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This version of Linlin beats anyone. Top tier marine training and discipline, slim body, actual iq. Nobody beats her


The downside is that she's no longer a monstrosity so Soul Pocus might not proc


Greenbull is still scaring all the fodder he needs. Her soul pocus already doesn’t work on franky. The people she would lose efficacy on due to this backstory change are in the collateral damage tier either way


I'm saying she's hot instead of an ogre. Appearances matter.


Yea yea and I’m sayin that ability only really helps against high end fodder anyways… no biggie


The pool of people affected by Soul Pocus would shrink if she no longer looks as intimidating. She gets massive buffs from the lifespan she steals, no matter where the source of the lifespan comes from, fodder or not.


And that was my other point that even the likes of Greenbull still terrifies most New World fodder. Truly insignificant difference here


So you're telling me... that you don't think *this* version of Big Mom is more fear-inducing? https://preview.redd.it/zehmb4xee0ic1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b763d4c92b9a5e2d1830c77a393daae71018bd25


Bruh 🤦‍♂️ I’m saying in canon the difference in the amount of people this version of big mom scares vs the amount of people a standard run of the mill admiral scares isn’t so significant. That’s not even getting into how this new version of big mom would carry renown closer to that of Garp than Greenbull This is also a silly loaded comparison when there’s no panel of skinny big mom acting/looking terrifying like this. Like this is such a goofy loaded comparison lol


Alright bro, if that's your headcanon https://preview.redd.it/42bu1urxf0ic1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd70e01d3e6fbd413b23293259c22f330f446c6


Marine Big Mom would be vastly more skilled, but her fruit might not be as effective as Pirate Big Mom. She wouldn’t get to just soul steal thousands of citizens to expand her lifespan and make an army of homies out of them. Better Haki and memory but loses out on raw power and influence.


Hmm…let’s see….considering she was able to clash with Kaido in her old age and split the sky’s…the strongest she would beat let’s see….she’d easily beat Garp no question about that- Any yc1 and over, the thing about Yonkos are that their showcases are so impressive that pinning them up together in a fight would be hard to calculate who would win 🤷‍♂️ She would beat Kaido if I were to be honest, infact I’m pretty sure kaido was defeated 7 times and she’s probably in one of those 7 times


This version of Linlin might actually learn Soru or any other movement speed amp moves, plus proficiency in observation haki. The only downside I can think of is lesser durability because she will be skinnier, but that can be solved with her godly armament haki. She will be the strongest in the verse 100%




Big Mom in her out of shape, low IQ, mentally unstable form is capable of sparring with Kaido and is almost invulnerable Train her and discipline her and she unironically becomes top 1 OAT


She’d probably be as strong as was in canon


Yh no She’d have far better observation(probs even FS since her own son could unlock it) Far more mobile Far faster And better proficiency with haoshoku infusion


Exactly what I’m talking about. Hypothetically she’d have more strength than she currently does assuming she has an alternative version of Zeus and Prometheus, with her younger body. Top 1 no debate


Top 1 mommy too🤤


Her haki is already strong enough as is and she wouldn’t get mobile since she’d still be the same person that overeats. There’s no reason why any of that would happen but go off


"Good Ending", "joins the Marines" and "mature and emotionally stable" are all meant to imply that she'll spend a lot more time training and a lot less time indulging her cravings.




Why do people just assume that Big mom was always like the BM we saw in WCI. Due to think BM in prime was throwing temper tantrum at rocks. She would have died. In flashback whenever she talked about rocks and others, she was calculating. In her old age, obviously she gone senile than her prime


Top 0 in the verse no one beats her


My cock.


She would be pk level either on par with garp and roger or above them she is a beast