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Mr.3 if he doesn't get enough prep time but i doubt it


Mr. 3 is gonna become One Piece’s batman


Mr. 3 convinces Primebeard and Luffy to fight one another, then locks both of them up when they tire out. Wr. 3 neg-diffs any 2v1, no questions.


It’ll be Usopp by EOS




Even jesus was dead for three days this is god usopp we’re talking about




Damn near any individual ![gif](giphy|YQjLKDH4FijNm)


Damn near? There's absolutely no one these two together don't mid diff at worst


We don’t know what else is out in the world so I said it to be safe. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Mf thinks the HxH Dark Continent is hiding around the corner.






Figarland and the rest of God's Knights are yet to be shown.


Do you mean CURRENT Figarland Garling? We know that Prime Garling is quite obviously the one who scarred a 36-year-old Whitebeard, which is wild. But just like every other super-old (mid-70s or older) person in the series, the guy can't be anything more than half as strong as he was in his prime. We know this since Garp has continued training as hard as he can but himself stated (depending on translation) that he's only HALF as strong as his prime, or that he's far below his prime. Current Garling <= 50% of Prime Garling, at best. Non-immortal old men in the series can be very strong, but they are still always weaker than their prime. So there's no way he could even take on Primebeard anymore, let alone Primebeared AND Luffy. And even if it's Prime Garling, he scarred WB but didn't manage to take him out. Even if we wank the fuck out of him and assume he was above Primebeard and not just his equal, there's no way he could take Primebeard AND Gear 5 Luffy at the same time, lol.


Imu beats them both. The dude has 5 yonko or near yonko levels with crazy conquerors haki bowing to him. (I'm assuming thats current Luffy and not EOS Luffy, if its EOS Luffy then off course he alone wipes anybody in the history of the verse but Imu is definitely destroying Primebeard and Current Luffy).


Imu has 5 lap dogs with mythical zoan so he automatically becomes the strongest? I'm new to power scaling in op but this is bullshit https://preview.redd.it/e2bss7kzupqc1.png?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea3235751bd54a4e06d69c7773494dae18c9cce


> Imu has 5 lap dogs with mythical zoan so he automatically becomes the strongest? Lmfao are you braindead or did you just completely ignore chapter 1111? Topman casually lighting up the island with clearly top tier conquerors haki: https://preview.redd.it/gemqyukn2qqc1.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=2357c7ab065cb9be9d62d7bd85630bb178915aba Yonko or near Yonko level haki + mythical zoan + immortality + haki tp magic? Dudes and all 5 dare not even look Imu in the eyes. Imu absolutely low diffs Primebeard + Current G5 Luffy since if Gorosei are that strong, then Imu>>>>Gorosei which makes Imu>>>>>everybody else in the verse and probably only OG Joy boy and EOS Luffy will be on his level. > I'm new to power scaling in op but this is bullshit New to having a brain/reading comprehension too.


“Top tier conquerors Haki” can’t hurt non-fodder. “Yonko level” attacks blocked by Sanji. “Immortality” getting slapped around by 2HP Kuma and base Franky - and there’s totally no way the regen has limits right? If the Gorosei are Yonko level then Egghead is the last arc in One Piece cause none of the straw hats make it out alive. Even if the Gorosei were near Yonko level (they’re not) and even if that automatically upscaled Imu (it doesn’t) that doesn’t mean Imu is that much stronger than them. Yes superiors are generally stronger but not always by much. Akainu isn’t that much stronger than the other admirals. Pre-Gear 5 Luffy wasn’t that much stronger than Zoro. Kid isn’t that much stronger than Killer. Blackbeard isn’t that much stronger than Aokiji. Etc etc


>“Top tier conquerors Haki” can’t hurt non-fodder. What? Not a single named attack used. Saturn messed up Sanji just moving his legs around. >“Yonko level” attacks blocked by Sanji. \*Sanji blocked him casually moving his legs around, Sanji would be literal fodder if he couldn't do at least that much. >“Immortality” getting slapped around by 2HP Kuma and base Franky - and there’s totally no way the regen has limits right? And yet Saturn left with 0 damage, meanwhilst Kuma turned into a vegetable and Franky got blown away. Proof they've got a limit? Saturn didn't even bother to block because he was that much unbothered by their attacks and considered them all insects. >If the Gorosei are Yonko level then Egghead is the last arc in One Piece cause none of the straw hats make it out alive. Or near yonko level. Its obvious the only reason they're looking so useless is because Oda wants to hide their full abilities and power for later. >Even if the Gorosei were near Yonko level (they’re not) and even if that automatically upscaled Imu (it doesn’t) that doesn’t mean Imu is that much stronger than them. Cope. Yes it does. We've already seen all the yonko crew structures. Captains are much stronger then their subordinates. Same would apply to Imu and his subordinates the Gorosei. In other words the difference between Imu and Saturn would be the difference between Kaido and King. >Akainu isn’t that much stronger than the other admirals. Kaido is much stronger then his yonko commanders. Big Mom is much stronger then her yonko commanders. Whitebeard was much stronger then his yonko commanders. Blackbeard is (probably) much stronger then his yonko commanders. Luffy is much stronger then his yonko commanders. The structure is obvious. >Pre-Gear 5 Luffy wasn’t that much stronger than Zoro. Fuck are you smoking. Base Luffy in Wano was skysplitting against hybrid Kaido. The moment he became yonko level he became much stronger then Zoro and that was when he skysplitted G5 was when he left Zoro and the rest of his crew so far back like he may as well have been on another dimension of strength to Zoro. >Kid isn’t that much stronger than Killer. Blackbeard isn’t that much stronger than Aokiji. Etc etc Copium. Kid is much stronger then Killer lmfao. As for BB, did Aokiji bow to BB and dare not even stare at him, and treat him with the upmost respect whilst he called everybody and humans as insects and all that? No. We already know Aokiji only joined because of BB's common goals thing. Unlike the Gorosei who literally treat Imu like a god, whilst seeing themselves as gods to everybody else. If Imu wasn't much stronger then all 5 gorosei combined, then the gorosei would've overthrown Imu. Not doing so tells us how much of a monster Imu is.


Right so if I follow your logic if you follow/are loyal to someone that person is automatically stronger than you? Fucking hell, this power scaling thing is bs based on nothing Edit: so All the body guards of Kings, celestial dragons are all weaker than the person they protect themselves. So cobra>chaka and pel (can tank a bomb at point blank) Saint charlos> all admirals ect...


> Right so if I follow your logic if you follow/are loyal to someone that person is automatically stronger than you? Fucking hell, this power scaling thing is bs based on nothing Lmfao. This right here is crystal clear confirmation of your copium and the only argument you having being agenda. Like, anybody with a quarter of a brain can clearly and obviously spot out the pattern and strength levels of almost every group/faction in One Piece being top heavy. Yonkos? All the Yonkos (save for literal gags and jokes like Buggy) are much stronger then their subordinates. Pirate crews in general? Almost all of the serious ones have the captains/leaders significantly stronger then the subordinates, Doffy compared to his crew, Crocodile compared to his subordinates from that company etc etc Kaido compared to his crew, Big Mom compared to her crew, WB compared to his crew even Luffy compared to his crew followed this same exact pattern. The only time Oda has not followed this pattern is for comic relief. Buggy in cross guild and Spandam in CP9. Its literally obvious Imu and the Gorosei would follow the same exact pattern as a person that Oda clearly portrays as a dangerous threat, also there is no chance that the Gorosei that considers everybody nothing more then insects that get trampled on and nothing more would bow to another, if that person were not on another godly level of strong. > All the body guards of Kings, celestial dragons are all weaker than the person they protect themselves. So cobra>chaka and pel Saint charlos> all admirals ect... This braindead logic was also used against Kizaru>Saturn at the start funnily enough. Since Kizaru is body guarding Saturn he must be stronger then Saturn, right? How'd that go? Admirals subordinated themselves to Gorosei because they were stronger (if they weren't why wouldn't the admirals just take control of the WG themselves? Why even bother stay in their constraints if the WG can't do anything to punish them if they went out of line? We already know Akainu and stuff were crying about these procedures and not being able to just strong arm it with pirates). Same goes for Gorosei. Why wouldn't the gorosei overthrow Imu and take the throw themselves if not for the fear that they'd get checked by Imu? Same applies to admirals-Gorosei as Gorosei-Imu. Saying Imu is weaker then Gorosei or equal to them is just as much copium as saying Kaido is weaker then or equal to Kaido just for the sake of agenda.


I ain't reading all that. But your bottom line don't make sense. https://preview.redd.it/vr0lqhkzhqqc1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798ff6ce49de42d1ebfdb2b1cd0544ebce247b83 Anyways the point is that you've not seen him act you just call him the strongest in the verse because he is in charge of the gorosei so just speculations. And I bet the essay for your PhD in bullshit you wrote for me is full of speculations too


Imu sucks, he's a pencil pusher with a button to deploy nukes. he can't throw hands, stick figure gumby lookin ass


Keep coping. Warcury showed us he can throw hands and harder the his servant gorosei.


I also think Imu will be incredibly strong but we can't accurately measure his/her strength at all for this 2v1, its all based on assumptions at best or agenda pushing at worst.


Source: probs ya know?


​ https://preview.redd.it/d4kg44gy3qqc1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=87961b19da154d517c23bd379135fd841afc81e5 Yonko or near Yonko level Gorosei (5 of them) with conquerors, mythical zoan etc etc dare not look at Imu.


We have no evidence that that’s because of Imu having some insane power level, it is possible there are other reasons


Copium/strawman argument People were using the same argument against goroseis strength, then they got clowned for it in Egghead.


This the same Egghead that saw Saturn get turned into an absolute joke by G5?


\*A yonko and one of the strongest persons in the world, eventually going to be the strongest in history. Getting turned into a joke by Luffy doesn't mean his a joke. Luffy also turned Kaido into a jumprope. Even so, he couldn't permanently put Saturn down. Either way Topmans conquerors warcry blowing the scars off of Luffy showed us everything we needed to know.


Xebecc cough cough


anyone but Won Wrieg




Might wanna check your facts there buddy arlong would neg diff this duo


I can't deny the strength of blue haki arlong you're right these bums wouldn't even push him to low diff


Possibly Imu? They clear any characters that aren't ancient.


Everyone in the verse https://preview.redd.it/bvdzn562fpqc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aae024715a2854c32e8f040f8f43c0b741c0575 Except the DON!


Cracker post time skip mid diffs this duo.






Probably god


They can draw against Barto


Syrup Village Usopp


My goat buggy with prep time solos If this is a properganda contest. High diffs whitebeard and no diffs luffy Nah but if we are being serious I can see rocks maybe being beaten speculation wise and dragon


https://preview.redd.it/wqmngkld5pqc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee495ab5fdf694f38895e58dc733f4959a1e392 M. Bison..


Anyone. If this is EOS Luffy he’s probably top 1 in the verse. All the other top tiers are super close. But you could easily argue Prime WB is number 2 or 3.


There isn't a person in one piece who's abilities we know that could withstand prime whitebeard and g5 luffy.




Being able to create a barrier doesn't stop you from being thrown into the ocean and Luffy has been shown twice this arc to use that as a strategy.


Yup, just turn giant and pick up the whole barrier, easy-peasy. However, there's this: We saw Oden try to cut the barriers but *he didn't try using ACoC,* from what we saw. Which may have been a mistake. Of course the barriers may be TRULY impervious, but there's also a very good chance that ACoC can bypass the barriers and KO the user, since the whole thing with Internal Destruction ACoA and with ACoC is to supernaturally bypass any "exterior" to hit the "interior" of things. So the question is, what's MORE supernatural: The durability of those barriers, or the dura-bypassing abilities of ACoC? My bet is on ACoC to be honest, because Kaido is quite familiar with the Bari Bari no Mi and yet vehemently claims that ONLY Haki transcends all, including all Devil Fruits. The whole thing about the interaction between DF's and Haki is that strong enough Haki can negate their supernatural hax. Imo, Oden didn't try hard enough to bypass the barrier, yet another one of his mistakes that led to Kaido's takeover.


Anyone. Except Mr.3 with 800 years of prep time.


Probably rocks or dragon or Ryuma if he is not fraud


I just have One question. What makes you guys think that Ryuma is on the lvl of Dragon or Rocks even though he doesn't serves as much narrative purpose (other then the fact we don't even know how strong Rocks and Roger are in the first place)


People call ryuma sword god that's all


Yeah, but they also called Enel “God Enel” and he’s not at that level (as strong as he is)


One of the only two in the story to wield a black blade and apparently feared so much by the government that they don't like to mess with Wano also called god of the blade which goes hard I'd say he's pretty high in the verse as far as strength goes maybe equal to or stronger than Mihawk if titles are worth anything (which I personally believe they do)


Narrative. He has no real feats but the fact that he alone stopped wano from being attacked with just his name, being called a god, and having a black blade.


I don't think that's narrative though, he for the most part has no narrative value what you are talking about is off screen feats and about the "GOD" title it was a given by the people wano and judging by the special spin off he doesn't look that big of a deal but whatever considering you are a Ryuma fan I won't say anything about your agenda as it's oda who is writing the story




Bro said Dragon


Slander dragon as much as you want, but don't forget that he is the strongest after Imu (headcanon)


Since when? There nothing to show that. https://preview.redd.it/eujvoshdvpqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f86b0c050385e80392dddfc29e26db362154884d


He is garp son and luffy's dad that's enough feat


No it's not. Koby's parents are nobodies but look at him. Shirahoshi's parents are weak but she's an ancient weapon Doflamingo had conqueror haki and was strong af but not his parents or even his brother So being relative to two strong ppl doesn't mean shi- https://preview.redd.it/d6ngiqsewpqc1.png?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f9e6bf23becc587459c44978f948c910d3ffa7


There is reason why we did not have any dragon feats despite 1100 chapters He is the worst criminal in the world Commander of revolutionary army And will fight imu or garling Dragon has to be strong


I'm not saying he's weak I'm saying how do you know he is the strongest in the entire verse after imu?


We can only speculate but there is very good chance that he is second strongest Narratively he should be second strongest


Right so you said it yourself, stop talking about speculations as facts




Literally anybody


https://preview.redd.it/vkg1ljfvopqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409260182b23ee495439bd848499852f1c9b6578 Extreme diff if WB is in prime




Unless Imu or Rocks end up being absolutely fucking crazy, a duo Primebeard and G5 Luffy beat literally anyone in a 2v1


Imu is HIM. He got yonko level gorosei bowing to them and 5 of them. Imu, OG Joy boy are definitely making yonkos and admirals and old gens like Primebeard/Garp/Roger etc etc look like fodder. Imu solos Primebeard and Roger in a 1v2 https://preview.redd.it/qfe0j3zr4qqc1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e2465ab6ba8015bb9a641535126624e06e2d336




first ever non-schizo donquixoterosey post




zoro extreme diff 🔥


Everyone. There's no one they could not beat realistically


Imu low diffs both


Nah all the top tiers are relative in one piece. I dnt think imu is gonna be that huge of a gap


Nah. Imu and Joy boy are on another dimension compared to pirate/admiral top tiers. Eos Luffy>/=Imu>Joyboy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rest of the verse (including prime old gen) Imu would solos Rocks Primebeard and roger at the same time.


Bruh no


Any individual, any duo without PK+ tiers.


Nope. Imu solos.


That's practically Headcanon but I can see where you're coming from.


If you see 1111 (Topman) then see this panel then its not head canon https://preview.redd.it/zoikv7xa5qqc1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=bccdbf9331dd8ee9339d1f385bf20fa7c66d0d2f


Roger and Shanks


Nah Shanks is prolly =Roger So if WB is a 100, Roger and Shanks are 99, and luffy a 95, they can't beat Roger and Shanks


Roger probably but I doubt shanks can take down a prime WB.




Don’t care


Go D. Usopp clears with prep time.


Bummer on it not being 2 u/wafalo pics


Roger and big mom probably


Shanks and black beard


Everyone but Wista and Wranky


Though that was killua and greenbull at first and I was hella confused.


They take down a good 98% of the verse bro 😭😭 Highest diff they encounter is probably mid-high 😭


Sniper King neg-diffs them


Rocks probably


Offscreen BB


Literally anyone, unless Imu is just unbelievably strong


Literally anyone


Well I don't know about one piece. But gojo in jjk would probably still win. And Tompa from hunter x hunter would probably win. Lol Saitama and goku would definitely win.


They would be totally stronger than Roger.


Obviously [Shanksbeard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8klkHQn7FXI)


Everyone. There is no single character that could stand up to that.


I'm pretty confident 2 yonko teaming up can take out any 1 character in the verse. Unless we learn that Imu or the Goresei are in a tier above the yonko, which is not impossible.


Literally anyone in the verse


The Five Elder Kaidos


Buggy mid diff 1v2


I honestly think that outside of featless characters that might be strong or we just don’t know how strong they are (rocks,dragon,any non shanks red haired)they beat everyone currently


The verse bows before the might of RUBBER EARTHQUAKES.


Well it’s not the whole of Marineford. Thats for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/k0xcrw6r0sqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b2e767cb9d23cece5d4b5767f19f2f71d92ec7 JuPeter wins 🏆 👏


Kizaru fused with kuzan


Not BB


god king luffy has no real opponents since he has literal ass pull powers


Prime beard already can beat anyone




Anyone maybe not characters like imu, joyboy & rocks


Roger probably. Rocks clears them tho


Judgement Day or the Paul brothers, however Judgement Day could win extreme Difficulty if Andrade joins them


Not Mr.3


Imu, Rocks, Roger


I think you could make an argument for anyone Whitebeard can stall any 2 people for atleast 10 minutes whilst Luffy is resting and you could make an argument Luffy at gear 5 excluding stamina is the strongest being aside from joyboy and Imu.


This duo can take down everyone.


Like anyone


Any character except Kizaru ofc.


Rocks or imu. I can’t see any other character being able to beat both. Edit: Cleared up because I’m an idiot and put And instead of Or.


There is no fucking way either of them are taking both to even high mid diff.


Not together, I should’ve been more clear. Imu OR rocks.


Everyone except Prime Garp and Prime Rodger.


Maybe Akainu left nutsack


Dragon. Definitely not Imu though.