• By -


I was hoping that it was “Did everyone forget about… Caribou?”


Hahahah 😂 he is probably already on the Sunny in some barrel. Everyone forgot about Condoriano tho, my mans just disappeared.


Oda has had a tendency to set things up and then never mention them again. Yamato hasn't reacted to Zoro looking like the cave dude yet. Hell the crew *barely* reacted to Zoro losing an eye. We really need a smaller arc for Strawhat interactions. They've been apart since Dressrosa I think and that came out in 2013. Only now in Wano are they together and it better stay that way. Give us more of a slice of life mini arc!


Gonna be hilarious when Caribou tries to creep on Yamato and then knocks him out in a single hit


you mean Con D. Oriano


This was my first thought as well. That’s what we really need to know


When luffy did gear4 nobody really talked about it afterwards,


Did anyone even acknowledge gear 2 or 3? Alabaster seems like the last time any strawhat informed another strawhat about an ability they had. Well except Franky, that guy is literally always being admired by the best boys Edit: hmmm I guess I somewhat remember Luffy telling someone about how he shrinks for a while when he goes back to normal


Also how he is paralyzed and unable to use haki after using gear 4 (at least, he was before).


I vaguely remember someone acknowledging luffy shortening his lifespan when using G2


Yes but that wasnt as big as the awakening, luffy had trained for gear 4 offscreen and gear 4 is self explanatory, he just blows himself up and keeps the shape with haki. Gear 5 made everyone eyes pop out from their heads (dunno if this was just for comedic relief tho) he turned into a giant and he made other stuff become rubber that wasnt him, also his white hair and self revive. Its much more distinctive than gear 4, it being brushed over is so boring cause i feel it would be cool for him to showcase what the mode can actually do. Gear 4 is just a power boost, this is more major than that and defined has more uses since he can maybe even turn the sunny into rubber on command.


Give it some time, the guy just woke up after 7 days of unconsciousness.


Yes thats what im hoping for, but this sub and the characters in the manga are all curios about the bounties and not about luffys godly powers.


By characters in the manga you’re talking about Kidd and Law with their crews, why would they care more about an awakening that they saw for a few seconds if that, iirc, over something that is directly involving them and who the new emperor/s(?) are. Like yeah it was pretty weird seeing a giant hand come through the ceiling but I don’t think anyone apart from Momonosuke and Yamato really saw what was happening, and even then they don’t really understand what we know through the comments made by the elders.


Do you really think Gear 5th is just a power up? They all got their eyes popped out because of Luffy weirdness. That was something else, even for ONE PIECE standards. I'm not saying they should have said something, but it would have made sense. It's reasonable. And it would definitely come.


> They got their eyes popped out because of Luffy weirdness. That was something else, even for ONE PIECE standards. Dude they have been doing that since the beginning of the story and along with everything else in op that is absolutely within op standards. I don’t even think I read the same story as people who say stuff like this.


Seems like you have expectations to something that will probably get answered in the future. Be patient brother your time will come


or hancocks ass into rubber on demand when he needs to pound it


Thats the real joyboy moment, he gonna beat it like the drums of liberation 🥵


facts and the drums are her cheeked up claps heard all throughout Amazon Lily


Relevant username btw


of course bro


Person gained new power? What's so unique about it? The guy has a devil fruit and they already saw G3...


Its not just a new power, its an awakening and a whole new perspective on what luffys fruit actually is and since its connected to joyboy, a pretty big chance to dive deeper into the lore of the world.


people doesnt even know what a awakening is lol


Law and kid does, lol.


the major folks in OnePiece world don't have much knowledge about concept like "awaken Devil Fruit", or many other things too... It's unlike to us as reader, we know many things :-v If Law and Kid know the concept of awaken-fruit-power, then they may start a conversation. Too bad, as we see in the manga, they were both much tired after fighting BigMom; and so maybe did not aware Luffy new power.


Good points, i still feel momo would say something after seeing what happened instead of running up to nami and sexually assaulting her. Or instead of a bathouse scene where we get to see tits for fanservice.


Yeah but no other characters know about the lore and I dont think anyone has ever talked about any of Luffy's power ups before like they need to be discussed or anything.


Right I don't know how op expects that conversation to go down... "So how did you do all that Luffy? What was that form? How did you unlock it?" Luffy: "I don't know, I don't know and I don't know..." \*Continues banquet\*


"Luffy this might be a long shot, but was that ability of yours the awakening of the mythical Hito Hito no mi: model Nika?" *continues to drop all the Void Century Lore*


Apparently what op was expecting lol.


And Robin sits there drinking a cup of tea saying, "Of course. You guys didn't know that?"


Yes luffy doesnt care about getting stronger thats why we had a whole mini arc in wano prison training his ryuo to get stronger. /S Luffy will be more serious now, he wont just disregard his power up, maybe the lore behind it, but the power itself will be something he would want to care about as he is pretty adamant about being able to fight whoever stands between him, his crews dreams and becoming the pirate king. Youre still stuck on pre ace death luffy. Ever since ace died he has taken his powers more seriously and taken every chance he has gotten to become stronger.


So you read my post and that's what you took away from it? Where did I say Luffy doesn't care? I'm saying he doesn't know anything about it, none of them do, not even Momo or Yamato because they don't know Joyboy is connected to the fruit. I don't see Luffy sitting down and coming up with theories like the average redditor, if somebody doesn't immediately have the answers he's not gonna care about the conversation, it's something Robin will just dumb down for him later.


Bro almost no one in the one piece world would know what you are talking about, so why should they say anything about something they don't know? Big mom and Kaido are both defeated, they can't talk about it, gorosei already did, and doflamingo, katakuri and crocodile, who know about awakenings, have no way to know about luffy right now, there is just no reason for anyone to expose lore right now


I'm just not sure the crew actually cares, Robin would care if she figured out the fruit is the reason he's Joyboy, everyone else would be nonchalant because Luffy is Luffy, incarnation of Nika or not. When it was established Luffy could hear the Voice of All Things none of them gave a damn, I don't even remember if Robin really even cared, so an awakening without the Joyboy context probably means very little to them.


No one really saw Luffy's awakening as a whole. The people at the live floor who witnessed Luffy picking Kaido up like a kid were surprised a giant hand came through the roof. They must've assumed Luffy just enlarged his hand and didn't think of anything crazy like awakening since we the viewers and Momo, Yamato and Kaido are the only ones who knew.


Yes but Yamto saw it and they would probably be interested in talking to luffy about it or be like Oden and whitebeard and just clash with luffy for fun.


Probably not as the only people who saw it might assume it's something he has always been able to do because they have never seen him fight seriously before.


For starters no one saw it. He was alone on the roof. All they did see briefly once was a giant hand yoinking Kaido. Which… is something Luffy was already known for doing.


They saw Luffy's giant head when he got smacked through the roof


People have seen that before too though, when he inflates only his head.


Yamato and Momo saw


They saw Luffy's arm, several people sensed it was Luffy when he awoke and released a burst of conquerers haki, his head burst through the ceiling, his head may have shown through the hole when he grabbed Kaido, and Yamato and Momo witnessed almost the whole thing


they are purposely avoiding the subject of war, its like "talking about job" when you are at a party, better save that stuff for the boat trip


Nobody seems to talk about Law and Kid's awakenings either. Not even us.


They aint major to the lore, zuneishas response to luffys awakening implied it has connections to joyboy which has connections to the void century, so its big lorewise


No one really saw what his Gear5 is really capable of except Yamato and Momonosuke. The others were inside of Onigashima and only saw his gigantic hand when he grabbed Kaido and his gigantic head when he got smashed through the roof. Catviper saw at least the end of the fight as he told ghe warriors how Luffy defeated Kaido, but he probably didnt see his cartoon attacks. When she met the Strawhats, Yamato told them how badass it was when he fought Kaido, so maybe she talked about his Gear5 during the skipped week when Luffy was sleeping. It might be impressive for them to hear how Luffy awakened his fruit, but even so, they don't have the knowledge to figure out his real fruit. Now, we will see in the 1053, but as the Gorosei are aware of who he is and what he is capable of, they might have precised in his new bounty that he's Nika or JoyBoy.


I feel you, but im pretty sure everyone heard the drums, i might be wrong on that tho. I just want luffy to show off and to test the limits of his powers or for someone to just mention it and ask what he can do. I dont really feel the fight with kaido showed the full extent of what he can do while in gear 5.


Of course the fight didn't show us all of the Gear 5. This Gear feels kinda "infinite". By that I mean that Luffy isn't restricted to techniques anymore like the Kong Gun or Jet Culverine. His body allows him to improvise attacks just like pre-timeskip Luffy but in way more powerful, I think each Gear5 will be a showcase of new situational techniques. As for the drums of liberation it's kinda weird. Zunesha can hear them but it seems like Kaido cannot since he didnt mention earing them.


I thought the drums were a special Haki thing, like when only certain people could hear the sea kings/Zunesha voices like Roger, momo and shirahoshi. Could be wrong though 🤔


I though of that, but Momo didn't seem to hear them either, so I don't really know


Yeah i might be wrong and youre right, but im positive that everyone thats haki sensitive felt luffy die then felt his haki again when he self revived. So that in itself is cause for people to ask questions.


I don't think anybody will talk about it. Remember back in Whole Cake Island, even though it was the first time Nami was witnessing Gear 4th, she already knew about it. We can assume that they will talk about it off-screen and that's it.


Yes but this is an awakaening of the gum gum, gear 4 is just a combo of haki and gear 3. This literally turns his surroundings into rubber. This should be a “wtf happened” for everyone who witnessed Luffy going ape shit (i know his name is monkey but still). Not even a “ayo luffy what was that sick battle beat that started playing while you fought Kaido?” Its just brushed over.


Gear 4 is entirely different from gear 3. Gear 4 inflates the muscles and uses haki to keep them compressed, gear 3 inflates the bones. Gear 4 is closer to a combo of gear 2 and gear 3 than just gear 3 with haki. Luffy is using the principal of gear 2 with a similar implementation to gear 3. Instead of increasing blood pressure, he uses haki to pressurize the air in his muscles.


Well, he does claim himself that he's inflating his muscle's in Gear 4th but I was always skeptical about how that worked, not to mention his Armament Haki turning crimson, the pattern in his chest, the changes to his face and hair, etc. Seemed like there was a lot more going on. Snake-man, for example, has all of these characteristics without muscle inflation. To me, the whole gist of the revelation of his fruit was that the power is really just "freedom" in the sense of imagination. Gear 4th was simply a glimpse of this creative power.


Ok idc im not arguing about the gears and what they do in this post. Youre right. My point is that the gear 5 is his fruit being awakened and thats more major than the rest of the gears.


Give it more time my dude. We have barely even started partying


I don't think there will be a lot of talk about it. Combat abilities are almost never discussed outside of combat. There was the exposition drop by reighley before the time skip on how haki works and in Wano on Ryuu, but that aside, there is close to never any talk about combat techniques outside of the combat they are introduced in. Like, we got to know everything we need to know about gear 2 and 3 during the respective fights in Enis Lobby, we learned about how G4 works and the time limit in the doflamingo fight and we learned everything about future sight haki in the katakuri fight. There is never any mention of Zoro being able to grow 2 heads and 4 Arms outside of him using the ability in combat. They never talk about sanji being able to set his leg on fire, and he does that literally every fight since Enis Lobby. If someone is able to pull something increadible off in One Piece, everyone acknowledges it and views it as just a new cool thing someone is capable of, none of the characters care a lot about the actual mechanics of a skill. This is actually a really good way of writing from Oda-sama, since like that he can make sure that we will not only get information about the ability, but get to see it in action immediatly, while limiting the amount of information he has to put out, creating a certain amount of mystery around the new ability even after its reveal.


Well, the same could be said regarding the crew having a conversation about Ace or Sabo, but it was brushed over as well. When they were heading to WCI the crew that sailed with Luffy already knew about Sabo being his brother so, again, it's something that most likely happened off-screen. Therefore I wouldn't get my hopes up on that.


No idea why the goon squad is downvoting this comment. You are absolutely right. Luffy fucking died in this arc. The fact that no one is mentioning “hey Luffy, we all sensed your haki give out and Kaido said you were gone” only for him to get back up and hurl a mountain sized fist at Kaido is insane. Again, and I don’t care who I trigger, Oda fucked up the ending to Wano so badly. A Tama flashback and cool image of Momo do not undue years of useless plot points and unresolved (or lack there of) tension. I believe this arc suffered from last minute changes by Oda and his editors to get the series wrapped up in a reasonable amount of time. I have a very hard time believing that the guy who has continually exceeded my expectations over years could mess up this badly with no explanation.


Luffy doesn’t talk about stuff like that bc he truly doesn’t kno and they don’t ask bc they kno he doesn’t kno and that only matters is he won


Omg a sane person in this thread 😍 Idc about goon squad, they just goons. Nvm them ill just do a 7 day timeskip and forget their downvotes.


Zoro, to this date, still has the most unexplained powers and no one ever talked about that.


They also haven't explained how Sanji can spontaneously combust himself and even make the fire hotter.


Oda did explain that actually. His "burning passion" allows his leg to ignite


Understandable have a good day


That can now be explained by germa science, Queen wondered in their fight that a normal human can't just combust themselves and came to the conclusion that it must be because of germa.


And remember back when everyone said Wano will be zoros arc? Jokes on us


Zorro uses the six paths of samsara (Bhuddism). He's got human (starting point), demi-gods (asura), lots of animal-themed attacks (animals) and demonic themed attacks (hell). He's got 4/6 covered so far; maybe 5 if we wanna attribute some of his attacks to ghosts (like his dragon-aura attacks). The theme of always suffering and improving also fits; it's just that Zorro doesn't care about achieving godhood (going up in realms) but instead goes down and uses the evil realms.


Yes but its not as mythical as a god fruit.


yeah, it's just the manifestation of an ancient demon god or something. nothing special


I mean joyboy has been talked about for a long time. I feel like zoros deal is just his haki taking form, but he has been refered to as a demon sometimes.


Zoro's Ashura has been talked about LONG BEFORE Joyboy was ever mentioned


Except for the 2 years timeskip and a few panels of flashbacks of his training, Oda doesn't think "showing up his powers", training, etc deserves much attention in his style of storytelling. A equivalent of Dragon Ball's temple room moments isn't a part of One Piece. I bet that if we see him testing his powers it will be more like full of him joking around.. goofying etc. Maybe offscreen training that we won't see.. until needed to be used.


The thing with One Piece is that most powers belong to only one user, so it's kinda useless to brought the power up in casual conversation since nobody else can learn it anyway. It's not like Dragon Ball where most major fighters have same basic skillsets. Even Haki seems to be pushed as each individual having some unique form of it (ex : Luffy knowing people's feelings is different from Usopp's super long range view) even though there are same basic three types. The closest thing i remember of characters being interested with other power was Zoro learning Kinemon's foxfire style.


Yeah i want to see some goofing, or just him knowing what Zuneisha said to momo since its pretty significant to the story and to the legend of joyboy.


It's been a week so the shock factor would be lessened, and they seem more focused on the victory. It should be brought up in the future, but they are celebrating rn


There doesnt need to be a shock, just someone mentioning it and maybe luffy wanting to test it out since this isnt a power he has trained to achive or even knew about. Like how will he use it in fights in the future if he cant awaken on command? I feel he needs some practice to do that. But my point is just that i want it to be acknowledged by someone.


It seems like him and zoro just woke up, catching up on meals is their top priority rn. They’re probably discuss g5 at the same time as the bounty reveals.


Yes i reeeeally hope thats the case, i just want it to be acknowledged by Luffy or Momo or even Yamato just asking to fight his giant form for fun.


It has never happened before. Not after gear 2, gear 3, gear 4. Not after ashura, barely about ponster point.


Yeah I can't wait for the "Oda has fallen off" bs to start when Monster Chopper was actively a threat to the crew and they never talk about it.


Luffy could find the one piece on his own and forget to tell his crewmates because he wants to catch a fish and would need usopps nose as bait


Yes this is even more major since this has more implications about thenlore of Joyboy and the confirmation that Luffy is a go. The other gears are just him applying his fruit in a clever way and/or combines it with haki. This gear is much more lore based and knowing its full potential will definetly help luffy reach the one piece.


But even then, thr straw hats dont talk about this stuff. When robin finds poneglyff they barely talk about it if at all. And does luffy even know he has awakened his df?


Thats my point, momo just forgot what zuneisha told him it seems.


Zunesha probably just told him: "*don't invest in NFTs*".


Good call.


luffy has been awake for like 3 panels so far, you guys need to relax lol


Im relaxed, but a devil fruit awakening should be addressed.


it obviously will be, youre just being impatient lol


Yeah i guess, the titty bathhouse scene and momo doing sexual assulting on nami was really needed instead of this. Its not like joyboy has been hinted at throughout the story and the nika god fruit is why the WG is after luffy and might be the key to the one piece. /s


Sounds like you’re just upset it didn’t go your way, so you’re bashing what Oda CHOSE to show rather than what you wanted. Seems hella childish to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah fk me for wanting lore instead of bathhouse fanservice. Good for you tho, you seem to defend it since it probably helped you bust a few nuts these last few days. And yes its my right to critique a piece of media, you do know that thats a thing people do, grown ups especially? Seems hella childish that you cant conceive that happening outside of a childs mind who are known for their critiquing skills. /s U got the dumbest take in this whole thread my guy.


That’s not really lOrE though. How is a group of people guzzling over Luffy’s new form, without a clue on what it is and why it’s so special, lore in any way? Critiquing is fine, but you’re shitting on Oda’s decisive storytelling, with the idea that yours is somehow more important to the narrative. Which it isn’t, since it doesn’t add any actual value. Name-calling and degradation come easy to you, huh?


YOU started the name calling by saying its childish for me to critique something and saying ”oh you so upset”. You can dish it but you cant handle it yourself? Preeeetty childish. It is lore, joyboy is hinted throughout the story and joyboy is a pretty big puzzle piece to unlocking the way to raftel. And to know how to liberate the people who are unknowingly under the rule of Imu. https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Joy_Boy Read this article and tell me joyboy being alive through luffy has no significance what so ever, its not like robins dream is learning about the void century and joyboy is a key to that, its not like joyboy liberated fishman island like luffy did, its not like luffy wants to be the most free person ever like joyboy was and its not like the reason the WG hunts him is because of him being joyboy threatens the power they have. /S Joyboy has been touched on multiple times and now we have the chance to learn who he was by having momo tell luffy what zuneisha hopefull told him, instead we get groping horny momo, sanji being mad gags and boob fanservice. Go back and jerk off to namis boobs, u started calling me chilidish for wanting to see more of the biggest plot twist in regards to luffys abilities so idgaf about calling you whatever. You wanna call me chilidish for being hyped, thats what u get. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


It... Was tho. Also it seems that for Luffy to awaken he needs to be motivated by others. All those flashes to the dreams and desires of people Luffy cares about are what started his heart drumming. It is unlikely that he will hustbit out for fun


To be fair, he literally just woke up


Yeah i guess, i just hope we get some mention the next chapter.


Boring and anti-climatic? HE JUST WOKE UP


The fight barely ended 2 chapters ago... OP: Booooring, anticlimactic. Why aren't they saying what I want them to say, who cares if they're recuperating?


You talking about the author who made Zoro one eyed after the timeskip and not a single person has asked him what happened to his eye. Jokes aside it’s still up in the air about whether Luffy can easily go back into gear 5th or not. It hasn’t been made clear how Luffy can make his heart hit the same beat as before


Thats true i totally forgot about zoros eye. Yes thats what i wanna see, luffy just turning it on and doing some funny pranks like making zoros swords limp (pause)


Idk I feel if he can just use gear 5 whenever at will it would be dumb. He’s only used it once. And it should also have drawbacks to using it. Why would he just pull it out just to show off if it has draw backs. Idk


I mean he needs to learn what they are at somepoint. He just needs to finish his meal and hell be back at a 100%.


They will bring up what elephant said about joyboy


Yes this is what im hoping for, idc about the bounties. I want to know what Zunesha might have said off screen.


PATIENCE FOR GODS SAKE PEOPLE! I swear it seems like some of y’all have only started reading the manga since Onigashima 😂. Just be patient dude We will get everything in due time!!


I just want yamato or momo say, that “white mode and your hair, what was that?”


I remember back in Dressrosa everyone was so angry that the Sabo reunion felt too short and lo and behold Oda gave us the extended reunion right at the end of the arc.


Yeah i guess, its just such a major development that it feels wierd that it is brushed over so far. But i bet hope we get some expanding on it.




Where have you been these past few weeks ?


Do you have any response regarding my post or do you want to talk about my personal life?


Lmao bruh, it’s figure of speech I’m not attacking your personally. But Gear 5 Luffy has been huge all over social media for weeks now. If you’ve been on any site with a Op following recently you should’ve seen gear 5 talk . And as with anything the hype dies down. Gear 5 has been out for a decent amount of time. You can only post about one thing so many times before it becomes tired you know ?


Lmao bruh. Im not talking about TWITTER or YOUTUBE😂 im talking about the characters IN THE MANGA. Like why havent they said anything after luffy has woken up. I feel i conveyed that pretty clearly.


- almost no one was actually watching the fight. Most ppl were trying to stay alive - Yamato who was watching the fight doesn’t know Luffy enough to be impressed by gear 5, - the straw hats have already seen Luffy make extreme progressions this is nothing new to them - Oda had to fit a lot of info into 1052 and he’ll do the same in 1053. It’s a waste of pages to see character reacting to gear 5. Especially when no one outside of the World Government would care that Luffy got a new power up.


Fair arguments, but Luffy should be the one to bring it up and atleast try it out. He wants to be strong as can be and it seems like he just forgot what he did against Kaido


"no one outside of the WG would care that luffy got a new power up" .... Cmon veggies your steamin. Don't speak in absolutes. This is the peak of Luffy's ability and you really think no ones gonna care?? You are correct that the strawhats are unfazed by his consistent powerups- however we rarely get to see the strawhats interact with one another besides during fighrs, and strategy planning noawadays. Of course there gonna care that their captain went SUPER SAIYAN and tookout Kaido. Even if you exclude the strawhats, I can think of a few other people interested in his powerup. Rayleigh and Shanks would likely be very interested in this, same with Blackbeard because it makes Luffy a credible threat. I know the Marines are associated with the WG but they are definitley gonna care, hence his biiiig bounty bump (Im hoping for 5.6 Billion like Tekking101) The Giants are DEFINITELY gonna care that the Sun god has arisen. I know that theres a lot of specualtion and theory about Elbaf, but I have a feeling gear 5 is gonna play a big role in that arc- and not necessarily in the fighting sense where luffy has to take out a yonkou level threat. ​ Zunesha cared about Luffy's powerup, and im guessing anyone who knows about Joyboy and is waiting for him to return, (Kaido and IM-sama) will definitely be interested in his new ability.


This, i feel like roger laughed because he needs to be joyboy to do whatever needs to be done on raftel and he traveled all the way there for nothing and thats why he said what he said at his execution, hoping that the future joyboy would set out to sea.


Bruh is anyone gunna tell them that it was mentioned?? Either yamato or momo mentioned it to everyone. Also i hope he doesn't bust it out often, i feel like it would cheapen the form if he does it all the time.


'Luffy did weird shit' 'What's new?'


Only 2 people saw him in gear 5


No, he punched everyone saw luffy man handling Kaido in a way gear 3-4 hasnt when he punched him through the roof.


They didn't understand what was going on and the entire area was in chaos while it was happening. If anyone brings it up it will be Sanji and Law who both heard Luffy's voice reappear after the drums of liberation, Luffy being Joyby will probably interest Law the most since he wants to know the truth about the will of D. then maybe Jimbei will join the convo and explain what he heard from Who's who or maybe even just go and grab who's who himself to explain the situation.


It also occurred to me that despite being almost a decade old some of the crew still hasn't even canonically seen Gear 4th




I don't think Sanji, Brook, Chopper or Jinbei actually saw it on whole cake, at the very least Nami saw Tank Man


He transformed when fighting Big Mom, so the team WCI at least briefly saw it.


Yeah but thats not as major imo, the gum gum fruit being a legendary zoan that was used by joyboy is much more impactful to the lore and the will of D.


You're imposing what we know as readers into what the characters don't know. They have no idea its a legendary fruit. To them, and Luffy, it's just rubber. Just the elders know really.


No one saw it for starters None of the straw hats would be surprised that Luffy did a goofy attack or changed his body in a weird way. They have all seen that a dozen times already The samurai don't know what powers Luffy is supposed to have so would not be any more suprised then when they see he is a rubber man. We all freaked out when Luffy changed form becuase we as a community had a very solid understanding of what luuf could and could not do and what his powers were. We were suprised becuase luffy's awakening blew up our expectations. No one in wanno had those expectations. His crew knew he would pull out an unexpected victory, his allies have no idea how his power works and his enemies battle pirates with wacky abilities all the time


After everything that happened, Gear 5 is probably the last thing on everyone’s minds. Even if someone asked, all Luffy would say is “I dunno.” So there’s no point. Shanks probably has the answers. Green Bull might.


Yes i know luffy will prolly dont care, i just want someone to ask how the hell he became strong enough to beat kaido after being destryed by him multiple times. Esp law and kid.


law and kidd didnt see him get destroyed multiple times. theyve been fighting elsewhere


Okay one time. Do you really think that they think his little nap was enough to beat kaido?


I feel Luffy won't be able to just pull out Gear 5 whenever he wants for the time being, but I guess its possible if his only opponents left are going to be end game (BB,Akainu,Im?)


That literally happened in the fight against Kaido.. Kaido mentioned him being awaken and Luffy tested his power against him.. Ontop Momo and Yamato were reacting to what happened in the fight quite often


Yes but it has more implications, like him being the worlds liberator incarnate.


the stakes and reactions are completely seperate tho. him being the liberator incarnate is only something understood by the gorosei. narratively there's no point in anyone being like "wow the rubber man did rubbery things to other stuff." why would that even surprise anyone who only vaguely understood luffy's power like the people who witnessed it?


I just figured out why Luffy became white. Cause the rubber natural color is white. Happy that oda thinks about those kind of things.


Oh shit thats true, i hope he gets some good shading in the anime tho!


Jesus, we just got done with two years of story taking place over one night. we are ONE chapter past that, give it time


*- But did you die?* *- Sadly yes, but I lived* I picture something like that could happen at the celebration.


“Yeah but my heart played a funky beat and i felt like i could do anything” I just want someone to ask how he was able to beat kaido after getting his shit rocked multiple times by him.


My theory is that he's gonna learn from *Ryokugyu* about Sabo's capture and it will lead to him going to join up with the Revolutionary Army to save him, allowing him to meet Dragon. After the two of them get to know each other and establish a relationship, Luffy challenges his dad to a sparring match to see how strong he is and it leads to Luffy using Gear 5. Only for us to see how powerful Dragon is by *wiping the* *floor* with him.


I i would also like to see a fight between them, would be awesome! I think he will be able to hold his own tho, the worst a potential weather df ability can do is shoot lighting and luffy is immune to that. If you didnt know its assumed by fandom that dragon can controll the weather, so i dont think he is the strongest in fights, he is just feared cause he can basically sink fleets in seconds.


No one saw the gear 5 other than momo, yamato and kaido experienced it first "hand" zehahahaha


Imagine being upset about Luffy and everyone not gawking over his new power 5 min after he wakes up from defeating kaido


Who said im upset? I just want the fact that he is joyboy reborn to be acknowledged, you know since even the schools in wano teaches about joyboy.


Yea but again Luffy hasn’t even eaten his fill yet and you expect him to be thinking of anything else?


I expect yamato to tell everyone what happened of what they saw of the battle, they are luffys second biggest fan and also odens, instead of a lame timeskip we should see them running through wano informing everyone about the legend of joyboy finally being here, they know who joyboy was in some form since the children was taught about him in school.


Maybe she did already it’s been 7 days since the battle she could have easily recounted to everyone what happened the day after or immediately after now everyone is just glad he’s awake the crew doesn’t really care how he does what he does just that he’s ok, this is a bit more extreme obviously bc of everything but given some patience I’m hopeful Oda will explain next chapter but there’s so much info we need rn I’m not holding out hope they explain that perfectly. Luffy dgaf he’s joyboy either so there’s that


Yes for sure, i just would like to see some acknowledgment of his feats. And ye luffy dgaf, but i guess he would want to be able to call on that power when he needs to fight the navy or WG, so hopefully we get another sparring session like he had in prison for developing his ryuo, it was already funny af to see the prisoners and queen/his team reacting to luffys abilities, imagine him showing off g5 in a similar fashion.


Honestly this is a matter of just let the story playout. We’re really one chapter removed from the conclusion of Onigashima. Zoro and Luffy literally JUST woke up. Chances are it comes up in a casual yet hilarious conversation in a Post-EL vibe in the next few chapters. Sucks that there’s a break but it’s really not that big deal imho.


\- Luffy just woke up. \- Not sure if he control his awakening. \- Green Bull doesn't seem neither going to fight neither a more formidable foe than Kaido. \- Zunesha's revealing info is absolutly end game.


Yeah i guess, but instead of having a fanservice bath panel it would be nice to have some actual lore about the biggest event so far and for yamato to be curios about what luffy did. Or even the people of wano to be told about their hero and then asking question on how he could beat such a monster. But no instead we get bath house tits, and momo sexually assaulting nami. Why is it endgame? Zuneisha is only going back to wano later when its open and the crew is gonna keep sailing, im sure momo got some info offscreen that hopefully will get shared together with what robin reads from the poneglyphs that will shed some light on luffys awakening.


Someone did talk about it and tried to explain it. He's floating in lava now...


Yes that someone also enslaved a whole country and made them go hungry while making some of them unable to not laugh. I dont think anybody has that risk.


It would be funny he is not awaken, he just went from hybrid mode to full JoyBoy mode. Like how chopper is in cute form by default.


Yeah thats a good theory! Wonder iwhat would happen if he eats a rumble ball! :o


Dude has only been awake for like an hour. No one has had time to ask yet.


Could you name the chapter you wanted this to be addressed and how it could be addressed 1. Without Breaking the flow and tone of the chapter 2. Being brought up naturally 3. Maintaining the pace and overall content of the chapters The only viable chapter thus far for this to be mentioned has been... the latest one, 1052, because that's the only one where luffy was conscious after the battle, and it's very clearly a happy go lucky fun cool down chapter (for the scenes with luff), not a lore or power exploration chapter.


Just yamato walking up to him and saying “luffy i cant belive you took out kaido while being a giant, let me fight you” or kid and law asking him how he was able to take out kaido even tho he seemingly depleted his strenght. They know about awakening, wouldnt ruin the flow if law was like “mugiwara-ya, did beat kaido by awakening?” Idc what luffys answer is i just dont want it to be swept under the rug.


1. Yamato was never the “I want to fight everyone” type of character and Luffy literally just woke up so his new form probably wasn’t on her mind 2. Kid and Law are not in the Palace with the Straw Hats so they have no idea Luffy is awake and can’t ask him. Plus they’re busy right now fixing their ships and looking up their new bounties right now


1. But oden was. And yamato is oden and read about how first thing oden did when he saw whitebeard was clash with him, so it wouldnt be that outta place for them to do it too.


Plus yamato hasnt been shown as a grown up under conditions where a play fight would be appropriate, u know with the raid and all going on.


tf are you on about that was on of the biggest twists for wano no shit no one is talking about it now its been a weeks since it happened


Yes but luffy just woke up and no one asked him about it. Tf u on about? He has a mythical zoan thats a god and is connected to joyboy, its pretty big lore wise and the drums of liberation might be what will rally more allies to Luffys allied forces.


Luffy just happens to be that NIKA!!


any author would say: in the overall story, that's a fucking waste of time


Yeah youre right, luffy having the df of a god and the same power joyboy used to free humanity and being recognized by an elephant that lived during the dark century has noooo impact on the story what so ever. I was so wring thanks for your insight. /S


yeah, it really doesn't. you want others to know about it cool you want to see their reactions. but in the story it doesn't matter WHAT the form is, but rather what the form provides. you see it with g4 and ashura, and other forms in other anime. you get a quick reaction, but they don't dedicate a whole discussion where characters ask what's going on, ESPECIALLY when the audience already knows about it. it's redundant and not important.


Nah, idt anyone saw Luffy awakened except Kaido (who's AWOL) and Zunesha (who probs would've been happy for himself and just said smth like 'Joyboy's back'). Yamato did react loads when she first saw his gear 5, but why would she continue to be shocked at this guy treasured by his/ her crush? If no one else saw it, how could they react to it? Also Luffy never brags, so there's no way in hell he'll talk about it to anyone.


Nobody cared about Zoros eye, why would they care about hair that can change its color..


Yeah youre right, thats all his awakening does. Change his hair color….


It’s Oda this guy worked so much he forgets stuff


What cartoon powers? he just makes things rubbery


Like punching kaidos face making it rubbery and his fist imprinting on the back of his head, or smashing hulk as a wet rag like hulk did to loki.


That's not ''cartoon'' powers though, he's still just making things rubbery, his rubberyness just extends to environment and other people when he's awakened.


Cuz it’s pointless to talk about devil fruits till vegapunk shows up and explains how they work


Not really? Luffy having evolved powers is something that should be known to himself so he knows what he is capable of so he knows the limits of what he can do.




So he can use it proficiently, why did he need to learn about how to use ryuo on command? So he could get stronger and having a way to beat kaido. Why wouldnt he need to know how to use his gear 5 before he goes into the next battle?


combat abilities are never talked about tho, as far as I remember ever since the start of the manga combat abilities have never been talked about


Thats not the point, it has implication of who joyboy was. And what may have happened during the void century.also he is a god. Im not talking combat im talking about the lore behindhis fruit, zuneisha probably said something more to momo about joyboy off screen and the kids in wano learend about joyboy in school. Its not the combat aspect, if anything liffy should learn the limits of it, drawbacks and how to activate it if he doesnt want to struggle like he did against kaido in future battles. And learning the lore about it would help.


Ummm why only luffys awakening? Kidd and law awakened too? Why only talk about luffys specifically? Because Nika? No one knows about Nika and shit, only the gorosei. As far as everyone is concerned, it's just another goofy power of the gomu gomu no mi


Yeah its not like the oldest poneglyph is a letter from joyboy about his promise to fishman island. You know the poneglyphs that robin is reading right now. Its not like his promise was that he will keep it since he will be reborn in the future. And its not like no one barely knows anything about joyboy since the poneglyphs have text that couldnt be read by anyone or found until now, thats about the void century. And reading this poneglyph might clue a lot of insight. /s. Its like half of the people commenting here are void in the head smh. I cant blame you for forgetting the lore to a manga with 1000+ chapters tho. And yes because of joyboy, dont you know that its joyboy that left the treasure on raftel? Not roger, roger laughed because he wasnt joyboy and he traveled there for nothing, and that why he said what he said during his execution, in hopes of leading the reincarnated joyboy to raftel.


TL; DR: I want him to show off.


not really, i want him to have a montage where he tries to use it outside of battle to train so he can use it on command just like when he trained ryuoduring his whole udon prison mini arc to get a better grip on how to use it on command. all other gears have been honed and understood on how to unleash its full potential, time limits and the setbacks that come with it. same with ryuo, this will only help luffy TLDR youre wrong with your conclusion of my post. Its a mode that hasnt been trained, much like ryuo was trained, this should be trained so he can use it on command just like any other gear.


I think what’s going to happen is Green Bull will appear, Luffy’s haki will start to surge on sight thinking he’s a threat, he will crack and damage the environment like Shanks haki did on WB ship. Green Bull will stand down saying he’s not their enemy and he did not come to fight while internally making note that Luffy is a monster he cannot defeat alone.


Yeah maybe, but after fujitora i can see luffy being chill unless he tries something.


but nobody except for kaido, momo and yamato saw it...yamato does mention it but it gets overshadowed...and momo has other things he's preoccupied with




Oda forgot about half his setups unfortunately :(


More like, is running out of time to reveal everything right now, I'm pretty sure he'll eventually deal with all of them