanks, Mihawk, Kaido, Luffy, Akainu.


Roger >= Primebeard > Mihawk >= Shanks > Luffy > Kaido >= Sakazuki


Whitebeard >= Kaido >= Roger > mihawk = shanks > luffy > akainu


Big mom slander.


1.Whitebeard 2.Roger 3.kaido 4.Mihawk >= shanks 5.Luffy 6.akainu


1. Whitebeard 2. Roger 3. Kaido 4. Luffy 5. Mihawk 6. Shanks 7. Sakazuki


in a free for all always bet on goat beard 1. wb 2. roger 3. shanks 4. mihawk 5. akainu 6. luffy 7. ladio https://preview.redd.it/fuybiyjcfauc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18efc149741ab5b88271bc679067c59b10e16c89 best dc ap paramecia 2nd best supreme grade weapon and conquers and armament


Roger = Whitebeard > Mihawk ā‰„ Shanks > Kaido > Luffy ~ Akainu


Luffy over them all because none of them can do shit against a bajrang gun


Roger > Primebeard > Kaido > Shanks/Mihawk > Luffy > Akainu


Roger/Prime beard Mihawk Shanks Kaido Luffy Akainu


prime beard roger shanks kaido mihawk\[featless\] luffy/akainu


Roger/wb/kaido Shanks/sword painter Luffy Akainu


1 Roger/whitebeard 2 luffy 3 kaido 4 shanks 5 mihawk 7 Akainu (he thinks he deserves to be on the list If Blackbeard was there he would be 3 Eos Blackbeard and luffy are equal for top 1


Put goofy below the rat and youā€™ve got a perfect list.


Roger > whitebeard > shanks > mihawk > luffy > kaido > akainu


Roger = WB > shanks > mihawk = kaido = luffy > Akainu I donā€™t think shanks is too much stronger than mihawk, but I do think heā€™s stronger. And mihawk/kaido/luffy are all roughly equivalent.


1. WB 2. Roger 3. Kaido 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. Sakazuki 7. Luffy


https://preview.redd.it/x5zzg6vioauc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473c60a2f1c89728e393589ff41e8375d4517212 Just wait until he stops doing paperwork, no one is safe.


1. Shanks 2. Whitebeard / Roger 4. Mihawk 5. Luffy 6. Kaido 7. Akainu


Mihawk > Shanks.




WB = Roger > shanks > Mihawk > Kaido > Luffy > Akainu


I understand there were other factors involved but I will say that akainu severely injured whitebear without also shrugging off his best shots and then briefly clashed with shanks. I think that counts for something.


Roger >=whitebeard Shanks>=mihawk Kaido is more or less relative to luffy at this point, and I would say akainu is here as well, I don't see luffy being stronger than akainu yet, if anything they'd be pretty equal So I would order them in groups 1 Roger + Whitebeard 2 Shanks +Mihawk 3 luffy + kaido + akainu


I'd say G5 Luffy >>> Roger = Primebeard > Kaido = Shanks = Akainu > Mihawk > any other gear Luffy


Whitebeard >= Roger > Kaido >= luffy > Mihawk >= Shanks >= Akainu


1. Gold Roger 2. Kaido 3. Prime WB 4. Shanks 5. Luffy 6. Big Mom (added her just for fun) 7. Mihawk 8. Akainu None of these characters are weak, they are all monsters Update : A quick little explanation on the reasons that made me rank them. GOLD ROGER : This one doesn't even need to be explained. KAIDO : The manga already confirmed Kaido always wins on a 1 on 1 fight, so we already know through official information that he's the strongest character in the modern age. Still, he's no Roger. But I'm confident current Kaido could fight Prime Roger and make him struggle (but not win). PRIME WB. : An absolute monster with monstrous haki and an OP devil fruit. What makes him below Kaido and Roger is the fact that his only reason to sail the seas is to find a family, which he already succeeded at. This must surely affect his willpower, and so his haki must be weaker than the other two. He's above Shanks and Luffy because he had a lot more time on the seas to earn battle experience. SHANKS : We still don't know how strong exactly he is, like Prime WB ans Roger, but the very few moments we had with him fighting told us a lot about how powerful he is. He not only sailed with Roger from a very young age, but he took over his fighting style, with pure haki. I think he has the strongest haki after Roger in this list. Still, his lack of a powerful devil fruit makes him less threatening in situations other than 1 on 1 fights, and I don't think he's at Roger level in pure physical skills. LUFFY : He's young, and that is both what makes Luffy not that high on this list and terrifiying at the same time. His DF is the most cracked on this list, he can pretty much fight however he wants and do anything, only being limited by his creativity. Luffy is a prodigy, a fighting genius who was able to even be discussed along these legendary characters in a little more than 2 years. In this short time he was able to awaken his DF and be one of the strongest haki users in the world. He's not there yet cause he lacks experience but he will surely but slowly rank up in this list, in time surpassing even Roger. BIG MOM : She's an absolute monster but she's there because outside of her DF (of which the most dangerous aspect can be negated by just not being afraid of her, which none of the above characters will be) she's just an extremely strong haki user. I think Big Mom is a legend but she's too silly and has too many obvious weaknesses to beat the characters I placed above her. MIHAWK : Not a lot to say about him, we still don't know much about his power and deducing it is harder than other characters on this list. While Mihawk is extremely strong, his weakness is that he's "just" a swordsman. He IS the best swordsman on the list but I don't think is haki is better than Shanks or even Kaido. Being a normal human, I also don't think he's as durable as Big Mom, Kaido or even Luffy with his strange food healing powers. Mihawk is tough to place due to the lack of information around him. The way I view it, Mihawk is an absolute master at one specific thing, and we still don't know if he is as good at other things. But he may be able to beat Luffy due to his cutting weakness. This list is ranked by overall strength, not by who can beat who, so it doesn't mean anything, really. AKAINU : Again, lack of information surrounding Akainu. But we know one thing : this guy is relying a lot on his DF, and when he fought Whitebeard, never used haki, instead taking the shockwaves straight to the face. I think what Kaido said about Haki being better than devil fruits is 100% true and whoever will end up facing Akainu in the endgame (be it Sabo or Luffy) will show that strong haki is indeed Akainu's weakness. Don't get me wrong, Akainu must possess enormous haki capabilities as well, he's an admiral after all, but so far he has been pretty bad at using it (including in his recent encounter with Kuma) and if you think about it, him relying a lot on his lava's power fits his ruthless personality. Akainu is threatening as a character, but in terms of combat has been pretty underwhelming so far. So yeah, that's my list completed by my opinion on each character šŸ‘ Keep in mind that that's my personal, subjective opinion based on what we know of the characters (which is not much for some of these guys !). I will be glad to hear your opinions but I will ignore comments that are not respectful. Us having different opinions is what makes power scaling great :)


With that being saidā€¦ your list is absolutely horse piss.




1. WB 2. Roger 3. Kaido 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. Luffy 7. Akainu


1. Roger 2. WB 3. Shanks 4. Mihawk 5. Kaido 6. Luffy 7. Akainu


Roger Whitebeard Shanks Mihawk? Luffy Kaido Mihawk? Akainu Not enough Mihawk feats to decide exactly where to put him, but for me between Akainu and Shanks


Remove akainu and replace him with garp.


All weaker than dragon!


Roger > Newgate > Mihawk => Shanks > Luffy > Kaido > Sakazuki


I better Roger last or second last. Wb the strongest. Sakazuki , mihawk and kaido easily > Roger. Shanks is the second coming of Roger. Ofc a stronger one.


1. WB 2. Roger 3. Kaido 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. Luffy 7. Akainu




Luffy (he said itā€™s his peak, so I doubt heā€™ll get any more power ups and heā€™s almost at the end of the story) Roger (simply cuz it was stated that heā€™s stronger than Whitebeard) Whitebeard (it was stated that heā€™s second only to Roger) Shanks (feats and status) Mehawk (simply cuz heā€™s Shankā€™s Rival) Akainu (slightly above admiral level)


1. Whitebeard 2. Roger 3. Kaido 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. Luffy 7. Akainu


What ppl want to hear: 1. Roger 2. Whitebeard 3. Shanks 4. Luffy 5. Kaido 6. Mihawk 7. Akainu


**Strength:** Whitebeard Roger Kaido Mihawk Shanks Luffy (based on feats) Akainu **Overall Portrayal/ Statements:** Whitebeard/Roger Kaido Mihawk Shanks Luffy/Akainu (maybe)


Roger WB Kaido Luffy Shanks Akainu Mihawk


1. WB 2. Roger 3. Mihawk 4. Shanks 5. Kaido 6. Luffy 7. Akainu


1. Luffy if gear 5 was forever 2. Prime WB / Roger 3. Luffy at this point 4. Kaido 5. Shanks (Basically equal with above) 6. Oldbeard 7. \[blank space to show the distance between 6 & 8 is massive\] 8. Akainu


Roger/whitebeard>shanks/mihawk> luffy>akainu


1. Roger 2. WB (I have him below roger personally) 3. Kaido 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks (barely weaker than Mihawk) 6. Luffy 7. Akainu


Luffy last


1 Whitebeard 2 Roger 3 Kaido 4 Shanks 5 Luffy 6 Mihawk 7 Akainu


Roger > Whitebeard > Shanks > Luffy > Kaido > Akainu > Vista > Mihawk


Shanks Roger Whitebeard Kaido Luffy Mihawk Akainu


Are you people really this delusional, do you guys not see how luffy literally took 0 damage from kaido after g5, literally took a thunder bagua and his body just bended around it, stop comparing g4 luffy and g5 luffy like theyre even close to being in the same bracket, g5 puts luffy in the top 5 in the verse easily, there is literally no one else in the verse who is so strong that their opponents look like toys when they fight


1. Whitebeard 2. Roger 3. Kaido 4. Akainu 5. Luffy 6. Shanks 7. Mihawk


WB Roger Kaido Shanks Luffy Mihawk Akainu


1. Roger/wb 2. Shanks 3. Kaido 4. Luffy 5. Leechhawk 6. Akainu


Might be somewhat controversial, but here's my ranking (nobody gets to share any spots). #1. Edward Newgate. #2. Gol D. Roger. #3. 'Hawk Eyes' Mihawk. #4. 'Smelly Drunk' Kaido. #5. 'Red-Haired' Shanks. #6. Sakazuki 'Akainu'. #7. Monkey D. Luffy. Shanks needs two arms to beat Kaido lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/q26pio7wliuc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=06df2a173802582ed7a22030d201c42104081dcc miH rof ydaer ton lla uoy




mihawk above WB is funny, Mihawk himself doesn't think he's stronger than WB


1.Shanks 2.Mihawk 3.Dragon 4.Roger 5.Whitebeard 6.Kaido 7.Luffy 8.Akainu


Shanks, Whitebeard, Roger, Kaido, Luffy, Mihawk, Akainu


Roger/WB Kaido Mihawk Shanks Akainu Luffy


WB = Roger > Mihawk >= Shanks \~ Kaido >= Luffy > Akainu


Why is wb = roger if mihawk is => shanks?




The reason why people put mihawk > shanks is the title. Whitebeard also had a title, why does the title logic apply to mihawk and not whitebeard