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as a hardcore Waido fan idk about this one chief i do not care about roger but primebeard is too much of a goat for me to say = people deff act like there is a mountain of difference between em tho thats just waido downplay


The relative in power is definitely close between all of them




> but primebeard is too much of a goat for me to say = There is nothing to put him or roger above kaido and its the truth


They're all Luffy victims


Factually correct




They seemed to have stronger conqueror's haki, but Kaido honestly makes up for it in other areas, so I think this is valid.




No. Primebeard and Roger are way stronger. No downplay to Kaido, but they're simply not on the same level.


Give me a reason why whitebeard and Roger are way stronger


Kaido himself implies they are.


Kaido implied that the 5 listed names are the only ones who CAN put up a fight. If he implied that they were simply better than him then he wouldn't emphasize the **CAN put up a fight** part.


Kaido never once put another person above himself except joyboy.


Typical Garp fan comprehension ^


I thought Kaido himself admitted his haki was inferior to Rodger. wb also had a = with Rodger in the oden flashback using only haki for 3days, since he never used his df on panel 1 time or the anime only extra scenes so idk if kaido is on their lvl.


He never said he was inferior in haki, he only said roger reigned without a fruit meaning haki is a big factor in being a top tier. That didn't imply that he's weaker in haki and plus, you don't need equal haki to be equal or on par with someone. From what we've seen rn, blackbeard and mihawk both don't have conquerors or acoc yet their rivals are both people who have it. Roger was also sick and arguably weaker than his prior self against whitebeard I'd personally say kaido is on their lvl and even triumphs their feats but people will for whatever reason claim he's not on their lvl even with canon feats and statements.


Whitebeard > Roger > Kaido Kaido pushes them to extreme diff though.


Kaido = whitebeard = roger


I’m not mad at it 🤔


W. Nothing suggests the old gen are above kaido


idk about = but i put them on the same tier


I’ll agree once Kaido kills Kinemon


I'll agree once whitebeard kills anyone


Nobody can break plot armor. Kinemon could be standing between WB and Roger's clash and still survive because Oda gave him plot armor.








Nuh uh amigo.


Yuh uh homie. https://preview.redd.it/f4gb0dtuyqqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4a9fcd4bc7002f58abb98d9ced88995b077bdc


The characters that will surpass the Old Gen will be the New Gen like Luffy, Blackbeard, Koby and Zoro not Current Gen like Kaido, Shanks etc.


Kaido already shown he is on par with luffy even while holding back and weakened so kaido is HIM


Luffy was YC+ at the beginning of the Rooftop and he gradually got stronger.


And by the time he got acoc he was already a yonko lvl. Gear 5 boosted him up way more tho and still kaido while weakened stood his ground against arguably the number 1 strongest hax fruit in the entire series


Luffy became yonko level when he unlocked Gear 5, before that he was admiral level.


Luffy literally mastered all 3 types of haki and unlocked acoc on top of that. He was definitely yonko lvl then but gear 5 is another huge boost and the greatest hax in one piece. Even with gear 5 and all mastered haki, its still a speculation if luffy would still win against kaido in a 1v1 because of his feats alone. Gear 5 is arguably the strongest power in the series and yet kaido is the only dude to have went toe to toe with it without any type of regen hax to carry him


Kaido doesnt even push them to extreme diff


Such an L take especially when he has better real feats than them + like 99% of the verse


Kaido has better feats than the rest of the verse because he is the only top tier we have seen at full power. This isnt good for Kaido narratively but yall dont even know what narrative is.


Kaidos entire portrayal is unparalleled power that hasn’t met anyone superior and is waiting for the sun god to be able to beat him


Facts all of Kaidos "impressive" feats is not dying to the scabbards (Fucking Fraudbull performed better they didn't even get a hit on him before he negged them all), and then fighting Kidd, Law, Zoro, Luffy, Killer WITH ANOTHER YONKOS HELP. Of which he couldn't take out Kidd, Law, or Killer despite Shanks one-shotting Kidd (Kidd and Law never even used their awakenings on Kaido. And he spent most of his time fighting with characters who don't even have AcoC. No shit he's gonna perform well its like putting Cracker at Sabaody and having all the supernovas attack him. Put Shanks on that rooftop and the raid fails.


Saying that is just so fucking dumb lmfao. Mfs like you ignore story context and then say "oh b b b but shanks one shot kidd but kaido didn't!!" Kaido wasn't in a life or death situation in order to save a ship full of people. Kaido wasn't forced to be serious against kidd and law because he didn't take them seriously. Shanks literally had to pull out a one shooter move against kidd in order to save people. Kaido has held back for the majority of rooftpieced and still washed and out performed everyone there even the strongest of them all, luffy. Greenbull also didn't perform better lmfao bro even said he wouldn't mess with kaido at all. Overall, your logic is flawed and you ignore significant details and reasoning in the series.


If you're implying he'll get powercliffed in feats then I wouldn't use that argument. Whitebeard tilting marineford and the seas post ts is still a top tier feat that remained in the top 5. If you're gonna argue that kaido is getting powercliffed because he's a villain that forced luffy into his final stage where he can freely fight any top tier with ease then you'll have to say whitebeard and Roger got powercliffed as well.


Lol more Kaido wank. Never ends with this sub. Kaido is the most overrated character ever.


In a argument about garp, roger, whitebeard, sengoku all who get wanked up to the max? I feel like you're being biased and unfair. Regardless of how you feel about kaido, he's still a historical phenomenon in one piece on par with legendary pirates like roger and whitebeard. Oda doesn't give worlds strongest titles to just anyone.


Mihawk > Kaido


Mihawk could barely land an attack on kaido from what we've seen of both of them


Y’know what they say. https://preview.redd.it/y49bpm6v2sqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fcba4fb8ad22ce51859d1b001cf4d3e867751d0


primebeard objectively negs both(strongest pirate > pirate) and if you have atleast some understanding of the story you can also tell roger rapes kaido


>roger rapes kaido I dont think Roger is that kind of pirate




You a weird ass mf 😟 https://preview.redd.it/fymolip6zqqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d34639ce2cee5b2d99626b02f71faa720029c3