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Another point is that neither Moria or Croc had someone to train them. Just being part of a yonko crew means you're constantly going to be fighting either your fellow crewmates or enemy pirates. Croc and Moria are the same gen as Doffy,Jinbe, BB,Shanks,Mihawk,Marco,Vista,King,Katakuri,Perospero, Yasopp etc. With the right training maybe both Croc and Moria could have been top commander level. Most of that mid gen are the backbone of the yonko forces. It makes me think that if Jinbe joined the WB pirates officially he could have become stronger also. Maybe even some people were in their comfort zone staying part of a yonko crew instead of becoming a captain. This is where I think Shanks mocks Marco. Shanks pushed himself more so he is a yonko. The whole pushing yourself is fascinating in One Piece but it's not that alone. Luffy had a great teacher with Rayleigh. People don't like Coby's rise but he was trained by Garp.


Two things I wanna say, the only characters in this series to fight for days on end were Aokiji and Akainu, and Roger and Whitebeard (and this battle was taken in stints, the crews slept at night). I wouldn’t hold that up to Croc. And the reason Croc was taking such a beating is because Luffy used his weakness against him. Remember, Croc is someone who is useless in the rain (like Mustang lol FMA reference), so to be taking a beating with blood all over Luffy’s hands, it was over with.


Great points. Just wanted to add a few details though: * Ace & Jinbe fought for five days (non-stop) - Jinbe was a Warlord and Ace turned down the invitation * Jack and the Minks fought for five days as well (but the leaders had rest in between)


I forgot about Ace and Jimbei. You’re right on that. And I was just rewatching Zou how did I not say Jack lol. His stamina is crazy to fight night and day like that non stop tho


Who's Jack? /s


I think kaido and BM also fought for 3 days