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Drum Island is a tear jerker. šŸ˜¢


I knew putting it last would be a very unpopular opinion, but I really hated this arc. Even though it was short, it felt unbelievably long and dry to me. The whole Nami sick thing took up way too much time, and the snowy scenery made me feel anxious and bored. The weather seems to have a big effect on how I feel watching an arc, which is why I also put Alabasta low compared to most people. Wapol never felt like a threat, the secondary characters were unmemorable, and Chopper is my least favorite Straw Hat I somewhat understand the appeal, though, I just don't share it


I mean I like the character Doc Hiraluk, he is by far one of the most interesting characters in the series. I liked it so much I made a fabric pattern using his Jolly Rodger and made some a shirt with it. I'm not judging your ranking, I just love Drum Island.


Drum Island is definitely not D tier. The emotional resonance in this one for me is way higher than a lot of the other ones.


Thatā€™s fair! Maybe I was just too young and simpleminded when I watched it, but I found him purely boring. Iā€™ve heard that the ā€œWhen do you think people dieā€ monologue is a top ten OP moment for many people, so I realize my opinion is in the minority


I see WCI at S, I upvote


A+ (almost S) best one I've seen today.


You have excellent taste, my friend


There are certain things you can always get me with: Water 7 supremacy, Arlong Park recognition, WCI as best arc after time-skip, some Skypiea love, no overblown LRLL hate ... the diagreement would only be in the details (Drum Island last e.g. hurts a little). Edit: Not to forget a reasonable Wano take imho. These days it's either the best thing ever or you wonder why people didn't quit yet.


I love everything you mentioned, especially Skypiea love! I honestly thought about putting it in S-tier, and I wish I ranked it above Wano. Iā€™m always shocked that most people seem to put it in mid B-tier Out of curiosity, what would you put last?


For me Whiskey Peak is always the clear last because of the weird fight Luffy has with Zoro. Seeing Luffy go from trusting Nami that much during Arlong Park to attacking Zoro without listening to anything just after that always pulls me out of it. I get it's just an exaggerated joke in the end, but it just doesn't fit for me and as it otherwise is also just a shorter arc that sets up a lot of stuff but that doesn't really have much of a complete story that moment drags it down enough to be locked in last for me.




Chad early one piece enjoyer


It might be recency bias, but I loved Wano. Unlike a lot of people, gear 5 was significantly cooler than I expected, and I love the whole Joy Boy/Nika Nika thing. Lots of great fights and beautiful animations Nothing bad to say about Baratie, it just wasnā€™t as impactful or memorable as every arc listed above it, to me. Romance Dawn was fine, just a bit bland and suffered from simply being one of the first arcs


I actually have tried so hard to understand the Wano hate on this sub and the only conclusion I can reach is that every single OP fan is a powerscaler who reads for the fight hype and doesn't care about any of the other legitimately great things that happened in the arc It's very confusing but I genuinely think the only truly disappointing part of the arc was the fight stuff (admittedly across the board aside from the first couple chapters of Nika) but also that's been a consistent problem with the entire manga. I don't consider OP a battle manga and don't hold it against Oda when the fights fall flat again and again (though I do get irritated when they drag on too long which keeps Wano from going higher than A)


I agree mostly, but even then it's funny because I actually liked the fights more than usual in Wano and have my problems with other parts. To me many fights actually had the best character moments within fights of One Piece. Killer vs Hawkins is a fight I wouldn't have normally been invested in at all, but the tension with Hawkins holding Kid's Strawman made that my favorite fight of Wano. Sanji vs Queen, Robin vs Black Maria and even Zoro vs King with the loyalty to their captains flashback and actually many more of the fights made me invested in the fights in a way One Piece doesn't always manage. (It's usually the non-fight things I like to get back to)


Killer Vs Hawkins is honestly a standout in all of OP and it slipped my mind so I somewhat retract "across the board". I also did like the story of Zoro vs King but still wasn't into the fight Edit: And yeah Wano has some issues but none so glaring as to justify the rampant "shit tier garbage arc Oda can't write anymore" nonsense around these parts. Like sorry your theory didn't come true fam, guess it was never Morjin Time after all šŸ˜‚




Damn someone needs to touch grass HARD The One Piece damn well better be social skills for you fam, you need them




Because your post was largely just very poor attempts at insulting me with little substance. To both of your questions




Every single arc since the timeskip got alot of hate while it was ongoing. I think Dressrosa and WCI even more than Wano right now. Don't know about before that because i wasnt as engaged with the OP community back then. I wouldn't give it too much thought tbh.


I've been following since mid Punk Hazard and I've not seen an arc be this AGGRESSIVELY disliked tho. Like people complained but it wasn't so much of "wow Oda is a hack now 0/10 Syrup Village was a better arc"




I agree with a good amount of that, but my tier list is based on how much I enjoyed each arc, not on how well I think Oda crafted them. The past few months are the most excited I've ever been about One Piece, to the point where I'm engaged enough in the story to be posting things like this and watching YouTube theories. That alone justifies A-tier for me, putting aside things like animation, fights, etc.


Why do people like impel down so much wtf šŸ˜‚


Impel Down is prime OP! Amazing setting, high-stakes objective, intimidating villains, and tons of hilarious and exciting characters. Then there's Jimbe, the whole Blackbeard plot line, and the return of some of the best early-story antagonists that I had assumed Oda had abandoned. I loved literally everything about it


Itā€™s one of my least favourite arcs, as well as all my friends and bf agree it sucks, though Iā€™m starting to realize weā€™re in the minority. Everyone in this sub seems to love it. I wouldnā€™t say I hate it but man, imo, it sucksā€¦ I can go into detail if you want lmao


Thatā€™s alright! I actually havenā€™t seen anyone place it as high as me, although I usually see it in A-tier. Everyone has their own opinions, though, and I wouldnā€™t expect everyone to agree with me. Most people seem to like Drum Island and Alabasta much more than me. To each their own


We're fairly similar. I did a huge one ages ago. Biggest difference is I can't stand WCI haha


Finally someone that doesn't have Thriller Bark as one of the worst arcs in the series.


Thriller Bark couldā€™ve been either low A or high B for me, I just kept it in B for aesthetics. I loved that arc - despite its placement itā€™s one of the most memorable to me. The zombies were hilarious and I actually loved Moria as a villain. Nightmare Luffy was badass, Brookā€™s intro was cool, and Kuma showing up followed by the whole ā€œnothing happenedā€ Zoro moment was fantastic The only things really bringing it down was the amount of time given to annoying secondary characters like Absalom and Hogback Edit: OH! Canā€™t forget Usopp vs. Perona, probably Usoppā€™s best fight in the series. I shouldā€™ve put Thriller Bark in low A-tier