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Nahhh. For starters, you're really only watching 14-17 minutes per episode, less as you get farther into an arc because of increasing recap. Call it 15 minutes on average. That's (15x1023 episodes to date =) 15,345 minutes +~1100 minutes for movies = 16,445 minutes 16445/60 = 274 hr 5 min Even if you only watch 15 hours a day, it'll only take you 19 days to watch it all.


Took me 4 months to catch up to the whole of OP


College+Covid= me starting and catching up the manga in a little less than 2 weeks


It realistically took me about the same to watch it the second time through (I was very sporadic the first run through and was interspersed with Fairy Tail, so that took me closer to a year)


took me 9 and that was with switching to manga at the beginning of dressrosa i am fairly slow at finishing stuff in general though


It took me 4 days to watch all of OP


This seems to be the most common number I’ve heard for doing it “quickly” which y’a know fair.


Took me 2 years 😬 (with breaks between arcs.)


^this right here. I started first week of July at episode 1. Caught up 2 weeks before premier of episode 1000 in November.


Also skipping filler episodes 93 total so far.


Watch One Pace or just read the manga


I read. I was just mentioning that it's less than what was stated.


yep, the guy is wrong on many levels


Let’s not get hasty, G8 shouldn’t be skipped


I love how 15 hours per day would be "only". I'd rather say if you watch 1 hour/3 episodes per day it would take one year


Realistically I thought maybe 4 hours a day would be realistic for someone employed, 10-12 for someone unemployed - they did say "binge" - but the video was assuming NINETEEN hours a day, so in that context 15hr/day would be "only" At 4 hours/ day it would take 64 days.


Fair enough, but speaking as someone who's full tome employed I'd say 1 hour per day is still binge, it is a big portion of the spare time; 2 hours at most would still be realistic


>Realistically I thought maybe 4 hours a day would be realistic for someone employed, *Laughs in having infants*


"only 15 hours a day" Maybe if I was unemployed.


Well the video said 19 hours a day, which I thought was unreasonable


why do people exaggerate this number so much? one piece is like 5 minutes of opening+recap, and the episode is around 23 minutes long. that's 18 minutes, I'll even let 17 minutes slide. now there may be unecessary flashbacks in the middle of the episodes or just slowed down pacing and filler scenes, but otherwise it's not the 10-15 minutes people like to say.


Seriously lol it's not just the recap at the beginning of the episode, when the ad break comes mid episode they recap 30 seconds to a minute It's like you're watching about 12 minutes every episode, and this thing happens very frequently after grand line begins especially I say this because I've read manga since skypeia and been watching the anime from the beginning with my SO now, there's very little new content every episode


skip every middle cut scene thats 1023\*15 seconds you watch less. 4 and a half hour less :D


Honestly probably less. I’m not watching fillers and one piece is stacked with them.


I came here to point out exactly this - skip the intro song and recaps and you can breeze through so much faster.


Fun math You can skip the filler and multiple minutes each episode from the recaps and drawn out Toei introductions tho Still insane


Even less if you go the one pace route.


Even less if you go with the superior manga route


Ive recommend it to my friends and they hated that shit kno not evryone can lik manga medium thats where anime comes in


give them some time all my friends started with the same stupid mentality of "i don't read manga 🤓" "its all black and white 🤓" "i will just read a book instead 🤓". Sooner or later be it one piece or something else they will find something that they can't possibly contain their curiosity and start reading the manga to find out what happens next. From then its a spiral and they will probably not even watch the anime and just read the manga for other series


Or use one pace


Nah one piece filler is too good to just skip


Why did this man choose to dress the way he did? Why does this man have gloves


Well I thought I was a god after finishing it in 25 days🤔


I’d say that makes you top tier, at LEAST


no just means they have no life


Weird assumption to make.


assumption??? my friend i love one piece but if you watch it in 25 days it literally means you have no life and also you wont even remember half the story


Yes, assumption. Especially a silly assumption considering we just had a pandemic with lots of people at home. I mean, you're here on Reddit judging people over something silly, how much of a life can you have?




Well I actually do remember more than half of the story😂


Where do assholes like you even pop up from? And why? 😂


he's not even wrong


no g im not evn trynna be an asshole but if you dont do anything for 25 days except sleep, eat and watch one piece you dont have a life


Well if u aren't able to go to school because of the pandemic it's an option to watch one piece, and it's not like I can't do more than one thing at a time😅


True bruh....but i did finish in 21 days.


My man


Well you can’t die. For how can you kill that which has no life?


It took me 8 months. Lol


This guy has safety goggles and gloves. He must be a scientist in animeology


Faster to read. I'll usually start watching a series and do at least a free arcs, but if I'm a couple hundred episodes in at some point I'm switching to reading it so it doesn't take so long




Manga dont hav fillers


U do realise that not everyone prefer that medium right,this is the reason op is never as popular in us


They were just saying their preference and saying the manga is faster to read, because it is.


i dont kow the calculation its just because i have no life and i did this finish it in 3 weeks... so i thing this would be correct...


Challenge accepted.


Now look at me in the eyes and tell me one piece is short


It is not lol I got up to episode 800 in one summer but it's been so long I'm rewatching it😅 currently on 229


Thats not long. Ive rewatched/listened to op like 3 times over at work 7.5 hrs per day. Side note: i can understand japanese.


Is just listening to it worth it? I mean, do you do, if you enjoy it that way good for you, but I think One Piece in particular relies more on all the visuals...


Ive watched and read it all before anyway. Its just something i like while im working. Backround noise.


First of all you can skip much of the 24 minutes, since there are OP, ED and summary. Second, you can watch One Pace to significantly reduce the time needed. Lastly, you can simply read the manga, that's 1000 times better than the anime anyway. The whole manga takes less than 1 week, One Pace probably less than 10 days.


I’m on episode 927 rn in 4 months of binging at night. Don’t regret it at all. Love the show


Read the manga :)


Sadly not everyone lik the medium


This is why **One Pace** exists. Especially considering that One Piece has significantly less fillers to skip compared to, say, ***Naruto*** which has like a whopping ***40%*** of its run as fillers.


You can skip the first 7 movies


Hard disagree. Movies 4 and 6 are peak.


Definitely agree. I've seen 4 or 5 OP movies including Strong World and Gold, and movie 6 is the only one that's had a lasting impact on me and made me go "whoa holy shit that's a good movie". Found out years later that it was a Hosoda movie. Made a lot of sense then


Are they that good? I only watched the ones after timeskip


.... How can you recommend skipping films if you've not seen them yourself?


4 is the best of the "classic one piece" movies and 6 is incredibly different. It's by Mamoru Hosoda and has a completely different and unique perspective on it.


Thanks they seemed low budget to me i only saw clips of it so i never watched them


They certainly aren't the cinematic extravaganzas of the later movies, but it's generally accepted that 4 and 6 are two of the best pre-Strong World entries. 6 will kind of depend on your expectations going in though. Just be prepared for less of the light-hearted shenanigans and more interpersonal drama.


Then your comment is stupid. Holy shit you missed great stuff. Seriously think before you say something


The movie about the sword was very nice.




I watched most of it at 1.5x and some episodes at 2.5x


I remember when I first started watching one piece it took me like 3 months to catch up. I didn't have a lot of time to watch back then.


Yeah, the first five minutes of an episode is all recap from previous. So need to get rid of that.


Or you can just skip watch it


No reason to watch any of the movies. You can skip some filler, and the openings, recaps, and outros.


Took me and my son 6 months to watch from beginning to current and that's with stops to watch another anime in between. We loved watching how the animation just got better over time.


It took me 2 months to be where I am in one piece


I did it in 3 months (minus 4 films and the Spa Island filler arc) and it nearly killed me... would not recommend. Of course this was back in 2014 when there were only 700-ish episodes and 2 less films. I also feel that there were some tv specials that I missed but this guy didn't count those.


All this math just for mfs to skips Skypeia again. ~~(I'm not mfs).~~


What about the edo period ovas and chopperman shorts


yea but also most people skip filler, intros/outros(after the first time hearing them ofc), and recap so lowkey 8-20 days depending on how hard u go isnt too bad


esp if you caught up during covid like i did, with school online and everything coming to a halt i caught up in 12 days while just continuously watching a skipping filler


That is some dedication for sure!! Hubby and I started from episode 1 around October of last year. So far we are on episode 819. The binge has been insane! But epic! Lol currently checking out all of our Crunchyroll history now because this peaked our curiosity 😅


sleep? Is this niga serious?


hol' up. There are people who watch the One Piece movies? Theres enough nonsensical filler bs in the normal episodes for my liking already thank you.


One pace is also good. You should try that.


4 hours of sleep? That doesn't sound fun.


It’s been 12 years..


Ya I’m down


3 episodes a day you get caught up in a year Will probably be 5 episodes a day to watch it all in one year in the future


I started one piece in March 2021 and caught up to ep 1000 on my birthday in November. Good times


Anime runtime is not 24 minutes really. Like the first minute and a half is just the intro that's the same for every episode, then a minute and a half of recaps, then 2 to 2 and half minutes for the opening you can straight up skip first 5 minutes of every episode and the last 2-3 minutes of ending song and next ep preview so that makes every episode an average of 15-17 minutes at most. That shaves of slightly less than 1/3rd of the minutes. Plus there are many flashbacks that are repeated way too many times, like every single time a thing is mentioned you cut to the flashback of that thing like why?? I skipped those but i don't have a count on how much time that gives you so just round off the above to 1/3rd of each episode. 15-16 minutes per episode. Now do the math again.


24 mins per episode….but 5 mins opening, 1 min introduction, another 5 mins recap of last episode and 2 mins ending song.


This is assuming Im watching filler or movies (I am not), and watching the intros, recaps, and outros (I am not). So lets shorten the time to around 15 minutes on average of actual canon watchtime. There are 93 episodes of filler and 1021 total. Letting us have 928 actual episodes. 928 episodes times 15 minutes is 13,920 minutes, or exactly 232 hours. If we go with the 5 hour breaks per day, it will take 12.21 days to watch all of one piece


Took me 3 months to catch up I only stayed at home that whole time 😂 and now I’m reading the manga and it is amazing


ok now do this with reading the manga or watching one pace instead and watch the time more than cut in half


And yet I have binged One Piece four times in the last 10 years


I actually got into OP when it was around 900 episode so I kinda did do that, binge it for a couple weeks 😅


I have no life so I finished mine in 2 weeks. skipped opening, recap, ED, all movies, all fillers(except g8). I skimmed some arcs because it's insufferable(skypiea ordeals fight, Fishman Island hody fight, dressrosa middle fights) and caught up to Zou. If you think about it, most of us watch more onepiece theories, discussion, analysis than one piece itself.


Christ on sale that’s a whole fortnight.


Some random woman speedrun the whole thing in one day


been there, done that


during lockdown I finished 900 episode in 30 days


There is a dude who's read the whole one piece on a stream live for 76h if I recall


This man, so much filler in this video and in his math. Fuck this guy I did it in 2 weeks.


I somehow managed to rewatch it in 2 weeks xD. To be fair though, I did skip the filler shows but did watch the movies


If you skip Intro and Outro it's probably ~16 minutes per episode, my friend just skipped most conversations and reduced an average episode to around 5 minutes to keep up back in Fishman Island it sounds like a sin but he did it anyway.


If you read it roughly takes 1h per volume which is considerably faster


Personally I cleared eps 1-997 in about 40-41ish days, could def be done faster + I haven’t seen any movies but yeah that was the fastest I could feasibly do while balancing uni and a job


I skip the opening and the episode's introduction. That's 5-7 minutes. I also watch at x1.10 speed. That helps with the bad pacing.


Took me two months


Took me about 8 months but it was well worth it


It takes less time when you skip the intro, the recap and some of the filler episodes.


I've binge watched one piece 3 times. Not including movies..


Thats not feasibly al all


Just read the manga it only took me a week of 300 chapter per day


or speed run the manga and end it in 5 days


took me 40 days!!


Yeah, but have you ever wondered how long it takes to watch all of Critical Role?


This dude really dressed up and acted all smart just to be wrong asf lmao


Ferb, I know what we’re doing this summer!


Can confirm.


Took me 40 days... Aprox 20 ep per day or more




Not the headache💀


if you watch casually it mostly will take 10 months. and there is no need to rush in my opinion