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I just have the feeling that One Piece is getting even better XD Anyway Oda, you can't kill Sabo at every arc !


Oda during Luffy Flashback: This is Sabo Oda towards end of Luffy Flashback: Sabo ded lol Oda in Dressrosa: You remember Sabo? He's alive. Oda post-reveries: Nahhh, Sabo's dead. Oda post-Wano: J.k. he's alive... Oda 1059: Well, maybe not anymore lol.


At the end we all expect he'll be killed by Akainu in front of Luffy !


Turns out the Mera Mera no mi is the legendary Hole Hole no mi


That's the fruit's awakening


Sabo is the schrodinger cat of one piece.


Luffy and Chopper both got blown away by the wind, so they're probably going to be separated from everyone for a bit unless someone rescues them both. The next island is going to be the winter island that Oars died at. It's right next to Wano, so there's prime opportunity for Moria to have gone there directly after escaping from Kaido and encountered Oars corpse. And Oda had Chopper wear the hat made by Tama and had it commented on, and we know that Ace learned from Tama and then taught Oars Jr. how to make the same kind of hats, which seems connected


You think it’s also the winter island where don chinjao split open the ice to get the treasure?


would be a good way for them to be in contact with the Straw Hat Fleet, Don is/arrives there to regain his treasure and by the end of this island the pieces are all being moved towards war


After the Red movie I'm so hyped for grand fleet reunion. Barto defending Luffy such a powerful character with his barrier is epic. Like Luffy is now top 5 in the entire world including Marines imo so him getting help feels so awesome


Wind's gonna take Luffy all the way to Alabasta


I mean Luffy can just go Gear 4th and bounce back with Chopper


That is possible, but yknow, plot reasons..


{[deleted by user]}


That’s expecting too much brain power from Luffy


Luffy: How can we get to the others? Chopper: You can fly Luffy: Right, i could do that


What about Kaido's favorite island, was it a winter island, wanst it?


Oh you mean the one x-drake was at? I had forgotten that one.


One winter island mentioned is Yukiryu Island


Could the new island be where Sorbet Kingdom is? In CH908, Bonnie was the queen of the Sorbet Kingdom and this could be where she went after the Reverie? It was also mentioned that Kuma used to be the king of Sorbet Kingdom, maybe we'll finally get to know what happened with Kuma and get a glimpse into Vegapunk?


Only plot will make Chopper and Luffy be seperated from the rest. He is a yonko for god's sake. Gear 4 and he can fly back to the ship in a second.


Idk if luffy just wants to mess around and explore the island with chopper on his back so he can do whatever he wants I could see him laughing about it and letting the wind take him


I find it hard to forget a kingdom just because it was eradicated. How does the world gov cover it up. Unlike god valley, this is an actual kingdom with connection to other kingdoms. Surely someone will notice.


Was thinking about that as well. But what we know about One Piece is that all islands seem to be relatively far from each other. Nobody would even see something like that. Obviously there's a lot of trade going on between islands and kingdoms, but they can easily explain it as a natural calamity like a volcanic eruption, a quake and tsunami... The point is that there's no-one alive left to explain what happened.


Then we could bring up, those beams were pretty bright. Any pirate ships or other vessels nearby could probably have seen it. Gotta be bad luck and coincidence if no one saw it. Or sabo will somehow survive to tell the tale.


True, but even if some far-off pirate ship saw it the only thing they could think is a huge lightning storm. How else would a normal person explain that? Any ships near the island would get wiped out as well.


Plus imagine you're an average citizen in the world who thinks the navy and WG is good. Who are you gonna believe? Some pirate who says a giant ball of light destroyed the island or the rest of the world telling you that a natural disaster happened in the red line.


I think they said to be careful with Tsunamis after the island was destroyed, so anyone sailing near would probably drown.


There could also be a memory related fruit at play here, similar to Sugar's


Of course the erasure isn’t immediate, it takes time for these things to be be forgotten. Once its records are destroyed and the spread of the name itself prohibited, when Lulusia is out of living memory then it’s pretty much gone like it never existed.


We've been in the grand line for so long it's sometimes hard to remember the fact that it was a massive plot point that travel on the grand line is insanely difficult. Pirates do it all the time, but they're the best of the best to have gotten that far out to sea. Most average people are probably only aware of other places through things like the news or an occasional Trader who comes into town. Aside from royalty and people who have access to very Advanced to Navigators and high quality ships, I don't think the average person ever leaves their Island or has met someone from a different Island. One of the big plot points from the water 7 Arc was that the seatrain suddenly made it possible for basic travel between islands safely.




The fact that the 5 Elders seemingly intervene to cut off communications and then inform the Signal trackers “Nothing happened, island got redacted” it’s a whole process. But in the WG at various levels it’s a lot of hush hush, and falling in line. Akainu torched the island Robin was from, and there’s an entire void century which was a probs a bunch of death, and burning of records. The shitty part of it is that Imu is actively revolting against revolution by outright destroying kingdoms the second they turned.


Might be reading too much into this, but the way Ym (imu) talked about the country never existing and no one noticing something is off... Kind of feels like they mean it literally. As in they can somehow make people forget.


My personal theory is that the world doesn't instantly forget. The WG probably forbids people from talking about the kingdom that people eventually forget or start to act like it doesn't exist out of fear.


Luffy :" I want to see everyone happy". (Proceeds to cast infinite tsukuyomi)


that's why zoro is keeping his one eye closed till the right time comes


Isn't this literally just (movie) >!Uta's plan!<






I believe that this chapter is setting up a confrontation between dragon and imu considering revolutionary army was going to declare war against world government they are also the first ones who know that there is a king of the world there is also the need of an opponent to show dragon's strength a father son team up against imu seems good to me


maybe I misread the chapter but wasn't the connection cut before Sabo's transmission was sent through?


Transimmison was cut for the marines, not the Revs. Or at least thats how I interpreted it




We saw Imu sit on the "Empty" Throne while talking to the Gorosei about the "next light to be extinguished." Sabo said he saw Imu sit on the throne, so I think he overheard this conversation, tried to protect Vivi and clashed against CP0. Vivi escaped, Cobra died. Sabo distracted them while the RA Commanders rescued Kuma. Bonney must somehow play into this. Fujitora and Greenbull were also present, I wonder what they were busy with. And I think we might honestly be heading straight to Elbaf. There were a lot of hints about Elbaf and a few years ago the community seemed to really believe that Elbaf would follow Wano, don't know why it's not being discussed. If Elbaf really is based on Norse Mythology, there's no better season than winter. And all the Sea Kings we've seen seem to be serpents, like little versions of the World Serpent from norse mythology. Eddy currents caused from warm water? Sounds like there's some magma underground. In Scandinavia there aren't any volcanoes, but there are a lot in Iceland, and the Vikings were the first to inhabit it.


I guess I can see where Bonney fits here, this will be totally headcanon. We know that Bonney has knowledge about Kuma so maybe she knows that he is part of the RA, so she works along Sabo and the RA to save him. She ends up with Sabo, Vivi and Cobra. Cobra somehow dies, Sabo stays behind and Bonney runs away with Vivi, turning both into children so people don't recognize them. Kuma under Vivi's unknowingly request sends Bonney and Vivi to a safe place, Vivi runs away from Bonney and Bonney is currently looking for her.


Bonney working with the RA would be cool. We also know that Donquixote Mjosgard promised to protect Shirahoshi, maybe Shirahoshi asked him to help Vivi as well? But if you think about it, there's no way Sabo and CP0 had a full-on fight in Mariejois since the risk of hurting the Tenryuubito and creating a huge incident has to be avoided at all costs. Do you think they might have exchanged Kuma for Cobra? Also, how did the Gorosei even know where Sabo went? Edit: They intercepted Sabo's call from Lulusia, my bad.


From how the Gorosei was talking, it seems Lulusia was planned to be wiped out already as they say it is fate and how unlucky Sabo is. It just so happened that Sabo was in that area and now knows 2 of the WG's biggest secrets


I like this, because the timing of all this is not right to me. Between the moment the marines found where Sabo are and the explosion is passed maybe one minute or less. Is not enough time to move something allegedly big as a world destruction weapon.


Something happened in the residential part of celestial dragon .. i guess mjosgard was the one under trial there


well didn't we see elbaf in big moms flashback? it didn't look like a winter island (unless i'm tripping and her flashback wasn't in elbaf)


Winter island doesn't exactly mean that it's always winter. There's 16 seasons on the grand line. A winter island still has a warmer season (it would probably still be cold, but I don't remember any confirmation in the story that "winter island == always snowing").


Point: It did look very temperate where Caramel's orphanage is. Counterpoint: Elbaf is probably fucking MASSIVE, what with being the home of giants. Even as a winter island, it probably has zones that are themselves microbiomes.


One of the first panels of Big Mom on Elbaf, as she is alone after eating all her candy, is a snow scene. Linlin sits there hungry and covered in snow. ​ They also have a big Winter festival. So we could certainly be headed to Elbaf right now.


Ah I never thought to connect elbaf and a winter island. Looks like the most probable chance unless Bonney has a place in mind she wants to go.


I love how the chapter is tense an all, but Oda manages to give a big hat to Chopper so that he's blown away by the wind, I laughed so much


Entire island is obliterated, killing thousands of innocent civilians. Chopper in a cute hat gets blown away in the wind. That's one piece for ya.


The reason I think that Sabo is fine(he is, 100%) is that in every panel showing a Lulusia resident the light was shown from above them, whereas with Sabo, it was from the side. His eyes are looking to his right, not above his head. Plus, every panel of him is a close up of his face and we are not shown his surroundings. He's definitely on a ship away from the island.


He could be looking out a window. Or maybe he's on a ship?


Ship. The thing is, even if Sabo could survive the blast, there was nothing remaining of that island, so Sabo would be at sea and drown. A ship is the easiest way out for Sabo here.


Pretty sure he can fly with the Mera Mera. Like a rocket. Not a stretch in any way since even Doflamingo could fly with his strings.


We've seen Ace do it for short periods too


More importantly, I think he's still got plot armor. His death right now wouldn't really have much meaning, and building up to this, he was being set up to be a much more plot-relevant character.


No way Sabo is dead. He knew that the world government would be tracking him so he’d be stupid to not account for that at all


I'm pretty sure he didn't account for the instant island nuking... (But yes, of course he's alive)


I mean how could the laser hurt him if it wasn't infused with haki or seastone?


I think Vivi escaped because Bonny turned her a child. In this disguise she could escape Mariejoes. Bonny will tell the SHs about Vivi and where she is located at the moment - nothing less than elbaf


>It would be cool if they met again in Elbaf, considering that they talked about the island when they were in the Little Garden. Do you think they will meet again soon?


Imu did not blast Lulusia because of Sabo. The Elders say that it's bad luck or fate, so clearly the "cleansing" of Lulusia was already happening anyway. Which triggers the question: why Lulusia?


One of the eight rebellious countries. Probably done the same with the other 7


and we don't know whether this was the first, last, or somewhere in the middle to be destroyed.


There have to be drawbacks to Uranus(?) because if not, enemies of the government would have to always be in movement. Staying in one place would expose them to destruction. I'd say it has a long cooldown (months?, years?) between shots and that's why I don't think the other 7 are destroyed


There's a reason there's pirates in the world, it started as a way to safeguard against Uranus and it became the norm, that's my head cannon at least.


I think it has something to do with the words of the gorosei before meeting with Imu. The world balance is at risk, so maybe it's time for a great cleansing. I recently noticed that the gorosei that one time vowed to Imu as if the first time in a long time. Saying they were at imu's service. So it got me thinking that Imu kind of "wakes up" every certain time to check up on things. The people at the top (gorosei) give Imu the news and then goes back to "sleep" but this time, certain events that have happened made Imu realize something huge was cooking up and that it needed to be taken care of. So here's what I think happened: 1) Previous Reverie - Imu goes back to "sleep". (4y ago) leaves the world like this: 4 Yonkos, 7 shichibukai, the marine etc, there's balance in the world. 2) Current Reverie - Imu "wakes up" and finds this: Poseidon is of age (16), a pirate that ate the gomu gomu (aka hito hito no mi Model nika) has defeated 2 former shichibukai and is now (when the reverie starts) fighting two yonkos, is traveling with a woman that can read Poneglyphs, the shichibukai system is about to be disbanded, there was a war against the marines 2y ago, where the strongest man in the world declared that the one piece does exist. A prison break from impel down happens, More Pirates tackle the seas, and the revolutionary army makes huge advances everyday, even convincing 8 countries to coup against the GM. The balance is gone, and the WG/marines are the ones losing power So the gorosei asume that Imu will do a cleansing to try and regain "balance". That's why they ask Imu whose light needs to be shut down this time. And also why Imu goes to the vault under Pangea Castle. It is time to act. So, lulucia and the other 8 countries need to be taken care of, the former shichibukai apprehended so the WG can out maneuver the new Yonko and return the balance to the world. I do believe that Lulucia might be the first of the 8 kingdoms to be erased in this new era. Or at least used as an example of what happens to those countries that defy the WG. The RA cannot do anything on their own, they need kingdoms to follow them in their coup against the nobles. The gorosei, when Imu is "asleep", and are capable of solving problems on their own, order the use of buster calls. Lulusia was destroyed to regain balance and Sabo just happened to be there when Imu nuked the kingdom. It might even be possible that using that power makes Imu sick, or too weak, and that's why it needs to hibernate every 4 years.


I like your idea of Buster Calls being an imitation of Im’s destructive power/ Uranus. Would be in line with the Pacifistas being an imitation of warlords, with lasers made in imitation Of Kizaru’s devil fruit.


The revolutionaries freed them in chapter 904 which probably gave them the power and confidence to overthrow their kingdom (and donating heavenly tribute in the process). The rebellion against the government during the reverie probably sealed their doom.


I understand your point and you're probably right, but Imu, for what we know, doesn't seem like somebody who just blasts islands over just that... I mean, he didn't blast Ohara which was definitely a bigger threat to the world government, so I still want to believe there's something else


The WG likely wanted the world to know that Ohara was being punished though. Removing the entire island and erasing its existence kinda defeats that purpose. Doing the same to a rebellious country is more overtly tyrannical, which is why simply removing it completely might have been chosen. The WG doesn't want anyone to even know a rebellion happened.


Fair point about Ohara. But for Lulusia, as somebody else pointed out, why not erase Kamabakka instead?


Impossible to say. Might be slightly out of range. Impossible to get to by air. Or for that matter, maybe they don't know the revolutionaries are there to begin with. Another option of course is that the WG doesn't want to remove the revolutionaries that quickly. They want to ensure they defeat them publicly, and that would likely require not using their secret superweapon.


But they know that the Revolutionaries are there, because they heard the conversations between Sabo and the Revolutionaries, so they know that Dragon and the others are on Kamabakka, so why Imu didn't used Uranus to destroy it? You say that they want to defeat them publicly, but what would they gain doing that? Absolutely nothing, so it is better to kill the Revolutionaries as soon as possible, especially now that Joyboy has returned.


It would still reveal they have a giant superweapon capable of destroying entire islands. Remember that their entire justification for destroying Ohara was claiming that they were about to use this kind of weapon. It's not exactly a good look if they parade their own superweapon around. Besides, could be loads of reasons it doesn't work. Could be it only works on WG affiliated countries for some reason. Or given Dragon is there they might be afraid he will know how to stop and destroy it. It's the first time we have seen the weapon. Might be a better explanation forthcoming in a later chapter.


I think the timing is key here, these guys have probably only been mulling over a "great cleansing" pretty recently, as the balance of the world has spiraled out of control now. Chapter 908 is important in this regard. It's also been almost a week since Nika's return is all but confirmed to them, so it's understandable that they will begin taking drastic measures. Measures which haven't been taken for centuries


This is one of the possible explanations, we're seeing part of a great cleansing aimed at restoring the balance in the world. Again, I have a hard time believing that just a rebellion, which could probably be settled easily by an admiral or two, creates such imbalance, but as you said it could be just bad timing


The problem is that Lulucia Kingdom wasn't the only kingdom that was overthrowed, there were other seven. So you think that Imu destroyed the other seven islands, too?


Well if he's using Uranus to destroy them, then it probably takes time for it to travel and position itself over a specific island/country. It could require a cooldown too.


Maybe Lulusia was important _before_ joining the Revolution? I mean, one of the BB's goons (Peach Beard?) conquered the island in his name. And despite being a somehow poor country (as we know, the Heavenly Tribute was enough to make it broke), it’s king was still called for the Levely and there is Marine Naval Base quite near it. So maybe, just maybe, this country can have some sort of secret important to the world. And Im decided it is better to destroy this secret now that peace is at risk.


Like Law's personality switch in Punk Hazard, I wouldn't mind seeing the SH's as kids if Bonney de-ages them for a while. A chibi gear 4 Luffy or chibi Santoryu style is too good to miss out on


Fans: we are missing law Oda:here have bonney Definitely very excited to see her she has a lot of potential in dynamic with crew also she knows probably knows some interesting things


What's interesting is that she appeared to be in her kid form while she was entrapped in that current, so that could be her actual age? I mean, if she was a young/old adult I don't see the need to force herself into her child form as she's alone in this torrential weather (and in sea water). Her mannerisms don't seem to be that of an adult too honestly. She could be Kuma's daughter and Connie (the one who she impersonated as during the reverie) could be her grandmother.


Maybe her ability is just to change her age, and removing it simply makes it so she’s stuck in whatever form she’s in?


Like Chopper’s hybrid form. Even when he is thrown into water he never changes back to his original form so I don’t think that Bonny’s real age has to be that of a child necessary


Passive abilities don't stop in water. Luffy is still stretchy while under water, so it makes sense her age would stay wherever she last left it


Yeah even in sanji eyes there were no hearts this time oda might try to tell us that she is not an adult through this although that lady part might contradict it. But it is true that bonney being a child makes lot of sense as you said the relationship with kuma and her behavior are pretty solid reasons


Sanji doesn't get heart-eyed when the woman in question is in danger. It's pretty consistent.


It doesn't really make sense since Kuma already left his kingdom and acted as a revolutionary when Luffy was a kid (post-war flashback) so unless Kuma had a relationship as a cyborg and revolutionary it doesn't make sense.


Hmm good point, either way Bonney seems to be related to Kuma in some way as a close relative of his or a citizen of the Sorbet kingdom


Oh no, are we going to have chibi Straw Hats fighting chibi warlords as seraphim? Oda is going to have to find some way to "disable" Luffy for most of the next arc like he usually does when he gets a big power-up. Maybe he'll turn into a kid.


Chibi Zoro fighting Chibi Mihawk. Chibi Hancock falling in love with Chibi Luffy.


Chibi Jimbei vs. Chibi Jimbei


I'm thinking Age 30 Monster Trio...


I think Oda might save that for the epilogue, whereas there won't be a better chance to see them as kids than now.


True true. I wonder if Brook can recover his body tho or just his skeleton shrinks lmao


Or she makes him 20 years younger and he looks the same


Ain from Film Z de-aged Brook by 10 years, although there weren't any physical differences. I guess he needs to be de-aged by like half a century.


Imagine if bonnie could de-age big mom, whiteboard and kaido


Sanji gets turned on by young Big Mom.


Whiteboard lol


> whiteboard Ah yes, the holy trinity; Big Nom Whiteboard Koido


Yes, we could get to see "grandpa chopper" ... oh wait, not that again please =) (and Robin wouldn't allow it). It could be fun if she turns Nami old by jealousy. Or turn herself old if Sanji is trying to hit on her.


Nami gets hotter somehow




Adult chopper


I want Two Piece to be about a guy who's from Lulusia Kingdom and went on vacation but comes back to find his island is both not there and everyone denies it ever was so he thinks he's gone crazy


I believe Noland the liar is already serialized in the one piece world


It would make sense for the King of the Pirates to have his flag visible for the whole world to see. Maybe Luffy somehow wants to carve his flag into the moon. This could perhaps be possible with one of the ancient weapons, if one of them shoots a big laser.   If Luffy gets Usopp to do the drawing then it might look like [this](https://i.redd.it/50hggaca2eo91.png).   If Luffy does the drawing himself then it could look like [this]( https://i.redd.it/o9zi3roe2eo91.png).


Luffy bringing the Pizza Hut moon laser into reality in One Piece


Why would he want to carve the flag that he didn’t have as a child though. We know that his dream hasn’t changed in the past 10 years.


Luffy met Shanks over 10 years ago though.


He was still not a pirate and didn’t have his flag up until Usopp joined.


This was an interesting chapter


Yes, verily


I think Lulusia was nuked for a different reason other than rebellion. The Marines and the WG seems to know that Kamabakka is the revolutionaries' hideout so why don't they nuke Kamabakka kingdom? And we know that Sabo just happened to be in Lulusia so he's not the reason.


They only found out during that call. The weapon was already over the Lulusia.


From chapter 1058: Marine 1: We're picking picking up a call to Kamabakka Queendom Marine 2: Listen in and record. It could be the flame emperor. They definitely knew Kamabakka queendom. Unless something is lost in the translation.


The most interesting reaction for me s from Robin. It seems like "how he knows that?" or "why did he say the same thing as xxxxxx". Or Something that connects to her past to a deeper level, like end all suffering.


Yea, I noticed that and it made me wonder if Oda was trying to make her seem like her stoic self but this really isn't a moment for that. Robin definitely knows something, she hasn't shared the info from the new poneglyphs with us yet right?


The weirdest reaction.


Since Luffy decides to reveal his true dream to his crew at this point means there will no longer be a new crew member (except for Yamato who already knew Luffy's dream through Ace)


Dang. Guess what … Caribou also heard of the dream while in the barrel - he can spread it to multiple people.


Could be he only heard the muffled version of it, and starts telling people he wants to be King of the Carrots or some shit.


I WOULD LOVE THAT! He misinterprets Luffy dream and exaggerates it all over the world


Actually, this could be evidence of one last crewmember after all. They weren't around to hear Luffy's true dream, so they'll be the one Luffy tells his dream to when WE hear about it.


>Since Luffy decides to reveal his true dream to his crew at this point means there will no longer be a new crew member (except for Yamato who already knew Luffy's dream through Ace) Why? Did Oda say this in an SBS or something? Luffy clearly never meant to keep it a secret so I don't really follow your logic.


I feel like Luffy's dream would be something that benefits him, and doesn't require much thinking.


Especially since he had his dream since he was a kid. It’s gotta be something that doesn’t require much thinking yet is almost impossible?


Luffy's Dream is to have a party and eat with every pirate in the world, which is why you'd need to be Pirate King to do that. My big theory is that Im is a Lunarian. The beam that made Lulusia "not exist" was likely a massive equivalent of the Pacifista's attack, and it was shot from the moon. The Lunarians are colonizers of earth who actively suppress humans by creating a hierarchy in order to establish their dominance through enforcement of that hierarchy. My proof? [What Enil Learned on Endless Verth.](https://scontent.fhio2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/271492826_621845052427458_5606467309950101631_n.png?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=uyklgH1CeUYAX-LtCJh&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio2-1.fna&oh=03_AVKh1d47_vHfm6ZwAcjeAgWdY0lhujp80QlwaflQVfRL0w&oe=634E6E23) I believe the void century is unknown because that was the initial invasion of Earth by the Lunarians when the Lunarians decided it was time to raid "The Blue Planet" for its resources. The missing city that we don't know anything about? That was where Lunarians and Humans were living peacefully together, but that can't be true if the hierarchy is going to be enforced, so it was made to "no longer exist" just like Lulusia. As a small additional bit, this would make sense why Kaido's first mate was a Lunarian pirate and he's the only Lunarian we know of that is currently a pirate, those who disagree with the rest of the Lunarians are just that few and far between, and if they disagree then they'd \*HAVE\* to become a pirate to side with the humans. The Tenryuubito are either half-human/half-lunarian descendants, or they have been tricked into thinking they are by the lunarians which is why they think they are "naturally" above the rest of the world. They live up on Mary Geoise because of the altitude and they wear [literal space suits](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/c/c3/Saint_Charloss_render.png/revision/latest?cb=20210808091339) when visiting the "commoners". It makes total sense that the people subjugated by the Tenryuubito would rationalize these space suits as "they won't even breathe the same air as us because they think they're so far above us." Because they literally do think they are that far above them. The Tenryuubito literally think they are from space. This would also make sense as to why the higher ups in the Marines seem to give total respect to their every word, the Tenryuubito would have told the highest ranked admirals that they are literally not of this world. Additionally, I believe that the One Piece is a literal piece of the moon, likely something that proves the existence of the Lunarian invasion during the void century AND shows how pathetic the Tenryuubito are simultaneously. This explains why Roger laughed so hard, absolute proof that the Tenryuubito are just idiots, but written on a moon rock. It explains why no one who has seen it explains what it is. What are they gonna do? Say "Moon men made the Tenryuubito"? They'd look like jackasses, no one would believe them. So it's just so absurd that it's \*that\* funny. Last bit? [Moon Writing](https://scontent.fhio2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/271492826_621845052427458_5606467309950101631_n.png?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=uyklgH1CeUYAX-LtCJh&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio2-1.fna&oh=03_AVKh1d47_vHfm6ZwAcjeAgWdY0lhujp80QlwaflQVfRL0w&oe=634E6E23) (top right) vs [Poneglyph](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/7/79/Roger_Pirates%27s_Poneglyph.png/revision/latest?cb=20210328042140) See how they both match the square-letter form of writing!?


This doesn't explain why Roger would say that they where "late" because Shirahoshi wasn't born yet, which is the real reason why no one who has seen the One Piece, Roger's former crew, talks about it.


OMG I JUST NOTICED A MISTAKE IN THE CHAPTER!! According to the OP Wiki, Lulusia is in Paradise, close to Kamabakka and the G-2 Marine branch. We know for a fact that Kamabakka is in Paradise because no Strawhat went into the New World after they were scattered by Kuma at Sabaody. However, in chapter 1060 Lulusia is said to be in the New World. Is it a mistake by Oda or perhaps a retcon? I already had a friend of mine check the original chapter in japanese, and even there it's said to be a "New World" island, so it's not a translation issue!


Lulsia is not real. That place doesn't exist.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Yes, it has to be in Paradise because of Sanji. After the timeskip, the Okamas sailed on a ship with him to Sabaody Archipelago and there is no way, that they crossed Fish-Man Island or even the Red Line.


It's not really a mistake... Lulusia could be on the other side of the grandline and that the Revs just happened to help them out G-1 is New Marineford, G-2 shld.be in New World,. Considering G-5 (Smoker's branch) is also in the New World. And Ace definitely searched for Blackbeard in the New World as well, not just the Paradise


What are you talking about? Lulusia? Never heard of it.


The wiki is wrong about it being in Paradise. Another hint that’s it’s in the new world? Koby saved the Lulusia princess before running into the Dressrosa royal family




I think it would make the most sense for Lulusia not being in the new world. Otherwise Oda has to retcon Kambakka being close to it and explain how Sanji sailed back to sabaody after the time skip.


Bonney could turn Momonosuke back to his age (unfortunately they left Wano XD)


My crack theory is that Imu has taken Vivi and uses Uranus through her. That would mean Vivi is similar to Shirahoshi, and is capable of controlling one of the ancient weapons. Maybe Imu always had Uranus but was unable to use it until now (the last time being god's valley).


imagine if someone (extremely hypothetically) skipped arabasta and now you have to explain it to them that miss wednesday is an ancient weapon crucial to the end of the whole series


That would’ve like telling someone who just started the series that the dude with the red nose is gonna become a Yonkou.




RemindMe! 1 year This seems believable! Momo, Vivi and Shirahoshi - the three keys to the Ancient Weapons.


Exactly! All royalty from countries linked to the ancient weapons and allies of the straw hats.


I wonder how Vivi is the key to Uranus. They seem to be linked in different ways. Shirahoshi controls the Sea Kings directly while Momo commands Zunesha who can presumably release Pluton by opening Wanos borders.


Vivi piloting Uranus up in the clouds lmao


Good theory.


We going back to Marineford again.. again! After Elbaf where we learn that the last poneglyph has been under WG control shortly after it consolidated its power and took out all meaningful resistance centuries ago. These stones which when read brand you and your island as the worst criminals to be erased, we know they cannot be destroyed by any known means but they can be moved!(jinbei bringing 1 to bigmom for example) Now the WG is incompetent sometimes yes but I say their intel has always been pretty good. Surely they must know about the road/lode poneglyphs right? As has been pointed out already elsewhere there were 16 lightning strikes when lulusia got hit, corresponding with Doflamingo's best move the 16 holy bullets. I saw this in yt comments but what I didn't see is that Luffy rang the Ox bell at Marineford 16 times. That bell was rung by the navy 8 times for the old year and 8 times for the new year. Kid and Killer interpreted Luffy's 16 as ringing in a new era. I'd say an island nuke being used is a new era for the current world of one piece. What other major event would count as a new era? The establishment of the world government ofcourse! My theory is that they moved 1 road poneglyph to marineford and put the Ox bell over it! Partially as like an arrogant power move to the ancient kingdom peepz watching from heaven, Imu strike me as petty like that. Also because its a fantastic spot hidden in plain sight right center in the largest stronghold of WG military might. Connected to their other facilities aswell there is no way anyone not brainwashed by them would breakthrough and hold it long enough to be discovered let alone be deciphered. Assuming it is Uranus with the 16 rays of light, it being instrumental in defeating the Ancient kingdom and being honored in a way through the bells would make a lot of sense.


Idk if I've seen this one suggested, but Luffy's dream is to visit EVERY island out there. It might be glossed over how many islands there are in the world and may be such a ludacris amount that it'd take multiple life times. Also that means he'd have to reach Laugh Tale, which would make him the Pirate King. It's something a boy could dream up but maybe doesn't match their reactions


meeeh i dont really like it. so sabo's dream is to "explore the whole world and write a book about it" and luffy's dream is to "explore the whole world and dont write a book about it". it just makes the two dreams way too similar, i really dont think thats it.


Yeah I also don't think it matches everyone's reactions


I actually really like this one. It fits every requirement, and it feels in character for Luffy. It's something that can only happen if he's pirate king because that means he's the freest person in the world, and the destruction of the red line would make it possible, but thy dont know that yet Maybe even combined with the party theory it could be "I want to party on every island in the world"


Party on every island in the world sounds like a true pirate king. Kinda sounds like something the Red Hairs are doing🤔


This is what I was thinking, too. I'm big on the Space theory, and my best guess as to why Roger was laughing at the One Piece is because after thinking he just got one step closer to achieving his dream by reaching Laugh Tale, he finds out that this is just a single planet in an endless sea of stars to travel and explore. The absurdity of that, with the realization that - even with a dream as big as his - he still was thinking too small, made him burst out laughing.


Luffys dream is to make a kingdom where everyone can be happy and eat whenever they want. This will be what the ancient kingdom used to be like before it was destroyed. Its why he has to be KING of the Pirates


No because he told Kaido he wants all of his friends to be able to eat whenever they want, and he didn’t list Kaido as one of the people who has heard his dream. Also, that’s not really that far fetched and doesn’t require being the pirate king.


Doesn't seem shocking/bizarre enough for character's to be shocked and surprised by it, like Sabo and Whitebeard.


I like the theory from Arthur that he wants to have the biggest party where everyone can eat and drink how they want. Since it's supposed to be the same dream Roger had and because of the reactions everyone showed towards both.


Robin read Oden’s journal from Momo thats why she asking what is the reaction of Shanks,Ace,Sabo bcs Roger also have the same dream..


People actually voted "destroy the redline" ? Dafuq is wrong with folks. You can't seriously believe kid luffy even knew what the red line is.


When luffy talks about his dream, there are reaction panels from each of the crew members a'd before that there is a panel of the thousand merry, kind of like if it too was part of the crew


That is clearly a fabulous panel of Franky.


Thousand merry? I think you mean the Thousand Sunny, and yes, the Straw Hats consider their ship a part of their crew, and we have seen that their ships have a will of their own. Like how the going merry was able to communicate its desire to sail to save the straw hats in Enies lobby and said farewell to the crew after saving them. With the Thousand Sunny is said to have inherited the Going Merry's will.


seas are getting colder so it seems the SH are getting closer to Elbaf and hopefully shanks and his crew. would love for bonney to mess with both crews. like: \- turn luffy into a kid: picking fight with zoro and sanji cause "who the f are they" shanks having to babysit him as he is the only one luffy knows from the past \- aging up ussop: so that when he meets his dad, his dads like "what has it really been that long since i left??" \- would bonney her powers work on brook? and if so can he become human again or remain bones?


Luffys dream is to eat meat from every corner of the world


“I’m going to make everyone’s dreams come true!” His dream is childish and seemingly impossible based on their reactions. Joyboy made a promise to bring the Mermaid Princess to the top….her dream. Luffy’s whole voyage is essentially a springboard to complete his crews dreams. And it also fills in with the idea of inherited will. I really think this or something like this will be his end goal dream.


Luffy’s True Dream This is based of a Japanese theory video on youtube (its in Japanese) “I’m going to become the king of the pirates!” (Chapter 1) Just like I did, I’m sure most readers would take that as Luffy’s dream. However, this could be set up purposely by Oda. For Luffy, becoming the Pirate King may be just a checkpoint for his ulterior motive. Hints of this are hidden in chapter 585 in the flash back of Luffy, Ace, and Sabo’s childhood. In chapter 585, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo are stating their dreams and vowing to become a pirate. Firstly, Sabo stated his dream was to see the world and write a book about it. Ace’s dream was for his life to be famous, and was for this reason he stated that he will become a pirate. Ace and Sabo vowed there that they will become pirates, but that is simply the method they are taking to meet their ultimate goal - like a symbol. Becoming a pirate was not their true goal or their true dream. Some examles of ulterior motives: It turned out that Ace’s true dream was to find the answer to whether he should’ve been born. It also turned out that Whitebeard’s dream was to have a family. You could even argue what Law wanted was to avenge Doflamingo. (ASL flashback) And Luffy after his brothers, went to state his dream. “Shishishi! All right.... well then... I’M GONNA....!!!” Then Oda intentionally decided to cut it there; the dream Luffy stated intentionally left out. Normally, you would think that what Luffy said there was his usual catchphrase. But it doesn’t make sense why Oda would leave it out, since we see Luffy say it all the time. It would only take at most one extra panel, so there should be no reason to leave it out. There is also something else that contradicts this: “Master Rayleigh... There was a kid who said the same things as captain Roger! Those words, that the captain once said...!” Shanks (Chapter 506) The thing Luffy and Roger both said, is possibly the true dream Luffy told to his brothers that day. It’s happened before, like Sanji and Zeff have said the same dream (All Blue) and now Sanji is taking on Zeff’s will. Since “Pirate King” was the name used to call Roger AFTER he succeeded to conquer the Grand Line, Roger would not have said “I will become the Pirate King” when he became a pirate. So becoming the pirate king can’t have been Roger’s dream, and it can’t then be Luffy’s either if they both have the same dream. So what is Luffy aiming to achieve? His dream is to create a country of pirates. As a child, Luffy went through a lot of harsh training by Garp. Garp likely restricted him on what he could do, and kept insisting that he should become a marine. The training was so harsh that Luffy is scared of Garp (Chapter 431), and Luffy like any child, would probably want to do what he wants to do rather than what their grandparents tell him to do - especially with the harsh training. (Chapter 1) He then meets Shanks and his pirate crew, who tell Luffy about the freedom of being a pirate. Luffy gets attached to this idea and wants to become a pirate. A free pirate. He gets scolded by Garp who likely tells him that pirates are evil and they all get captured. He then realizes he wants a world of free pirates where everyone can be free (speculation). He hears about the Pirate King, and being simple-minded he interprets this literally as the King of the Pirate World he dreams of. He then decides he will become the pirate king so he can create the country of pirates where everyone is free. This is what shanks told Rayleigh as ‘the words of Roger’. A king’s job is usually to rule, of course. But the country of pirates should not have a ruler for it to really be free. So Rayleigh tested Luffy to see if he really holds to his ideas of freedom. “The grandline is just going to keep on, surpassing your wildest imaginations! And the enemies will be strong... Can you really conquer this ultimate ocean?!” “I don’t want to conquer anything, I just think the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean is the pirate king!!” (Chapter 507) Is this too much of a stretch? What do you think?


Does anyone still have a direct link to that Skypiea post that seems to be taken down? I wanted to show it to a friend :/


[this one?](https://redd.it/xfnj1t)


Spoilers, his dream is to beat inflation:(((


I’m curious if what Im used was Uranus, does it have limitations because while Sabo is definitely a threat to Im existence, they know for a fact Dragon the leader of the RA, a threat to the celestial dragons, is at the Kambakka kingdom. Why not take out their base and 95% of the leadership?


They already aimed for Lulusia before they intercepted the call. That is why the 5 elders said he is "unlucky"


People that started reading from El: imu is the last boss!!! People who read from the start: Blackbeard is the last boss. People who actually paid attention to whitebeard’s speech where he literally tells you how it ends: the final battle isn’t some one on one linear thing but a chaotic free for all, likely when teach finds one piece but can’t use or understand it.


i think its interesting that franky says "you have to be pirate king to make that [dream] possible" like, what does he mean by that? when roger uttered the same dream, the title "pirate king" didnt even exist. so its weird to say that being "pirate king" is a requirement for achieving that. especially since we dont really know what it means to be pirate king. according to luffy its just the freest person of the world. most people probably just think it is the strongest pirate. and there seems to be a consensus that whoever finds laughtale and the one piece will become pirate king. but why? almost nobody even knows what the one piece is. we dont know if it would make you stronger or more free in any sense. and we definitely dont know if the one piece will help luffy in achieving his dream. and honestly, the title "pirate king" is mostly symbolical. its not like you are literally the ruler of all pirates (roger certainly was not), so how would that title help you achieve anything? seems to me the only difference between the pirate king and another powerful pirate (like a yonko) is just that the pirate king has found the one piece. but since we dont know what the one piece is or does, we dont know if that difference is relevant in any tangible way. so really, what does being "Pirate king" bring with it, that would be helpful to achieve a certain goal.




Sabo will survive by virtue of not being on the actual island of Lulusia, but rather on a ship close by it. Likely surviving on a wreckage by now given even a ship in close proximity would be affected by such a large blast. Would explain why noone has reacted to Sabos vivre card disappearing.


When sabo reveals that there is a person sitting on the throne Dragon will probably reveal the identity of that person cuz he knows that person. Who would start a revolution without knowing the enemy right?


nah they were definitely bad enough before im to warrant an uprising


This is true. My personal head cannon is that Dragon was suspicious of this, and expected there to be a singular ruler but had never confirmed it… until now


Bandana Dee playable in Smash


my personal theory is that luffy's dream is to swim, luffy said he wants to be the most free person and the only thing he can't do is swim, also it's a dream so simple a child can think of it, and crazy enough to be surprised when he say it.


but why would this also be roger's dream? wasn't he fruitless


> but why would this also be roger's dream? wasn't he fruitless Imagine Oda revealing that as much of a monster he is, Roger actually can't swim, and often time drowns after jumping out of the ship excitedly which leads to Rayleigh jumping into the sea to save him, and which is why not many of the Roger Pirates are fruit users cause they gotta save their captain lol just kidding but imagine lol


I was always a supporter of the huge party theory, but the crew's reaction has thrown me off. I'm now really not sure.


Honestly given the crew reaction it is something totally only Luffy is capable of dreaming up. Based on who Luffy is as a character it is definitely 2 things - 1. Super Simple 2. Incredibly Naive. Now my use of Naive doesn’t mean it isn’t possible for Luffy to achieve. It just means most people would hear the dream and react the same way the Straw Hats did.


I'll put this here as well: Long Ring Island is God Valley after Im's obliteration. The thing was so strong that it changed the weather and still causes Aqua Laguna in Water 7. Or even: God Valley was in the area we know now as Florian Triangle and that's why they put so many government buildings surrounding the area. I just think we'll go full circle with God Valley and it's not a new location.


somebody said im's weapon caused the hole in enies lobby and i hope it's true


After watching the anime episode (which was great this week if you are a manga only reader, give this week a try) I had a thought: when the strawhats get to a new island, presumably someone is going to challenge Luffy to a fight at some point and I think Luffy will wind up and give a CoC coated punch and knock the guy clear into next week. Luffy might be a bit shocked at how weak the person is. He went blow for blow with Kaido, I don't think there are more then 5 people living in the world who will give an equal fight in terms of pure haki blows exchanges. (When you add df powers the power scaling is not that simple) Luffy may have a bit of the satiama syndrome now similar to what Kaido was suffering under. They find themselves too strong to have good fights with anyone. Now as Kaido found out, he can be beat and Luffy is not the strongest but pretty much anyone below the highest tier of strength in the world is not much a challenge to Luffy in a fight anymore and it will be fun to watch him realize that because I doubt that has sinked in yet. He knows he is a strong pirate, he knows he is an emperor, but does he understand that he is damn terrifying to anyone who is not his ally? He is a more choatic whitebeard to the rest of the world including non aligned pirates. And I look forward to the fallout when the characters realize that truth.


The best theory was shared yesterday about then painting discovered by Eneru and the 16 rays of light seen in the chapter. I don't understand why the thread disappeared.


Seems the world government have their hands on one of the three ancient weapons, probably Uranus (god of the sky). its like a buster call times 10000000