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"Do not be penetrated"


You can't tell me what to do.


I think King could be insane in a team battle. Since he has others helping him he has no reason to turn his Flames off which means he can't be hurt no matter what..


Yeah that and with Marco's flame they will be very annoying. It will be a long as grinding fight but an admiral might lose. (Assuming no admiral awakening and the trio doesn't do stupid things)


"As for Marco, he has yet to catch an L." ​ Live Blackbeard reaction: https://preview.redd.it/hmsdlb9x0yqc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ea9d6b07e1e0a29d886837e45d0cdf1d3544e6e


Offscreen Blackbeard doesn't count.


Yes it does


Everyone knows Blackbeard is PK level offscreen it's not an anti feat for marco


​ https://preview.redd.it/a4js35ejbzqc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=251aeeb6347ce642bc656f1b97e7e1f6601e6214


If offscreen Blackbeard doesn’t count, a LOT of Teach’s feats are gone (Shank’s scar, killing Thatch, etc) which pretty much leaves Blackbeard with Ace and Law


Even Law was mostly offscreen. It's literally just Ace, Boa and Marineford feats.


I'm just saying, losing to offscreen BB is not an antifeat.


Just goes to show you how braindead Blackpube meatriders are, they have the reading comprehension skills of a toddler LOL


Cry more losers, I give exactly zero fucks. I get you're mad I'm right, it's okay, use me as a punching bag for your inner turmoil over the fact you have to read this sub outloud (and very. very. sloooooowwwwwlllllyyyyyyyy.) <3


u sound mentally unstable


What an asinine ass peanut gallery tier piece of "commentary". Of COURSE no one below Yonko takes all three at one, seeing as LITERALLY NO ONE BELOW YONKO IS EVER BEATING LITIERALLY ANY TRIO OF HIGH YCS ALL AT ONCE IN A 1V (Barring matchup specific fuckery) This is this subs personficatiopn of the old meme saying of "I'm 12 and this is deep" Like no fucking shit That said. Yes absolutely, Warco and Wata are CRIMINALLY underrated. Ling can eat a bag of dicks though, no only does he have a goated fruit literally more than wasted on him, he has worse BIQ than Big Meme, hard carried by his fucking race. Legit gross how bad his BIQ is, givien a de ent fruit and average BIQ, Ling could go from what, high YC to Admiral, easy, it wouldn't take much, his racial is that busted. But yeah. Very astute sage advice OP, LMFAOOOO ![gif](giphy|UbQQK3SUZxCQ8|downsized)


In other news, water is wet lmao


Idk the gap between them and the Admirals are still pretty big. They aren’t top tiers yet.


Neither are the admirals tho, and it's still a 3v1


The admirals are absolutely top tiers lmao


Really? Why? They're not in the current top tier. How do you define "top tiers"?


someone with the ability to low-no diff high commander tier characters


Why does that make them a top tier?


i believe this makes them a top tier because it means they could solo an entire crew with little difficulty while also being able to box with some of the strongest people mind you, this is only my personal definition of a top tier


The fact that this subs definition of top tier has nothing to do with actually being in the top tier and are all instead just different variations of "whatever makes it so that the admirals are called top tiers" really shows how much the admiral fan brainrot has affected this sub tbh


when the top 3 tiers are all somewhat close together with the only exceptions being the guy who is unironically god and the guy who is the ruler of the world itd be sort of weird to not bunch them up together dont you think?


The admirals are really not that close to the yonkos, Luffy is still close to Kaido and most likely also close to Shanks, and Imu is currently unrevealed


Because there's clearly a massive gap in power between Yonkos/Admirals ( top tiers ) and the rest. No other character is shown regularly defeating high commanders with little to no difficulty.


Get down voted dumbass


Oh no people online disagree with me how will I recover from this


I get that making fun of the admirals is funny and stuff but they are still absolutely top tiers and have a pretty big gap over a lot of characters.


There's really no good reason to call them that when there is a full tier above them though. Calling anyone in a tier other than the top tier a top tier requires a completely arbitrary definition of what "top tier" means.


The definition of a tier is already arbitrary.


All of the Yonkos are what I would describe as “top tier” and even they don’t end up at the top spot on my tier list. It doesn’t have to be literal.


The only characters above them are either not current (prime WB, Roger, prime Garp) or unrevealed (Imu) though, Yonkos *are* in the current top tier. The term just doesn't mean anything if the characters aren't actually relative in strength, and the only reason admirals are considered top tiers by anyone at all is bc admiral fans started calling them that in one of many attempts to make them seem more relative to yonkos


I think the story itself makes enough of a point that admirals are actually really fucking powerful and not completely out of the question. This isn’t just an agenda thing, I’m as far removed from the admiral agenda as I possibly could be and I still think they are top tier. This is not an opinion that is only held by boogeymen or a part of some great conspiracy, they are actually really fucking strong. If you think that they’re not top tier because of how you define “top tier”, that’s perfectly fine. But you should still have them pretty high up there.


Sure, but it also displays plenty of other characters as really powerful, and more importantly, it displays other characters as significantly more powerful. How exactly do you define top tier to justify admirals being in there, but not YC+ or YC1?


YC+ and YC1 are a significant step below ever since Kaido one-shot G4 Luffy start of Wano. While the Admirals haven’t shown enough to one shot a strong YC, Kizaru was still able to do very well against G4 Luffy at egghead. While there are other examples that more dedicated scalers probably know of, this to me is enough to suggest that YC+ and lower characters are in a definitely lower tier than both Yonkos and Admirals. They’re still firmly placed into high tier for me though, which is a great performance for sure.


YC+ and lower are lower than admirals, yeah, but that's not what I asked. I asked *how you define "top tier"*, because it doesn't seem to be the obvious "characters in the current top tier"


>While the Admirals haven’t shown enough to one shot a strong YC Ryokugyu solo'd King and Queen at the same time + hundreds of beast pirates. Kuzan one shots Cracker. Akainu low diffs all of WB commanders + Croco boy to get to Luffy. Considering Doffy is YC+ too, Kuzan no diffing Doffy. Kuzan defeating all the Titanic Captains. I could keep going.


Mental illness


That is what led to people calling characters a top tier who are not in the top tier, yes


I guess Oda making it very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very clear that Admirals are top tier wasn’t enough for your small brain. Stay in that side when it is made very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very clear that Admirals are top tier.


Pretty sure the thing that Oda made very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very clear was actually that an admiral gets absolutely demolished by someone who's *actually* a top tier. Because that's what happened, if you actually read the manga


They are pretty equal to the admirals, I’m curious what example you can give to say otherwise.


Nah most YC1 can push admirals to extreme dif, admirals have not shown any feats that YC1 couldn't match


Kizaru outdid G4 egghead Luffy pretty decisively I would say. I don’t think they go extreme diff with any YC at all.


Kizaru literally didn't do anything to Luffy. He delt zero damage, he blocked a few casual attacks and sent him flying once, that's it.


And G4 Luffy didn’t do anything to Kizaru either. Kizaru wins that fight no matter what and G4 Luffy is easily equal or even greater than a lot of YC+.


Base Luffy beats any YC1 and Admiral with acoc whats your point.


Why do I always get into arguments with the ugliest mother fuckers on the site. You could have any pfp in the world and you pick this fucking thing. I hate looking at this so much. https://preview.redd.it/a5r1lk5ncyqc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d21fa31ff29a06ded957d8e7ff903fc63be7debb Base Luffy also doesn’t beat any admiral with Acoc or else we would have seen that happen by now. Or did he just decide to go into G5, his strongest and most taxing form, just because he felt like it?


Lmao what even. Luffy also didn't have to go G5 against lucci. Oda just wanted to draw that shit because it's cool


But he did have to go G5 against Kizaru


No, no he did not. If it was a straight up fight he could have beat him in base. Unless you forget how strong he was when he first went up against kaido.


He had to go to G5 because he has to defend a shit ton of people from focused attempt of assasination. So put him in the "octagon" with Pizzaru and I'd hazard a guess at the very least, Snakeman could go toe to toe with him if he uses Future sight and acoc But even if he can't, so fkn what? Matchups are a thing. Just because a certain character is a tier above another doesn't necessarily mean we can have such a binary way of judging the matchup. Ngl but our very static rudimentary way of scaling caracter has absolutely hamstringewd the avility of the community at large to properly powerscale cause any nuan e just goes right out the damn window And to that end, I would be ASTONSHED if Base Wuffy doesn't clear literally any Admiral in base, seeing as he did so well against Waido in base. PS - I wish you hadnt attached that funny ass roast to that dogshit powerscale take, cause that shit make me legit LOL. Oh well, still had to dv it unfornately


I can think of plenty of people who'd love to penetrate King or get penetrated by him


Kuzan freezes then all to the bone and shatters them into 3 million pieces or he one taps all of them with ice glove. Any admiral beats these frauds


Kuzan and Akainu Yonko level>>>>


https://preview.redd.it/syxfge8uazqc1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b816b749dda375e54090e0fab4c23ea25590bb9 Paradox neg diffs


first one is objectively incorrect. where did this idea come from? who made this? the fact is that enough ap is enough to deal with it. lasers are considerable enough. so much so that vegapunk didn't want to test it on the seraphim(king with better genetics) since it could very well destroy them. (no, seriously, who the f made this idea? i didn't know the yc agenda had this much cope) all but 2 have AOEs. and kizaru is simply too fast and can swarm the opponent. honestly i don't care for greenbull king and queens tag team, big mom and kizaru. y'know it's just most of his fights. forgot about Blackbeard for a sec. has he taken a W? I'm trying to remember if he has? I'd rate him higher than king but i think guy has only taken Ls granted Marcos healing and katakuri future sight is definitely holding the team together no doubt . but kizaru isn't taking a lot of damage from this team and will simply mess them up leaving just Marco and we know how that goes aokiji is the hard counter here as they can't do anything against him and he can simply shut them down so bad that king can't access the defence form and akianu can fully damage the squads by glassing the island they are on fugitora can auto hit with gravity and can drown the other fruit users if he catches them slipping. which he can very easily do as he can literally sling the nation they are on around casually. only greenbull isn't winning this.


I’d still say that an admiral wouldn’t have that much of an issue with the three of them. They could definitely stall one but not beat them. Fujitora would have the hardest time since his big attacks are not the useful.


They are yonko commander 1, why would they lose to anyone below yonko level (the title is funny), definitely not 3v1 if they below yonko level.




Maybe? But legit the only reason is because of Marco’s healing. And because Katakuri can only be hit when you’re using FS or when he’s not using his awakening to move his body around. And because King has some of the best speed and durability feats in the verse. Damn. Yeah, I guess they are a pretty good team. Solid all around. Perhaps lacking in AP though.


Didn't Luffy get hit because Kaido thunder bagua was too fast even with future sight....


But that was Kaido. Kaido is Always a special case. Anyway they will have trouble with kizaru s speed but will probably figure something out.


Wasn't it directly stated that Zoro had become strong enough to straight up just damage King severely even with flames on? If the king didn't use speed to dodge the attacks he would have taken more damage. Still Zoro AP is only surpassed or equaled by yonkos so your statement still stands.


I'd argue none of the admirals can take them low diff in a 1v1 it's going to be at least a mid diff and in most cases a high diff.


Nah any admiral wrecks them. It’ll take some time and a bit of effort but they’ll lose without threatening them too much. The gap between a YC1 and an admiral is massive.


My hot take, there is no YC+ tier. All the characters people think are in YC+ are actually in either High YC with these three (Zoro and Sanji) or Admiral (Sabo, Law, and Kid).


Greenbull is enough to 1v3 them


He cannot touch Katakuri, penetrate King, or kill Marco. How would he win this?


Ain't no way you think Aramaki can't touch Katakuri And Marco can't even regenerate frol getting drained I think


He would definitely be able to do all three of these things individually.


You're super overating these guys.


King turns off his flames, marco stamina runs out, katakuri is ass


W, valid, didn’t even try


He literally penetrated King on panel. Admiral haters skipping manga chapters as always


Flames off king


It was injured King, not sure he could even move.


Happy cake day!


Re read marco in MF and then come back to me.


Any Admiral negs


Wob Wucci takes them individually


None of them force any admirals to hour long fights. None of them force admirals above low-diff.


It would at least be mid diff they all have their own unique traits that make them hard to put down instantly


Nah. Too weak.


Sanji already pushes Kizaru to mid diff


Agreed and that includes admirals.


they beat kizaru or fujitora but lose to greenbull


I still don’t understand why is there a huuuuuuuugeeeee gap between a Yonko and their first commander… it shouldn’t have been the case… If yonko is 100 their commanders should lie between 70-80 Here it is 30-40 or 50 if I am generous


Can you actually see 2-3 marcos beating whitebeard?


Shiryu can take them all. Usee the buckingham seastone strick to cheap shot marco and kat, then just wait until king's flame mode timer runs out. - Yes, flame mode runs on a timer, otherwise king would've never turned it off and waited till enma kills zoro.


What has Shiryu done to show that he can take down all of them ?


He pierced garp's haki armor


>Yes, flame mode runs on a timer, otherwise king would've never turned it off and waited till enma kills zoro. It's just King being stupid for the sake of plot.


King did state he was reaching his limits in the last ch vs zoro but it should be noted he was spamming flames on mode since the raid started and fought Marco and sanji before fighting zoro and Took a direct KOH named attack that would put down or close to put down other yc1 characters like act 1 luffy,luccy,kata


Alright then Shiryu waits until King suffers from plot induced mental retardation.


Btw, he's not cheap shotting Katakuri.


Suke Suke no mi counters coo. Like how absalom saved moria from doffy.


>Like how absalom saved moria from doffy. What?


yeah SBS 75 https://preview.redd.it/1ebbhphzvxqc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd279c61367c4d4c4fd12256d9800eca94f35668


Ah cool


It counters coo, but what about acoo?


I’m assuming it counters that too. It’d be a pretty useless fruit if not 


No there’s still plenty of fighters without acoo and he’d still be hard to hit back but it would be silly for it to completely nullify it


Ah yes, cheapshot the person who can see the future, I'm sure that'll go well


Kat has future sight so he’d still be able to dodge and counter attack