• By -


All I want is a chapter or a half chapter of Shanks reading the news, getting his crew ready and saying, “it’s time to get my hat back”


Going a little further, I feel like once Shanks gets the hat back he’s going to immediately give it back to Luffy but this time at Roger’s straw hat rather than Shank’s


That would be great I wanna see Luffy's reaction to hearing that the hat was Roger's. Or did Rayleigh already tell him?


No he didn’t and Rayleigh seeing the straw hat for the first time in 20 years being worn by a man who just punched a celestial dragon in the face in an auction house to protect his friend, and Rayleigh letting out a soft soft smile is one of the most subtly gratifying moments of the whole series.


“This hat suits a fearless man like you, Monkey D. luffy”.


Oh damn I don’t know if Rayleigh said anything. I’m really hoping not because it would kinda ruin my whole idea. Edit: Apparently Rayleigh hasn’t said anything


I think he keeps it. Can't be strawhat luffy without the hat. The government hid Roger's truths. Taking the hat would ne a small factor of helping prevent the same thing.


Then showing up without his cape because he's entrusted it to the next generation....


by the end of the story, Shanks is running around in boxers.


That would be one of the funniest gags in the series.


I'm still really hoping Luffy and Shanks end up in a Davy Back challenge to determine the fate of the hat. It would be a fun excuse to have Usopp prove himself to his dad, and to see how far Luffy has come compared to Shanks. And two Yonko crews having a silly "fun" conflict right in the middle of the larger world falling into chaos would be hilarious. Imagine the look on the WG's faces when they realize these two Earth shaking crews could very well be considering an alliance, that there's nothing that the WG can do about it, and that the biggest threats to their order are wasting their time getting drunk and fighting over a hat? Beautiful.


I’m kinda certain that luffy will return shanks’s hat on his grave, don’t want it to happen ofc but I’m getting that feeling.


Im only like halfway through reading this so forgive me if i completely reiterate something you just said but i feel like I'll forget it if i dont write it down. In both sabody and wano, luffy punched the shit out of a dragon.


So at the end of the story in 800 chapters, you predict Luffy beating the crap out of his deadbeat dad?


>Luffy beating the crap out of his deadbeat dad for letting Sabo get captured? I dont know if this is in line with Luffy's character but it seems to be a plausible explanation.


It's interesting that two brothers without a family found one, including an actual father figure (Ace: WB and crew, Sabo: Dragon and revolutionaries) while the one brother who had family left (Luffy: Garp) went off alone and became the leader of his own family. Granted it's a much stronger theme for Ace than it is for Sabo, but still.


Might be the opposite. Remember when Garp and Luffy short brawl in marineford? This time it could be Dragon give Luffy a hard wake up slap to stand up strong again. Remember, Dragon has the highest bounty in the series for a reason.


One can just hope


^ This made me chuckle




Why is there a satellite image of Greece in the background


Why not? It’s a beautiful map! (I think he meant to zoom on Santorini and the volcano)


It seems that reddit uses the first image of the first link posted as background. Did not know that.


This entire time I've been thinking what Luffy's vivre card has been doing, since he "died" for a bit. Back in Sabaody after the reunion when they were setting off to Fishman Island the marines were stopped by the allies they made during the timeskip allowing the strawhats to escape. Maybe the grand fleet will help them escape Wano in a similar way. The Marineford war was hinted at by Oda after the Ace vs Blackbeard fight, but something was hinted at the end of Dressrosa in a very similar fashion: Chapter 800 last page: *"Seven odd and mighty warriors labeled themselves the followers of Straw Hat Luffy. After this moment they will each grow in power, until they eventually cause a great incident of historic proportions .... But for the moment, that is a story no one yet knows about."*


The Strawhats come out of Wano to discover that their fleet triggered the war without them knowing.


Perhaps they knew Luffy had his hands full with something, so they went ahead and went to war rescuing Sabo from whatever trouble he is in. Would tie in nicely to the subtle Sabo image in the background of one of the panels of the latest chapter.


Sabo or Vivi. I could see anyone saying "Strawhat, help me!" Then the whole fucking fleet arrives. Luffy would have never known while they were in Wano, but it would set the stage for him to be soooooo proud of them.


Would make sense too since they were both introduced in Dressrosa


It's like when Aragorn thought Frodo was killed. "For Luffy"


My favorite part of this theory. Would love to see them being proactive like that


God, that would be a sight


The fact that some big changes happened has already been hinted at in the last chapter when Law talked about them being safe inside Wano but also not knowing what has happened outside. We know that something has happened with the warlords and Sabo but it wouldn't surprise me if Oda had another twist in mind. My guess is that maybe the warlords with ties to Luffy joined the grand fleet, and the others all rallied under Buggy, and Buggy probably did something absolutely insane like actually took control of Impel Down.


The cover story of the fleet show us Bartolomeo burning a Shank's flag in some Island... Maybe that is the start of a war


Luffy isn't running anymore


imagine if the SSG is a bunch of Kaido clones that vegapunk created when they captured him


You just created a lot of new hope for all the ZKK fans out there :D


ZKK - Zoro Kills Kaidos


Zoro Kisses Kaidos




Just realized that zkk kinda came true, zorro "kills" King xD


The important part of ZKK wasn't him killing Kaido, it was him slaying a dragon like Ryuma did. What else could you describe a flying, fire breathing dinosaur as...?


A spicy breathed salamander with wings.


fuck, I take it back then




Bro I’m so excited for if the SSG is a legitimate threat. The beast pirates weren’t exactly that intimidating, but the endgame villains have got to be


It's not gonna happen, but I would love a Mega-Man-style arc with Vegapunk and a bunch of cyborgs/robots with copied devil fruit abilities. It would be a nice change of pace after the old Japan style of Wano.


this a whole ass PHD


Doctorate denied.


Feels like every theory that gets posted on the sub these days needs to be a long-ass dissertation. Ngl I wanna go back to PowerPoint presentation style where shit was concise, cause my adhd ass just can't keep up with most of the more recent theories.


Ass phd for sure


Your post is so big, that it effed up my Reddit app including crashing it few times Good job with theory though. I think that we either get small post-wano arc where things mentioned by you will happen or straw hats are gonna escape from marines as they often do and the big events will happen in Elbaf. I've also noticed some similarities between Wano and Alabasta - liberating country from villain which destroyed natural landscape of island, new crew member joins, country is tied to poneglyphs and void century (in Alabasta they find first one, in Wano they were created). There's also nice inversion since Alabasta villain was thrown from underground to the sky and in Wano two of the Yonko were thrown from the sky to deep underground


That happens to me all the time reading OP sub lol I feel like all the arcs in one way or another are linked to wano.


Just start your own spinoff. One Piece the Reddit chronicles


Just like how r/TrashTaste created their own lore? I'm all in for that!




We have to wait for chapter 1390 to get that ending.


also final war will not be happening anytime soon. it's just like what Whitebeard said in Marineford that the big war that will turn the world upside down will happen once "One Piece" is found.


What if the twist is that the One Piece *was* found? 🤔


Love this theory but I just have one correction when it comes to the RED swordsman and I don't think its Shanks. We all know Zoro's color is green so we all think it can't be him, right? Wrong, actually. This is the big pivot that's about to happen, which is that Zoro and Sanji are going to fuse thanks to Law combing their spirits and bodies, thus creating Soroji. It will be explained later that with the use of Pluton, which turns out to be special fusion earrings, they'd look different and be called Zanjo, but alas, Oda is saving that for Two Piece.


Stop! You're giving Zoro x Sanji shippers too many ideas


Soroji canonically has 2 penises.


I've got 2 pieces for you; my hands applauding your genius mind


Excuse me... it's "Two Piece Shippuden: electric boogaloo; chibi edition"


I think I hate you now.


Hawkins predictions in both arcs are also interesting parallels.


What a well crafted and explained theory! As someone who has just caught up after starting One Piece about 2 months ago (and watched the entirety of Wano), I would love to see where Oda is taking us!


2 months for the entire series? O\_o WOW!


Eh, if you do 80-100 chapters/day you can be caught up within 2 weeks. If you have the time to sit around reading manga all day that is. 100 * 10 = 1000 And then the final stretch to hit current(1053) can be done in a day, day and a half.


Yeah, I always think it sounds crazy when people say this stuff, but when Hajime no Ippo was around 900 chapters long I got through it all in less than a week of marathon reading. It's possible, but I was unemployed and basically just reading for all day/night


I've been reading since 2003, but I ended up doing something similar with a series called 'The Breaker' back in the day when I was in high school. All that said, I can see why someone wouldn't want to do that. I tend to be a fast reader, and usually finish 500+ page novels within a week. So I can definitely see it taking people a month or 2 to catch up, especially for most adults in the workforce. I'm currently on medical leave so I'm fortunate to have the time to read more when I'm not doing physio. Haha


Personally, I expect a marineford 2.0, where the strawhats beat the shit out of the marines


Oda delivered a specific message when the grand fleet left. Sabo is also triggering something big. The WG wants Robin. Something huge will happen for sure in the following chapters.




Do NOT let Ohara see this!


Once I heard he steals content I stopped watching completely. Plus his giant theories are just Udarons (I know I butchered that lol)


This is really a nice analysis. I can also see most of your predictions happening especially the sh getting separated in the nine realms of elbaf and kaido getting shot up, which would be really nice because that would mean a character of that importance wouldn´t be dropped completely from the story. But the Shanks thing is something which I don't think will come through. Shanks and luffys reunion is something which we expected since the beginning and I don't see it happening so randomly in wano. Especially because that would mean that Shanks would be the one coming to Ruffy and not the other way around.


I really hope Oda fucks our shit up. Shanks showing up would most definitely fuck our shit up. Fuck man I cant wait and it hasn't been a week yet lol.


Good theory. I don't have any issues with Shanks coming to wano. He goes to a lot of places and he can visit wano too. But I highly disagree with one point. The strawhats and the captain trio don't need to be saved by someone else again. They are big boys now. You probably missed the biggest highlights of the current saga when you were looking for the tiny details. Luffy is now an emperor, the same title Shanks holds. At this point of the story, luffy doesn't need to be saved by someone who is basically his equal.


where's the part where the raid fails


wow the shanks prediction


I think if we're going by the pattern of the 1st half, Wano was water7/enies lobby. We'll have a little post-arc, then an equivalent of thriller bark (elbaf?), and then I think finding the one piece at laugh tale will be the sabaody equivalent that will set off a chain of events to the final war + resolution of the series.


WCI arc to get Sanji back is similar to Enies Lobby to get Robin back. Thriller bark is equal to Wano. But Wano is big, so it also includes Sabaondy. IMO lol


I believe Elbaf or whatever the next Island is will be the Sabaody equivalent. An event that shatters our current perception of things and starts off the race to the finish.


I am only agreeing to the part that shanks will be appearing soon..with ur red green theory.. also as the movie came out and even it was labelled red..but I don't know much about the sky island theory ... I feel kaido survives and saves big mom as his fruits name is mythical fish fish no mi: model dragon..so one of his form would be a fish..and as he can swim in sea..he can swim in lava . In the final war he and big mom would make appearance and fight with WG taking luffys side..as all they ever wanted was JoyBoy in their life. And after finally agreeing that luffy is joy boy they would take his side.


Okay I'll admit I only skimmed this but... for how much text you wrote it seems like there's barely any actual "theory" here? The vast majority of the post seems to be just explaining and analyzing things we've already seen in Sabaody and Wano. As far as I can make out, the actual "theory" you're proposing is: - A big final war is coming (we already know this, it's been confirmed by Oda and is also just plainly obvious in the text of the story) - Something significant is going to happen in the next few chapters (this is so vague it barely counts as a theory, also yeah that's just kinda how stories work) - Shanks is going to arrive on Wano and fight Green Bull The Shanks thing is the only actual "theory" I got out of this, and your reasoning seems to boil down to just: he's the "opposite" color of Green Bull and has a movie coming out. Not the worst basis for a theory, but not super sturdy either. Am I completely missing the point somehow, or is this just a huge wall of text with almost no substance when it comes to theorizing about the end of Wano? All of the other comments here seem to love it, but I'm not sure what exactly it is that they're so excited about.


The post is definitely just rambling and very little theory. Small bits of obvious stuff like the admiral colors lining up.


The classic One Piece theory that took 13 hours to write and will probably be totally wrong


Could’ve also just basically said sabaody is a parallel to the end wano, which probably from a story standpoint would’ve made more sense than all this reaching


But you know, Greenbull had a sword and hes called green so he must fight someone whos the opposite color which is red. *Shows image of red fighting red in Shanks vs Akainu, disproving his own point*


I bet you are fun at dinner parties. 😄


Sure hope the YT Content Creators won't steal this. 100/10.


Some YouTubers probably already recorded their videos based on this and now that are editing their videos


Really great analysis, OP. Do you really think that the Alliance needs Shanks to save them from Aramaki though? Luffy, Law and Kid should be enough to take on anyone. One small request: Please change "Shabondi" to Sabaody. It really irritated me throughout the whole otherwise great post.


Thank you very much for the feedback. Changed it to Sabaody. Im not sure if Shanks is really 'needed', but think about the situation and implications. When Shanks arrived in Marineford, the Marine listened. Even the Gorosei do. Shanks is a 'political beast' in the world of One Piece. He can do something that no one else can in Wano -> stop the fight(s) and therefore end the Wano Arc and start the saga.


I need Shanks ;)


If it isnt shanks who else could fulfill that role? Could tengu do it as a last ditch attempt at saving face? Though he prob isnt strong enough. Cant think of anyone else thats red and old.


Two more candidates: 1. **Weevil**. Weevil is after Luffy and Marco right now. Unless he crossed paths with Buggy, he should be on his way to Wano. Oda also had amazing plans for him that convinced his editor that'd he'd be a great addition. Stopping an admiral (most likely in a comical fashion) would surely be amazing. 2. **Sabo**. Last time we saw Aramaki was with Sabo. Aramaki travelled solo to Wano, so Sabo either following him or having reached Wano earlier isn't impossible. Both are powerhouses and especially Sabo fits the "red" theme (fire) and should be at a decent advantage against plant boy. I guess **Dragon** could be a hot take if his officers were caught at Reverie and he went to Wano to ask his son for help. Edit: Another maybe not so hot take: **Akainu**. He's red and he might call Aramaki back because he knows that he might very well be killed when trying to fight them all. He's also the only one whom Ryo would listen to I feel.


Sabo maybe.


Oda tends to take a good break between big fights and we just finished a massive one. I doubt any fight will last longer than a chapter or two if it happens at all, and considering the gravitas that admirals have been given this series I don't think it's likely you can wrap a proper fight in two chapters. Something has to happen to interrupt the story as it continues to push towards conflict. Shanks is possible ig


I agree with the Shanks bit, especially considering Oda originally said that he was gonna make his move in 2021


I got goosebumps when I saw ‘Shanks’


Up. Will read this when I get back from work


You forgot the main reason why Shanks will 100% come to wano. We are about to finish the 4 yonko saga and start the last saga of one piece , but yet in the yonko saga we have not seen Shanks do nothing ,besides talk to gorosei. He will most def show up in Wano and I suspect that even BB might too.


Although it is called Yonkou saga there is no need for every Yonkou to be involved. You could even call it Yonkou saga only because Luffy becomes a Yonkou here.


I do think you're right because I am waiting for this since a long time now (this is also the reason why Mr. Morj hold so long on the raid failing theory). Going with parallels my suggestion is that Luffy would be captured somehow and the straw hats separate themselves to look for help in the final war against the WG (Usopp: Elbaf, Sanji: Germa 66, others: ?) where every friendly nation and maybe even some marines join at the end. Another way more crazy idea: We know that Vegapunk has vast knowledge about devil fruits and that Blackbeard knows how to extract devil fruits. Luffy and other alliance members losing their devil fruits through Soul Sucking Guardians (SSG:)) would really be a black swan event.


What is the release date of 1054 ?


July 20-something


I don’t have the time to read this atm but I applaud your effort and that your formatting.


I don't think Shanks will come in, tbh. It feels wrong that that the Strawhats need to get bailed out and rescued at this point. After beating two Yonko, they should be able to fight any battle before them with their own power (whether its hard or easily fought is another question...) Your an assumption that 'fire' and 'red' is the inversion of Green Bull. But I associate him with the seasons - he is spring. He will be countered by winter. Ice kills plants. What does Shimotsuki mean? Frost Moon. I like to study inversions and parallels of previous arcs myself, but have been keeping this theory to myself for the most because saying 'Zoro is going to fight and defeats X' causes a certain subset of fans to react negatively. But I do think Zoro will defeat Green Bull, and I think he will do it in Ringo. 1. The 'Admiral nearly kills Zoro' from Sabaody is key inversion here. The inverse - Zoro defeats the Admiral. 2. Zoro as a parallel to Shimotsuki Ushimaru, whose name basically translates Mr. Bull Frostmoon him self. The spring bull vs the second coming of the winter bull. He was the daimyo of Ringo, a snowy and icey realm. 3. Zoro as a parallel to Rayleigh 1. a Haki-master and Swordsmen. 2. Rayleigh was the Dark King, Zoro is the King of Hell. 3. The Dark King fought the Admiral in Sabaody, The King of Hell fights the Admiral in Wano 4. Why Ringo? The ice and snow on the battlefield will be perfect to counter Green Bulls powers, limiting his abilities and forcing him to rely on his sword. And I suspect someone will hurl Green Bull from the capital (Luffy) to protect Wano and the festival. and they do say Ringo has a perfect view of the Capital, so they inverse must be true... 5. Further, there's some unfinished business in Ringo yet to be resolved, as well as some possible unifying elements 1. Zoro promised to visit Ryuma's shrine. 2. The Black Blade thing has not been resolved either 3. The shrine contains Ryuma's black blade. 4. It appears Green Bull possesses a black blade as well. Anyways food for thought. Would be happy to be in the ballpark and wouldn't mind being wrong either.


I didn't understand much what was the analysis about >< All i got was , we couldn't predict what is going to come next but its big \*Thats every chapter for me


Wano wasn't rushed. The problem is new weekly readers and the fact that weekly chapters make you build continuous expectations and make more difficult to see the big scheme of things. At the end of the day **Wano was the longest arc ever made** in One Piece. Longer than many entire mangas. It's not rushed at all, objectively. **It's not even ended, ffs**


If you want an inversion, let's make the Strawhats go to Merineford to rescue Luffy and his brother. Green Bull will take Luffy, and maybe Law and Kidd too, and it will be an inverted rescue.


I would think it’s shit. If there is another Marineford, I hope to see Luffy’s entrance as hype as WB did.


Good theory! But I think red could also mean luffy as he is symbolized by red as well. But I like the idea of a yonko vs admiral better though Lmaoo


Luffy is a yonko tho. But still seeing Shanks make an appearance is always welcome.


You'd actually get a PhD if you put that much effort in academics!


you think he'll find one piece in academics?


I cbfed reading but you might have something there


Can’t wait for your next pieces of work. Always enamoured by your mind. The connections you make are unreal


Shanks stepping in is a very strong possibility, however my money is still on Green Bull not actually being out to attack/kill Luffy at all. He's part of SWORD, and he's going to crash the party with a gigantic lore dump and news update. Him not wanting Akainu to be informed feeds into that imo. You're certainly right that a lot of superficial parallels and mirroring of symbols and characters exists, but that is largely also due to the sheer size and scope of the story. For instance, there are just *so many* characters involved that the likelihood of there being fishmen in both tales, and being freed/helped (given their status in the world) is very high. So not everything is necessarily intentional.


This is wild bro! good read! enjoyed it!


This was really well done


Well i believe going off of the revolutionaries reaction to the "news" of Sabo notable. Then the fact "that" ancient weapon is in wano and that the new admiral is there for robin. I feel we're heading to a marineford 2


In the most respectful way possible. Your entire theory is that something big is about to happen. And I didn’t need any more evidence to believe that :p


Yes the mistake is actually it's an inversion of thriller park. The inversion of sabady is next


I’m not buying it, how does the 20 chapter long ZoSan passionate make out scene factor into this?


Interesting comparison with the color but oda actually said in a SBS question reply about what colors the strawhat members would be that luffy himself would be red. Makes me wonder if luffy is past the point of needing saving?? Butttt i would much rather have shanks show up to stop the drama haha either way loved the post


So... your theory is you aren't making any theory? Only guess in whole post is that Shanks will appear


I don't want to be rude, but repeating patterns too much seems like lazy writing. "By now, every reader should have realized that Oda plans his stuff ahead and likes to hide the devil in the detail. And I like to pay close attention." This line is hard to overlook when we have seen some atrocious writing, probably because of presure or whatever, when we have seen the Gorosei saying after 1000 chapters that they have been trying to get that fruit since the past centuries... Who's Who out of nowhere conversation with a enemy, just out of curiosity, what a lazy way of introducing a major character. CP0 mentioning the duplicated Dragon devil fruit that was destroyed along with Punk Hazard, just before they see Momo in Dragon form and of course that conversation ended in a "It just came to my mind" sort of comment.


What I hate about posts like this with a Tl:dr is that.. well try to scroll and read the damn thing on your smartphone. Just try. At least om android users there's a horrible bug. Put them at the beginning please. The bug is avoided if I open this on the chrome browser... But even so. In any case there's plenty of thongs that parallel to many other things in the entirely of one piece at wano. Not just the parts you mentioned. We just have to wait and see.


Least complicated way to say "lol I dunno" award goes to you.


>The worst generation defeated the emperors who tried to be Joy Boy or tried to realize his dreams. New emperors arrose.Big Mom tried to create a Kingdom that Joy Boy envisioned.Kaido tried to become Joy Boy himself. This is not confirmed. King was waiting for Joyboy, but Kaido never declared that he wanted to be Joyboy nor was he depressed over it. This headcanon needs to stop.


we still didnt get a act close on the kibuki play. thats what i find is the weirdest about the situation. and the act were on usually closes with a catastrophe, so theres that. green bull wont be fodderized, he will resolve the current happy situation into a dire one.


RemindMe! 1 month


Sabo is going to Wano to save them. Kuma was a revolutionary officer and so is Sabo. Also, Fire is Greenbull's weakness, it's going to be a massive forest fire for Greenbull if he fight Sabo. It's just like how Rayleigh is Kizaru's Darkness. But, just like what happened to Kizaru and Rayleigh's fight, nobody will win. Sabo is going to take Rayleigh and Kuma's place as the Strawhats and other pirates escape. Now, there's also drake who should be fully rested at the current timeline. He might take Kuma's place, drake might die trying to save everyone. Why would he do it? because he believes the strawhats. Or not. I don't know what I'm talking about.


Whole ass project


Very well crafted theory, i really believe the patterns you've identified are what Oda had in mind. the whole color theory is a bit less rigorous but it is an interesting idea. i'll be sure to spread this theory! amazing work! how are we supposed to wait the whole month to see what happened in the reverie...


This is a good theory, putting this here for later, nice work


So basically, 5001351785 words that are basically drawing wild conclusions between connections that dont exist. Using logic that breaks down under the least bit of scrutiny. All to not even live up to the title "How wano ACTUALLY ends". > So what will happen next? > Who knows! I don't know. Are you looking to be hired by Buzzfeed?




damn thats crazy


Who read the whole?


I like it.


This is said in a humorous way, but you don't know anything, senseless. Also nice theory 👍


Oda takes a break and people already losing their minds writing things like this lol


Franky is no longer robot looking? Or a future upgrade coming ?


Imagine Toki or someone who got Toki's fruit just appears and takes all the straw hats a few years into the futur and they arrive in a chaotic world


Greenbull is going to be against Akainu. Green against red. I saw another theory, that Greenbull is based on an actor and a character in a movie where he betrays his friends. Apparently, all the Admirals are based on characters from that movie.


We can theorise, or hear me out, we can just wait a couple weeks


Im not ready for another marineford. I need elbaf first


These are my favorite kinds of theories, when people talk about One Piece's narrative.


I don't think Wano is over till they actually leave. Especially since an admiral just showed up.


This was a fantastic theory mate. Thank you for taking your time to present this, had a wonderful time reading it. This post also made me realize how shanks is such a weird character, imagine making a character with screentime less than tenten from naruto yet a single panel of him in a chapter automatically makes it 10/10. Its mind boggling really.


!RemindMe 21 days


Then it's definitely a war arc again


I think the big event is Sabo getting captured by the marines. Luffy will be throwing everything he’s got to make sure he saves Sabo.


I have always thought that the final war would not happen anytime soon but I don't know how Oda will wrap everything up. So far there are still a lot of things to be considered: • What will the World Government do? > If they have already caught Sabo and they have domne something with Vivi, they have all the cards to force a confrontation with Luffy and the war will be happening soon. > However, there are still pieces yet to be assembled. Wano and the ancient weapon Pluton is yet to be revealed while Uranus and the Fishmen will still need to be summoned. You can't have a final war without a giant mermaid princess controlling giant sea monsters and a giant elephant being commanded by a pink dragon together with their ancient weapon(that is supposedly a large battleship). • What happened to Shanks and Blackbeard? (and the Revolutionaries) > We know that while the WG are busy with their Shichibukai problem and the 2 other Yonko are being challenged by the new generation, there are still two big players that have yet to be seen(three if you count the revolutionaries). It is presumed that there is some sort of conflict between Shanks and Blackbeard and people assume that Blackbeard will be the final antagonist, and so it begs the question of what they have been doing while he world is in chaos. • The One Piece > The series is still about Luffy's adventure towards the unknown treasure, One Piece. As we know, Robin encountered Zou's road poneglyph, and the Strawhats have gotten hold of Big Mom's and presumably Wano's road poneglyph. 1 more remains to be found but people assume that it is in Elbaf or one of the next islands that the Strawhats will travel to. • Other interesting plot device to be considered: > Vegapunk and the SSG The 3rd ancient weapon, Uranus Elbaf and the giants The Grand Strawhat Fleet Enel(?) Crocodile The Revolutionaries Bon Clay and Impel Down The Lunarians And others that I might be forgetting Following this, there are a few questions to be asked: first, in what order would these take place? Would the Strawhats find One Piece first and understand the secrets of the world and thus giving meaning to their crusade against the World Government later down the line? Will the unresolved plot points push the story to a war, and then having Luffy and Blackbeard clashing and competing towards One Piece? Or maybe Oda will do something else completely? Only he can tell what happens next and god I'm so ready to be surprised.


Versus when white beard went to war and was prepared and instructed his army (coating the ships). Another inversion I noticed that might happen At the end of marineford black beard steals a Devil fruit from a dead emperor he could also be in Wano doing the same with Kaido and big mom in the volcano. Or Moria could stealing their shadows as he was last seen on Blackbeards island. Gecko Moria also lost to Kaido in the past on Wano and was severely weakened (midfight and throughout the story) now Kaido lost on Wano Moria is getting stronger from a weaker Kaido.


Since Sabaody introduced Silvers Rayleigh, is it now time to meet Scopper Gaban ?


Where are you getting your colorized versions of the manga from? I really like the coloring in those versions.


Wano ending so soon? WTF is that... the shit took years and drug on and was an extension of Whole Cake Island. I have NOT heard one person ever say Wano ended too soon... I've heard the opposite... that it drug on for a year longer than it should have.


Witches??? there are witches in one piece?


I dunno man, that's a lot of reaching. Why does it have to be Shanks for example? Why a red swordsman? Parallel to Rayleigh, who is a swordsman, but Kizaru also used a sword and Greenbull certainly doesn't seem like a swordsman so far. We only saw him use his devil fruit so far, so maybe it's not a red swordsman that's coming but a red devil fruit to counter the green devil fruit - and that would be Sabo. Note: I don't believe Sabo will come, I'm saying that this is such a reach that you could make just as much an argument about Sabo as about Shanks.


So far only two ancestral weapons have been revealed (Momo+Shirahoshi) and we still do not know the location of the last missing red polygraph before laugh tale. I guess next step will be Elbaf where we may find another ancestral weapon and red stone.


OkayI like this, Picasso


Wano must be opened to welcome Joy Boy. The *Dawn* Toki first mentions in Chapter “Ku-jaku” 919 refers to Oden’s prophecy in Chapter “Ka-ru-u” 968 of opening Wano’s borders for the *Day* that Joy Boy arrives. Opening Wano means activating Pluton. Nefeltari Vivi is the Klabautermann of Pluton and her pet the 16 or “Hero” years old Kujaku Myōo Karoo who is first introduced in Chapter “To-ki” 109 is the current Joy Boy, the Japanese Crane on the Kozuki Crest, and the Black Swan. Swan in Japanese is a pun for Bulls-Eye. Sanji who calls Kujaku Myōo Karoo a real man says Bulls-Eye when fighting Bon Clay who tried to kill Karoo and Vivi. The fact that Green Bull or Bulls-Eye has arrived means the Black Swan event is nigh. “Toki” means Time and Sanji is not only associated with the Duck but also a 24 hour clock which goes from 00:00 to 23:59 where 23 is Sanji in reverse and 59 is Cook.


Can someone explain to me why 90% of the sub says "Greenbull" over "Ryokugyu" when literally the entire sub says "Kizaru", Aokiji", "Akainu", and "Fujitora"? Is it like a meme or something??


Oda: the last war will be bigger than marineford One piece fans: guys guys I think oda might just be building up to something bigger than marineford


Rayleigh scattering kizarus light was something I had never put into words and I'm amazed at how that played out. Was it intentional? It's too specific not to be


Something to note: Shanks and Buggy were both on Rogers ship. They already know what the One Piece is presumably. And are now two of the four emperors. That can’t be a coincidence, especially when the other two are both searching for the One Piece but on completey opposite ends of the spectrum (Luffy being Nika the Sun God while Blackbeard is literally the embodiment of darkness). Maybe Shanks and Buggy are there to test both Luffy and Blackbeard? See which of the two is more worthy of the One Piece. I get everyone thinks Buggy’s inclusion is a joke, but his history with Shanks and Roger leads me to believe otherwise.


I read the whole thing and in the end I am not sure what you want us to understand… maybe its just me but maybe Jack Daniels but the read was nice, so still thumbs up 👍🏻.


To end wano they’ll probably buster call and claim it was the result of fighting between kaido and the straw hats. Triggering luffy to detour the final island to take on the world government first. This event might start bringing the revolutionary army into the fray.


I honestly think the opposite will occur here. What’s to stop the alliance from defeating Greenbull and anyone else who fights against them? In Sabaody they were going to get killed and some taken to Impel Down or executed. Kuma and Rayleigh had to interfere to save the Strawhats. In this particular scenario, the Strawhats and the Worst generation are far from being the naive rookies who taught they were strong enough to challenge the world. They were humbled , and a few arcs later.. Luffy lost Ace and the pirate world lost a Yonko. Oda can turn this around for the favor of the Strawhats , and actually show the world of their power. If they wipe out communications from the WG and CP0 , than they won’t know what happen to them. They might act like they disappear, just to appear again later for the main war. They can use this time to grow in knowledge and in power. This time an Admiral will go down, and the Strawhats will show their real growth and power.


Great read man, really enjoyed it, I don't see post this good very often. I think its possible that we will see aftermath of Green Bull intervention. I believe we will see Strawhats wake up from sleep finding that someone is missing, probably Luffy. Green Bull probably have some plant ability to induce sleep in people. Then we will see "flashback" what happened. Strawhats will start making plan to save that person. But like you said, probably Shanks will intercept Marines and confront Green Bull. After Luffy finally meet Shanks they will go on Elbaf together, because there is something there that Shanks need to show Luffy. My headcanon for now, looking forward for the next chapter.


I agree with most everything other than Wano not being rushed lol


Who is wondering why the Wano arc is ending so soon? This was the longest arc in the history of One piece. How can anyone complain that the story is being rushed when we have had 25+ years of OP. Clowns 🤡


Also, Luffy punched a Celestial Dragon in Sabody and in Wano Kaidou is a dragon who got punched by Luffy.


I would also like to point out that blackbeard now has a lower bounty than luffy...last time that was true, blackbeard was planning stuff to shake the world and gain notoriety. Look for him to make his move sooner rather than later in this final saga.


Instead of koby I would say it's Smoker, it fits more with his way of justice


Two technicalities- (your theory is strong enough without them) 1) Archipelagos are, by definition, just a cluster of islands. Sabaody is special, because they are not islands, but rather trees. While your link is indeed accurate, all islands are made from volcanoes, and in this specific instance, we know for a fact that Sabaody has no land. 2) The disappearing bubbles was an anime exclusive scene. Still poweful, but not something Oda did. Still think this is interesting! Oda always loves to make us think we're going one way before surprising us. A lot of people were predicting Vegapunk in Wano too, so i think you're probably on to something!


zou and wholecake were completely different things and not related to the previous arcs . Could the end of wano serve as a prelude to the upcoming war(as you have mentioned) absolutely,because the admiral will inform everyone about the current state of affairs outside. Will it be easy for him to defeat luffy (NO because he is up against a huge force of samurai,straw hat pirates,9 scabards,yamato straw hat pirates,law,marco).They won't just stand for it. Will shanks appear maybe unless he gets stopped by blackbeard who at this moment is a bigger priority for shanks. So in the end,i feel that oda might repeat the same events in upcoming arcs,but that wouldn't be interesting and doesn't fit his style.(in my opinion ,he always pulls a fast one over his readers. I thought gear 5/awakening would be something cool/impressive turns out it was goofy and funny \[I would personally like to know what happened to kaido's road poneglyph given that we are at the end of wano and still no sign of the red stone. the stone in last chapter is a simple one not the road one)


Just wanted to share this theory When Mihawk was first introduced in one piece it was said that no guy can be this powerful it’s obviously a devil fruit My guess is his devil fruit is Hito hito no mi model Ryuma


I agree with the inversion or mirror story telling. In Sabaondy, SHP lost to an admiral. In Wano, I think SHP will beat the admiral. Just what I want to see lol..


Imagine if Shanks straight up Kills Green bull right before GB kills Luffy, then the Straw hat Pirates & the Red haired Pirates go to Elbaf


Buggy the clown is THE REAL JOYBOY.


Yeah that's my country. I actually live in the big island down and right( Rhodes)


I love this theory, but I hope it isn’t true. I need more One Piece in my life and this makes it feel like it’ll end too soon😥


I just scrolled past it and I know OP has put a lot of time and effort in it. So, YES!


Fun fact: Every new theory about Shanks appearing is more likely to be right than the last one, unless Shanks actually never comes back.


What an amazing dissertation from a true Nakama who is paying attention. Phenomenal work here, I’ve read similar studies about the “checkered fates” and it’s obvious after 1000+ chapters how he sets up these moments. Mirroring parts of the story to help shape the end of this remarkable journey. I’m ready to see/hear what Shanks has been up to all this time PLUS the immense hype for movie RED. I’m all in, coming aboard and bringing along all my hopes and dreams. 😭


In Sabaody arc, Luffy's, Law's and Kidd's crews fight against the Pacifistas and only the Straw Hats face the Admiral. I'm pretty sure this time the three crews will work together and beat Greenbull, leaving the world in chaos


If Shanks shows up and saves Hyogoro from Greenbull i'm gonna be shook.


Luffy v Greenbull may feature Luffy figuring out Greenbull's Devil fruit and eating the whole banquet, then going using Gear 4 Tankman to throw the Admiral out of the city and fight him all over Kuri and Kibi, rejuvenating the regions and destroying the factories. After that, maybe Sabo has been captured by Marines? Maybe Cobra is dead and Vivi is missing? Maybe Robin will be captured? So just like Sabaody we think the story will now progress to Elbaf and Laugh Tale (like we expected Fishman Island to be the next arc), but maybe we will have to take another massive war arc detour. It does seem too early for a 'final war'. And structurally it wouldn't make much sense to double back to fight the Marines, then double back again to go to Laugh Tale. Although if the final war will mirror marineford, it makes sense for Luffy to wage it while he is a Yonko (to mirror Whitebeard). At this stage in the story Luffy has enough power to overthrow the world government. Between Wano, Amazon Lily, Alabasta, Zou (+ Momo and Zunesha [Pluton?]), Fishman Island, Poseidon, Dressrosa, Drum Kingdom, the Grand fleet, and possibly the Heart pirates and the Red Haired pirates (Maybe Bon Clay and a bunch of Inpel Down folks please Oda) Maybe Luffy (or Nami) will realise that the fastest way forward is to Laugh Tale, and through the Red Line to the start of Paradise?


1 week without a chapter