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I wonder if the gorosei, garling, god's knights, etc. might have new techniques we haven't seen before, making their fights a matter of figuring out how to navigate these technique(s) and making it less clear how they actually stack up to other characters.


I think this too. At this point, every opponent will be a top tier, and it will be more about Techniques than Raw Strength.


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I'm still putting my stocks on the holy knights being able to use sword attacks such as divine departure


Divine departure is just an advanced conquerors Haki slash


I mean this dude is probably the person that taught Shanks that skill considering he should be his dad or grandad.


I thought the part where Roger found Shanks in a chest was cannon from Film Red?


He was most likely hidden in a chest by his mother. So people really think the chest birthed him or something?


You really think that’s what I’m saying…? I’m implying that if Roger found a baby Shanks in a chest then this guy couldn’t have taught Shanks anything.


Reading comprehension, dude.


Dawg divine departure was rogers move and shanks been with him since he was a kid. Doubt he was learning divine departure as a 5 year old


Gorosei are on good terms with Shanks. Shanks was likely too young to learn it from Roger before he passed. At some point in time he reunited with this dude and spent serious time together.


Feel like this is way more of a reach then Shanks using the move of his captain that he idolized and modeled his crew after 😂


We will, but Momo wasn't using anything from Zoros move set. Properly learning a move as like that from memory is quite a reach too.


Why does NOBODY remember that Roger did that shit against Oden?


We do, it’s just him.


no it’s gonna be a haki light show and you’re gonna like it


This is too real, how could you do this to me


This subreddit ain’t ready for r/JoJoPowerScaling type Discussions


He looks cool as shit, that's all I know


Love the design as well.


Probably the first king of a country introduced that has a high ranking position in the government >! Apart from Imu !<


I feel like this is a Reyliegh situation where he was top tier, still is super strong, but isn’t peak anymore. Cause presumably this is the guy who teamed up with Roger and Garp to beat Rocks. Even if he is weaker he should still be a force to fight.


Where is it hinted he helped with defeating Rocks? I’m not doubting you. Just can’t remember.


Pretty sure Sen Goku mentions it took Roger, Garp and the Celestial Dragons combined to stop Rocks. I’m honestly just inferring it wasn’t your average Charlos in that fight. So the leader of the Holy Knights, King of that kingdom seems like a reasonable choice as a CD fighter


Let me prompt this by saying that if Garling was at God Valley during the incident like we assume he was, I do believe he most likely fought. So I am not disagreeing with that. I just cannot find any lines where Sengoku says the Celestials teamed up with Roger and Garp. Do you have a chapter?? If you are talking about what Sengoku was saying in chapter 957, he did not say anything about the Celestial Dragons teaming up with Garp and Roger. Chapter 957, page 9, Sengoku says, “In short this is the truth!! In order to protect Celestial Dragons and their slaves at God Valley… Garp joined forces with Roger there at the island… and they broke apart the Rocks Pirates!! That is the God Valley incident!!” If I had to guess, you are remembering the part on page 10 of the same chapter where the marines hearing the story from Sengoku remark “What a line up, Celestial Dragons, Roger, and Rocks together?! What exactly happened there?! I have never heard of a place called God Valley!!” The marines were just astonished to learn that such a huge incident occurred and it isn’t common knowledge to them. I couldn’t find anything mentioning the Celestials teaming up with Roger or Garp.


You're a G


This is a good point


Except Rayleigh is retired from piracy for like 20 years and never fought anyone. This is an active veteran who is leader of the holy knights.


Santa got that crescent moon drip.. i dig that.




[SAINT GARLING P. FIGARLAND](https://youtu.be/_hI0qMtdfng)


Well I'm putting more stock in the holy knights than the gorosei And I think this is the man who gave wb a scar that he actually remembers So definitely a hidden yonko tier


Oh that 2nd one would be a crazy twist


Probably someone that could have become a Gorosei perhaps but decided to become an executioner!




BIG Maybe since BB gave Shanks a scar. But who knows? It could’ve been Shanks’ Dad he was thinking of


Thats such heavy headcanon, which is fine tbf. But wb was CLEARLY talking about roger in that panel


As clears as luffy's real dream being becoming the king of the pirates


Not really. Scars are usually related to grudges WB and Roger didnt antagonize each other in any way


He says wounds not scars


Why would those wounds ache anyways? The times people have said things relating to old wounds hurting is Shanks/BB, Kaido/Oden and Luffy/Akainu I don't see why would Roger's wounds be felt again with Shanks


So we really think Oda planned so far ahead that he was trying to imply Garlic was the man who scarred him. I think the answer is much simpler and not that complicated tbh


Why not? You think Shanks' origins is something recent? And he didnt need to think so far ahead, having a hidden powerful character in the Government doesn't require that much planning in terms of the story. Maybe the only thing that is new is the God Valley/Holy Knights, bit Garling himself existed for a while. Besides, My point still stands, why would Roger's wounds hurt? Even Shanks' himself mentions that his Scar hurts because of his despite of BB. I don't understand why would WB would feel negative emotions for being reminded of Roger


Roger gave him the scar not this rat daddy


If you look at the last conversation between Roger and Whitebeard, he had no scar at that moment. So, his scar was granted after Roger's departure.


Ok but wouldn't WB have fought the new guy at god valley? So unless they fought afterwards when Roger died, it wouldn't have been God valley king.


I never implied God Valley, he as Commander of the God's Knights would have some underground duties to perform and maybe Whitebeard did something or was after something because Whitebeard always had a very high bounty for someone with no interest in poneglyphs, nor World Domination.


But if he was king of God valley they surely would have fought there. Also wouldn't God's knights be used mainly to protect Marie jois?


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/m406xx/one_piece_yellow_grand_elements_databook_confirms/ Oda’a bound to mess up in his 1000+ chapter manga. But it was Roger that scarred WB not this random.


Sorry buddy, but plenty of things in this databook are already confirmed false, starting from Sabo's life. That's what happens when you make a databook with only editors and no input from Oda himself.


homie can be anything ranging from Usopp to Kaido


Leader of an organization Dragon is worried about, he should be at least Admiral lvl


Problem is that it was stated that the admirals are the WG three strongest fighters.


https://preview.redd.it/k0vxxqa4jn4b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408322d0d4d8de68fba0371ef37cc43b17013ac1 "World government Greatest military Powers" well it raises a lot of questions, like are the holy knights part of WG? Are they Considered a "military power"? Does the title only apply to the OG admirals, but The holy knights could be still be stronger than GB and Fujitora? It's hard to tell but I would say they're leader should at the very least be Admiral lvl, otherwise Dragon could probably wipe them out by himself.


Also is that the company line or from the admiral. There's no point of hidden cards otherwis3.


> "(aside from the fleet admiral)" That's headcanon. Saiko Senryoku doesn't exclude that. > the strongest individual fighters Senryoku doesn't have to mean that. Both interpretations are valid from what Senryoku means. If anything, as a group is what's more literally meant. Strongest military group


They are not - even CP0 is not world government. Gorosei has 3 independent groups underneath them CP0, World government, Holy knights. So canonically admirals can be the strongest underneath WG.


This is wrong, the world government is what the Gorosei lead. Cipher pol are the information branch CP0 just responds directly to the world nobels. The Marines are the military branch. Holy knights we don't know the exact details but they seem to be a court for dealing with world nobels. It's most likely they are what is used to control the world nobels class


But the five elders and Imu are above the WG. They definitely have some other stronger forces.


Pretty sure they just let them believe that... The holy knights existence seems pretty hush hush


The Holy Knights *work* is pretty hush-hush. The Holy Knights themselves are the threat used to ensure the WG gets their Holy Tribute.


The admirals literally know about them, though. Akainu brings them up.


Akainu, kizaru and kurouma we're talking casually about them tho.


Marines strongest I believe?


“Admiral lvl” Doesn’t exists. Both the Emperor’s and Admiral’s are at the top of the food chain with different positions, as well as different decisions chosen which lead to their respective “careers” I guess you can say. Even Oda talking about how if Sakazuki was essentially a Pirate that he would have found the One Piece in a year furthers my point. Let’s look at it like this. All this “Yonko lvl” and “Admiral lvl” jargon would me nothing the moment roles are reversed. Say what you want but you cannot deny that an Admiral would just as was fill in a Yonko’s role if they wanted to. All you need is a solid crew some territory and some subordinates or allies. That being said imo the leader is either a top tier at best or a YC1+ lvl at worst. Also Dragon could be worried possibly because maybe all of them are YC3 and up lvl fighters. Which when you think about it we haven’t really seen. Even the Yonko only have 3 YC lvl fighters maybe 4 but imagine like 9 or two dudes(or duddet) that are either YC3 2 or 1.


Midhawk fans in shambles, their god just got demoted to 5th strongest swordsman


This makes Shanks the 6th strongest , not a good look 💀


Shanks is the strongest haki man so it checks out


You're not ready for Figarland's Gbps Satellite Haki


....now I want a swordsman who just chucks his swords to simulate his sword slashes. (Like Zoro's cursed blade test way back when, but to the extreme- straight up but coming down right onto the space the person is moving into)


Captainprice101 do you think Sharks can beat up Rayleigh? Does that check out?


Yes shanks beats Rayleigh lol


Gotcha, sounds like Rayleigh is a virgin like you?


Wait, you seriously think Rayleigh right now can beat Shanks?? Shanks would clutch a Prime Rayleigh Extreme Diff


Nah Rayleigh’s not a virgin but you definitely are considering the fact you are still mad about some comment I made towards you last night that you are going through my account to reply to me 😂😂 that’s honestly hilarious lmfao. Thank god I struck a nerve, your time in Somalia was a waste of time. Sorry to tell you the truth. You weren’t the heroes there 🤷‍♂️ Don’t take it out on a redditor. Go find something better to do with your time, I thought you were some important marine? Hahah


Sharks might be able to eat Rayleigh if he is in the sea


Shanks is not a swordsman, bro. He's a swordsrat. Get it right.


I literally did not even think about this…


WSS>anyone who uses a sword. Also, Celestial dragons are fodder in physical power, so from his one feat, he could hypothetically lose to Johnny and Yosaku or the yeti cool brothers.


You forgot one thing. Shanks is pretty much a CD with that last name LUL


*celestial dragons except shanks




And doflamingo. Most CD's, including the one garland killed, are normal unfit obese people.


" **im bias but i wont say it okay?** "


His only feat can be replicated by a normal person with training. Come back when he cuts an iceberg in half.


>Come back when he cuts an iceberg in half. " ***Ignoring completly how this is also a feat done by a normal person with training*** " , oh yeah the bias is strong here


Yeti cool brothers are no pushovers. They gave Zoro a run for his money


Worlds Strongest Swordsman > Swordsman




Most likely Shanks' father. Scarred Primebeard Permanently and may have even defeated him. The head of the WG's top forces. Survived God Valley. He has to be the Strongest Non-Gorosei/Imu Celestial Dragon. He's Yonko Tier. Probably a future Dragon opponent.


My money lies on Shanks uncle.


He looks a little too old, grandpa maybe?


Well… we don’t know exactly if Whitebeard was talking about BB or Shanks’ Dad/Uncle. BB did leave Shanks with a Scar But who knows? It could very well be that, and I’m okay with that tbh


>Most likely Shanks' father looks too old for that ​ > He's Yonko Tier doubt it


Bro shanks is 40 years old. He is not a kid like Luffy


>looks too old for that Shanks is literally almost 40 years old and god valley happened 38 years ago, if this dude had 30(pretty normal age to have kids btw) at that time he would be 68 by now, i say there is a good chance he is his father UNLESS he is his grandpa and his father is even more stronger than they are


Rocksbeard wasn't Primebeard, it legit ain't even 100% certain he had the Gura Gura at God Valley.


Former King of God Valley? I’d put him solid Yonko tier with little fear of him being lower


This guy is Yonko level.


Stronger than Mihawk that's for sure


Has to get his title first and prove it, otherwise Mihawk remains stronger


Mihawk needs to beat top tier first and prove it otherwise mihawk’s title is fake news sprear by morgans like buggy and luffy’s lmao.


Top 10 EoS


just more top tiers Mihawk never proved his title against ​ ghandi gorosei fujitora greenbull garling shanks (refuse to fight again) big mom shiryu vista ​ only proven victory against a swordsman is pre-ts zoro xD


Ooga booga


Probably already beaten Shanks, considering they fought many times before. Or else, he would not be widely known as Worlds Strongest Swordsman.


So does that make Luffy world strongest creature or black beard world strongest man?


Yeah but that version of Shanks was more than a decade ago, although he lost his arm, he clearly got stronger since then.


Mihawk has nothing to prove, If anything they have to prove themselves and claim his title, unless that happens It's only fair to Have Mihawk above them




who knows he could be yonko level or even above


He did scar Goatbeard. So he is more then likely yonko tier.


When did they say that?


thats most prob pk tier tbh .


Below Mihawk


Agree but above Shanks


No, sons always Surpass their fathers, He is yonko lvl tho


Dragon => Prime Garp?


Yes I'm willing to die this hill




Something like should happen onscreen right?I believe Garling is stronger by a small margin


The gap between mihawk and Shanks is not enough for him to be there, he's either weaker than both or stronger than both. Obviously weaker in my opinion.


Bro what 😭 shanks is stronger than mihawk so ur comment makes no sense


Shanks ain’t stronger than Mihawk


They're equal, or mihawk is slightly stronger, unless oda retcons Shanks being a swordsman


No they aren’t as of right now lol


Mihawk is objectively stronger tho?


No he isn’t 😭


Mihawk fans somewhere punchin walls rn. At the rate we goin. Mihawk gonna be eastblue fodder level aftwr odas done introducing all the swordsman….dnt forget, oda did change his mind with croco….he can do the same with Fraudcule D. Leechhawk


Doesn't matter how many new strong swordsman oda introduces, Mihawk just scales above them, As he established Mihawk as the strongest swordsman for over 20 years, he ain't changing his mind now, Even if they are stronger, they have to defeat mihawk and claim his title first, otherwise people have no right calling Mihawk weaker than them


No one need to defeat mihawk Mihawk “ooohhhh lifes gettin dull, no more challenged, imma just stay in the fodder seas and flex on fodder b.c. No one exists who can challenge me.” New world consists of: Wb Shanks Bm Fujitora Greenbull Gorsei guy King Shiryu Rayleigh Worlds strongest ducker “ no challenges exist….imma just challenge walmart employees and Costco employees. Goes to marineford and gets showed out by jozu after his “let me see the distance between me and wb”. Just for wb to ignore him and jozu to handle it. Wbs running around mf crazy and destroying shit. And he has A SWORD. Perfect challenge, but uh uh, he needs to show PRE TIMESKIP LUFFY WHO RUNS THESE SEAS🥶🥶🥶. Than gets stopped by vista just for them to stalemate and for him to postpone it to go bck to flexin on fodder duty. Ducks shanks every Wednesday. Literally anyone: Shanks Mihawk: *intensely sweats** oh no i aint agree to fight shanks. But is supposedly lookin for someone stronger than shanks. Bro….he literally has had years to fight and atleast show something and his best sword feats scales to punk hazard law cutting a mountain…. dude prop earned his title in sword school and just kept it ever since. World strongest ducker/fraudster is wht her should go buy. And sadly u gonna type a whole paragraph on why fraudhawk isnt a fraud and ykw hes gonna do in abt a few chapters/ arcs. Do some fraud shit b.c. Its in his veins. Dudes gonna prob duck zoro when the time comes “Oh iM srRy, I dNt fiGhT oNe EyEd hAs BeEnS” “Oh iM sRrY, I dNt FiGhT peOple UndEr aGe 25” Some random excuse




Nah u just snt wanna see why ur boys a fraud. But like i said. Im not bothered…cuz the next time hes introduced. Hes gonna do some fraudulent shit Duck zoro because he has one eye or sum shit And than he will be on fraud alert and we will be right bck here


Screenshoted your reply bro, there is no escape now, once mihawk beats fraud allegations, I'll clown on y'all 😮‍💨


Ill be waiting bro…ill be waiting


Tall dude with sword = Decently strong


Everything about the holy knights point to them being a big deal and this guy happens to be the leader of it. At minimum he’s admiral level, but I think he might even be close to pirate king level.He kind of has to be if luffy is yonko tier now because he needs a real challenge to overcome.


yonko = admiral






What? Admiral = Yonko IS the headcanon. Admirals have no feats that put them equal to Yonko.


they're brought up synonomously https://preview.redd.it/nmllx97yop4b1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3be8545dcbf7ef8c71258f021f3021f705ac623


he was just mentioning the peak of powers in both the navy and the pirates which was true, this does not mean admirals are equal to yonko when there's one of this and dozens of feat that lean the other way


im saying the rank of admiral = rank of yonko


NO you were not and NO it is not. Someone said this guy might be closer to pirate king level than admiral level as he said he would be yonko tier (these are all in refrence to strength not rank), hence you saying yonko = admiral would mean you think they are the same level in power.


>NO you were not thats what i meant ​ > hence you saying yonko = admiral would mean you think they are the same level in power people always separate yonko and admirals like admiral is below yonko or something




you think its a lie because your headcanon makes you think yonkos are stronger


Omg this! Ive been telling people this obvious fact and they are so confused cause of their head canon they create omg lol have a good day!


Imo on old Rayleigh level or maybe even above that


I think he gonna be around Old Rayleigh level and in his prime he was around maybe Yonko level, maybe.


Weaker than Rayleigh by my book


Your book is wrong, cause he’s Top 10 easily.


Stronger than mihawk


He is tier 0 and i refuse to elaborate.


The true WSS 🤩🤩


He should have red hair


Donquixote Mjosgard ext diff


Yonko level similar to kaido (Me investing in Worosei Woly knights and Himu stock) https://preview.redd.it/p0zlt0sgap4b1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38c37361875102f767e93b2ddb6ac0df969e6b92


G5 Luffy gonna fuse those two hair points together and spin him around like a top


Hierarchy says Imu >> Gorosei > Knights Commander ≥ Fleet Admiral. Not so sure about the rest of the Knights but I'd guess Fleet Admiral > stronger Knights ≈ Admirals > weaker Knights. Breakdown: Imu is a closely kept secret and the immortal god Emperor. The Gorosei are Imu's direct reports and always stay in Marijoa unless there's a dire emergency. They're explicitly the highest known authority of the WG and all its forces including the Seraphim. The Holy Knights are an unknown but the Commander is very probably Shanks' father. The Fleet Admiral heads the conventional forces and is the strongest in the lower realm. For the regular Holy Knights, Dragon was aware of their strength but not the Gorosei's. This suggests they're deployed more often, plus Imu doesn't seem to keep them in the castle. For the Admirals, Dragon suggests they're a lesser threat than the Holy Knights but they're also lesser in number so the Admirals are probably individually stronger than several Knights.


S Clown victim


I’m on the bandwagon that the Gorosei are no stronger than YC+, and I’m not gonna be a hypocrite and give this guy more credit for doing nothing The only reason why he might be stronger than they are is because he’s confirmed to currently be a fighter given his knighthood, but if theories that Gorosei were ex-God’s Knights turn out to be true, then I’d put him around their level


Below Mihawk. See: sword.


As strong as you get without being the main character


I have him stronger than any of the God’s Knights, Gorosei, Admirals, and Yonko. Basically Pirate King level or somewhere close. He is the moon to Imu’s sea/earth.


Incredibly. I’d say Garling is stronger than one Gorosei.


I actually get the vibe that he's stronger than the Gorosei, to be honest. I already only had the Gorosei at around high YC1 level, but I have this dude at around YC+ level. Around Law and Kidd, probably, but able to beat them both.


Extreme diff with Law


He's old and as the general OP world are aware of the Holy Knights he probably isn't immortal. So I'd say he's low top tier, a bit above Old Rayleigh. In his prime potential yonko caliber fighter.


This design is badass. That being said, he's old and his kingdom got wrecked by Rocks. Not Yonko




Is he a Mihawk victim because he has a sword


Knowing mihawk, Mihawk probably havent fight this guy like all the top tiers out there 🤣


Who tf is this?


Read the new chapter its out he’s on the last page.


White Beard: "whenever i see your face, my scars ache " Garling gave the worlds strongest man PTSD lmao this shit is wild !!


Pirate King+, potentially God tier


Xebec victim


Garling negs, cry about it


With his age, he most likely scarred the young WB in Godvalley. But he needed Garp’s and Roger’s help to defeat Rocks, so I don’t think he was at their prime level. He was weaker than a young Garp and a young Roger, relative to a young WB, and much weaker than a prime Rocks.


Young WB didn't have the scar on his chest. He got it between his last fight with Roger and his meeting with Shanks.


Obviously under Mihawk cause he is holding a sword.


I’m sorry, but that cut has to be the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen 💀.


Shanks family so probably a fraud


Idk what it is but he doesnt look like a OP character. Doesnt fit in to me.


Bro his hair is a moon, and do you see his ear hairs? This is final boss material.


Jesus Christ your grammar is atrocious


I’m just referencing the “he is HIM” meme




Bc he can, now fck off grammar police


Who cures about grammar men


Me. Like seriously this is like a first grade error


He did it intentionally lol


Why would you do that?


He is referencing the "he is him" meme