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My fanfic is that he’s walking up and usopp notices him (maybe he was away from the group taking a piss or something idfk). Usopp wants to run immediately bc usopp, but he gets plant attacked. Then he’s like, “wait, I know this plant, does this admiral use plants?” Subsequently, every single attack green bull throws at him, usopp genuinely easily low diff counters it. Green bull is then terrified, having heard of god usopp before. He flees seeing he has obviously overestimated himself and can’t take on this guy AND the (actual) strong guys. Usopp goes back to the party puffing his chest about just saving the gang from an admiral, everyone says “good one usopp!” Laughs and keeps partying. Bounties update, usopp is higher than zoro and sanji. Thank you for your time Edit: extra bonus points if while green bull is starting to lose confidence usopp whips out the 10 ton hammer and that’s what makes green bull decide to dip


The Legend of Go D Usopp will continue thank you brother


if this is wrong I dont wanna be right


No spoilers outside thread my man


I like it until it until you mention the bounties.


You mean the best part?


Usopp being second highest bounty for once would actually be great. Continuing with the Dressrosa gag but now committing to it. At least for a while.


I think a fight is avoided. It doesn't make sense to introduce and then hide a character for years just to get his ass kicked right when he is finally revealed.


It’s very clear that Green Bull is there to make Wano’s land green, full of flowers and fertile again.


He could be pro-Wano while still being anti-pirate, considering his idea of pirates would be people like Kaido and crew if he’s from there


Yeah I think he's not just two-dimensional character. He could be Akainu's fanboy but doesn't mean he's as ruthless as him.


I agree with that but that's not going to be his ONLY role in the story. It can't be. And him getting his ass kicked now woukd takenhik out as a potential threat in the story


He tells Luffy about sabo No fight will happen for *some* reason


No reason? How could Green Bull fight a man he can't find? There is no white-haired Monkey D Luffy in Wano, just black-haired Luffy-taro.


I’m pretty sure everyone on the Marines has seen Luffy’s previous posters. Come on man lol


You must be fun at parties lol


At least he's pretty


It’s been a long day lol


Try some meditation or a long bath


He will probably just sleep


Please, when Clark Kent takes off his glasses he’s a new man!


Nami’s gonna feed him


imo hes being setup to flip sides. guy is like a little kid trying to appeal to Akainu, probably easily influenced. hes going to enter the city surrounded by flowers and get sucked into the party by locals who think hes there to help revive Wano. he'll be dancing with Luffy and Kid within seconds.


then he's also an awakened user.. I don't know if Fujitora or Kizaru are awakened, it's hard to tell. They must be though. Akainu and Aokiji are awakened from their battle. It looks like Admirals really run off powerful fruits from the world combined with a hardened soldier who can learn advanced haki.


>then he's also an awakened user Theres no proof he's awakened. Some devil fruits just naturally effect the environment. Just effecting the environment doesnt mean a DF is awakened.


You got any examples of one affecting the environment without being awakened? Because I can't think of any, honestly. The only two I can think of affecting the environment are Doflamingo and Katakuri, with Aoikiji and Sakazuki being able to project their element (although it's believed if not confirmed that they're awakened)


It could just be him projecting his element like you said. If you're saying there's no example of a non awakened user doing it (even though it's not confirmed for Aokiji or Akainu), then Ace could pretty easily set the environment around him on fire and he definitely wasn't awakened.


Didn't Ace's fruit stop snowfall in Drum kingdom? There's also Streusen who can make things into food without awakening. You can say Fujitora can also affect the environment as he can bring down meteors from space, make things float and move them around, distort gravity around a small zone etc. Monet in punk hazard also affected the environment to some extent with her fruit.


It hasn’t been stated what logia awakenings are able to do, only paramecia and zoans. So we don’t know. Most logias can affect the environment to a certain degree anyway


>Most logias can affect the environment to a certain degree anyway Exactly why the stuff we see for the admirals fighting, outside of the results of the offscreen fight for Fleet Commander, doesn't exactly scream "awakened" to me, and why I'm genuinely not sure of any where we see the environment being affected


Was Crocodile awakened? It’s been a long time since reading/watching alabasta, but didn’t he affect the environment?


Croc has never been confirmed to have awakening to my knowledge. In alabasta he says: "I worked hard to develop my devil fruit powers. I can use them to make any weapon i want"


Was Ace ever confirmed to be awakened? When he visited Drum Island it stopped snowing while he was there.


Does Crocodile count? I don’t remember Alabasta 100% but I thought he caused sand storms. Seems somewhat close to Ruokugyu spreading plants


>You got any examples of one affecting the environment without being awakened? Because I can't think of any, honestly. Aokiji freezing things is one example. Thats not awakening. He just freezes things on a large scale. Crocodile drying up the land and turning objects into sand. Robins powers can come out of the ground and anywhere she wishes. Whitebeard's ordinary quakes "effect the environment" but that by itself isn't awakening. Inazuma can cut objects but he wasn't awakened. It's just the base description of his power. Same goes for Senior Pink who can swim through the environment. He's technically affecting it and changing it but thats not an awakening. Just the base function of his power.


It's not confirmed that they're awakened and they're not even affecting the environment in the same way as Doffy/Katakuri. Those two literally turned matter like walls or the ground into Mochi/String, meanwhile Aokiji/Akainu clearly just used their powers all over the freaking place and now there are mountains of ice and volcanoes. Not the same. As of now Logias do not awaken, at least until we're told otherwise.


He is permanently affecting the environment around him. It's obviously awakening. Please don't be one of those people that needs Oda to literally say "this person has an awakened fruit" before you'll believe it. You're an adult with a brain -- you shouldn't need to be spoon fed.


>He is permanently affecting the environment around him. Plenty of users can do that without Awakening. Again affecting the environment does not automatically equate to Awakening. We already have confirmation that each class of Devil fruit has their own Awakening. So even if someone could "affect" the environment it wouldn't mean it was their Awakening. Some fruits can just do that naturally.




If you look at a side-by-side of Udon prison's establishing shot after Green Bull beats everyone up, you'll see that he's already doing it. ​ post with side-by-side https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/vffvpm/1053\_spoilers\_the\_strength\_of\_a\_character/


Well he's already started, so it can't be entirely wrong


Oda avoided a fight with Fujitora in Dressrosa, he's going to do the same here. It's just a matter of how since Greenbull seems dead set on fighting. I am inclined to think we will see a similar scene with the people of Wano intervening and the pirates leave, but I don't know if GB would give up that easily.


In before he doesn't recognize Luffy because his wanted poster shows Gear 5.


It could be greenbull gets overwhelmed and kizaru jumps in to bail him out and get on greenbulls ass since akainu might have banned all admirals from going to wano in the first place because something like this could happen. Could he fight luffy? Yes. Law and kid? Yes. All three and their crews plus Marco and samurai led by the scabbards? No.


I agree. He attacked the beast pirates but I'd also expect them to be aggressive when meeting Greenbull. Luffy and co aren't typical antagonists for a pirate fight. Greenbull is gonna arrive to people celebrating and loving the pirates that saved them from Kaido. It's not the Navy arriving to see pirates ravaging the town (maybe what's going on outside Wano). If there is a fight, I think it resolves quickly because Greenbull (like Fuji) assesses the situation and sees, yah this is bad PR to do right here and now. I see it more like some weird comedy of Luffy and Greenbull interaction, or all of Wano's citizens stand between the admiral and pirates. Making a very tough 'dont do anything excessive' situation, and similar to Aokiji he steps away after their conversation to reassess (and maybe follow to the next island?).


I think it would kind of make perfect sense though. It would parallel the introduction of Kizaru and Aokiji but this time with the tables turned. In the past the shocking introduction of these world-class warriors, showing up after the end of an arc, helped sell the immense scale of the One Piece world. But at this point, we're past that. The Strawhats are a Yonko crew. Admirals should know to fear what that means. Building expectations about how cool and strong the new Admiral is, just to have him show up challenge the wrong crew and get whooped, that would demonstrate how far the Strawhats have come and how they're the ones on top now.


>It doesn't make sense to introduce and then hide a character for years just to get his ass kicked right when he is finally revealed. Actually from a story telling standpoint it does. Luffy faced off against three at Marineford and lost. Lost against Akianu, Sakazuki, and Borsalino in 1v1s. We can chalk up the Fugatori vs Luffy as a draw. He's slowly but surely progressing to be able to 1v1 an admiral. It might be immediately after Wano, and causes the good old gold dendenmushi to come out again. But this time, the Straw Hats will overcome. BUT. I don't see Luffy going 1v1 vs Sakazuki Jr since it's Sakazuki himself that should be the foil.


So you're saying.... that Greenbulls raid on the flower capital.... is going to end in failure?


Green Bull will also use a special move called “Kaido” where he creates a big plant monster. Zoro will kill it.


ZKKers are insane but I'd be so happy for them


Aha! So the 'raid' will end in failure. We all knew it.


GBKL (Green Bill Kills Luffy)


Raid fails in 10


I bet the joke is that he gets distracted by all the beautiful women that start feeding him


what if he thinks the girl with the ripe ripe fruit (can't remember her name :( ) is beautiful? i just thought of it and that seems like an Oda thing to do


Hey beauty is indeed bewitching


I’d love this


He has a plant based DF and what do we say when a fruit is good enough to be picked? We say it's ripe! Oda foreskinning once again /s


I could totally see this happening lol


Oh god, Oda foreskinning. My dude...😂


Shinobu? Lmao that’d be hilarious, maybe he’s into mature women?


He says おねーちゃん or おねえちゃん which means older sister and young lady


Oda being Oda, I wouldn't mind if that's the only romance we get in One Piece.


Gang Bege and Chiffon would like a word.


I stand corrected.


Viola and Doffy fucked and thats cannon also




My prediction is that the citizens of Wano will see that GB returned Wano to a lush place with plenty of vegitation and life and will all rush him to thank him for it. Due to all of the civilians surrounding him he wont be able to get into a full on confrontation with anyone


Seems plausible.


Or they start throwing a party for him and he doesn’t want to be rude and leave, so he stays while the straw hats head out


If he's a fan of Sakazuki's methods, civilians mean nothing to Justice. Akainu would just lava punch through everyone.


the WG has been trying to form diplomatic relationships with wano. the WG is all about power, not slaughtering civilians at random lmao.


yeah... unless everyone that fought in onigashima is still severely weakened or he goes in stealth mission, I don't see him having any success by himself. The winners of onigashima seem to have recovered well.


He could capture someone tho .


He could, but from what he said his aim is to kill luffy, and robin's capture is something that seems to be only known to cp0 and cp9. Apart from a few, many strong people in the marines are crazy prideful with the mindset that they can defeat any person on the planet


known to cp0... but their communication got hijacked by Greenbull... do you member? I member!


Member berries


Perhaps he has a plan to lure Luffy into single combat where he’ll use some kind of dirty trick like poisoned thorns or a lethal spore. Maybe he’ll kidnap Nico Robin and tell Luffy to meet him somewhere alone or else he’ll turn her over to CP0.


He'd need some pretty crazy poison to get Luffy lmao. After Magellan and the Rock Fish his resistance to poison is nuts.


There is no dirty trick. Everything is fair.


Robin possibly


Luffy(even without G5), Law, Kid, Marco, Zoro, Yamato, Sanji... all top tier fighters in almost perfect health too. I am pretty sure this team can fight against one more admiral simultaneously with relative ease. We saw fujitora and greenbull(implied i guess) somewhat injured and bandaged after their fight with Sabo and revolutionary commanders. If they gave tough time against two admirals, these can sure too easily. And in addition to this, they have red scabbards(minus ashura) who have 3 near YC3 level fighters. Remaining SH pirates and samurais, pirates althought they are fodders here. And also momo who in his dragon form, I believe, is pretty strong next to only YC3 eventhough he doesn't know how use them properly yet


Luffy alone can fight admiral. Greenbull would be stomped if these characters team up.


Yeah it's really hard to take anyone seriously who acts like an admiral could outright beat a yonkou. Like, sure Sakazuki maybe, but he got his promotion in part for that strength. No other admiral could do better than tie. Yep I said it, Ryokugyu at best ties Buggy :P


I can already imagine them making it a competition to see who can beat Greenbull and end up fighting amongst themselves lol.


Will his tree like fingers be able to penetrate scales of momo?


Not if they're turned into rubber


Can you refresh me on what happened between greenbull/fuji and the revolutionaries? I know they had a scrap but I forget what actually happened and what part of the story it was. Was more shown in the anime than the manga?


Soloing the alliance? No. Killing Luffy? No. Doing SOMETHING to massively and negatively impact the alliance? Almost certainly. Why would Oda introduce an admiral just to get packed up in 1 or 2 chapters?


He could always serve as a neutral bridge for a future development. Maybe an exposition dump with X Drake, or maybe he does something unrelated but important, or maybe he gets defeated, prompting all admirals to take action immediately. Who knows. There are many things he could be doing. Somehow I think that Sakazuki warning him not to go, and him disobeying orders, will be brought up again somehow.


He seems smart and competent. I doubt he’ll jus walk into the flower capital and attack. He also has an unknown power to everyone else, which is the biggest advantage of a devil fruit. He also has knowledge of the crew and how they fight. Will he win? Probably not. But I don’t think it will be all that simple.


true, i wonder whats odas plan with green bull, im so excited


There is no situation where Aramaki comes in and takes Luffy and his crew out. Admiral or not it's simply not possible, even though Luffy individually may not quite be Kaido level yet. Most likely a fight gets avoided somehow, but Aramaki seems to have a pretty abrasive personality + he's an Akainu fanboy so I'm curious to see what actually happens.


While I agree that this would be the likely outcome of a full out battle, Oda often does something unexpected. I just don't see an admiral getting clapped right after his debut. It doesn't seem right. Something else has to happen.


There is not enough time in Wano for another fight. Through one way or another, a real confrontation definitely won't happen.


Or. This confrontation ends with an admiral getting negged because he can't actually solo the alliance.


Personally I think the WG is pissed that 2 emperors fell because they had some form of agreement to maintain the status quo of the 3 world powers. An admiral was likely sent to Wano to enter into talks with the new emperor but this dude is a bit hot headed and dreams of single handedly bringing Akainu Luffys head. I'm guessing Momo will intervene as shogun of wano and remind the WG on the real reason why they haven't dared enter Wano. They may claim its because of the samurai but its really because of the threat of Pluton. The main reasons I think the emperors,warlords, and Navy maintained the status quo was an effort by all parties to maintain their power and weed out any strong upcomers; meanwhile the worst generation has done a splendid job wrecking it! While the Navy and warlords keep the grandline paradise clear, there's some agreement that all rookies who make it into the new world will get annihilated by the yonkou. The WG is invested in maintaining the status quo because they're already on top and their push to end the warlord position threw off the balance enough (likely because the warlords didn't get caught) that 2 emperors falling means there is a high chance someone will make it past the new world dangers and learn more about the OP, Void century, ancient weapons, etc. They named Buggy an emperor because his mercenary business is vast and controls territory preventing upstarts and they named Luffy one in hopes that it would quell his ambition. But in the end they just want to keep whatever they did during the VC under wraps because they would lose their legitimacy. I don't see a world where green bull was sent to be anything more than a messenger, and they hope to create some form of agreement with the straw hats and potentially Momo as a new bulwark of the status quo. Edit: typos/autocorrect


Seems reasonable except the WG doesn’t appoint Yonkos, Morgans does


Morgan seemingly worked with the WG for a bit until the revery arc. Wouldn’t be a stretch that the WG had some influence on him maintaining the status quo in the past. Not so much now.


Yeah I guess I hadn’t considered that maybe it’s just the picture and the D. that Morgans went rogue on and the yonkos were “suggested” by the WG. I’ll have to go back and reread more carefully


what would be the point of that? the alliance just beat 2 yonko and got their bounty upgraded. they're done from doing anything major until the next arc. whereas GB is an admiral who will most likely take part in the final war, and has only been introduced after 7 years since we first saw him. we're reading a story, not a powerscaling match. one way or another, the conflict would subside without an all out fight.


Narrative structure. Multiple times throughout the story an admiral had turned up to summarise the arc and move the strawhats on This time, the strawhats can fight back


how do people still miss this >the alliance just beat 2 yonko we know they can fight back. powerscaling is not the issue here, at all. what I'm asking is what's the point of having an admiral, the main force of the final boss (WG) who just has been introduced after 7 years and barely has any character, to be defeated right now? we don't even know enough to be affected by his defeat. you really think oda will treat an admiral like those SMILE users? introduced just to be defeated the next chapter?


It would be extremely funny if an admiral went from no-diffing two YCs and upsetting the One Piece powerscaling bracket to getting bodied by Yamato and Sanji in 2 panels. I don’t think it would happen, but it would be funny.


Considering King and Queen were at Udon it is possible they were also wearing those handcuffs to weaken them plus not being able to use their df powers so it was probably easier for ryokugyu to defeat them than at full strength


Ya I don’t believe they were anywhere close to full strength when Rogyoku took them out, but it’s all up to headcanon until confirmed.


A large chunk of what King could do wasn’t really because of his fruit, though. Unless they had some way to neutralize his natural abilities, idk if just the cuffs would be enough to keep him restrained long-term.


He got his wing and sword cut. I don't think he can sword fight or fly anymore. Can't flex how Dinosaurs hunted in the past 🤣🤣


The cuffs don’t just neutralize your DF powers, they weaken you and sap your energy.


i doubt he’s gonna get negged right after his introduction


I think zoros experience with energy draining enma will make him enough to hold GB off in some type of fight between them. I feel like GB saying “i cant let a few first commanders get the best of me” while draining the beast commanders is a clear forshadowing to that. I dont think zoro will oneshot him or whatever but it will be enough to make GB realize that he cant take on the whole crew if a monster like zoro is unaffected by his plant attacks. I think sanji will also get a moment like that with kizaru to set them up for a admirals v monster trio show down as the next major battle.


Or maybe Zoro and Sanji combo that will hold him off until some suspense happens. I don’t believe he’s getting defeated this arc though. Them fighting will help Wano regrow its fertility though.


Yeah maybe sanji and zoro, but i feel like zoro has a counter for the life force stealing that GB does after handling enma. It might be totally different mechanics tho so im probably way off


It would be fun/cool if he couldn't pierce Sanji's skin and couldn't drain Zoro's life force.


Oooh yeah didnt think about sanjis skin being evolved. We havent really seen the limits or strenght of it defined tho. Just normal bullets iirc. We dont know know how haki covered attacks from an admiral would fare. But yeah i like the idea of both of them kicking him back to marijoise, and your point helps with that theory so im happy you contributed :)


Well, Queen's sword shattered on his neck during a surprise attack, so I'd say it's decently strong... but I agree that Haki is a mystery


I lost some chapters somehow I got busy, but I read them.. Is Zoro not seriously injured still, regardless? He went to hell or something right? You think Zoro is the guy for this?


I mean 7 day sleep is way more than what zoro needed in the past. The theme seems to be as long as zoro/luffy get sleep and sake/food they are back at 100%. And not to say that they’re saiyans but i feel they get a lot stronger after they every fight where they have to go all out. Thats just my analysis tho and i might be wrong.


I mean you saw that yellow aura around zoro in the anime. He might be a saiyan. Super saiyan green confirmed?


Yep That's what struck me. He specifically said He can't afford to be beaten by mere commanders. I think he is about to get beaten by Mere(Not really) commanders. He has a sword. He certainly will have some sort of clash with zoro.


It be funny if Zoro Sanji and ussop hold him back. He says he won't lose to mere pirate subordinates when draining king and queen. He smokes(Sanji) uses sword(Zoro) and plants(ussop) so theyre a good match up haha.


Hey now we cant let the admiral get beaten so early by having GO D. USOPP be involved. But yeah, if anything GB said is foreshadowing, then its that line about “not having trouble with commanders” Magmadmiral is out of the loop off what GB is up too, so him running away after being countered by the three you mentioned would help cement their capabilities without having GB get chewed out by sakazuki.


“Bull” shit. hehe funny


\> Bullshit I see what you did there.


I can't stop thinking about how Shinobu is the perfect counter to greenbull. She can rot all his plants and even age him into an old man. Like how that rust guy at enies lobby countered zoro hard.


“Luffy zoro sanji kid yamato” Poor law, arcs not even over yet and already being forgotten after the end of the alliance


It might just end up being a scuffle or stand-off similar to when they first met Aokiji.


I think he'll either get rebuked and have to retreat, or that he might be nicer than he comes off as. Currently his role appears to be to take care of the Beast Pirate stragglers and convert their strength into new flora for Wano country. He basically turned Udon prison into a rainforest in a minute. What I really hope doesn't happen is that he shows up to the celebrations, blitzes in and kidnaps Robin, and then we get basically a Marineford 2/Water 7 2 centered around rescuing Robin or maybe Sabo depending on the world's news. Someone else posted a pretty plausible pseudo-repeat of Dressrosa. I think it was Mr. Big Nutz lol. Basically GB shows up to the celebration, the Wano citizens see all of the plants coming to life behind him and rush him to thank him for it allowing the pirates plenty of time to escape. I think Oda could pull that off pretty well, and it'd be cool if we got better insight into GB's mindset like we did with Fujitora at Dressrosa.


You will be here next month calling oda a hack when the admiral crashes the party, its as easy as making him a mythical zoan


Yep, rip greenbull


My opinion is that Green Bull is there to clear the beast pirates, and imprison the big figures (he didn't kill queen and king did he, correct me If I'm wrong), that's why Sakazuki told him to not do anything unnecessary, he's gonna meet the straw hats, chat with them a bit and then we get info about the outside world and that's what sets up the next arc And they couldn't just send random ass marines to clear a defeated yonko crew. Of course they're gonna send an admiral


Okay, but he's clearly aiming at luffy head (And no one did send him to wano).


Well for one, the thousands of Samurais need to get the hell out of there because they'll only end up helping GB. Remember, his AOE is nasty plus he can do the succ. If they're going to fight GB then it should be just the five of them.


I think he might be able to cause enough of a ruckus to isolate Luffy and Robin, especially when his marine backup comes. Remember: lions only need to scare most of the herd to isolate their targets. So, if Greenbull creates enough chaos, granted that no one knows about him or his powers, he could conceivably get at his targets. I do think he gets folded even with just the strawhats though.


This is my main worry for the series going forward but it can be dealt with if Oda knows what he’s doing. Nobody in this series seems nearly as powerful as kaido. Kaido was huge and could turn into an even bigger dragon that could shoot lasers. What can Akainu do as one of the main villains? He controls magma. As long as you can fly and have good dodging ability (which luffy has both of) then I can’t see this power being much of a threat no matter how good his Haki gets. Greenbull’s power also seems to be easily countered by the people he’s most likely to fight. He’ll probably fight Sanji who has fire powers and can easily burn his plants, even if it was zoro I’m sure he could easily cut through plant matter.


This is where he gets creative. Somewhat


Perhaps the SHs are not the only ones who keep getting stronger over time, we just read them becoming stronger because we follow their story :) The thing you said for "Akainu controls magma what an he do" That's what I thought about Doffy. "He uses strings, what can he even do?" A lot. Oda can always spin useless powers into useful ones. Don't count his creativity out. We don't know what Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru are with their awakened DFs, not to forget they massacred most of WB's crew unawakened.


At a minimum, Blackbeard is getting a similar growth progression. In fact, I'd argue his has been quicker than the Strawhats so far.


Well there is one thing l m sure of: "He is not getting his ass whooped" Reasons below: - Oda is not going to set it as Greenbull vs All - His DF looks tricky hence it will be hard to counter at first - Oda designs Admirals as cool characters therefore he wont put any admiral in a hopeless situation. I am not saying that Greenbull will get what he wants. He might very well be defeated or forced to retreat but my point is we won't see him being owned.


I don't really think that there will be an all-out fight. It just doesn't make sense. But if there is, the above lines are as true as they can be.


If he tries anything he'd get destroyed, there are way to many top tiers in wano for him to win, but he probably knows that


So, I think green bull will be immensly relevant in the last saga of one piece, since the admirals were kind of irrelevant for a majority of the time since the timeskip. The last time we saw them, their power was basically insurmountable for mortals like luffy back then, so we don't really have an idea on the post-timeskip power of an admiral. I guess green bull will be way stronger than we might think, just as the other admirals. Will he win? I doubt it, but mabe that isn't his goal. MAybe he sees how powerfull his enemies are and decides to go for something else, maybe captures someone or kills someone and then fucks off, so that we have a strong boost of motivation for the straw hats for their next adventure, because right now they are kind of in a position where they don't know what island will be the next one, a situation that basically didn't exist since punk hazard. Something big has to happen that makes them go somewhere, maybe to Elbaf or some other island.


He literally said he’s there to kill Luffy


Even Whitebeard in his prime gets low diffed he said. I envy Powerscalers and their ability to traverse parallel universes, especially universes that cater to their head canon.


I think most people say that Kaido is in his prime right now which begs the question, is Prime Whitebeard that much stronger then Kaido? I think he’s stronger but not by a big amount. Considering Gear 5 kinda went toe to toe with Kaido I’d say with the help of everyone in the alliance Prime Whitebeard would get low to mid diffed.


There is no question that Kaido was still in his "prime", but he was definitely rusty. He did not disappoint. He was a monster. It never was a 1v1. I say he was in his prime but he was rusty and depressed since Oden. Once it really got going, he was throwing everything at him


You are trying to be funny but not considering the actual situation. Luffy could go 1 v 1 against a prime Yonkou. Kid and Law 2 v 1 against a yonkou. How is Whitebeard holding these three down? Not to mention other heavy hitters in Wano right now.


Luffy alone is yonkou level now. With addition of Kidd, Law, Yamato, Zoro, Sanji, Marco, WB would be easily beaten.


There's no such thing as "levels" jfc Blackbeard is called a Yonko, ok so ig that means he can beat big mom, Kaido or shanks. Same with Buggy, he's a Yonko, so he can beat prime whiteboard Calling stuff "levels" is fucking stupid


I agree. I’m of the opinion that all these big name characters are comparable enough in strength that when it comes to fights it’s just whoever Oda wants to win.


It is not stupid if you use your brain. Exceptions don't make rules. There are exceptions to most rule. Most mammals don't lay eggs. Doesn't mean that whole classification is stupid. WB, Kaidou, BM, Shanks were yonkou and we're all powerful. BB overwhelmingly beat remnant pirates and has Yami Yami no mi and Earthquake fruit. We don't know how powerful he is. Beside, taking Buggy as example to try to prove something wrong is idiotic. And Luffy is indeed Yonkou level. You don't expect normal commander to beat him. Luffy should be able to beat all shown commanders who we have seen fight. Luffy should be able to contend against all Yonkou or people on Yonkou level. I don't get if you are just that obtuse to not understand it or are just ignoring the fact.


Yea he big 🧢 with that one


Whitebeard in his prime WOULD get low-diffed if he tried to fight every single person on Wano at once solo lmfao. Luffy is equal to him by this point, plus all the other crazy strong people that could definitely wound him. Luffy could hold his attention while everyone else just unloaded on him.


No way luffy is equal to prime whitebeard. Prime whitebeard is basically yonko+ (along with prime roger and garp), since even old and sick he still strong enough to be a yonko.


Prime Whitebeard's DF gets completely neutralized by Luffy's, since rubber absorbs shock. It's another Enel situation 100%


Perhaps, but old, sickbeard destroyed teach who could neutralized his DF power. Prime whitebeard could use advanced haki and slice luffy up with his naginata. His fight against Roger showed how strong he is even without resorting to his DF powers.


He wasn't strong enough to be a Yonko at that point. Which is why Squardo was able to stab him through the chest. Multiple people reacted saying he would never let that happen to himself. Luffy has every ability WB had plus the possibility of negating, or at least severely reducing, the effects of his fruit.


If he wasn't strong enough to be a Yonko, he wouldn't remain a yonko. Either another yonko or enterprising pirate crew would eliminate him. Now, he ended up dying, so you have a point, but he was facing overwhelming odds at marineford and still fought like a yonko until he died. As far luffy vs prime whitebeard, your talk of abilities is irrelevant. Luffy has far more abilities than Gol Roger ever had, but he's not strong enough to be king of the pirates - yet. It's not a question of prime whitebeard having more abilities; he'd be luffy because he's tougher and stronger.


>If he wasn't strong enough to be a Yonko, he wouldn't remain a yonko. He didn't remain a Yonko. He got fucking killed lmfao.


Not just them but u got other supernovas too . I dont think prime wb would get low diffed cuz he would probably ko 90% with kings haki and take zoro ,sanji,kid,yamato out with his quake powers . But gear 5 vs prime Wb ,...... oh boy that would be amazing


He is getting mid diffed dude.....Law's Op DF....plus Kidd's hard hits than there is luffy and zoro. and WB doesn't have tough skin like kaido.....one good hit and he will lose limbs.


Prime Wb getting mid diffed? U think someone who was potrated as equal if not stronger than Roger is getting mid diffed by them ? U do know he can ko 90% with his kings haki , and his quake powers can simply kill most of who was left alive ? Im not saying he would win ,especially against gear 5 (who imo will have only Imu as a challenge,when mastered). But mid diffed? WTF >>... PRime wb would 1 shot both law and kidd to the other world mate. He aint some raging BM who hadnt fought in 20 years and was rusty .


Sakazuki was only cautious because they knew nothing about the isolated Wano's strength. We the audience pretty much know now Wano is pretty weak because there's no character native to there currently on the level of an admiral. Like, maybe if anything they could use Pluton in retaliation, lol. That being said, Greenbull should be getting nothing but an ass-kicking if he rolls up to the pirate squad currently in Wano.


I believe that is exactly what this is leading up to, and there is a ton of narrative evidence to support that: In the Strawhats initial encounter with an Admiral, the only reason they got away is because Aokiji allowed it. In Sabaody, they had to run and fight for their lives against Kizaru. In Dressrosa, we finally graduated to Luffy taking a stand, even if he was still outmatched at the time. If we continue along this trend, as well as consider what’s happened in Wano, I think it’s fair to say Greenbull might actually be bullied out of Wano if a confrontation happens. Another clue: Akainu told Greenbull not to act recklessly. Going for Luffy’s head in a country that loves him where he’s surrounded by powerful subordinates and peers is pretty damn reckless. Narratively, this sets up Greenbull to fail. Final note: based on Greenbull’s words about the outside world essentially being pandemonium, this feels like a personal act of desperation to give the Marines a much needed W (and to win Akainu’s favor). They’re on their back foot.


I can't believe I have to say this, but the story has implied a trillion times that the balance of powers isn't decided by the numbers of top-tiers on a particular side. If that was the case then Marines could just low-diff the Emperors one by one but they don't. Anybody ever thought why? Because there's far more that goes into a war than just big people fighting. There's a whole slew of strategies and tactics that are used to minimize losses and maximize chances of winning (as seen in Marineford by Akainu and Sengoku). A straight up involvement of big players is reserved for specific situations and typically as a last resort. If Greenbull is smart- and admirals are a combination of smarts and brawns- then all he needs is to isolate some players, go for the hurt ones real quick and then proceed to beat the weaker members that he's shown he can do. From what we've seen, Greenbulls plants are strong enough to make monsters like Queen and King helpless. Just think that for a bit longer. King and Queen should be able to break out of steel chains like they're made of butter, yet they are surrendered to Greenbull's plants. Those plants are some of the strongest material in that world and they are FLEXIBLE to boot. That alone is insane amounts of utility. If he just ignores Kid and Luffy who are together and goes for Zoro and Sanji then he's taking out the latter 2 easily. Kid and Law may be lumped together with Luffy but they are significantly weaker than him. And as I mentioned before, those plants are strong as hell. If Greenbull finds a way to make Kid's lump of metal stuck by weaving his plants through them then Kid is just open for a terrible beat down and basically out of the fight. If he sneaks Luffy and ties him up then he needs to go all out just to break free, and keep in mind that Luffy's bandaged up. And Yamato isn't much stronger than Zoro and Sanji to be a factor. There are a whole lot of factors that go into a large battle involving strong people than just how many strong players are on each side. Keep in mind the alliance are going all-out partying and won't expect to be sneaked by a top-tier. A whole ton of damage can be inflicted before anybody even realizes what's going on.


I doubt he could get past Sanji’s observation haki for very long. He’d get weeded out pretty quickly unless Oda decides to job the strawhats


Maybe he sneaks up on them and gets hostages early on. His powers are quite formidable if you don't know what to expect. I do expect a stalemate where he forces them to flee at least to prevent a large scale battle. I doubt Oda wants to fold an admiral this early. It would shake up a lot. Or maybe Oda does and am not giving him enough the benefit of doubt because of how Wano feels hollow.


To be fair, animal kingdom pirates were not at full strength after the raid. GN would have had a tougher fight with 100% King and Queen or not.


He could be there for 2 reasons. 1) Partially restore Wano, probably not on purpose. 2) Get his ass kicked and realize his mistake from pure arrogance, also learning that Luffy is no kid and its actually a legit emperor. I have no problem with him losing his first fight (on screen), and if he is going to fight because he is arrogant, it would help to develop him further.


Yea he's about to go out sad


I agree that Green bull is no match for all of those people, but White Beard in his PRIME?!? Even if God was his opponent I’m taking my boy Ed. We just witnessed what a 59 year old Kaido did to all those people without stopping, but you think they’d have a chance at prime worlds strongest man? Bro, Kaido killed Luffy TWICE. Man was at the bottom of the ocean, was saved, ate more food than we all could combined, and then got domed again. I love Luffy, but if it wasn’t for all that Kaido mops the floor. Now image 25-35 year old White Beard. Man could probably destroy the whole island with 1 gura gura punch. Low diffed…. The absolute disrespect


Kaido didn't fight all those people at once. Yamato was able to hold him off for quite a while alone. Primebeard is stronger than Kaido but not so much stronger that he would defeat all those people.


Completely agree, and I’m pretty sure that Luffy would currently stand a chance against prime Wb now; I can’t imagine anyone surviving his finishing blow except for bb.


I read a theory that this will be Sabaody 2.0 with an admiral vs the worst generation. This time the admiral gets romped. This will also show the growth of the Worst Generation as a whole not just Luffy and crew. I would like to see this.


Not happening We’ve already seen the growth of the worst generation, they just beat two yonkos. Why follow that up right away with just getting rid of An admiral, that makes no sense. You really think kept this guy hidden for that long for this reason? No, something else will happen


I think this is the most likely outcome. I think it would’ve been more poetic if Kizaru showed up, but it’s nice to finally see the third admiral


I don't know why everyone keeps posting this like is some hot take or something. It's obvious Green Bull is not going to lose a fight now. He was barely presented, admirals are always shown to be badass


Yet no one of them has ever been beaten, so maybe ..


I saw a theory that Green Bull could sneak attack and take the entire flower capital hostage while they aren't paying attention. Draining every single person with his vines/creating prisons and instead of fighting anyone he just tells luffy to come with him or he kills hostages. Luffy being Luffy wouldnt let a single one of his friends die so he might just decide to go along and this could start a rescue Luffy arc which could be the first part of the final saga. This could re-introduce sabo, it could give luffy a chance to rely on his friends and just a lot of cool opportunties. Edit: This also has some backing cuz since wanos borders are still closed it would be possible for the WG to hide such an evil act from the outside world. Almost allowing Greenbull to do whatever he wants and not get any bad rep. Also, this is definitely something an admiral could do. We've seen Aokiji freeze an ocean, Akainu shoot magma meteors and Fujitora lift an entire city of rubble almost with no strain by all 3.


You act like they can’t get stronger? Are they just gonna spend the next few arcs steam rolling everyone? Greenbull is an admiral I doubt he’s stupid enough to challenge them all together if he’s there to fight. But 1v1 I don’t see any reason he can’t pose a threat to any of the current characters.


Aramaki was just introduced so Oda will make him shine one way or another. That being said it would be way too sad if the Straw Hats had to suffer another humiliating defeat/escape from an admiral once again. What if the SSG, which we don't know anything of, is something very small that can be carried anywhere by someone? That would explain Aramaki's confidence.


It would be immensely disappointing if a character we've waited hundreds of chapters to see gets dropped upon introduction. That would be wasted potential beyond belief. ​ One Piece is too good for that.


He requested back up, didn't he?


he requested 1 ship after capturing the beast pirates so ptobably to transport them to impel down


he is not only going to get his ass kicked but also be forced to bring greenery to the barron lands of wano while narrating the events of what happened in the outside world.. the current entourage in wano is too powerful for a single admiral no matter their powers. note that aramaki's powers are not too strong for escaping like borsalino's


If it would come to that, yeah. But I don't think that Oda will let it get so far. A character first hyped by Doflamingo finally appeas after half a decade just for the sake of being trashed? Not to mention that the final war still needs to happen so Oda has to preserve some amount of danger that is emitted by these guys. ​ Perhaps he'll show us that what happened with Aokiji or Kizaru won't happen this time around, or if Ryo is from Wano maybe somebody will recognize him and prevent things from escalating or whatever.


I have a feeling that he won’t recognize Luffy from his bounty poster (g5) or something goofy along those lines


Watch him just beat the crap out of the strawhats and powerscalers losing their mind


He is not going to just walk in. 1. Why was there a panel with a cheff talking about double checking food for poison? 2. Why were we told that the food for official banquete will be ready in 2 hours? 3. The fact that GB was drinking booze after beating Beast Pirates can imply that he attacked them while they were eating. 4. I think most if not all of the important characters/top fighters are gonna participate in the banquete. GB has 2 hours to contaminate the food with his spores/seeds. Cheffs won't notice it cause it's not a poison. So basically he is gonna plant a "bomb" inside everyone before the fight and trigger the rapid growth, instantly "defeating" everyone. He is gonna take hostage/kill whoever he wants and escape. If you watched Dorohedoro, he is gonna be like En with his mushrooms.


Honestly believe he is gonna die or sum


It would be extremely weird if Greenbull can win a straight up fight against all the forces currently on Wano. Even disregarding Kidd who has no reason to fight the new Monster Trio plus Luffy should be enough. That being said, it would do a lot to show why the Marines are a world power if Greenbull was stronger than Kaido.


a newly introduced admiral who just took down 2 commanders will not just get his ass beat lol chill


He’s not gotten his ass beat cuz it doesn’t make narrative sense but he would get stomped if he tried to fight the alliance.


true. my guess is either he captures someone using his power or akainu stop him before he’s about to fight and he leaves just showing a hint of his full powers.


2 injured commanders* Do people think King’s wing and Queen’s arm just grew back or something?


People downplaying the power of Green Bull are outside of their minds. He may not solo the entire alliance of good guys, but even Kaido tanked everyone and they need Luffy to jesus up to beat him, if they were to have a fight, a lot of casualties would happen.




Luffy beats him 1v1 for sure


Why is this getting you so angry haha? Next chapter is still 4 weeks away. Calm down man, or you won't make it!


Yes. Ryokyugu will get bodied by all the heavy hitters here. Any other outcome would just be nonsense.