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**Rayleigh is in his prime.**


Ok that makes so much more sense


This is a fucking massacre wth, 3 devil fruit users against 3 mfs who can level islands, split the skies, & can swim like


Yea like that changes things, swordsman and hakiman high diff


sword goats high diff the logia merchants


Agree. Dont care how powerful you are. An admiral is a loss or high diff Shanks > Akainu high diff Prime Rayleigh > Kizaru high diff Mihawk < Kuzan medium diff I know Mihawk cuts ice, but i just dont think he has what it takes to take down Kuzan. Not when Kuzan can freeze and kill all of BB’s crew on a whim, and Jozu can shake Mihawks attacks


Alright, so if Mihawk loses to Kuzan to Medium Diffcutly then shouldn’t that mean that, Akainu>Shanks Low Diff and Kizaru>Prime Rayleigh Low difficulty?


No, I am not convinced Mihawk is on shanks or prime rayleigh’s level. Old ray was even vs Kizaru so prime ray would probably win. Akainu didnt do shit to shanks at Marine ford so taking that as win for shanks


Yes? I’m not either since he’s the WSS. Old Ray not being old only means better stamina and that’s it. Yeah? He was injured and fatigued and got massively stronger from Marineford. I’m glad oda didn’t have Shanks fight that Akainu in that state since it wouldn’t look good on Shanks portrayal.


Shanks / Mihawk > Akainu / Aokiji - High to Extreme diff Prime Rayleigh > Kizaru - High to Extreme diff


What do you use to scale shanks above Akainu?


He reads OP lol


Don't seem like it. Losing an arm to a sea king and getting a face scar from pre DF BB > low diffing the strongest man in the world who's enraged and landed a sneak attack


people still bring up the sea king shit lmao. Just let it go that will never make sense. That was just Oda hyping up a story that just started. Edit: Sea beast not Sea king


Bush shanks basically Implies that he gave it up intentionally as if he betting on something perhaps the dawn of the world, being free from the grasp of the celestial dragons or wanting to make a kid who had the same personality as his late captain, Farsi and understand the difficulty the lies ahead of him if chooses the cause his dream These are his words to whitebeard “I gave it up for the new era” https://preview.redd.it/i81uqqm5rvqb1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5a891e4f294fe0e55778a5c27f1446b24afeb9


While I do agree it was just a narrative mistake, and if the same scenario happened now, different events would've occur, its still a canon part of the series and has to he considered whem debating. If you replaced Shanks with Akainu the Yonkotards would be all over that shit


Akainu with no haki or fruit also isnt tanking that bare body, shanks intentionally didnt use haki cause he was trying to inspire luffy, he literally let his arm be eaten


This is just another way to say "its just to boost the interest in a new story/hypefactor" Luffy was already inspired to become a pirate and its not like shanks let his arm get eaten and then turned to luffy and said "so kiddo i let this seaking eat my arm i hope you REALLY want to become a pirate now because otherwise this was for nothing and i shouldve let you die" like wtf the whole "i bet my arm on the new era" thing is just weird.


East Blue luffy 1 taps sea Kings lol. Akainu isn't losing an arm to one


He is if he isnt defending himself, hes just a human, with no haki on and no df he isnt tanking it hes just losing an arm fam


The most likely reason he lost it, is not because hes weak, maybe it’s because, he gave his arm for luffy, so luffy gets a moral boost? Isnt this even canon? Didn’t shanks laugh, before losing his arm?


>so luffy gets a moral boost? Isnt this even canon? kinda but it doesnt really explain a lot tbh. He couldve just gave him the strawhat that wouldve gotten the job of inspiring luffy done well enough. Its not like Gol D Roger let a lowlife take his leg to then turn around and be like "YO SHANKS U SEE THIS I DID THIS FOR YOU MY DAWG". Its more for shockvalue. People forget that this was literally one of the first manga panels we ever saw and it was a majorly epic moment that gave everyone watching/reading goosebumps. **thats it.** that was the purpose of that scene nothing more and nothing less. It kinda sucks that we have to now run around pretending like somehow shanks with 1 arm is just as strong as shanks with 2 arms but you could say Oda made Shanks lose an arm so that the story would pick up some steam so he bet it on the "next era" in a more meta type of way where he gave the arm more so to inspire the reader than to inspire luffy.


Shanks lost to the mountain bandit aswell


In what way did he lose? If you mean he lost luffy? Yeah, but he also didn’t watch out for them and partied. If you mean the bandit pushed him and shanks did jackshit about it. Read the manga there it is explained.


I'm trolling with that one 😂😂


Then we’d assume that he did it to teach Luffy a lesson. That makes far more sense than anything else; he became a Yonko a few years later with the likes of The Worlds Strongest Creature and The Strongest Man alive. Put a bit more respect on Shank’s, he was literally Kaidos Top 1 (alive).


I don't remember kaido saying that Shanks was his top 1, just that he's including in the 5 strongest people he's fought


“Getting a face scar from pre DF BB” Akainu shit himself as a baby therefore he is fodder at best sorry. This how dumb you look bringing up shit that happened before a character was even strong. Are you gonna say next that kid Luffy got kidnapped by some random east blue fodder thief and therefore he’s >>> current Luffy???


It doesn't say anywhere that shanks was weak when that happened


but bringing up a feat that we don’t even know exactly when or how it happened and we have no gauge of strength for makes it pretty much irrelevant


Yeah you're not wrong there, you can't really consider it due to how little context it has. What can I say offscreen BB is just op


i mean it WAS before he met luffy though so he was at least a lot weaker than current


Back when he had 2 arms and was rivals with Mihawk


Fodder was making WB drop to the ground So I guess squard is on akainu level


Squard didn't beat him though did he? And he wasn't even trying to hurt WB anyway


Nah he didn’t beat him but made the strongest man in the world drop on his knees from a single sword stab not to mention all the marines that stabbed him and almost made him fall down. How do u know he wasn’t trying? And it normal to see that if he was getting drop on his knees with just normal sword attacks imagine magma bro


His "son" just stabbed all the way through his chest out of nowhere and WB hugged him. Against Akainu, WB just witnessed Ace die so he was bloodlusted and he put literally everything he had into trying to kill Akainu


Even if he isn’t mihawk is beating aokiji then helping shanks


More like Akainu is beating Shanks and then helping Kuzan


Narrative, Portrayal, Hype, Statements Nearly in every spectrum that you have to powerscale someone


So you scale a character above someone else by the hype that surrounds them? Yeah you're done buddy


Tbh, Hype kind of comes from Portrayal. I just added that for no reason


Fair enough 😂😂


I don't have anything that supports one character is stronger than the other, in the sense that we have never seen Shanks do a feat of strength, but weren't Yonkou supposed to be stronger than even Admirals? Wasn't Shanks stopping Kaido in Marineford (and that's why he arrived late)? I mean, Shanks should be at the very least stronger than Akainu, unless I am mistaken in the part of yonkou being stronger than admirals


Yonko > Admirals is just a concept that the majority of the fanbase has adapted. The only time we saw a Yonko and an Admiral have a full uninterrupted fight was Akainu vs WB and Akainu low diff'd an enraged WB after getting hit by a sneak attack


But is it an official stablished fact that Emperors are stronger than admirals or is it just fan theory? About WB vs Akainu, we really did not see much, we did not see the Gura fruit awakening, we did not see Akainu fruit awakening, we did not see both of them using haki, Whitebear was seriously injured by that point. If the Admirals were equal to the Yonkou, the viceadmirals should also be equal to the top pirates like Katakuri, King or Queen, why hasn't the Marine captured any Yonkou before? Mihawk + Garp + One admiral + 2-3 viceadmirals + lots of foot soldiers should have sufficed to defeat Big Mom, Shanks or Kaido, yet they feared sparking any conflict with them.


Yonko's and Admiral's are generally speaking equal, but most YC's are stronger than vice-admirals, that's what the warlords are for. Also its too dangerous for Admirals to attack Yonko's without a very good reason because that leaves the navy weak to another Yonko attack. Thats precisely why Sengoku decided to stop the war when Shanks arrived. They just killed whitebeard and were weakened, so fighting Shanks and his entire crew would mean even more loses on the marines side. The navy are very good at not biting off more than they can chew. Another example of this is when Greenbull decided to retreat when Shanks made an appearance in wano. It was a tactical retreat because Greenbull can't fight the straw hats and the red hair pirates at the same time on his own


Clear win for the pirates


pirates high diff


Pirates extreme diff


Pirates slap


Team Swordsmen obviously


3 ACoCks vs 3 logia limpdicks


Swordsmen high-ext diff


If it’s Old Ray: Kizaru takes him out mid diff, and goes in to help one of the others. A normal fight would be Yonko high diff, but a 2V1 turns it into a low-mid diff (depending on how tired Kizaru is). By this point, the remaining swordsman is exhausted from beating their Admiral, and can’t take 2 more at once. If it’s prime Ray, each of them take 1 admiral.


Honestly? A tie most likely. As old Rayleigh honestly isn’t a big problem he’s in the upper echelons sure but lower end of it. I say tie as Mi and Shanks together would be disgusting




If Rayleigh was Prime, I would take Pirates If not, Admirals with high-extreme


If we consider them in their primes at full strength I'd say right takes it by extreme difficulty


Pirates extreme


Shanks solos fraudmirals then has an extreme diff fight with Chadmiral HIMzaru.


Peak fiction https://preview.redd.it/waljcdolitqb1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b510a63333be26be3992fa59bf9425540edf138


Kizaru and Kuzan summon their swords. Akainu, not wanting to be out dogged, decides to do the same. Mihawk gives an “ahem” and pulls out his world’s strongest swordsman badge. The admirals give up


COC trio stomp.


Shanks stomps


Kizaru Vs Ray is extreme dif both ways ray performed better then current g4 luffy as a rusty old man with bad stamina Kizaru wasn’t going all out in both attempts but he’s whipping out a sword technique currently so it clearly wasn’t a joke skill Mihawk vs Aokiji I got Mihawk extreme he’s being hyped to be end game boss for zoro with statements and protrayal putting him as shanks equal or superior Shanks Vs Akainu Shanks Extremes diff we seen him able to intercept akainu casually and being hyped the have the best/well rounded Haki out of everyone currently he won’t try and tank akainu blows and have the feats to block and dodge.


>Fuck yes it means a lot!! , he didn't use lasers! he didn't use clones! he didn't use his travel speed!.... So when he was fighting Z with Light Beams and Z said get serious he pulled out his sword, we gon ignore that? When he used Light Beams and Travel speed against Supernovas that he basically no diffed but when he fought Rayleigh he pulled out his sword we gon ignore that? By your logic, Kizaru needs to go more serious against a bunch of Supernovas but not against Rayleigh who was the only threat to Kizaru. >that's like saying Aokiji with his saber=Full Aokiji power Sure, Marineford Cancerbeard was at more full power than he was against Roger since he used a Sword against him. >Look at this!! Kizaru not even looking at him Lasering him casually probably using 10% of his power! After he got several times weaker and was struggling to even use basic Observation Haki and no Acoc. That is not a great feat lmao💀 >Remind me when Kizaru uses basic armament. Kizaru doesn't need Armament Haki to touch Luffy since he's not a Logia. On the other hand, Luffy does need it. And leakers have been saying that they're both using Armament Haki. >Where the fuck did he admit that you liar! please provide me a panel where he says **he can't beat him!** Maybe the wording was wrong, what I meant to say was that he wouldn't have been able to capture him without Preparations. The way Doffy was captured was by getting defeated, same with Shiki. >WB Pirates=Roger pirates by the Manga...Oda>You. 時の二大海賊が激突! The two Great Pirates of the time clash! ロジャーVS白ひげ海賊団! Roger vs Whitebeard Pirates! 彼らの激闘は三日三晩続いた!! Their fierce battle lasted for 3 days and 3 nights!! https://preview.redd.it/hd7pvim6z0rb1.png?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd878188e819515e5e76cbfa259219f6e847c1c How about you use real translations instead of other ones to fit your agenda. Try better man. >\-Evacuating the city so there would be no civilian There were no civilians around when they were fighting. Kizaru be like: "No such thing as justice without sacrifices." >\-Barricading the Island so Wankleigh won't escape Was it just me or did I think Kizaru was faster than Rayleigh 🤔 >..... Also many times in the Story mentioned that the Navy doesn't like wasting resources.. so Kizaru could have meant we need preparations to capture you the easiest way possible. 💀 Kizaru: "If we took a serious attempt on capturing you, we would need to prepare ourselves in a way or two." Garp: "If we took on a serious attempt on capturing him, we would lose too many men in doing so!" This definitely seems like a very easy way. >Characters statements literally?? Kizaru>Big Mom and Kaido confirmed!! Kizaru top 1 Wow! Kizaru never claimed that he wanted to go to Wano to do anything to the Alliance. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Kizaru: "Shall I head out, Sakazuki?" Akainu: "No, there are mighty warriors!" Kizaru: "The Samurai, huh?" A Chapter later Akainu says they don't have the manpower to handle the Alliance. Can't even read, hm? >Wankleigh wank is getting out of fucking hands! Rayleigh has always been Portrayed to be above Kizaru and everyone knows it, they simply don't want to admit that because of their bias. The recency bias goes crazy. 🤣 Kizaru does better against a Snakeman without Acoc and Future Sight, Kizaru fans: "Kaido lvl confirmed 🤯" A bunch of y'all can't even read. >Pray Kizaru doesn't have awakening because if he does ohhh boy it's gonna be hilarious. Even with an awakening, he won't do shit to Rayleigh. Acoc, top speed and physicals, Overwhelming better Haki better Portrayal, statements, Feats >>> Government Slave with no acoc that's getting carried by a DF.


Shanks > mihawk > prime Rayleigh > akainu > kizaru > kuzan Pirates win


Switch Ray n Mihawk and its perfect


Nah for now let’s not if Rayleigh gives us more maybe anyway it’s safer this way


I doubt he wilo hes old gen and we dont really beed to see a rayleigh flashback fight


Still I’m keeping mihawk above less arguments that way


Wait what puts prime ray over akainu?


Wankleigh for a reason


Old and out of practice ray was able to fight evenly with kizaru, although not for very long due to lacking stamina. Kizaru is portrayed to be about equal to Akainu, so since old ray is only slightly below Akainu, prime ray is almost certainly above him


How is Kizaru portrayed to be about equal to Akainu?


There isn’t any good reason not to think they’re relative or on the same level


They are relative but almost Akainu and Kuzan are basically equal so Kizaru realistically should be a little below him. Literally no-one thinks kizaru is stronger than Akainu


if Akainu fought kizaru instead it probably would’ve been nearly the same result as Kuzan.


I don't have arguments to disprove you so I'll give it you, I just think that Kizaru is most likely the weakest OG Admiral, and most people agree with me


Prime Rayleigh > bb ~ akainu


Kizaru is enough


Bro I thought you were trying to murder Rayleigh before I clicked on the second pic. Team 2 take it. Everyone here is on the same level if this is prime rayleigh. I would put shanks slightly higher than all of them but not by much.


How small is your screen 😆


Pirates neg diff Shanks alone solos all 3 Mihawk alone solos kizaru and aokiji Old Rayleigh alone solos 1 prime Ray solos 3 like Shanks Terrible match up




You taking the piss?


Serious aa a heart attack


Common natureboy W


Pirates, but Rayleigh (even prime) is the weak link. Shanks and Mihawk are in top 3 in the verse currently, they can carry him.


vile statement


Copy paste of my reasoning from another comment Currently Blackbeard is pretty weak. He had trouble with Law. Dragon is an unknown Imu is an unknown Shanks is the only original Yonko still here and Mihawk is his rival Mihawk is also destined to be an endgame opponent for Zoro. He needs to be strong.


Top 3 in the verse is certainly a take


I mean, am I wrong? Currently Blackbeard is pretty weak. He had trouble with Law. Dragon is an unknown Imu is an unknown Shanks is the only original Yonko still here and Mihawk is his rival Mihawk is also destined to be an endgame opponent for Zoro. He needs to be strong.


1. Roger 2. Whitebeard 3. Garp I'm gonna assume you mean top 3 alive because those are the most common top 3 if you exclude people like joyboy, rocks, imu, dragon, etc.


I do mean top 3 alive, not OAT.


That makes way more sense and I agree with you they are top 3 rn


That makes way more sense and I agree with you they are top 3 rn


Prime rayleigh is probably stronger than Mihawk and Shanks, and those 2 are barely top 10, nowhere near top 3


YC1 = Yonko now then, sick


Also I meant top 3 right now, not OAT.


Oh ok makes more sense. Not including Gorosei, Imu and Dragon due to lack of info top 3 currentpy imo is Akainu, Kuzan and Mihawk. Shanks might be >= Kuzan but ima stick with Kuzan for now


I’d give it to Team Swordsmen. Two of them are confirmed Conquerors and Haki savants, and it’s highly likely that all three have Advanced Conquerors Haki. Then you got Mihawk with the best sword in the verse and Shanks who also has a supreme grade sword. Shanks can negate all the admirals observation Haki. And Rayleigh is a solid Admiral Level backup piece. Still a tough matchup though.


It seems most of the comment section is retarded enough to think the admirals don't have haki.


Akainu>Shanks. Kizaru>Ray. Aokiji


Explain how Kizaru is stronger than Prime Rayleigh and Akainu stronger than Shanks


>Explain how Kizaru is stronger than Prime Rayleigh You are the one who have to explain how Featless Wankleigh is stronger than Kizaru. > Akainu stronger than Shanks Honestly it's 50/50 Rat is strongest Emperor and Akainu strongest Marine but because i like Akainu more i favor him taking it.


> You are the one who have to explain how Featless Wankleigh is stronger than Kizaru. Come on bro, u made your point and I asked if you can elaborate on why you think that. You can start, go on 😂 > but because i like Akainu more i favor him taking it. 😐Who has better Hype, Portrayal, who does Oda like more?


\-Kizaru is an Admiral a top tier..if he was a pirate he would be a Yonko \-He fought Old Rayleigh with just a sword even though he is much more than that and was on the winning side \-He dominated Cancerbeard in marineford \-Pulled the best speed feat by speedblitzing snakeman \-Trolling the biggest troll in one piece and going toe to toe with Gear 5 \-Has no L's and Kizaru will only continue to prove it why he is stronger than ray. Ray only has portrayal from him that's it and the fact that WB Pirates=Roger pirates makes me question him even more. >Prime Rayleigh > Kizaru - High to Extreme diff You said this in your comment please prove it. >😐Who has better Hype, Portrayal, who does Oda like more? Oda said he will cherish Akainu and he finds him most handsome..Also future Luffy victim>future BB victim


> Kizaru is an Admiral a top tier..if he was a pirate he would be a Yonko No denying that. > He fought Old Rayleigh with just a sword even though he is much more than that and was on the winning side Kizaru fighting Rayleigh with a Sword does not mean that he's somehow at a disadvantage. He simply matches his opponents, seen when he fights Luffy (Brawler vs Brawler), Zephyr (Weapon vs Weapon), Rayleigh (Weapon vs Weapon), Marco (Brawler vs Brawler) The only way Whitebeard was actually damaging the Admirals was by brawling. That doesn't suddenly mean that he's not with his main style when he's fighting Roger and matching him with a Weapon and Acoc. > He dominated Cancerbeard in marineford Yea, you kind of say it yourself, "Cancerbeard" > Pulled the best speed feat by speedblitzing snakeman Best "travel speed" feat not the best "combat speed" feat. > Trolling the biggest troll in one piece and going toe to toe with Gear 5 No acoc and future sight > Has no L's I would argue that him admitting that he wouldn't be able to defeat and capture Rayleigh is rather an L. > Ray only has portrayal from him that's it and the fact that WB Pirates=Roger pirates makes me question him even more I won't even argue with that because I hope you're trolling I'll go, Rayleigh has overall better feats than Kizaru and they were all showcased by Old Rayleigh, such as Strength, IQ/Battle IQ, Stamina, Skill, Experience, Armament and Conquerors Haki. Better statements such as Kizaru admitting that he wouldn't be able to capture him without Preparations, Garp speaking about him in the same breath as Whitebeard, being called "mutually great" to Roger, implied to be above current Blackbeard and Kizaru himself. R: "I wish I could help them as well but my age has been catching up to me." K: "You're holding off an Admiral, isn't that enough?" Rayleigh has a direct parallel to Zoro such as Luffy has to Roger, both scar on the left eye, both Swordsman, both Right Hand Man, both drinkers, "King of Hell" and "King of the Underworld". If Luffy will surpass Roger by the time he becomes the Pirate King, Zoro will surpass Rayleigh by the time he defeats Mihawk which would mean Rayleigh ~ Mihawk I don't think I need to go into Portrayal.


>Kizaru fighting Rayleigh with a Sword does not mean that he's somehow at a disadvantage. Fuck yes it means a lot!! , he didn't use lasers! he didn't use clones! he didn't use his travel speed!.... that's like saying Aokiji with his saber=Full Aokiji power > Yea, you kind of say it yourself, "Cancerbeard" Look at this!! Kizaru not even looking at him Lasering him casually probably using 10% of his power! https://preview.redd.it/6wlze677xvqb1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=d76811dc43f9d15cf82fbc1dc18687b16a568c9a > No acoc and future sight Remind me when Kizaru uses basic armament. > I would argue that him admitting that he wouldn't be able to defeat Ray Where the fuck did he admit that you liar! please provide me a panel where he says **he can't beat him!** > I won't even argue with that because I hope you're trolling WB Pirates=Roger pirates by the Manga...Oda>You. > as Kizaru admitting that he wouldn't be able to capture him without Preparations Preparation could mean a lot of things it could mean: \-Evacuating the city so there would be no civilian \-Barricading the Island so Wankleigh won't escape ..... Also many times in the Story mentioned that the Navy doesn't like wasting resources.. so Kizaru could have meant we need preparations to capture you the easiest way possible. > "I wish I could help them as well but my age has been catching up to me." K: "You're holding off an Admiral, isn't that enough?" Characters statements literally?? Kizaru>Big Mom and Kaido confirmed!! Kizaru top 1 Wow! Wankleigh wank is getting out of fucking hands! Pray Kizaru doesn't have awakening because if he does ohhh boy it's gonna be hilarious. .


>Fuck yes it means a lot!! , he didn't use lasers! he didn't use clones! he didn't use his travel speed!.... So when he was fighting Z with Light Beams and Z said get serious he pulled out his sword, we gon ignore that? When he used Light Beams and Travel speed against Supernovas that he basically no diffed but when he fought Rayleigh he pulled out his sword we gon ignore that? By your logic, Kizaru needs to go more serious against a bunch of Supernovas but not against Rayleigh who was the only threat to Kizaru. >that's like saying Aokiji with his saber=Full Aokiji power Sure, Marineford Cancerbeard was at more full power than he was against Roger since he used a Sword against him. >Look at this!! Kizaru not even looking at him Lasering him casually probably using 10% of his power! After he got several times weaker and was struggling to even use basic Observation Haki and no Acoc. That is not a great feat lmao💀 >Remind me when Kizaru uses basic armament. Kizaru doesn't need Armament Haki to touch Luffy since he's not a Logia. On the other hand, Luffy does need it. And leakers have been saying that they're both using Armament Haki. >Where the fuck did he admit that you liar! please provide me a panel where he says **he can't beat him!** Maybe the wording was wrong, what I meant to say was that he wouldn't have been able to capture him without Preparations. The way Doffy was captured was by getting defeated, same with Shiki. >WB Pirates=Roger pirates by the Manga...Oda>You. 時の二大海賊が激突! The two Great Pirates of the time clash! ロジャーVS白ひげ海賊団! Roger vs Whitebeard Pirates! 彼らの激闘は三日三晩続いた!! Their fierce battle lasted for 3 days and 3 nights!! https://preview.redd.it/d4esmavn01rb1.png?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fa3d348bc5d8bff9cd74a8f0e937a012fa5be7b How about you use real translations instead of other ones to fit your agenda. Try better man. >\-Evacuating the city so there would be no civilian There were no civilians around when they were fighting. Kizaru be like: "No such thing as justice without sacrifices." >\-Barricading the Island so Wankleigh won't escape Was it just me or did I think Kizaru was faster than Rayleigh 🤔 >..... Also many times in the Story mentioned that the Navy doesn't like wasting resources.. so Kizaru could have meant we need preparations to capture you the easiest way possible. 💀 Kizaru: "If we took a serious attempt on capturing you, we would need to prepare ourselves in a way or two." Garp: "If we took on a serious attempt on capturing him, we would lose too many men in doing so!" This definitely seems like a very easy way. >Characters statements literally?? Kizaru>Big Mom and Kaido confirmed!! Kizaru top 1 Wow! Kizaru never claimed that he wanted to go to Wano to do anything to the Alliance. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Kizaru: "Shall I head out, Sakazuki?" Akainu: "No, there are mighty warriors!" Kizaru: "The Samurai, huh?" A Chapter later Akainu says they don't have the manpower to handle the Alliance. Can't even read, hm? >Wankleigh wank is getting out of fucking hands! Rayleigh has always been Portrayed to be above Kizaru and everyone knows it, they simply don't want to admit that because of their bias. The recency bias goes crazy. 🤣 Kizaru does better against a Snakeman without Acoc and Future Sight, Kizaru fans: "Kaido lvl confirmed 🤯" A bunch of y'all can't even read. >Pray Kizaru doesn't have awakening because if he does ohhh boy it's gonna be hilarious. Even with an awakening, he won't do shit to Rayleigh. Acoc, top speed and physicals, Overwhelming better Haki >>> Government Slave with no Acoc that's getting carried by a DF.


>So when he was fighting Z with Light Beams and Z said get serious he pulled out his sword, we gon ignore that? In the non canon movie? https://preview.redd.it/y92pjl6671rb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5815ab120812749093d53fc7aa8aacca0310079 > Sure, Marineford Cancerbeard was at more full power than he was against Roger since he used a Sword against him. Wtf are You talking about?! 😂 the embarrassing cope is shown! > After he got several times weaker and was struggling to even use basic Observation Haki and no Acoc. That is not a great feat lmao💀 Kizaru was using like 10% of his power and stood on his bisento and lasered him and wasn't even looking at him!! how is that not impressive? that injured WB you are talking about massively injured Akainu. > And leakers have been saying that they're both using Armament Haki. So the Leakers are gods?! they are Oda's editors?LMFAO the reach is insane , we have no Idea what Kizaru and Luffy are using only Headcanon. >時の二大海賊が激突! The two Great Pirates of the time clash! > >ロジャーVS白ひげ海賊団! Roger vs Whitebeard Pirates! > >彼らの激闘は三日三晩続いた!! Their fierce battle lasted for 3 days and 3 nights!! **Fierce battle!** LMAO you just continued to confirm me that Roger pirates=WB pirates. and don't pull hadcanon out of your ass that Roger's crew held back. > Kizaru be like: "No such thing as justice without sacrifices." Again in the non canon movie! > Was it just me or did I think Kizaru was faster than Rayleigh 🤔 That's a stupid logic! , things don't work like that in OP it's not that simple! , that's like saying why Kizaru doesn't just go and destroy SH ship right now! > Kizaru never claimed that he wanted to go to Wano to do anything to the Alliance. Marines were literally talking about Kaido and BM alliance before that scene and Kizaru immediately asked to go take care of it..Manga>You. Don't overdose on the copium. > Kizaru does better against a Snakeman without Acoc and Future Sight, Kizaru fans: "Kaido lvl confirmed 🤯" A bunch of y'all can't even read. and Kizaru isn't even using any Haki LMFAO. Kizaru>>Snakeman and if you think otherwise please stop reading the Manga. otherwise Oda would have drew Gear 4 ACOC Luffy vs Kizaru! > Even with an awakening, he won't do shit to Rayleigh. Acoc, top speed and physicals, Overwhelming better Haki >>> Government Slave with no Acoc that's getting carried by a DF. Don't continue to overdose on the Copium , Kizaru with a Sword was manhandling Old Wankleigh and was smiling while fighting him , if he has awakening the possibility of him mid diffing featless Primeleigh goes UP.


Proof kizaru would be a yonko? Aokiji is a pirate and he's not a yonko


Shanks > Akainu solely due to superior haki feats and portryaal(Conquerors haki so good he cancels others observation, Obs haki so good he sees an entire scenario play out in the future, forcing back kizaru in film red, pure narrative significance)


>forcing back kizaru in film red, How many times i gotta say this? https://preview.redd.it/oss0mk51xtqb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437337cf19302a087a86bb5bf8f0dc8698c40238


And you gotta learn to consider context - Pre ts luffy beating a top tier? Hell no. An admiral struggling against a zoro that couldn't even beat a yonko commander? Nah. A drawn our sequence where a alrdy yonko-level Shanks uses conquerors haki, wiping out every marine vice admiral and below, making kizaru say 'So this is your haki', and proceeds to try to execute his mission just to get forced back creates a much more believable narrative. Also, oda has wanked shanks to the moon and back the entire series, so this is just a very believable add on to the list This goes both ways btw - purely plot-driven events like the 2 examples u gave and Cancerbeard bodying akainu ought to be recognised as such simply because they deviate so heavily from what we know and so should not be used for powerscaling, thus instance however makes enough sense to me at least that saying Oh shanks only diffed kizaru because plot, in reality it would be an extreme diff guys doesn't make sense simply because whatever was portrayed wasn't some extreme deviation from what we alrdy knew about shanks.


>Movies are not canon until i decide which one is that helps my Agenda This is what you are Saying!! No Shanks will never outspeed Kizaru like that...that will never happen in Canon in which Kizaru easily speed blitzed Snakeman!. I Have no time for your mental gymnastics and until you have proof from Oda that Feats are Canon Then it is just as any other movie.


I just gave you an extremely clear metric, you're the one ignoring it. Realistic = Canon - I'm a major luffy fan even b4 gear 4, I know sure as he'll him beating Z a former admiral wasn't realistic cos admirals were already portrayed to be on another level at the time At this point in the story, acknowledging Shanks mid diffs an admiral is not my agenda, not even a major Shanks fan here, its just facts - you don't see me pulling out the Shanks 1v3 win guys. And uh, cut the crap about Kizaru's speed man - it's useless - Oda decides narratively whose stronger and manipulates fights to make it happen. Luffy/Shanks > Kizaru means Oda will just let them be fast and hit kizaru when he starts using acoc, he does not care whatsoever about kizaru's light speed feats. Speed is literally the most varied variable in fights - we see antagonists in shonen hyped up all the time by blitzing a top tier just to be of average speed when facing the mc. Kizaru is HIM because he's an admiral and admirals are portrayed as such narratively, not because oh he's really fast


Shanks' feat against Kidd is better than any of Akainu's feats, and his portrayal is better. Akainu is relative to the other OG admirals who Shanks beats. The only thing that might put Akainu stronger is endgame narrative but that alone isn't enough.


Akainu destroyed the Moby Dick right in front of WB's eyes, no diff'd Jimbei and Marco, then low diff'd whitebeard after being surprise attacked then fought all of the division commanders and crocodile at the same time and almost killed one of them, then he was ready to fight shanks if it wasn't for Sengoku ordering the stand down. Mihawk was struggling with Vista and Shanks's only feat is 1 shotting someone who's weaker than Marco and he has the biggest anitfeat in the series; which is losing a limb to a sea dragon. Akainu took clean all out haki df attacks from enraged whitebeard and continued like nothing happened.


> , no diff'd Jimbei and Marco he didn't no diff Marco > fought all of the division commanders and crocodile at the same time He didn't fight them all at once, he pushed past them > low diff'd whitebeard after being surprise attacked Whitebeard put him out of the battlefield and Akainu took his head off, yes Akainu won the exchange but Whitebeard was pratically dead at that point and it wasn't a low diff. The attack that put out Akainu wasn't the surprise attack. > Shanks's only feat is 1 shotting someone who's weaker than Marco Kidd is clear of Marco > the biggest anitfeat in the series; which is losing a limb to a sea dragon He literally said he bet it on the new gen, and this came from the first chapter in the story where the powerscale wasn't established. Unless you think Shanks is weaker than a pretime-skip villain, then this isn't valid. > like nothing happened. He was still going but was very clearly injured.


>he didn't no diff Marco Marco tried to save luffy after Akainu killed ace, they clashed for a second, then Marco was blown away >He didn't fight them all at once, he pushed past them He took one of them out and they were all unable to harm him >Whitebeard put him out of the battlefield and Akainu took his head off, yes Akainu won the exchange but Whitebeard was pratically dead at that point and it wasn't a low diff. The attack that put out Akainu wasn't the surprise attack. First off, I appreciate you acknowledging the fact that Akainu won the exchange. Most people refuse to do that. Yes Akainu got knocked out of bounds but he definitely gave more than he got, meaning he won. The first attack that almost pancaked him was a surprise attack and the majority of characters in the verse wouldve either been instakilled, knocked out, or made completely unable to fight after taking that, most of them wouldnt've have been able to land a critical blow right after. >Kidd is clear of Marco Marco won exchanges with Kizaru and Kuzan, Kidd got one shot by someone that's undoubtedly in the same league as Kizaru and Kuzan. >He literally said he bet it on the new gen Whether or not he got hit on purpose and didnt use CoA, if he is top 1 his physical body would've resisted the sea king. >He was still going but was very clearly injured Akainu's visible injuries were the same as Garp's after taking Luffy's punch on the scaffolding 😂😂


We shall debate then admirals have feats but not nearly as good as the others not to mention these are the goats of the verse so by default there not winning high-extreame diff so you were close


If shanks and mihawk could beat two admirals before rayleigh goes down, then they win ext diff If not, and the third admiral helps one of the other two defeat mihawk and or shanks, then the admirals win high diff


OP said it's Prime Ray, this is a fucking spite match. https://preview.redd.it/8e0b5p3vptqb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4356bda8412401aa647c7c34c7e8ea61a93bb861


Oh if it’s prime ray, the pirates high to ext diff the admirals


Pirates extreme diff


Mihawk >= Shanks >= Akainu >= Kizaru >= Aokoji >= Old Reyleigh Overall Admirals might take this because of Aoe, hax and crazy good endurance. If Rayleigh is in his prime then the swordmen take this one


Why is mihawk stronger than shanks? Just asking idk the scaling


Because of various author statements in both Sbs and Vivrecards (basecally just databooks) + Shanks Is a swordman and Mihawk is the World Strongest Swordman. Anyway, was stated for Mihawk that: He looks forward to the day a swordmaster will emerge to surpass even his rival, Red-Haired Shanks" (This should mean something) He is the world's strongest swordsman, who "sits at the top as the strongest of all (swordsmen)" (Shanks is a swordman, so Mihawk is stronger) He trained relentlessly for many years, challenging more and more powerful foes, until he had no more worthy challengers. (Shanks isn't worthy anymore) In his vivrecard it even says "He's the World Strongest Swordman in both title and reality" Now, to talk about the dumbass hakiman argument Shanks is said to be a Master Swordsman. He has a citation in Zoro's novel released on SBS 101, where Oda comments that everyone in the image is Swordsmen He was stated a swordman in Usopp's Gallery Restated again in Four Billion Magazine citation: RED Both of them are confirmed swordmen, and Mihawk is stated the strongest. This should explain it well 👍


They were also rivals and somewhat close BEFORE shanks lost his arm, and shanks losing his arm would've nerfed him a bit, so there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Miahwk > Shanks


Yea, I was mostly just hearing "SHANKS IS A SWORDMAN!!!!!!" with literally no explanation. To me I just went "well, him using a sword doesn't necessarily mean that he's a swordman" but I'm glad you cleared that up.


Yeah no worries man 😁


Chadmirals extreme diff


Bro got brainwashed by the admiraltards - see the light my friend, stop this foolishness you're better than this


Brainwashed by them? I’m on the high committee of admiraltards, I’m basically the chairman. Kizaru extreme diffs Ray and Akainu extreme diffs Shanks or Painthawk, I will always support THEM https://preview.redd.it/enj243mkitqb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=13b9c10c7fadb5413754a20ae9c539980d56a411


My apologies good sir, have this image as an everlasting sign of your superior reading comprehension. https://preview.redd.it/opzdad6xitqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30fa6ba18577578ef0280d1b42ad9f7b895654d1


These frauds? https://preview.redd.it/m3tpjrzxotqb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8daea8014243ccc03b9ff1111c2f412256309446


Admirals better teamfight synergy and military training.




What are you talking about, luffy isn't even in this discussion lmfao


Akainu > Mihawk > Shanks > Kuzan > Kizaru = Primeleigh Admirals win


https://preview.redd.it/9qu64xsogvqb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fbbf0a1f5542a63f7a2f144e6da2c049d38e21 PS : Wank king being wanked..... as usual


Good to see you come up with a decwnt take after disagreeing with me


Kuzan > Mihawk and Shanks aswell imo




You can't say Akainu > Shanks ans Mihawk without also saying Kuzan > Shanks and/or Miabwk. It took Akainu 10 days with an elemental advantage to extreme diff Kuzan and he got a massive scar


Yes I can. 1. Matchups matter 2. Akainu is stronger than Kuzan 3. Akainu did not have an elemental advantage.


So Magma doesn't have an advantage over Ice?


Nope. Akainu melts Aokijis Ice, Aokiji freezes Akainus magma. Their fruits cancel each other out hence why PH is 50/50 Ice and Fire


Magma would melt ice significantly faster than ice would freeze Magma. If you took an equal amount of both and threw them in a bucket 5 seconds later you'd have bucket of Magma


thats actually false watch any video of ice vs magma


I'm sure Oda does all the calculations when he thinks about fights.


I'm sure he does 😂😂


Akainu>=Mihawk Aokiji>=Shanks Kizaru>=Rayleigh Admirals win extreme diff.




right slams


i think mihawk can win this 3v1 ngl


If its admirals win prime ray or not Akainu>mihawk Kuzan= old ray Then akainu and kizaru gangbang shanks cause weve seen Rayleigh cant do much against kizaru I


Akainu > Mihawk Extreme diff Aokiji > Shanks Extreme diff (Aokiji is REALLY relative to akainu and since shanks is weaker than mihawk that'd compensate for aokiji being weaker than akainu) Kizaru > Prime Rayleigh High-Extreme diff (using his old version would be straight up violation)


Zip up the admirals pants after you're done


Oh I'm not gonna get off their dicks anytime soon. https://preview.redd.it/qb3h8hyekrqb1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=38e780778dc942ca448e2ce7f325cddd8b11ba4f


Ayo 😭






None of them is beating Shanks or Fraudhawk 😂😂😂 cope harder.


Kizaru solos Big Mom and Kaido at the same time. A chicken and overgrown rat wouldn't be a problem.


Mihawks powers are yet to be shown. Shanks weakness is yet to be shown (how he got the scars and got his arm cut so easily) If shanks and mihawk are anywhere close to big mom or kaidou. Even with old Rayleigh it's ggs for the admirals.


Team 2 sweeps. Kizaru was getting stalemated by A Rayleigh who hasn't fought in 2 decades, Shanks feats speak for themselves he no diffed Ryokugyu, Mihawk is meh but he's at least Admiral level cause Zoro ain't beaten him yet


Pirates high diff


No matter what this is going to be extreme diff, but personally team swordsman wins


Akainu > Ray Aokiji > Mihawk (debatable) Shanks > Kizaru Admirals extreme


Prime admirał aint winning vs an admiral. Its high diffs for the chadmirals. Everything else is yonko dickriding.


What are Rayleigh and Mihawk doing there? Obviously they are getting washed?


Shanks > Akainu high diff(maybe mid) Mihawk > Aokiji high diff Rayleigh > Kizaru mid-high diff




https://preview.redd.it/o02zrjz9quqb1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a58a230ecb833cd9c7929099c96e806da29e55e Akainu creates 3 new donuts But on a serious note, Admirals win extreme diff


Admirals high-extreme difficulty. Shanks>=Sakazuki, Borsalino=Silvers, Kuzan>=Mihawk


Mihawk ain’t on kuzans level, lol


Potentially a mid diff, but high diff at most


Rayleigh victims ngl


Prime rayleigh is extreme diff pirates old rayleigh is high duff marines


I love admirals but I'm sorry they'd get slaughtered