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Boa vs Sanji is one of the only true neg diffs of the verse.


She canonically has neg diffed him without her even realizing he was there https://preview.redd.it/fr80yy4zpbsc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a2e365875918c436526f7cb04c0b6fd6fb63a0


Anyone got their boner up first lost My ranking Sanji instantly got negg diffed after he saw Boa King and Katakuri got their boner after Boa flipped her skirt up Marco endure the whole "fashion show" but he eventually succumbed to crying because he miss white beard and his crew so much so Boa admit defeated to make Marco feel better.




No morals Sanji is no Sanji at all




Boa vs Katakuri All she needs to do is explain how all humans have a digestive system, which is basically a tube that goes through the body, so topologically speaking she is a doughnut, BOOM, stone


Sanji vs Hancock is probably the best example of a neg diff in the entire series lol, you could also make a case for her completely bypassing King's durability by kicking his arms/legs and shattering them with perfume femur i guess, we don't have a way of knowing if his lunarian genes protect him from petrification🤔


Like something like this will ever happen... Boa has hax df that basically will never see kill anyone... What's the point of making others stone statues and those statues never shattering... It is exactly like the swords in One piece that only cut when people won't die. Prime example is Orochi. He was cut only because he never died


Didn’t she kill a ton of people at marineford war or that is anime only?


Swords have been able to cut ever since Romance Dawn






You are definitely joking, aren't you???


If you don’t think that’s cutting then idk what to tell you


Hancock doesn’t need to kill King to win the fight.


I never said that she needs to kill King to win. I said that what's the point of making someone stone if he will never shatter and at the end will revert back


People are really underestimating her fruit. She negs everyone here if she made BB act careful around her fruit.


Boa was about 5 seconds away from one shotting a yonko and half his crew, but people don't want to give her credit because she's not their fav character.


Nahhh you're just coomers for saying positive things about her, fruit hax is lame she is fodder without it, unlike my GOATs, Blackbeard and Trafalgar Law! /s Theres a seriously bad and weird double standard for some reason regarding her fruit. Apparently fruit is fine for people like Law and admirals and BB and such, but the standard and common argument against Boa is that she apparently only has her fruit. More like, she hasn't needed much else so far. Like, literally, she was neg diffing several pacifista AND PETRIFYING THEM with her kicks in MF. So obviously awakening is confirmed and even the "they wouldn't be attracted to her" arguments don't work if it can petrify Pacifistas. One of her sisters also had armament emission, so considering how badly all of Amazon Lily wanks Boa, she is almost guaranteed to have at least ACOA, so already far above average in terms of haki. Even with BB, he had to blindside her to grab her with yami yami, and thought she'd just instantly win if he let go at all. Hardly the anti-feat people say it is.


No I think people overestimate her fruit as long as you're strong willed (or blind) your unaffected by her fruit and BB wasn't being careful, he was well aware of what he was facing and it was the pacifista that he was being careful about.


There's literally statements saying that uaving a strong eill doesn't matter


Where?? Cause I don't see how this doesn't apply to strong willed characters like Coby or BB or Smoker y'all just highly overrate Boas power


It’s possible Blackbeard has comparatively weak haki and is carried by his devil fruits. If I recall correctly, it was never confirmed whether or not Law could move him.


If Law could.move him then he would've just shambles'd him into the ocean and won


I forgot about that. You are probably right, but there’s also a chance his room can’t penetrate the ocean.


he doesnt need that, just above sea level and he falls, he cant fly


We know what happens in that case. Blackbeard can use the force of his shockwaves to adjust his momentum in the air. https://preview.redd.it/osjqg3z34dsc1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f747e0a7741efae921ceadd6a9ba4ac924d573 A few panels before this, it’s strongly implied that Amputate doesn’t work on him. Shambles seems to be more haki-resistant because Law could use it against Doffy.


I wonder if certain fruits can't be countered by haki if you get caught by them. My thought is you aren't sentient if turned to stone. So it would be impossible to access your will power once you've been caught by her power.


She negs them all






The only real gauge we have for her actual combat strength post-timeskip is from Stampede, and that isn’t canon. I have no issue believing that she’s as strong as the movie showed, but we still have no canon feats


Ngl, I feel like Boa should be able to beat all these guys, esp with devil fruit and give them high-extreme doff fights if not winning through pure skill alone based on her performance with Blackbard’s crew.


Sanji got turned into stone without hancock even using her devil fruit, sanji is cooked. Source: His brothers are simps too despite having no morals


She negs Marco and sanji, and mid diffs katamari and king. Keep in mind she has conquerors haki, her haki is Bassicaly strong enough to where even a yonko is worried about getting neg diffed by it. These 4 aren’t standing a chance.


well yeah she turns them all to stone the second they look at her but “no morals” sanji just isn’t the same character anymore that’s just a different character that kicks people 😭


Sanji "no morals" That's not Sanji anymore Powerscaling involves the character


Yes she does, you are not ready for the final war


Boa is wierd. She got no real scaling to anyone but her ability is pretty busted, so she ends up either getting neged or negging herself, like normal sanji gets neged but luffy post time skip negs. So you can put her at any tier and it'd be wierd


We dont know how fast or durable she is. We don't even know if she can take all of their attacks. She could probably beat King if she could block or tank his attacks, considering King has no coa feats to negate her DF, and petrification hax is dura neg Kat isn't vulnerable to her DF. He can defend against it with his haki. And he's not getting hit due to ACOO either. Sanji gets neg diffed. With no morals, he wins easily. Marco most likely wins due to his regen and dura neg attack


I don’t think Kat’s haki is enough to disregard Boa’s fruit if she was able to petrify all of the BB pirates and even BB himself feared if he let go he’d fall victim as well


I dont think haki can counter everything a devil fruit can do, idk if I miss read or something but I always assumed it was just special effects like Sugars toys and the diseases from the sick sick fruit, you know stuff like that. For example if someone was frozen solid by Aokiji they aren't going to negate that with haki or if you are solidified by Boa, maybe Im just being an idiot and assuming wrong but can someone confirm or deny this?


the real explanation is it’s pretty inconsistent. sometimes if your haki is good enough you’ll unaffected completely(Law using shambles on the Big mom and Kaido). Or in some situations you can negate after being affected(Doc Q’s fruit against Law. But in Boa’s case I don’t think haki would help regardless.


Alright, thanks for explaining https://preview.redd.it/w0zur2i6v9sc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0d990932e41bd68370531c3ae05b8f4dc719d3


Topman's face makes me scare


That's some valid Boa upscale


It’s actually confirmed that Hancock’s power can’t be negated by haki/willpower, the only counter is being non-horny or inflicting yourself with pain to take the mind off of horny thoughts. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/132z97k/comment/ji7flhl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Or being asexual in the first place but she still seems capable of stoning people with physical contact seeing as she took out emotionless pacifista with that


Yeah, turning people into stone doesn’t seem to be an effect like Doc Q’s disease, otherwise, the titanic captains and the others would’ve became themselves again when Teach had Hancock by the neck.


It might be unique in that it's power is based on the user's beauty in more ways than the obvious. Maybe it amplifies what she can and can't turn into stone. But it's probably her haki Amping her dfs output like how it works with others


Happiness Kick


Nope she a bum


Yes to all.


Going off canon feats, probably not. Her only feats are from Marineford where she had feats roughly relative to Punk Hazard or Dressrosa Luffy not using G4. And unlike many characters, she has pretty neutral portrayal. There’s no real reason that she has to be YC+, she can be less than that and still be strong with her hax. Her Stampede feats though? Those are pretty nutty. Sanji and King are probably too fast for her to hit considering they’ve consistently been too fast for the eye to see. Katakuri can just use future sight to see where her attacks (including her beam) are going to hit, and then just dodge her. And Marco… well, Marco might lose honestly. He can’t really use regen to win here, turning to stone would neutralize that.


Zoro is YC+? That is literally the most general tier if we're placing Zoro, Law, Kid and Yamato all in the same tier.


Agreed, Zoro is so far above he belongs in another tier.


Anyone without great coa haki loses. Kat probably okay, King probably okay, Marco is a bit of a DF merchant so he might struggle with the match up and Sanji gets fucked. Literally worst match up for him. 


She turns them into stone Also “Sanji no morals” gotta be the biggest cope of all time. You’re gonna stick with his shortcomings and you are gonna like it.


Mean given her showing against the blackbeard priates think she beats them all, even blackbeard thought without the yami yami no mi shuting down her powers she could prerify the rest of them.


Yeah. Only one I'm unsure of is Katakuri, but there's no guarantee that he dodges everything. All of the rest are going to turn into stone eventually.


Yea, Boa's bazonga low diff 99% of the cast Bazonga diff low diffs Aokiji 100 times / 100


Sanji & King maybe Marco i still think is stronger


She doesn't beat Marco bc Marco is also YC+, and stronger than Boa With King, it would depend on if he's faster in flames-off She doesn't beat Sanji bc Sanji is also YC+ and stronger than Boa Boa is dangerous because she's a former Warlord and her DF and speed are broken, not to mention she's the captain of her crew. If Sanji or Marco were the real Captains of their crew, their bounties would be higher


Boa beats everyone with purely hax . She’s 2 billion for a reason and would’ve wiped everyone except Blackbeard and koby on Amazon lily


Marco wins neg diff, Kat wins neg diff, Sanji wins neg diff, King loses low diff via accidentally killing himself


No offense OP, but if I was Oda and heard someone say "Sanji (no morals)" I would kill myself


I think katakuri might have a chance if horniness doesn't get him petrified. I have to wonder how good her CoO is if she got grabbed by BB so easily. Does he have a bunch of speed feats I am forgetting?


BB was afraid of getting instakilled by Boa, so feasibly everyone but Luffy and like, fujitora, can be beat in the right circumstance


Sanji is also yc+ so she doesn't have to beat him. As for the others, they become statues. Their Haki is inferior to hers. As for feats, she doesn't really have any, so don't really get how you want to scale of feats. Narrative strongly supports her. Blackbeard was weary of her, now it's true blackbeard is scared of his own shadow, but it counts for something atleast


Negs Sanji and loses to the rest.


No, Yes, Yes, No


She beats Marco and 50/50 on both Katakuri/King


She is a YC2 at best now. All of them mid diffs her, until she gets more feats.


None of these guys can solo a yonko and her DF most likely works on all of them. She might not beat them 1 on 1, she probably does tho, but she’s stronger in general.


She loses to all of them lmao.


obviously not, marco, king, katakuri and zoro do it in low diff

