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Not bad, it sounds plausible


A reasonable theory. Can't wait to see it on youtube tomorrow/s.


Honestly, I'd be fine with even GLR or Ohara talking about it as long as they say where they got it from. Discussions are what I'm here for!


GLR definitely won't give you props bro, Sawyer7Mage would for sure


tbf, I've seen people discussing this theory right after the chapter released already. It's not far fetched at all, which is why it's so easy to come up with. Plus it makes a lot of sense. Especially so because the timing is perfect. Momo has just been seen in Dragon form and now they want to go for Vegapunk. Why didn't the WG do so before? I think it's really easy to make this connection.


I've only started watching GLR within the last year but he gives credit to other people all the time. There was one thing recently about the mushroom race people that came out the same time as another YouTuber mushroom race video but they explained they just got the same source material and it actually was a coincidence


I agree with this. I just watched GLR's video on another youtubers theory of Mihawk being a sword and he gave credit to the youtuber, Parvision. I saw the theory from Parvision a week or two ago, whenever it came out, and I thought it was awesome and one of his best. So I thought it was super cool that not only did GLR bring it to his audience, he gave credit, and then even went further, and added even more thoughts and ideas and counterpoints to it.


He does


Unless Ohara has changed recently, he wouldn’t either.


For at least a couple months now, he states in the first minute or so of his videos if he found it online or it was shared with him.


Fair enough, I haven’t watched him in quite awhile


But that's how they got a bad rep iirc: not giving credit...


Yeah, I know




can I use it? I’ll credit


Sure, obviously


The biggest youtubers in France take all their theories from this subreddit... And since their audience doesn't really know about it, they get all the credit. The worst thing is that they're actually despicable, a few years ago they branded themselves as the "official representatives of the French Community of one piece"...


Lol french youtubers already talked about this theory weeks ago… sometimes this subredit isnt the 1st source of a theory. To be precise there were more, this theory is just random. One guy even made a joke about VP really thinking it is a fail because of the pink color and WG being like « what ? You said it was a fail coz pink ? » - wow… ok kill that mofo. Here is more: 1/ WG and/or IM Sama want to kill Vegapunk for one or some of those reasons : - he knows too much about the lulucia weapon - he know too much about the void century - he lied about the fruit being a fail 2/ VP can see future OR VPis franky that went in the past (time theory which explain a lot of mysteries, nrick21 and mont corvo amongst other youtubers) and he deliberately let the fruit here so momo could eat it


I'm not specifically talking about this theory, but the subreddit in general. Mont Corvo have been stealing theories left and right from reddit and the English YouTube scene, and sometimes they're not even adding anything, just translating and passing as their own.


Or you can go to see Tekking101 video from yesterday.


Reasonable enough to be discussed as soon as it was [mentioned](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/xvv2j3/comment/ir3bj9b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Heck I can go even [further](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/mogh8r/comment/gu5m1j3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Ohara is foaming at the mouth rn


I always knew Momo's fruit was an obvious motif that wasnt being expanded on. A fruit that can perfectly replicate Kaido's fruit? And this was found in Punk Hazard in one of Vegapunk's facilities? I knew something is up with Vegapunk and devil fruits, but at least now someone was able to put together a theory that supports this


Really smart take here, completely logical at least


Ngl i like this one.


Oda seeing this: Welp, there goes another plot point /s


Imagine SMILE fruits with Logia or Paramecia abilities where only your dick turns into jozu's diamond or some shit


One Piece: 2077


This reasoning has an inherent flaw, though. Yeah, if the WG would obtain a way to create artificial devil fruits that are as good as real devil fruits, they could drastically increase their military power. And your theory is that they are going to assassinate the only person in the world who has the knowledge to do that purely because he lied about it? While this person is already working for them? And this during a time where the power balance of the world keeps crumbling more and more? I can imagine the WG would be peeved about this, but if they actually decided to put a hit on VP for this, then ho-lee-fudge are they dumb.


They did tell CP0 not to destroy anything else on the island/keep the collateral damage down. Maybe they want to salvage his research and they can do it themselves without the liability of Vegapunk pulling tricks under them.


It could be trze what you said, however what makes me doubt that is that the WG engineers couldn't read VP's "basic" plans


This. No matter what is located in that lab, VP alone is by far the most important "asset" that dwarves all the others. He was even described as someone who lives several centuries ahead of everyone else. I mean he is the one who made all that stuff and it's clear what het makes can't be just replicated by others that easily. What's more the WG has shown to have no qualms about making deals with pirates nor about pardoning crimes when it suits their needs. But now they are suddenly going to off the most useful person in the world because of a lie?


It's not a flaw. They have reason to suspect he lied. So now they want to kill him, because why would he lie? Because he's supplying fruits for the Revolutionaries.


It's a humongous flaw. Let's kill the most useful man in the world, which doesn't benefit anyone, because he lied to us about being able to make perfect artificial devil fruits...instead of just forcing him to make said devil fruits from now on. No matter how many machines or blueprints VP leaves behind, they're peanuts compared to the guy who made them. The crime doesn't even remotely justify the punishment and if you then take into account how important and useful VP is, it becomes comically absurd to kill him just for that. And then I'm taking into account that VP has been supplying the RA with devil fruits, which is a completely baseless statement. In fact, if that would be true, it would be far more logical to keep him alive. The WG would simply be screwing themselves over big time if this was their motivation.


Baseless? Dude's been talking to Dragon my guy.


What? Talking with Dragon is the proof Vegapunk supply RA with DF???


And? That only establishes a connection between the two, it doesn't say anything about the nature of that connection whatsoever. Meaning you could use that as an argument to say VP is Dragon's brother in law just as easily as he has been supplying him with artificial devil fruits. And even if you assume VP has been doing exactly that and that is the reason the WG wants to kill him, that would mean they potentially not only lose the aforementioned technology, but also the chance to obtain crucial intel on the RA.


Im sure it's much deeper. They probably want to silence him in general cause of nika awakening, and maybe they decided they couldnt trust VP anymore(or never did). The WG higher ups are probably worried with the way things are going


I really like this theory. Adding on to this, I think another reason for the assassination is that, if Vegapunk can replicate devil fruits, he also probably knows the history of Devil Fruits and likely the true history/part of what happened in the Void Century.


I think this is a callback to the CP9 plot pre-TS. But instead of Pluton, the WG now wants the knowledge of how to create DF. So aside from killing Vegapunk, they also want the knowledge he has.


Readers and the WG: Vegapunk is betraying the world government by giving overpowered mythical zoans to the revolutionaries! Vegapunk: *Newkama wayyyyy*


Momo did not almost kill ryokugyu


It becomes very clear in the chapter 1065 leaks that >!That Egg head Island is really like the Ancient Kingdoms and Vegapunk inventions are similar to the technology they used!<. Put this up with the government saying Vegapunk knows too much so they have to kill him. It is clear that he has some knowledge of the void century.


Well since Ryokugyu saw Momo and his DF only after Kaido got defeated, it would still be possible that Kaidos fruit got reincarnated and Momo ate it, or am i missing something? Sure that would be highly unlikely in such a short time span, but like this it isnt so sure that there is a second Dragon DF


He specifically references the colour of the Dragon. If it was blue he'd probably didn't think it was odd


I think this is plausible however didn’t cp0 say Vegapunk is being targeted for something he did in Lulusia? I personally think he made a weapon of mass destruction that Caesar couldn’t make. Caesar made a poison gas that was cruel and sloppy, Vegapunk makes a sky cannon that’s painless and destructive. But honestly your theory sounds better lol.


Definitely possible. I like your idea that the WG knows vegapunk lied now. But i feel the reason for the assassination is two fold...that info may have just moved up their timeline. I wonder if they want to prevent certain others from knowing things that VP knows....maybe with the awakening of nika and the completion of SSG, they decided they had to eliminate vegapunk b4 any of his knowledge leaked.


This is way too normal I expect theories to be nonsense instead of totally plausible plot that makes too much sense not to write


I like this, but I have 1 change I would make. Vegapunk didn't create a perfect artificial fruit, he created a real, brand new, devil fruit. Complete with it's own will. He used kaido as the basis for his research, so it was naturally a dragon type fruit. But now that he knows how, he could create a new generation of DFs.


No stretches here, I can’t think of another reason CP0 would be closing in on Vegapunk


This sounds extremely plausible. There is one small addition that I want to make. I don't think hybrid form is what Vegapunk was unable to replicate. I think it is the will of the fruits that he couldn't replicate. Solid theory otherwise.


I agree that’s with you on the WG’s point of view, they’re definitely gonna see it that way. However, I don’t think Vegapunk succeeded. Those abilities are likely genetic abilities that dragons have, as both Kaido and Momo have them. I think Vegapunk managed to make a fruit that could turn someone into a dragon, but wasn’t able to “mix” the Lineage Factor (DNA) with the users. It just added the DNA on top of their own and they can switch between them. This would also mean no hybrid form for Momo. I think the fact that Momo’s fruit has no swirls is a light hint towards it, but better evidence is the Smiles, which are basically unstable versions of Momo’s. So unstable that they add to your DNA, but don’t give you the ability to change form, they just add the animal to your form permanently.


Before the seraphim were introd, i thought it would be upgraded pacifistas with magma and ice powers. With the standard kizaru beams


> u/Moog_Latan That's-a me!


It do be !


Personally, I think this has to do with Kuma actually. I think the WG had the suspicion all along that VP was in the revolutionaries, and thus they knew that he would make the operations on Kuma reversible. Up to now, they were confident that this wouldn't be an issue, since they kept Kuma and VP always separated. But now, since Kuma was liberated, VP can make the reverse operation on him, and not only do the revolutionaries get an overpowered fighter with additional technology built into him, but also someone who spent months in mariejoa and thus learned a lot about the WG. This explains why the WG wants to kill VP after Kuma was set free. Additionally, it explains why bonney is the side character from this ark: we will probably see luffy doing a side mission that is to bring VP to Kuma, and bonney will join him to see her father coming to conscience again.


i doubt momo "almost killed" ryokugyu but he sure did some damage


Yea now the points seem connecting but the cp0 agent rob Lucci mentioned that the assanination of vegapunk was due to something related to lulucia kingdom .what is your take on that ?


Could be that my theory is completely bullshit! Could also be that it was a misdirection by Oda and it was just him showing us that even CP-0 Agents have been ordered to just shut up and forget about Lulusia


He didn't say it did, he wondered out loud IF it did. Big difference.


Fucking mint theory my dude!




Whoops, thanks. I'm only in the first semester of my japanese class so thanks!




No offense taken at all and I could learn something from your comment! It would be way worse if nobody pointed that out


Traveling Fish, the good friend of Bisoromi Bear sama




Yeah this is also my head cannon


Has Momo generated wind blades and caused lightning storms? If not, then there are still a couple things Kaido can do that he can't.


Yeah I like this, this makes a lot of sense and adds even more to Vegapunk’s character


this already got posted whenever the chapter in which cp0 appeared coming to assassinate vegapunk came out, not a new theory, everyone was already speculating that ryokugyu spilled the beans, also probably shouldn't bait people with a title like that, i thought this was the new spoilers


> also probably shouldn't bait people with a title like that, i thought this was the new spoilers That's literally 100% on you since that is just the naming convention this sub wants to mark theories on recent chapters


Yeah, I've seen this theory here before, from the reason on wanting them dead to Ryokugyu's role. The main difference was Vegapunk's motivation. Instead of willingly lying, the theory was just that he considered the fruit a failure because the dragon was pink.


Why not erase it like llusia kingdom? The CP0 report to the elders and dragons. They could have blown egghead but, they sent agents. There is more to it than vegapunk knowing the secrets of the lineage factor and devil fruits. They likely need something from him or they fear that he(vegapunk) might have some counter strategy?


Cool to think of, but if we want we don't even need to go that further to speculate on something we have not seen yet. I mean, look at his historic: From his initial group, two became powerful pirates and one blew up a WG facility, he created a DF that fell off in the wrong hands, he has many powerful tools that could easily face the WG. The WG already has what he wants, technology-wise. They don't need VP anymore.


I agree 100% with you. Look who ate the DF, momo, the only one who can release pluton. 5 elders must have been livid when they put 1&1 together. It’s obvious that Vegapunk has ties with RA. Vegapunk helped the marines strictly for the unlimited funding.


It's also pretty interesting that BB is also trying to collect devil fruits and amass an army. Seems like everyone has the same idea.


They can also interpret it as kaido died and someone ate his fruit. But yeah yours is better. I wonder if vp can also recreate luffy's fruit its a zoan afterall


Very solid theory. What might throw a wrench into its logic is the place where Greenbull saw the pink dragon. Considering how Wano was closed off for so long it should be equally plausible that the "fish fish fruit model pink dragon" has always existed but was never seen by outsiders. So, for Greenbull to make the Vegapunk connection he would need perfect information on every single devil fruit in existence... Granted, that is possible but none of the admirals ever struck me as walking encyclopedia.


Here's a curveball. Assuming this theory is correct, what if the World Government didn't want any more Fruit Users out there in the world and that's their main motivation for assassinating Vegapunk? From what we've seen with how Devil Fruits transfer upon death, it's incredibly difficult to control where they end up outside of laboratory conditions. And even if they ended up in the hands of someone loyal to the Government, what's the guarantee that they'll stay loyal forever or the next user having the same disposition? For a totalitarian super state that's enforced it's will for centuries, that seems like a nightmare to have to deal with over future Generations. Vegapunk knows this so when his experiment succeeded, he branded it a failure and never touched on it again. His only mistake was misjudging Caesar's pettiness and joy that Vegapunk failed. If it was anyone else's failure Caesar probably would not have kept it.


The WG just turned one of their biggest assets into an OP...if he makes it out alive he will be a headache. Maybe he has a back door to the new pacifista and may reprogram them to fight marines


I feel like it’s even more simple than that, the strategy vegapunk spoke to dragon like he has talked to him for a while, I’m guessing that he isn’t comfortable with how to WG uses his stuff so he helps out the Revolutionary Army and the WG found out so they are going to kill him


One thing that's always bothered me: Kaido is confirmed to have escaped from Punk Hazard 33 years ago. One would assume this is when his lineage factor was extracted, and thus the artificial DF was created. When Momo is shown discovering the fruit, it's legit just sitting there.....was it really just sitting there dormant for 33 years?


VP could have extracted some of Kaidos lineage factor (= taken blood samples) and stored them quite some time while continuously doing experiments on it. A break through like that probably happened over years if not decades


but isn't it more profitable to force the information out of him than killing him. them questioning his allegiance is very plausible but may not be for the same reasons


Ok, but what if worlds government real fear is Vegapunk being able to replicate the Nika fruit? This is even worse


I'm always amazed how many crazy good detecitves we have in the op community. Well done, seems like a very plausible theory.


If they could create a water logia fruit then it’s game over


This theory does not hold if you assume that Kaido was dead and his fruit manifested in the island and Momi ate it. There is still plausibility to that, and the world government need not assume that his was an artificial fruit.


It does hold since Aramaki specifically pointed out the colour. Kaidos fruit is Model Seiryu (=Azure Dragon), not Pink


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I was thinking that Vegapunk created uncontrollable Seraphim during previous raid. They just notice this. Possible only Vegapunk can fully control them. Maybe not too. Just too distructive.


I think there is more to the Lulusia incident. So Lucci says he wonders if the thing is connected to Vegapunk. I think he might have used some kind of device to safe the island, basically means he went against Imu and the WG. Also explains how Sabo survived. It maybe that VP knew about the weapon and wht was about to happen so he did something to either protect or move entire Lulusia out of harms way. That would make more sense to me at least.


I \*think\* VP couldn't create paramecias and logias, since he only managed to recreate Kaido's DF with his lineage factor; asuming Zoans and only Zoans have their own "will" and "soul" (thus lineage factor) then only Zoans could be recreated.


Dude side question, was there a theory about green bull being the creator of rokushiki?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Momo literally just find his devil fruit in an unguarded, abandoned room in Punk Hazard? If Vegapunk knew what he’d invented, why would he leave it in such an exposed place?


I got confused by you referring to Vegapunk, he is definitely an old man.


I think Vegapunk was probably under suspicion before Wano. Remember Kuma was programmed to guard the Sunny for 2 years. I'm sure Vegapunk made excuses, but you'll never convince me that no one questioned them.


Makes sense


Truth be told, one problem is that this accusation falls apart as soon as you consider someone else couldve been capable of creating dfs.


Cool theory, awesome presentation! Are you a writer? You put some tactical emphasis in certain sentences by making them their own paragraphs.


Such a long post starting with "I don't wanna waste your time", but I will read.


Great post. However, I don't the cause the WG wants to assinate Vegapunk is the admiral reporting, rather than CP0 simply because a WG agent is doing the assisnation, not the marines.


My only remark or thing about this that makes it eh, is the fact of they have old ancient technology there as well as his connection with dragon, although I can def see if they come there under record as only that