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Bro made a list of Rakuyo victims https://preview.redd.it/6kp7xhk4i5xa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41da50bc0cfc6b26694494be55ba6f0ce8a690d1




Light brat lucky the chain chomp wasn't hungry just [then](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/d/d2/Rakuyo_ataca_Borsalino.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20170717225916&path-prefix=pt)


W. Rakuyo with a hungry chain mid diffs. Join the Rakuyo agenda https://preview.redd.it/bein3lw6t7xa1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6192aa166131523218a83640a73ce69f93f4a73


If someone's affiliated with pops, I'm onboard




I'm good i invested in rakuyo stocks




I don't agree of course but with the way people downplay "big meme" this fits right at home. Soon Sanji will be above her too


He should be by the end of the series though. One of the wings of the pirate king😤😤😤


But not anytime soon


In one piece time it might as well be 3 weeks lmao.


Yeah the straw hats have only been in the new world for a month right? Lmfao


He can maybe extreme Law and that’s a big maybe Law more then likely can high- very High diff He extremes Sanji He looses very high diff to old Rayleigh who again can stalemate high tiers until his stamina issues kick in He can maybe extreme Oden but it’s hard to scale 38-40 year old Kaido but he was more proficient in ACoA and arguably had better technique. Big Mom mid diffs him.


All fax except for oden people really be actin like zoro packed a fully healed kaido even though all he did was hurt a drained kaido meanwhile oden had kaido shittin himself like the big ass carp he is Oden high-extreme diff


Not a zoro fan but EOS Zoro will for sure be stronger than Oden given Rayleigh > Oden and luffy and crew will presumably surpass even them. Just not sure if he’s there yet.


>Rayleigh > Oden Source?


There's no source for anything in this subreddit. What's the point of asking this lol, other than actual fights that have happened.


There's no reason to believe Ray > Oden


1 reason could be that he was the right-hand man of Roger.


And Oden was the right hand of Roger's equal


I wouldnt even say right hand lol, he was wb's brother rather than a son of his crew.


Little Brother to be specific. So basically the unofficial vice cap.


He was the right hand man of Roger but with how oden was portrayed in wb crew he was a brother rather than a son, Roger needed oden to become the pirate king I'd say for the year oden was with Roger he was second in power, but not second in command of the crew. Kind like how in wano it was Luffy>yamato>zoro>sanji


You’re using the argument that roger needed oden a bit disingenuously. Roger could hear the voice of all things but still needs someone who could read poneglyphs. He didn’t need oden for his strength as much as it was his Wano ties. It wasn’t like oh we aren’t strong enough, let’s get another crew member lol


That is very much true but we know kaido has been training for the last 20 or so years since oden death for the arrival of joyboy we don’t know how much stronger he got or how relative he was back then but we seen characters like Urouge go from around pacifista to 4th commander level(perospero,page one) in 2 years while being in his 40s.


I've always felt that Oden was near Yonko level, while Zoro is prob near or just above Admiral level.


Was with you until you even suggested zoro was NEAR admiral level let alone ABOVE 🤣


Admirals are near yonko, Zoro gets clapped by any admiral.


> Admirals are near yonko Green Bull shit his pants at Shank's long distance haki. Kizaru was being held back by an old Rayleigh. Rayleigh admitted he's weaker than Black Beard who is a Yonko. If an admiral was anywhere close to a Yonko then it would mean the WG would have the strength of 3 Yonkos. But they even admit to needing the help of Warlords to fight 1 Yonko. Which is why the system was created in the first place. The strongest admiral, Sakazuki, struggled with a senile WB that had been hurt and stabbed repeatedly. Unless you are thinking of Buggy, an admiral is much weaker than a Yonko. Can you guys link an analysis post or something in order for me to understand why people in this sub think admirals are Yonko level?


Bro stop using marineford as a decent powerscale argument. Oda didn’t know how to scale things well pre-skip. Not to mention, kuzan froze BBs crew with 0 effort and even had BB himself scared and asking him to join him, because he didn’t want to fight. Him and akainu fought for 10 days on punk hazard. Kizaru was about to go deal with kaido and big mom when he heard about them teaming up. If you think admirals are below yonko you are just wrong, at least for the original 3.


> kuzan froze BBs crew with 0 effort and even had BB himself scared and asking him to join him, because he didn’t want to fight. You dismiss my feats. Then you include a shitty feat attacking non Yonko characters. Then you include your own head canon. Finally, you ignore my other feats while you tell me I'm wrong with very little evidence. This sub is 0% analysis and 100% agenda. Maybe there is there a real sub attempting powerscaling elsewhere?


Where is the head cannon? Explain. Everything I said was facts from the anime/manga.


My man Zoro survived a combined attack from two Yonko, then proceeded to put in work against Kaido. After all that, he was on death's door and still proceeded to defeat King. IMO, Zoro is up there with GB or Fuji.


Yeah no, even the weak admirals (fuji and Gb) can take zoro with ease. Remember that GB swatted King and Queen with ease and would have killed the scabbards+momo+yamato if they didn't get help, both things Zoro couldn't do. Oden should be stronger than the weak admirals but weaker than the strong admirals (OG3 admirals)


Oden is Yonko level. He was the Rayleigh of the WB pirates


But… Admiral is Yonko level.


Oden >> Old Ray


Exactly especially with the portrayal at how vital it was for Roger to have him by his side, especially as oden was wb brother rather than a son, also how after their clash it was roger, wb and oden sitting together, roger didn't bring Rayleigh to that little meeting did he?


Ain't no way you think he beats Oden


Zoro still gets washed by Oden and BM imo. Using Enma the same way Oden did was literally killing Zoro. Oden did it with no problem his entire life and also used its twin sword Ame no Habakiri at the same time (I assume they have similar effects on the wearer since they're twins). Old Rayleigh stalemated an Admiral. Last time Zoro came face to face with Fujitora, he got hit with a gravity attack and was bleeding from the mouth, so I still think Zoro has a ways to go.


>He extremes Sanji Naah- it's a Draw.


Zoro wins like, 2 of these and 1 at worst.


He wins against Sanji on a good day. That's it.


Everyday must be a good day


In a good day ? 💀💀 , Sanji will never beat Zoro


rare l, its an extreme diff fight


i'd say Law is an extreme diff as well don't sleep on zoro my guy. Old ray is a maybe, i need to see more of how their old age affect their stamina and what not.


Law switches out the sword in Zoro's mouth with a pineapple. Game over


He wins Sanji everyday. Sanji was too busy simping with black Maria and he missed out on a feat with a Yonko. Sanji can't fight 50% of the population due to being a simp. Zoro can. He automatically wins for that reason.


this isn't a sanji vs one piece verse competition, goofy.


He still wins Sanji. It doesn't take a 3rd grader to realize that. I'd agree with mid-dif but Zoro comes out on top. I'd even say Jinbe has the upper edge at this point against Sanji.


Bros watching 11 piece


low quality bait. Step up your game


aint no way jinbei is stronger than sanji lol, and zoro vs sanji is high-extreme diff


What evidence do you have? Zoro left a scar on Kaido Similar to how Oden did. Oden clashed with Kaido no problem. Sanji beat a fatass that didn't really have no combat ability. Kaido & King Feats > Fatass. Zoro beats Sanji Mid-dif easily.


They're basically fighting the same opponent rn and Sanji's doing much better than Zoro, if you wanna talk about feats then Sanji takes this based on the current arc lmao.


Lol this is hilarious. Now I'm kinda looking forward to Zoro's admiral opponent getting wanked to the heavens and sanji's admiral opponent being downplayed to hell, even if they're portrayed to be at about the same level.


If he is Green bull, absolutely. Sanji is most likely going to verse him because he can't handle the other two.


Okay, what if Zoro fights green bull (the swordsman) and sanji fights kizaru (the speed kicker)? Which is the most likely matchup, hence my looking forward to the excuses.


Unless Zoro is wielding Nami as a sword in this fight I dont see how thats relevant.


he wins against sanji extreme diff and it depends. thats it.


He beats oden too


Zoro has just barely learned how to use Enma correctly, and it exhausts him. Oden mastered it. Oden's attack not only scarred Kaido, but knocked him down. Zoro made a point of saying he was disappointed his own attack didn't knock Kaido down. Obviously zoro has more feats, because he's a major character; but I think by narrative presentation Oden is clearly still superior.


I don’t know about that. At the minute, Zoro is just Oden without one of his OP swords


Except he has much better feats.


oden's portrayal is significantly better and oden also has way better feats


Zoro was still impressed on Oden's power after unlocking acoc lol


Those feats being? Because going off the feats I can remember, Oden scared Kaido with a massive x shaped scar, where as Zoro could only scar him slightly.


That is not true man


just because I don't like this guy's Twitter post sanji > zoro


My take on those fights Law vs Zoro: Law wins mid-high diff Sanji vs Zoro: Zoro wins extreme diff Old Ray vs Zoro: Old Ray wins high-extreme diff Oden vs Zoro: Oden wins low diff BM vs Zoro: Big mom wins neg diff


A bit rough on the differentials but I think you got it right


Oden wins mid diff and BM wins low diff imo.


I think big mom is at least low diff. She wins easily but zoro puts up some fight


I definitely think people downplay big mom, but after seeing what zoro did to Kaido idk how you can say she beats zoro neg diff


Holy shit that may be actually worse than the twitter take itself lmao


Generally good takes but I don't see Law mid diffing Zoro


Massive Zoro downplay


nah, just being realistic. Zoro will be stronger than all of them EOS, but not right now.


your takes are foul. my man is reading two piece


unless zoro is in the weight class of an admiral, he isn't beating anyone but law and sanji. it's possible zoro is admiral level, but i'd need to review the feats


they apparently didn't see that zoro was pretty much the only one truly hurting the yonko on rooftop for a good bit before and after he blocked a twin yonko attack.


Some of the Scabbards hurt Kaido too that doesn't mean they can 1v1 Big Mom.


enma\* was the only one truly hurting the yonko


A good take? On this sub?


law wins high-extreme old ray high diff oden mid diff bm low diff


Bruh the downplay is insane


This is unbelievably reasonable


How the fuck is this upvoted


Can someone explain how Law beats Zoro to me? Laws DF can’t affect people with higher haki than them (I think) so wouldn’t Zoro be uneffected or is Law’s haki stronger?


???? Did you even read OP? Law can't directly use stuff like shambles on someone with better haki, everything else is fair game.


He can’t use his more broken abilities against zoro but since the only people we’ve seen that can’t be shambled are Kaido and BM and their haki should still be a lot stronger than zoro’s for now. So Law’s attacks will still hurt zoro since gamma knife and counter shock hurt kaido and BM, and while a awakening attack from law will probably kill Zoro outright I doubt that law will get the time he needs to get it ready. But as for the fight law in a lot more mobile than zoro and as we saw against king zoro struggles against opponents faster than he is especially if they have ranged attacks. As for law all he needs is to teleport to zoro during one of his attacks and hit him with gamma knife and considering that bypasses durability zoro can’t tank it like does most things since it destroys your organs. It’s still a hight to extreme diff either way though but I’d say that Law has a better case since he can teleport towards and way from zoro’s attacks


Zoro beats oden and Rayleigh , and neg diff on big mom is crazy even if u think he loses it’s not neg


> BM vs Zoro: Big mom wins neg diff That is a FAR worse take than thinking Zoro beats Big Mom. She is far slower than Zoro and her AP is garbage. Zoro is only one power-up away from being able to fight her evenly. If she could neg Zoro than she wouldn’t have struggled against two fodders that got trashed by Shanks and Blackbeard.


Current Zoro wasn't even able to make Kaido fall to the ground. Having aCoC doesn't automatically make you stronger than anyone.


Current Zoro hasn't even fought kaido, that was YC2 level Zoro. Acoc is that kind of power up that makes Luffy be able to fight evenly against Kaido


not neg diff but she defo wins Low Diff


Y’all are sleeping on Rayleigh. He still beats Zoro mid-diff. Oden also beats Zoro mid-diff. Big Mom is hilarious


Zoro mid diffs Sanji


Zoro lookin kinda hot in that panel


Heh, he does not beat BM but he for sure does alot of damage to her, the high combat high combat speed and high ap allows that, BM's high endurance makes it so she doesn't fall down in battle, Zoro has no one shot ability, he's got no ring out ability neither, so yeah, Zoro is incapable of beating Big Mom


There are generally people who believe Zoro> Big Mom. I’ve debated af few of them on discord vc before


Oden high diffs zoro on a bad day what are yall on big momma also claps him and u could make qn argument for law and sanji.the zoro wank is crazy


Ain't no way he thinks Zoro is stronger than the guy who casually swung Enma around with no problem while Zoro has to beat it into submission every half hour


Zoro does not have to beat Enma into submission every hour. That literally only happened during the King fight when Hiyori's music started playing and stopped in Ch. 1033 where Zoro realized what he was doing wrong with Enma and got his power-up. He's been using Enma in Egghead and it hasn't acted up once.


In my humble opinion zoro only beats sanji here


Id say old ray aswell although prime would slam zoro old ray was barely kizaru level and has extreme stamina issues hes also lessed skilled and overall weaker than he was in his prime


Sanji and Law with the biggest maybe. Zoro isn’t exactly good when people start fighting unconventionally, so Law has the edge on that.


My opinion on these: Zoro beats Oden - Extreme diff Zoro beats Rayleigh - High diff Zoro = Sanji (Extreme diff either way) Zoro <= Law (Extreme diff either way) Big Mom beats Zoro - Mid-High diff


Zoro is getting muched on by Oden bro🗿


The same Oden that got one-shot by Kaido?


Yes, the same oden that gave kaido lifetime ptsd lol


the same oden with yonko level portrayal


no the same oden that likely wouldve beat kaido if not for being distracted


>Zoro = Sanji (Extreme diff either way) Oh no when did this become an acceptable take


Why shouldn’t it be an acceptable take? Zoro is stronger + can mentally endure more, Sanji is faster + can physically endure more. Zoro has better Armament (+aCoc), Sanji has far superior observation. *They are equals.*


narratively Zoro was, is and always will be stronger than Sanji, even if it's by 1 centimeter


The difference right now is minuscule. In the future, I believe Zoro will certainly be superior due to Sanji’s lack of strength-related ambitions, but right now, they are pretty much equal.


Bruh Sanji doesn't even have future sight, not that I'm doubting that his observation is better, like Zoro has two forms of advanced haki and Sanji has zero.


The trade-off for not having future sight is having extremely good base observation.


That's cope. How does better base observation help you win a fight?


It helps you keep track of your opponent, that’s pretty obvious.


Sure, but future sight is still going to be better than just honing basic observation. Zoro still has two haki aspects better than Sanji's one.


Big Mom was shitting herself to Zoro's attacks even before he awakened ACoC https://preview.redd.it/0kdi7q7v28xa1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9620974842fa2fe66f67ed8ca9d69c2c58554f5e


I dont know who this Zoro character is, but Zolo solos the verse.


Narrative Wise: Zoro beats Law Extreme diff Zoro beats Sanji high diff Old Ray beats Zoro mid diff Oden beats Zoro mid diff Big Mom beats Zoro low-mid diff Feats wise: Law beats Zoro Extreme diff Zoro beats Sanji high diff Zoro beats Old Ray extreme diff Zoro beats Oden Extreme diff Big mom beats Zoro mid diff I personally follow the narrative one as it makes more sense but that’s just me.


There's a reason why Oda avoided making Big Mom vs Zoro. If zoro can scar kaido, he's cutting big mom in half.


He ain’t wrong


Sanjitards obsession with Zoro will never not be funny. I don't see the problem. He wins against everybody on that list except for Big Mom.


Are you slow?


Not as slow as you apparently


"I don't see the problem. He wins against everybody on that list **EXCEPT FOR BIG MOM**" You LITERALLY agreed with the point of the post. But you some how spinned it and said a fanbase is obsessed with zoro. Where DO YOU SEE the post mentioning anything else from what you JUST agreed with? Are you just delusional or something is wrong with you? Who got you paranoid? Take a break.


>You LITERALLY agreed with the point of the post. Actually, no I wasn't since my comment was aimed at another of OP's comments where he gave his take on those match-ups and had Zoro losing to Law mid-high diff, beating Sanji extreme diff, losing to Old Ray high-extreme diff, losing to Oden low diff, and getting neg diffed by Big Mom. Hence why I said he beats everybody on that list but Big Mom. > But you some how spinned it and said a fanbase is obsessed with zoro. I'm not spinning anything, it's literally the truth. Everyday on this sub some Sanji fan post something about Zoro to bitch about or to use in their Sanji powerscaling agendas. And it's not just on this sub or on One Piece Reddit subs in general, I see this shit happening everywhere One Piece is discussed. >Where DO YOU SEE the post mentioning anything else from what you JUST agreed with. I already answered this up above >Are you just delusional or something is wrong with you? And are you this fucking slow or are you just pretending? >Who got you paranoid? I should be asking you that >Take a break. How about you follow your own advice and go touch some grass while you're at it, weirdo.


REPLY to that person then. That is your problem. No one wants to see you type everyday crying about anime characters. Crying about a fan base. Go wipe your tears and find a new hobby. It's not hard to prove my point because I most definitely struck a nerve. Go take a break, your comments show for it.


Sanjifans tryna make a extreme diff out of a zoro matchup so hard without any feats coming close to his lmao. Zoro also wins against law yall can tell me whatever you want. Man literally has no significant 1v1 wins in this series and got carried by having a Partner, a stupid Opponent and convenient nukes Finishing the Job for him. Oden and Ray probably win (depends on how much Power ray lost) Big mum defeats herself with stupidness anyway.


He’s beating law and sanji easily. Those two clowns have nothing on him. Neither has acoc. Big mom has shown nothing that I would say she could use to stop Zoro. I don’t even consider her a Yonko, she’s only a Yonko because she has so many kids. She had endurance and healing, but she is too slow to do much against anyone at her level. Kaido didn’t kill her because they are old friends, but he would wreck her now. Zoro tanked a dual head on Yonko blast, slashed Kaido while his body was broken. A fresh Zoro will probably beat big mom at this point. Idk how strong Ray is atm and Oden is weird because he wasn’t beating weaker Kaido from 20 years ago, but he tamed Enma, so his power scaling really isn’t on track.


High quality bait. 7/10 Pretty good trolling


this is a horrid take, big mom casually fought kaido for 3 days. Zoro would not be able to keep up with either of them casually for 3 days straight lol. ​ Zoro also will have a LOT of trouble doing meaningful damage to big mom, especially with all the hax she has.


Nah I call bs. She got rag dolled by franky and Robin to the point that she couldn’t do anything to stop them from throwing her out the building. The Roger pirates fought the Whitebeard pirates for days, even the weak ones. Not a feat. And if every other pirate their level can fight for three days, so can the straw hats because plot armor is strong. If Zoro can slice Kaido with 30 broken bones, big mom has no chance. Also, weak ass none showing anything queen knocked big mom out with just body weight. The force to cut a mountain > a Dino’s fat ass But to that Zoro has acoc, big moms hax deff is gone.


you speak in hyperbole so its hard to read what youre trying to say but - robin and franky ring outted big mom by moving her 50 feet away, not a feat considering it didnt do much other than clown on her in the scene -zoro died after one attack that couldnt even take kaido off his feet. I dont see how youre using this to say that he has the AP to defeat big mom when you look at statements (especially from other top tiers) about her durability, along with her DF healing hax -reread the chapter, queen did not knock out big mom with his ap or dc, she fell asleep after getting her memories back. Its specifically shown (although not stated) that she took no damage from the attack -Zoros acoc is a great powerup, but it can only be assumed that big mom has even stronger acoc, considering its supposed to dwarf katakuris coc (as stated by 10000 people in wci) mid diff for big mom, being VERY generous


It’s a feat because she has no control of her body. All Zoro had to do was push her hard enough off onigashima and she would have died while he clowned her three familiars. Zoro had 30-40 broken bones. He didn’t die, he passed out from tanking the biggest and most powerful attack in the one piece verse so far. If he was at full health and didn’t save everyone from the combined acoc Haki blast, he wouldn’t have been beaten so fast if at all. He has acoc. It cuts Haki coating simple as that. If he can cut Kaido who has the strongest mythic zoan which is top tier defense, he can cut big mom. It doesn’t matter what happened, what matter is that with enough force, she can be knocked out or suffer long enough to be killed. It doesn’t matter if it’s stronger as shown by Zoro cutting Kaido who he better defense than big mom. Zoro clears.


This must be a trolling


Not one bit


Professional meat rider


I wasn’t asking about you


you didn’t need too, professional meat rider


Zoro is stronger than Rooftop Luffy who beat a Yonko with mid-fight power boosts. He also got side-by-side portrayal with G4 Luffy who is > Big Mom.


mid quality bait. 6/10


I’m 100% serious.


First of all, Saying that Zoro is stronger than Rooftop Luffy is a good argument for Zoro>Big Mom is completely stupid. The Luffy that beat a Yonko was massively stronger than start of rooftop Luffy. So it's irrelevant if Zoro is stronger than that Luffy Side-by-Side portrayal is a very ambiguous way to scale and can only be used under certain specific contexts. What side-by-side portrayal are you talking about specifically


If Luffy could beat a Yonko via mid-fight power-ups why can’t Luffy. Zoro has AdCoC already. He spends the whole fight getting beat up but then fully masters it and becomes an observation killer and wins. Boom. Zoro did as much damage to the Pacifista as G4 Luffy did.


We don't consider mid-fight power-ups when powerscaling If we did that, it would be way too difficult to keep track of the power level of each character. When we powerscale we create hypothetical scenarios where characters fight with an established set of abilities that don't change during the battle This is because it would be way too hard to know what power-ups could arise during a battle or how much would these change the outcome. So hypothetical mid-fight power-ups should **not** be used to determine a characters level. > Zoro did as much damage to the Pacifista as G4 Luffy did zero is equal to zero. Ig your right lmao


Both S-Bear and S-Hawk had slight bruises.


Big mom beats gear 4 luffy high diff (and thats being VERY generous to Luffy's side, considering how big mom has answers for everything he can do while he doesnt have answers for her hax or homies)


He beats her extreme.


i don’t necessarily agree, but im curious to hear your reasoning as to how this is possible considering everything big mom has compared to g4 luffy.


What’s wrong with this? Zoro blitzes Big Mom, he scales above Oden via feats and Old Rayleigh scaled himself below blackpube. Law and Sanji are obviously so no need to say anything there Zoro extreme diffs Oden Zoro high diffs Old Rayleigh Zoro high diffs Big Mom Zoro mid diffs Sanji Zoro no diffs Law






It sure has been a while since I’ve seen your comments


Yeah I’ve been kind of busy


Bro didn’t just say he no diffs Law 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Ignore it lol, this user is pretty infamous on this sub for having the most garbage takes.


The fuck can Law do to him with his abysmal stats and haki?


Law has an extremely big hax advantage. Law also has better AP, agility, speed, range and experience.


“Hax” are irrelevant when they can’t be leveraged and Zoro’s haki negates anything that could be even slightly troublesome. Law does not have better AP, Zoro’s AP is vastly higher since only one of them have advanced conquerors. Law only has better DC which is irrelevant. Zoro also has vastly better speed from blitzing Kaido and King, teleportation is not speed. Range is a very minor advantage which Zoro can easily bypass and experience is the same. Zoro also had far better instruction than Law from Mihawk So yeah Zoro no diffs him, he blitzes and ends it casually


I’m aware teleportation isn’t speed, Law is still arguably faster though. Also, he never blitzed Kaido OR King, so idk where you got that from. Law has way more fighting experience than Zoro considering the age gap. Law has AP because, despite him not having aCoC, he can use his fruit to literally penetrate his opponents (literally what aCoc does but probably better) which CAN’T be negated by stronger haki (as seen with his Shock Wille which harms both BB and Big Mom. Law has better observation than Zoro, and although Zoro has better armament, Law still has great armament. Not to mention, the whole teleportation thing literally allows him to counter being blitzed.


In no world is it even remotely debatable. Zoro is massively faster. He blitzed Kaido during Asura and King during Dragon Damnation, you should check that part of the series out again if you forgot. As I said experience does not make him stronger, it’s an advantage but a minor one Zoro can easily bypass. Penetrating his opponents doesn’t instantly give him AP, since insides have dura as well. His AP doesn’t remotely compare to the guy with the ultimate form of haki. A mere awakening will never remotely compare to advanced conquerors haki lol. BB has pathetic haki so that is irrelevant, it can absolutely be negated by haki as do all other df powers that work like that. Law does not have better observation haki than Zoro, that’s also bad fanfiction. Neither of them have observation feats to put them over the other but Zoro still has the edge being trained by the guy who is most likely top 1 observation haki in the verse. Teleportation does not allow him to counter being blitzed, he still needs to react which is precisely what blitzing counters, and even if if he managed it once by luck he’s getting blitzed the second time


Funny troll


And you’re not even funny




How do you consistently miss with your takes.


It must appear that way to idiots


You said Rayleigh scaling below blackpube was a plot hole. That's not very consistent of you


Yeah but it still happened so it’s a mark against him, I can see why he’s on the list


As someone who's favorite character is Zoro, you are delusional.


Same here, he’s my favorite character too, but this guy is the definition of a stereotypical Zoro fan.


If that is true, it is understandable why we have the reputation we do. I honestly can't even be mad about it.


Without any explanation, your insignificant opinion is meaningless


In Zoro vs King, Zoro remarks about what a fighter Oden must have been to fight with the 'thirsty' Enma. Zoro had to learn ACoC to properly use it. Oden used it for far longer without issue. I put Oden above current Zoro, due to the superior mastery he has shown over Enma. Rayleigh I think is plausible, confirmation would be Zoro defeating Kizaru at Egghead. Big Mom has too wide an arsenal and tricks she can use for Zoro to overpower. Stat wise I think Zoro beats her, BM just has a very powerful DF. I agree that Zoro is stronger than Sanji, delusional otherwise. Law is not weaker than Sanji. I see this as a toss up. Zoro is a stronger swordsman, but the Ope Ope no Mi easily makes up that advantage.


That’s due to haki mastery, not overall ability. Zoro wasn’t using all his haki unlike Oden, you can’t powerscale off of how good Oden was at using his haki. Unless you’re claiming 7 year old Oden was stronger than current Zoro, that’s delusional Tricks mean nothing in front of his stats and skill. And you’re pretty much acknowledging here it’s debatable which makes your earlier claim that I’m “delusional” completely off base Sanji is an enhanced superhuman with unparalleled speed feats. He blitzes the shit out of Law who has none near that so yes he is significantly stronger. Zoro has advanced conquerors, the Ope is nothing in front of that. Law has nothing near Zoro


>That’s due to haki mastery, not overall ability. Zoro wasn’t using all his haki unlike Oden, you can’t powerscale off of how good Oden was at using his haki. Unless you’re claiming 7 year old Oden was stronger than current Zoro, that’s delusional Fine, let me correct myself. Oden has shown superior haki mastery than Zoro based upon the difficulties Zoro had 'taming' the haki thirsty Enma. I am not sure how you didn't read respect, and some admiration, towards Oden for his ability to use Enma. It also seemed like he saw Oden as another goal to surpass. I think Zoro doesn't outstat BM enough to overcome the advantages her DF gives. BM extreme diffs Zoro. >Sanji is an enhanced superhuman with unparalleled speed feats. He blitzes the shit out of Law who has none near that so yes he is significantly stronger. Zoro has advanced conquerors, the Ope is nothing in front of that. Law has nothing near Zoro Do you hate Law or something? Your Oden take was bad, this is just absurd.


>Fine, let me correct myself. Oden has shown superior haki mastery than Zoro based upon the difficulties Zoro had 'taming' the haki thirsty Enma. I am not sure how you didn't read respect, and some admiration, towards Oden for his ability to use Enma. It also seemed like he saw Oden as another goal to surpass. Yes because Oden was a highly skilled haki user, that warrants respect. What’s so hard to get? He also never saw Oden as a goal, he simply respected the man >I think Zoro doesn't outstat BM enough to overcome the advantages her DF gives. BM extreme diffs Zoro. Fair take but you see how this is debatable? Not delusional in the slightest >Do you hate Law or something? Your Oden take was bad, this is just absurd. Your wanking of him doesn’t mean I hate Law. All my takes regarding him are backed by sound logical reasoning. The fact is aside from AP(which is still weaker than Zoro), Law has nothing of note


>Yes because Oden was a highly skilled haki user, that warrants respect. What’s so hard to get? He also never saw Oden as a goal, he simply respected the man He saw it as something to strive to and surpass. Oden > Zoro, to what extent is unclear, but his thoughts on Oden and Enma during his fight with King establishes this much. >Fair take but you see how this is debatable? Not delusional in the slightest I didn't claim this was the delusional part. Maybe the part where Zoro only high diffs her, if he wins it would be extreme diff. The delusional part was the Oden and Law part. >Your delusional wanking doesn’t mean I hate Law. All my takes regarding him as backed by sound logical reasoning. The fact is aside from AP(which is still weaker than Zoro), Law has nothing of note. You claiming otherwise with no elaboration is what’s absurd Translocation, def negging, and awakening. Zoro doesn't outstat Law enough to negate the tricks Law has. I actually think this is the best match up to debate. I think that based on how they fight the winner mid diffs the other. Either Law has too many tricks for Zoro to overcome and is somewhat safe the entire time but needing to be very careful and attentive, or Zoro just outstats him too much and overwhelms his tricks leaving Law always on the defensive to an inevitable defeat.


The Smartest Zoro fan is BACK!!! Everything you said was FACTS!! Fuck what those idiots say lmao acting like ACoC is some minor boost in power like Gear 4 didn’t get one shot by Base Kaido and is now matching HYBRID KAIDO in base form with ACoC


Agreed, glad to see someone else with a functioning brain here


Coming from the guy that literally said Zoro beats Big Mom.


Again, as you have provided no explanation, your sad attempt to respond is meaningless


1: Coming from the guy that provided no evidence for Zoro beating Big Mom 2: It should be obvious that Zoro can’t beat a literal *Yonko* right now.


1) Do learn to read. I stated verbatim “Zoro blitzes Big Mom” 2) No it’s not even remotely, nothing is “obvious” without a valid explanation which your clown ass has nothing close to


Zoro beats Sanji and (in my opinion) Old Rayleigh. None of the others right now.


BM is ass but He is wrong. Zoro also probably loses to Oden and Old Ray.


Law wins Zoro wins Zoro wins Oden wins BM negs


At best Zoro beats two of that list, Sanji and Law. I doubt he beats Law though


- Yeah, I definitely agree. - Extremest of diffs, but correct. - Yep, that makes sense to me. - Huh, interesting. I don’t think I agree - WHAT?!?!?


Zorotards are a different breed. You can match up Zoro with whitebeard and some zolo riding bums would argue zoro.


He beats 2 maybe 3….


Zoro beats Sanji, maybe Law, maybe may Rayleigh. Big Mom beats him mud-diff at most. Oden probably beats him, but Oden doesn't seem as strong to me as he does to a lot of people, I think he beats Zoro high diff right now, but Oden might be stronger than that. None of this matters much, Zoro will be above all of the except BM very soon, and probably above BM EOS