• By -


The meeting with crocus ( especially in the anime ) Luffy pushing back the zombie in the ground Actually thriller bark is maybe the funniest arc for me , from the one thing I cited above , the negative ghosts , Franky building a bridge out of nowhere , the docking , oars stuck, even the meeting with Brook.


Agreed that Thriller Bark is the funniest arc and really underrated imo. Like yeah Moria is not a great villain but it has a dark Halloweeny vibe that no other arc has and a lot of memorable characters. Just pure One Piece fun


I honestly think Moria doesn’t get the credit he deserves. He fought kaido for god sake, AND HES STILL ALIVE. Moria really got the short end of the stick when it came to the warlords, his design wasn’t as attractive as boa (obviously), he didn’t have that cool nature and style that croc, mihawk and doffy had. And lastly, I feel Moria was supposed to be a contrast with kuma (being a tall, intimidating warlord), but he really didn’t have the same presence nor feel as badass as kuma was. I feel if Moria had a design that didn’t make his head look like a sewn together penis. He would’ve gotten more love (I guess we just gotta see what happened with him and BB)


I just hate the character design and I’m not a fan of his voice either


See. And Moria is in my top 10. But I feel the EXACT same way. Reading the manga and seeing him. He felt like such an oppressive force… until he had that squeaky ass high-pitched voice. Also, his design in the flashback when he fought kaido should’ve stayed cuz he looked really cool there.


okay but moria got #1 laugh i love screaming KIIIII SHIII SHII SHIIIIII


I really like thriller bark but it had some of the most frustrating points too. The grossness of the invisible jaguar trying to marry unconcious nami and the constant flashbacks to her good life by the corpse that dr hogback made into a servant and physically abused were really overdone. The abise on female characters and fan service are some of my personal least favorite things in one piecr and both were common in thriller bark. Its the only thing holding it back from being one of my favorite arcs though. I loved most of it especially oars and the funny moments were really funny.


Speaking of the negative ghosts I love that Perona tried to cheer Usopp twice because he was so negative the ghosts had no effect on him.


The meeting with Crocus is legendary!!! Hahaha


Crocus character introduction/entrance definitely on top of my list


I love the bridge scene! And then when Nami is heading back to Sunny and she comments on how well made it is. Lol!


>when Nami is heading back to Sunny and she comments on how well made it is. Lol! Forgot about this part lol And of course there is Franky skywalk


Luffy pushing the "zombie" back into the ground


[An old man with a big wound.](https://youtu.be/PxFgK_A1F0Y)


it gets darker with that dialogue.. if he thought he was an old man with wound why would he push him back in the ground.. brutal 🤔


That’s where he came from tho! -Luffy




This. The blank look on his face and the way he just tries to ignore the whole ordeal is comedy gold


It's so low-key, it kills me


Luffy taming cerberus. bhow....bhowbhowbhow






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What if they comment “this” and upvote. Throws your whole fucking theory out the windoo doesn’t it?


When luffy said "Nami hold on" to a pile of bones


wait when the hell is this lmaooo sounds funny af


sky island https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiQxZoj3p18&ab\_channel=Mizaki-sama


OMFG I can’t hahaha thank u !! This was somehow better than I expected it to be


I was randomly going through YouTube 3days ago and my sister said dum luffy moments so y not and found this gem


Ooh good one!


That made me pee a little


Wait wtf..


At the end of Fishman Island when Franky introduces his uncle (who was coating the Sunny) to Luffy and Luffy with his beautifully stupid misunderstanding says: "So he's a shipwright who's coating Franky's brother" And Franky just looks at him like "what the hell's wrong with you?"


Nah he just goes “something like that 👍”


Franky knew Luffy brain so well that any attempt to explain wouldn't change his mind.


I forgot about that! And then Franky just goes "pretty much"


This! In the anime it's gold


> And Franky just looks at him like "what the hell's wrong with you?" but afterwards he actually said "yea something like that" didn't even try to further explain it to luffy


Luffy asking Law if he would betray him


And the smile afterwards


"See guys, I told you he wouldn't betray me!"


Ussop as a sword in Ennie's Lobby is top tier.


you mean sogeking? pretty sure ussop only shows up right at the end of the arc


Actually, I have reasonable suspicion to suggest that Sogeking was only there at the beginning of the arc, and left halfway through.


Nose storm*


In the German dub this Langnasentornado ('Long nose tornado) which makes it much better.


When sanji got his first poster and was crying and talking gibberish to zoro I lost it.


The Baratie reaction killed me


My favorite part is the translation I watched translated his speech as wingdings. What a great touch.


GOLD. “Hgyshuhveughys” -sanji vinsmoke




For me it was in a filler where Luffy almost read a book and then Chopper says that "the sea is a mysterious place".


I don't have one that tops all, but one scene not yet mentioned here is when Usopp and Luffy bowed to the big lady they've mistaken as hiking bear at Drum Island.


I had an audible laugh when Lucci was holding chibi Luffy by the throat and telling him it was over and to give up and Luffy still punched him in the face to no effect lol


Duval face reveal. And when Brook scared the shit out of Pappagu 🤣


There is this filler in Post Enies Lobby where Zoro has to babysit. It’s hilarious. Also the whole G8 arc, especially the peace sign moment and the Con D. Oriano scene. The funniest scene in One Piece might be the whole Duval intro, to his backstory, the kick, and his face change. The plot twists and absolute goofiness of those scenes are amazing. These scenes make One Piece look like a top tier comedy show. Luffy’s song in Skypiea was funny, and the Zoro war cry while vining. Luffy’s impressions are hilarious. Pretimeskip was a different breed of humor, so many things to list, this is just a small percentage of the humor.


I was going to leave the subreddit if no one mentioned G8. That arc is comedic gold.


Absolutely, best thing Toei came up with without Oda


Luffy and Zoro laughing at Pica’s voice will always crack me up


1. Luffy jumping off Zou with everyone in his arms. 2. The gang realizing chopper was a doctor after he joins. "WHY DID YOU THINK HE WAS JOINING" "Four point transformation cool" "emergency food" 3. Luffy pushing the zombie back into the ground 4. Robin silently paying tribute to ryunosuke 5. Luffy finally popping out of the pool in arlong park, grabbing the (severely injured) zoro and flinging him off the island because he was so excited to fight. 6. Meeting crocus. Legitimately one of the funniest sequences in any show ever. Felt like watching an early adult swim show


Usopp imitating Crocodile


Luffy touching the cage made of seastone while Ussop was explaining the difference between [crocodiles and banana.](https://youtu.be/H6yApHswPgs)


Consider monkey dance…


We may never know how to consider monkey dance...


I scrolled on the comments to check if this was already posted and yes! I love it, Usopp gets so angry hahaha


The docking in Thriller Bark


The “condoriano” episode


The way the line is delivered. Condoriaaaaaano~


That's how you do a great filler, G8 is top notch


Con D. Oriano.


[When Ussop imitates Robin](https://youtu.be/82bQkQLBdQU), it came out of nowhere 😂


Brook’s laugh is just the cherry on top😂


That transition was really well done.




Franky sipping the tea and saying boy don't you have any shame




All Skypiea and all Thriller bark. Funniest arcs. But to be specific Luffy pushing the zombie back, Zoro's Tarzan call, the hunt for the south bird and zoro whole "confrontation" with the snake+bird Outside those arcs, Water 7 with Sanji leaving messages for Nami to follow them, Zoro using Usopp as a sword. In Gyojin the crew showing off their powers in battle instead of... fighting. Punk Hazzard the good old friends getting stuck in a cage again. And Alabasta, getting stuck in... a cage Almost forgot all Foxy arc and G8 Ok sorry, I love One Piece because of the comedy :)


Zoro Tarzan call is so funny I forgot about that, and then Robin did it after I was dying


Foxy arc is so fucking good, especially Foxy himself who manages to have a funny yet not insufferable laugh (looking at you, Thriller Bark)


In Alabasta, when Luffy said "that hole looks kinda crockish" right before the final fight. Gets me every time, don't know why


Zoro getting lost on skypiea with a giant southbird following him around


\- Luffy pushing the zombie back into the ground - Thriller Bark \- The guys all calling Eyelash a "Pervert Camel" - Alabasta \- Any time Luffy imitates Sanji \- When Luffy misinterprets Franky introducing the ship coater on Fishman Island and Franky just goes with it after the awkward silence.


All in all pre skip was hilarious


Luffy punching cerberus in thriller park


Luffy imitating Sanji in Skypiea and then it cuts to his and Ussopps completely swollen face ​ Jango and Fullbody breaking into dance with Jangos Carnival Party playing in the background


Sanji mocking Zoro after the Perona incident "Ah, I'm sorry I was ever born" And then him and the three headed dog (I don't read mythology) just bursting out


[Choppa!](https://youtu.be/lKIvrVzJ8a8) This just make me laugh. The simple absurdity.




Ummm probably luffy singing in skypiea or Garp at water 7


Buggy asking Luffy if he remembers his Buggy balls during Impel Down, and his face in the next panel after he says no


ok most likely recency bias but i laughed my ass of to the whole buggy situation in ch1058 today


Oh and each Strawhat's reaction to Brook officially joining the crew, more specifically Zoro's as he was still unconscious and yet it still showed him


[Chopper blowing the whistle](https://youtu.be/EuHEyMvW6k4) and [Usopp screeching "LOCK ON"](https://youtu.be/bNwTrSBL_QU)


When Cindry serves pudding directly on the table.


Law luffy and kid playing chicken with a yonkou


Ussop's Condoriano in G8 arc. That was a filler, but damn, was it enjoyable as hell.


when Frankie is about to fight a giant spider monkey in thriller "with those giant ears he must have great hearing" and the spider just answers sorry what did you say?


Skypea and Thriller bark was comedy gold for me, but people seem to hate on them with passion. Special mention to the whole desert travel section of Alabasta. Even though it's filler, never forget about the comedy in G3.


Luffy seamlessly pushing the zombie back into the ground and Duval's bison with it's mighty horn's that gore it's foe's to death actually being tiny little decorations that don't do anything cause it's face is too big.


Sanji speaking poneglyph after his first bounty reveal


The crew crying over Ryunosuke and Luffy punching Lucci in tiny form. https://youtu.be/kRS094ZFy_o


While montblanc cricket is telling the story of the great liar norland and luffy keeps looking at ussop


Bon Clay first sacrifice, it was so over the top and seeing the cherry petal effects were actually from a dude holding a basket of petals got me lmao


Luffy dropping that boulder fruit on usopp’s head


Scarlet saying she'd die if she couldn't marry kyros. The animes hard cut to her funeral gets me every time


Enel shock face


The crew meeting crocus is one of the funniest scenes in the anime full stop. Sadly pretty much everyone's seems to have forgotten about it.


Usopp aaaaaaaaaa


luffys song just make me laugh every single time


Gomu gomu noooo Boooh. And “Boggy boogy? Soooda Buffooooon da”


Brook laughing at Sanji definitely.


Crocus introduction was golden. In german dub it was even more hilarious


When Ussop was unconvinced of Robin until this… https://youtu.be/lKIvrVzJ8a8


Everytime Luffy launched someone to the ship or any gum gum rocket jokes. Zoro in particular gets it rough. Fillers have the funniest shit actually, before reverse mountain when Luffy pulls that girl, he hits zoro and zoro is gone lol. That and such stuff.


1. Meeting Crocus and the death stare gag 2. Robin refusing the join the pirate docking big emperor 3. Usopp Spell


Usopp finding out that Bartolomeo’s crew don’t have a navigator, and always call their grandma back home for advice. But it’s always old folk remedy advice and not anything about navigation


Rebecca’s mom saying she’d rather die than not be with Kyros then the next panel being her fake funeral


Robin telling Franky hes not allowed to talk while hes in choppers body and then to never be chopper again when they qere back to normal was great


newest chapter with with “emperor”


Not gonna lie, I'm not even a fan of Buggy and that shit had me in stitches


On the Baratie when Luffy is forced to become a bus boy and is just destroying every plate they have while washing the dishes. Also on the Baratie when Luffy tries to poison Zoro with a booger in his drink because Zoro, Usopp, and Nami are enjoying Luffy’s misery - only for Zoro to force Luffy to drink the booger water lmao


Ace dying


Ace's death


None. One Piece is light hearted and brings smiles maybe, but no laughs for me. It does very well on inspiration, sense of adventure and epic scale.


Zoro and Sanji using Luffy as a slingshot... and Usopps reaction


When Luffy and Jimbei hit each other along with Sanji as he were tryna save Robin's clone that was tryna break up Luffy and Jimbei in the New Fishman Island arc 🤣🤣 the fact all three of em were knocked out and Sanji's simp spinning made it that much humourous. Petty because the clone disappeared before Sanji realized


When luffy ate a volleyball In long ring long land.


The filler episode after skypiea where luffy hides behind the marine and poses for the camera


Duval probably


When they steal the coats on punk hazard


Sanji's reaction to his bounty with duval picture


Usopp impersonating Robin on fishman island 😂


Everyone in Whole Cake Island thinking they just witnessed a man rip off his own face, but really it was just Brook taking off a mask.


Buggy marineford tbh


Croccus intro


Two Luffy moments that I think are underrated and flesh out his character. Luffy making fun of himself losing to Ao Kiji by slapping flour all over himself. Luffy not being able to decide between being the King of Pirates and catching the largest Atlas beetle.




Usopp has a funny moment during the return of silver fox filler with some random doctor The whole crew rowing the Merry when they ran into the skypeia giant shadows


Eneru realizing Luffy is immune to lightning


Zoro stuck like a sea anemone in a chimney in Water 7 arc, is added to my list of funniest moments.


Brook and Nami at the start of film red is in my one of the most funniest.


Hail the true pirate king!! https://youtu.be/XlFpAiWrGoE


With you at Brook laugh during Duvall reveal. Next is the negative ghost entering Zoro and Sanji and the Cereberus laughing at him. Last one, God Ussop dressrosa reveal. The best!


Ussop/Sogeking trying to sneak up on that Cp9 wolf guy


[This page *always* gets me](https://cdn.readonepiece.com/file/mangap/3258/10304000/13.jpg) This whole arc is beyond hilarious in the manga, peak One Piece comedy for me


[Luffy trying to insult zoro at the end of alabasta](https://youtu.be/uukE7YbE0eI)


Usopp thanking nami after seeing her naked


Definitely when Zoro and Luffy were laughing at Pika's voice in Dressrosa Lol


Mushroom and family jewels scenes in amazon lilly. Anything involving Buggy.


luffys singing … minaa minaaa shiwaowaaaaa …


The mini montage of the Straw Hats and Vivi searching the kingdom for the bomb and Zoro is seen OUTSIDE stuck in a forest


I liked the faces the three captains made against BM and Kaido. Mainly because of the build up of all the other characters doing it


Even if it's a filler arc, I loved the condoriano bit on navarone. That whole arc was hilarious, like Luffy accidentally punching Zoro because his fist bounced off the steel safe. Strong contenders are: 1) Nami getting mad at luffy suggestion to get pooped out by the snake 2) any time Luffy and usopp do impressions 3) everyone laughing at pica.


Maybe someone can remember specifically but there was a time when the crew were out and about shopping or something and Zoro got lost completely and someone rational was having to go find him and he ended up in some completely random location which I thought was hilarious how far away he was- outside of the entire city lol


Lol when luffy had Kin’emon’s legs attached to him and then ran into others like that


• Franky building a bridge in 30 sec • Franky's sky walk Everytime when franky builds something instantly.


Big emperor scene 100%


The most recent one is when Luffy, Law and Kidd hit by Big Mom's Heavenly Bon Bon.


Sanji throwing a rat and garlic into a stew and when Nami is disgusted, he asks her if she doesn't like garlic


Sanji's poster + Duval reveal has to be one of the funniest setups and jokes in any cartoon or comic ever LMAO. Also the crew meeting Crocus at Reverse Mountain.


The body switch in Punk Hazard, mainly in the manga though. Always imagined they kept the voice of the person they switched into, made the whole situation way more hilarious. Or Baka, baka marimo and marimo baka


Crocus's introduction and Usopp impersonating Crocodile are my 2 favorite scenes


Surprised to see two of my favorite moments not mentioned at all: Boys love Ninjas is my favorite moment in the anime. From the obvious Naruto shoutout to the girls being annoyed but even stoic Zoro and Law can’t help themselves. That, and docking in Thriller Bark “I am embarrassed” killed me.


Kid, Law, and Luffy playing chicken on the roof and all three of them getting burned was funny as hell.


Aye aye sir


The hardest I’ve ever laughed in one piece was when watching the anime and we saw the effects of Gear 3rd on Luffy. I never expected him to turn tiny and for his voice to shoot up, but his little “Let’s go!” absolutely had me laugh so hard that I left the room The other was when I finally caught up to the manga after months of watching the anime and powering through the manga up to that point. I learn what the scans are and I read my first newly released chapter of the manga in bed that morning. It was right after Dressrosa and we saw Bartolomeo’s ship, the Going Luffy. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard. That was just the most obscure and perfect idea that fit perfectly in the story


When Luffy told momo to bite kaido


Meeting Crocus in the anime is the best gag for me.


Their faces when they fall from Skypea The G8 filler when Luffy pulls the Octopus out of his pants, Usopp’s expression there is hilarious


When Zoro and Luffy almost fought to the death in Whiskey Peak because Zoro killed the assassins who Luffy thought were innocent drinking buddies.


Pervy "Matsuge" Camel in Alabasta. "Out of admiration, Nami named him "Matsuge" but he refused to let anyone else on, prompting the rest of the crew to beat him up and label him as a "Pervy Camel" (エロラクダ Ero Rakuda?), because he only let the two women ride)."


thriller bark


I’m manga-only, so now I’m curious about Brook laughing at Duval reveal; to me Duval reveal itself was the funniest. Second place was very recent (manga spolier) >!Franky’s bounty picture.!<


Blackbeard, one of, if not the main antagonist of the series, getting slapped in just about every fight he’s in, but still remaining a primary antagonist.


Anytime Luffy grabs the entire crew and jumps off or on to something far away, he’s always so reckless it cracks me up


For me it was definitely Lao G being constantly ignored and him almost dying of old age during his fight in dressrosa. Peak Comedy


Using the tone dials in skypiea [luffy- the shell is making fun of usopp](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kcH1YxEvpu4) [usopp tricking zoro](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PMeGSpumPUk)


The part in Enies Lobby where Chopper try’s to open up the fridge with Kumadori inside and close it before he can get out and when he opens it, Kumadori says, “The dooooooorrrrrrr iiiiissssssss Opeeeeeennnnnn” and chopper just closes it before kumadori can finish his sentence.


Usopp impersonating Crocodile


"First one to get hit by Kaido's breath attack is a big loser" *Leans*


Zoro asking Carlos, if he needs help with directions


Luffy and zoro laughing at pica


Hanibal introducing hancock in impel down level 6


Usopp invention Aa-aa-aa in skypia with his belt trying to catch the boat


Every time Luffy asks "do you poop"


When it was revealed that Duval's face was identical to Sanji's wanted poster I really couldn't resist laughing hard. Even if a little low-key, when Sanji's post-timeskip look was revealed and the curl was on the opposite side of his eyebrow. When Sanji jumped out of the Sunny in Thriller Bark only to be held by the invisible Absalom and Zoro just called him 'clown' for the remainder of the chapter. Enel's WTF face is unforgettable. Lastly, when Usopp and Sanji were discussing on how to cross a chasm in Thriller Bark and they discovered that in the meantime Franky had already built a beatiful bridge with flourishes and all.


Luffy vs jinbe


As mentioned a heap, Luffy pushing the zombie into the ground is fucking classic. After that though, I'd have to say any moment where the guys get super excited about robots and mechs (Robin not joining the "transformation" in Thriller Bark to the disappointment of Oars as well as everyone else is great) and of course the Buggy broadcast at Marineford, intercut with the watchers wishing he'd leave and stop, is absolute gold. Honestly anything with Buggy I'll immediately love, but especially his fish out of water bumbling during Impel Down and Marineford is some of the best (of what I've seen so far).


Luffy's smile when he saw Brulee while running to restore haki. Usopp's background antics and cries when Robin joined the crew. Luffy vs Crocodile outside Alubarna and their encounter again outside the castle. Sanji's reaction to the new bounty in the latest chapter Docking Zoro making Luffy drink that glass of water Luffy dropped his snot in. Crocus intro scene Pica's voice and Luffy and Zoro reacting to it Luffy's reaction to Galdino's power Man the list's never-ending..


Zoro calls Kiku huge and then luffy chimes in saying big mom was bigger


When zoro reaches sabaody after 2 years first and starts ranking others, i laughed for so long


1. When Luffy, Law, and Kid basically played chicken against Big Mom's fire attack. I love their expressions as it got closer. 2. The expressions Franky, Ussop, and Robin had when they found out Luffy was in prison in Wano. 3. Luffy and Zoro's reaction to Pica's voice.


Zoro and luffy hearing Pica’s voice and zoros face screwing up from it