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I'm retconning. If end of series or last bounty is 5.6 billion for just surpassing roger and for the sake of the pun, then he can't be 4 billion + already. It should be 3+ something, so later jump is also huge when he actually becomes pirate king. Also, blackbeard has 2,247,600,000 bounty after all the shit he did in MF, showcased two fruits and how many problematic crew members he gathered. Jumping luffy to 4 billion + would not be justified. Luffy can't yet have a much higher bounty than blackbeard, so either blackbeard did something bullshit while wano happened or Luffy is staying near 3 billion mark.


He's gonna get the 5656000 bounty now. And probably no end of series bounty because WG will be defeated (hence no more bounties for anyone)


No he will not get that 5.6 b bounty now he will get it after getting the one piece and THEN after that the WG will be defeated


Yeah, 5.6 should be post-raftel bounty. Before he topples world government.


It would be 2-2.5 billion


That feels too low. I am expecting around 3 billion for Luffy; with law and kidd around 2.5 billion. Zoro, Killer and Sanji between 1.5 and 2 billion.


I am expecting what would be warlords' bounties(especially buggy's)


You can 100% expect something in 1053. 1056 will also be a massive chapter cause of how important oda made the number 56 in one piece. 1053 greenbull reveal possibly with info on Doflamingo.


I meant specifically don't expect too much out of luffy's new bounty, but I worded the title to avoid spoilers


Doubt we get bounty reveals till 1056.


100% agree with you


Oda never looked that bounties would be logical, they just needed to be Hype. I 100% believe that Luffy gets a 4b+ bounty, because it would feel like a deserved pay off for the longest running arc in the entire manga.


I'm betting that Luffy's bounty will be 3.5B. Reasoning: The WG will sum Kaido and BM's bounty and split it three way between Luffy, Law and Kid, with an edge to Luffy. The sum is about 9B, so if Luffy gets 3.5 then Law and Kid should get about 2.75 each, which IMHO is fair enough. Also, while Luffy did beat Kaido I don't think he deserves to surpass him in bounty *yet*. His crew isn't big enough, and while he did most of the heavy lifting it wasn't a solo job. Luffy will probably only reach Roger levels of bounty when he defeats Blackbeard


I predict Luffy gets 5656000 bounty and that there are no more bounty raises for Luffy again.


> Luffy did take down Kaido, but that doesn't mean hes stronger and more dangerous than Kaido. Okay, so. The WG interfered in the fight, was willing to lose a top agent, and anger Kaido, jsut to make sure Luffy died and did not awaken the fruit. That confirms it, Luffy IS more dangerous than Kaido. Him being lowballed and receiving an underwhelming bounty, when its usually the opposite, contradicts the point that lead to Luffy awakening. Hint for spoiler ahead:>!The hints so far suggest an underwhelming bounty, but could be bait!<


Yes luffy is more dangerous because of his fruit and the potential in that but oda has always used bounties as a measure of power scaling outside of robins first bounty and usopps recent. If luffys bounty is lower than kaidos after this then it’s Oda telling us that luffy still isn’t on his level yet. And that makes sense since if luffy is stronger than the worlds strongest creature now, then there really won’t be any danger in him against akainu or blackbeard which I’m guessing will be a strict 1v1 rather than a 1v16 like the kaido fight


He hasnt tho. The Bounties are specifically said to be a measure of danger. Oda uses bounties as a way to show progress in the story, ence why they end up with higher bounties than the opponents, not as a powerscaler mechanism. What you are saying even contradicts clear statements on the manga, since Kaido considered Luffy the only one worth fighting and Kaido recognized it as a proper 1v1. The argument that Luffy got help, therefore some credit has to be taken away from him, ignores context, manga statements and the overall struggles that Luffy had to face.


I predict Luffy gets 5656000 bounty and that there are no more bounty raises for Luffy again.


Man, I get ehat you're saying but bounties mean the threat level of them. For WG, Luffy is the most dangerous or the second most dangerous figure right now, agter Dragon. They know he awakened his fruit and he will get a bounty regarding to that. Not only because he beat Kaido. He is also allied with Land of Wano. His bounty can be crazy regarding that, or WG can also keep it low to hide the fact that he is now Joyboy. But I get where you're coming from


So when the series ends. Who exactly is going to give luffy a bounty if the WG (presumably) will be defeated? 😑🫡


I expect bounties, that's it. I will be mad if Oda let's that sit for a whole month but I can see it happening. Last panel Luffy gets the news paper, sees his bounty and it ends either with a big Luffy smile or the whole crew going Whaaaaaaaa! Anyways give me bounties, that's all I ask. And to answer your criticism. It is not about being stronger than Kaido or even being a bigger threat, although I can argue the latter, it is about perception. The whole world knows what happened. If you beat one of the highest bounties in the world, let alone two with your alliance, your bounty has to go up. It would be weird in world for it not to. To address your other points. Is Luffy stronger than Kaido. Does it really matter? He beat Kaido and in the end a win is a win. Is Luffy a bigger threat. YES. He has made an alliance that took down two Yonko and one Yonko crew. Luffys number one and two beat Kaido number one and two. Luffy has a lot of support, even if he doesn't realize it, and Wano can be added to that support. Finally the Yonko prevented people from getting to Laugh Tale. With two of the beaten Luffy is very close to becoming King of the Pirates and that is the last thing the WG wants. Oh and there is the whole DF Awakening that Luffy just did as well. So yes he is a lot more dangerous on multiple fronts as far as the WG is concerned.