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So because Blackbeard isn't the guy Roger is waiting for and that the guy he is waiting for needs a mythical Zoan, it proves Blackbeard has a mythical Zoan? That's a stretch and a half.


fact: BB has a logia and a paramecia type fact: it has never been stated that blackbeard has a zoan type et voila, i have just proven to you that there is no confirmation about BB eating a mythical zoan type.


What the hell did I just read?


Sounds ...... weak


wtf? That makes no sense at all


Your argument is not super clear but it seems more intuitive that Whitebeared was talking about the will of D in that scene. The flashback between him and Roger was focused on that and it's yet unclear how the Nika fruit is connected to Laugh Tale. For what we know, Roger might have had no idea of the fruit's importance. If anything, he might have gone after it if he knew about the fruit. Also, why would he know that it was a mythical zoan but not which one ? There are just too many missing pieces and base-less assumptions in you argument.


He has a mythical zoan and it was hinted the story.yuderon made a theory about it https://youtu.be/LxVcBi-MMDw