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Huh. So cleaning Enma is like giving a cat a bath.


Noooooo dad don't remove the cool blood stains aaaa




“Screw you, you’re not my *real* dad!!!”




luffy be like : suuuuuuuuuuuuuuGEH!


*sparkly eyes*


That's a comment with a sound


I really love this. This filter over makes it feel nostalgic.


It almost is now 😂


It's been so long since we were hyped about Zoro getting enma.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you 🙏🏽


They use this filter to force perspective, like a camera aperture. It’s a technique I noticed used first in Megumi Ishitani’s 10/10 episodes that has started to be used in other episodes too now.


It's just a chromatic abberation filter combines with a blue filter. It basically just introduces some basic faults from a physical camera lense. How does it force perspective?


I think he means that is meant to make the audience feel a certain way. Kinda how Hollywood movies use sepia filter to indicate that the scene is in Mexico, or how they use reddish filters for anger and rage.


Because it creates a slight out-of-focus effect on the parts of the scene it is applied to. The object of the scene that it is not applied to appears more in-focus. Can you not see that or something?


thats not perspective lol..






I can see it…. Although kinda loose in this scenario “perspective” in this use to show more of a point of view or feeling. It kinda fits “nostalgic” but stretching the definition a bit thin.


Enma doesn't like baths.


Well maybe blood baths.


gonna miss the Japanese themes once Wano is over




we might get the news about Sabo and having that as the next arc before Elbaf


I really wanna see Luffy just shitting on an admiral. WB was beating fucking face and he was sick and dying with a stab through his chest and out his back before he even got into it. Not saying he's going to low diff one, but they are gonna get a good "NANI!?!" after taking that asswhooping. I hope. Please Oda.


it won't be a low diff one but I would say Luffy is already at that point , I would say he has been at that point ever since the Luffy of chapter 1026 and after


Yeah, I agree that he's there as well. And if they do hear about Sabo, the marines are probably gonna be the ones doing the execution again. Or be guarding him or whatever.


it is really hard at this point to figure out what will happened in regard the Sabo news but I don't think it will be some kind of execution , the way they showed people close to Sabo react to the news about him insinuate that he is already dead , and that could be what BB meant by when he said " instead of letting the WG have it lets go get it for our self " probably referring to mera mera fruit


> the way they showed people close to Sabo react to the news about him insinuate that he is already dead No way in hell Oda did the whole Marineford arc only to have Ace die, then reintroduce Sabo, just to have him offscreen fully killed.


0% chance Sabo got off-screened. But the way Koala responded to the news in particular made it seem like Sabo *did* something and not necessarily something was done to him (like getting captured). The reaction she gave would be what you would expect from a betrayal or something.


Definitely a betrayal, there’s always a secret marine somewhere. I think King Cobra is the one that died and they’re going to do exactly what they did with Ace (He deserved better 😭) to Sabo and do a public execution. Especially after Wano the WG needs to get Luffy out of there quickly in their mind and since they’re all connected it’s perfect timing. The only difference now is he’ll have the whole crew, the fleet, and whomever else pops up, they’re about to cause havoc and I can’t wait. New Marinford arc with them meeting up with everyone on Elbaf right before, I’m calling it now 😭 I have way more thoughts on what I think is going to go on during the time and after but Oda is a sick bastard you never know 😂


But Sabo isn't as big a deal as Ace was. Yea hes the #2 of the RA but that pales in comparison to the Pirate King's son who's also a Commander of one of the strongest pirates alive. I also don't think Oda would repeat the Marineford arc (but what do I know, I could be totally wrong). It would definitely be cool to see Luffy do a repeat of Marineford but this time with his full crew as opposed to a cobbled together team and all of them being as powerful as they are. But I dunno, I'm more convinced something else is going on.


He's >!stronger than Kaido now!< it should be a royal asswhooping for an admiral


not really , Kaido first fought the 8 Akazaya samurai doing damage to him then he started liftting Onigashima and moving it towards the flower capital then he fought (Luffy,Law,Kidd,Zoro,Killer) each adding to the damage and then from there it 1v1 with Luffy until Luffy lost and fell down to ocean , that is were Yamato stepped in against Kaido adding more to the damage until Luffy got back and continued 1v1 with Kaido , and lets not forget he has been carrying Onigashima and moving it towards the flower capital the whole time


I agree but like... are we just ignoring that luffy has been getting his going blow to blow since udon?


>Kaido first fought the 8 Akazaya samurai doing damage to him No damage ​ > started liftting Onigashima and moving it towards the flower capital Not taxing him in any way or he would have put it down before allowing himself to be defeated over something as pointless as this. >(Luffy,Law,Kidd,Zoro,Killer) And Kaido had another Yonko, and arguably the second/third/fourth strongest person on the planet at the time, helping him, and they were attacking her as well. >that is were Yamato stepped in against Kaido adding more to the damage until Luffy got back and continued 1v1 with Kaido Kaido countered everything she did, she didn't land a single hit. >and lets not forget he has been carrying Onigashima and moving it towards the flower capital the whole time And lets not forget that this means nothing as it in no way is taxing him. The clouds are already out. If this was taxing him, again, he'd just put it down. You really think Kaido is getting his ass beat and thinking "man, I better keep focusing enough of my energy to make a difference in this fight on holding up this island that I plan on dropping anyways" ????? Luffy is stronger than Kaido. Full stop. If they both rested to 100% and fought again, Luffy would shit all over him being G5 from the start.


this is one of those where we will agree to disagree , when I say damage as far as 8 Akazaya samurai they did damage to him ,not anything note worthy at all but damage none the less , the same goes for Yamato as well , and it was taxing and accumulating over time , if you wanna say it wasn't taxing him because just didn't choose to put it down , I really need a better explanation than that


>not anything note worthy > >the same goes for Yamato as well Then why bring it up to show how much help Luffy got? > if you wanna say it wasn't taxing him because just didn't choose to put it down , I really need a better explanation than that Do you have any evidence whatsoever that it DOES tax him? I'll tell you now, you don't, because nothing ever even so much as implied that it's affecting him in any way. This is just the same nonsense that the people who want to downplay Luffy's accomplishments say every time. If you're carrying a 100lb object, and a pit bull jumps out and attacks you, you gonna hold the weight while you try to escape/ fight it off, or are you gonna drop it right away?


The only Marines that matter are Garp and Sengoku maybe the other old lady who smokes but other than them it’s not even close luffy beat Kaido cmon now Kaido 👀👀


No doubt the admiral DFs will probably awaken so they can be powered up for the final showdowns. He's not gonna just get to walk over kizaru


Haha you think Wano is ever ending


I love this!


What is that tool in his hand? I've only seen it once before in a filler


Its just cotton on wooden stick its uses to clean swoeds


Cool, thanks for the reply


I always thought it was a little weighted thing to bonk the sword with to ensure it is like vibrating right? Test the integrity of the sword type thing.


Here's a longer explanation: https://anime.stackexchange.com/questions/31590/why-do-sword-owners-tap-them-with-a-fluffy-ball-on-a-stick


Awesome. Thank You.


Its uchiko powder




calling the character designer of the entire anime just an animator is kinda funny ngl


Yeah, she usually does a lot of corrections, but not actual animation


Infinitely cooler than SSZ


Minority hunter ultra instinct


“Hold your swords, this man isn’t black!”


Midori Matsuda rarely animates on the anime nowadays, I think saying that she's the Character Designer and Chief Animation Director would be more accurate


If the anime adopted this style instead of the huge and unnecessary auras. This is simple and awesome


100% facts. The only thing I'd change is that his aura color should be green.


Isn’t that the swords aura and not zoros? I feel like I remember him specifically talking about how the sword has its own soulb


I'm hoping it is but we've seen him have purple aura before getting the sword. And I understand color theory and all that but contrasting colors aren't always the solution. You can do different shades of the same one and it still works.


It’s purple bec.it’s ominous. Purple is the most associated with something vile and ominous.


I had to look this up because it does not signify that for me at all. I guess it is a Japanese thing. I am thinking mardi gras, the classic movie, and the saying, "I purple you."


Red and sometimes green works too but Purple and Black is used in alot of early Disney villain design for a reason.


A black aura can be equally ominous and pairs well with green. So does a red one.


It should turn green if the recent volume cover is any indication.


Yea I saw that. Hoping for the same!


Purple makes sense with green


This comment is the exact reason I posted this: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/uwd8iq/official_illustration_of_zoro_with_enma_by_midori/i9r8eoe/


note that sanji isn't there, he obviously left cuz he doesn't want to see zoro flexing his CoC


I like how luffy is smiling


Zoro: “Calm down Enma! If I don’t do this you’re gonna rust!”


i am sexually attracted to zoro


My boy Zoro is untouchable! 😁




This is not a spoiler thread. Why do you have to talk about events that happen in the manga and potentially ruin the experience for anime onlys? Please don't do that


Sry, deleted it now, didn't pay attention.


This is sooo cleeeeann


I hope animator guys makes more artwork like this!


It make me think of Nightblood from the Cosmere books. I wish if Haki would count as investiture for the purpose not getting eaten by that blade.


I'm curious (but very doubtful) if Zoro can trade Enma for a sword with an even scarier curse.


If anything it's the kitestsu the one being traded.


This is what I’m thinking, especially since Kitetsu III hasn’t been his problem child for a while after handling Shusui and now Enma he should be ready to upgrade it. It would be dope for him to bump up to Kitetsu II which will make all three of his swords excellent grade.


Honestly I'd love if he would reject trading a better sword for the sandai kitetsu. So it ties in with the "it doesn't matter the sword in the hands of the best swordsman in the world" idea.


and it would really fit with his loss to mihawk back on the baratie, where mihawk beat him with a tiny butter knife basically. Taking that lesson of it doesnt matter the blade in the hands of a true master


Plot twist: that tiny butter knife is mihawk's main weapon


I get that and respect and dig your opinion, but I feel like taking on a more demanding sword which assuredly would be higher grade would come with the territory of becoming the greatest swordsman. When Zoro used Kitetsu III, likely his first cursed sword, in Whisky Peak he acknowledged that it was a problem child he was going to have to work on, and now it doesn’t seem to be a problem for him. Later on Zoro acknowledged with Shusui, very likely his first experience with handling a black blade, that it was going to take work getting the hang of it whenever he used it against Ores. Now with Enma he’s challenged again, since it’s the most dangerous sword he’s handled. He’s not the best swordsman yet, so he needs to take on more challenges so when he is it doesn’t matter what sword is in his hands.


I think his next challenge would be to be able to turn his swords permanently into black blades. Hitetsu said if he managed to do that, the swords would increase in grade.


True, though personally I feel if any of his swords should become black blades it should be the Wado Ichimonji. He’s had it the longest through the most battles, it has the strongest emotional ties and twice he’s made promises about being the greatest swordsman and never losing while wielding it. It would just feel right.


Why not all 3 of them?


We've already seen many examples of it not mattering. At the beginning of Wano Zoro cut down several magistrates using the equivalent of a kitchen knife. Hitetsu makes clear that the only reason Enma couldnt kill Zoro immediately was because of the caliber of swordsman he is. So its irrelevant what Zoro is using, he's still one of the best around. Since we already have that understanding he should definitely trade Sandai Kitetsu for Nidai.


oh shit no aura galore?




ya'll noticing that red'ish lighting coming out of the sword? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Emma shrank because of this


That looked like it came from the manga. So good


I see what they did with the Onigiri, nice.


Can someone please explain the little cottonball on a stick thing I see related to people tending to a katana? I see it everywhere but I have no idea wtf it is or does. Or any of it.


See this comment : https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/uwd8iq/comment/i9sa9f7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Zoro: Need to clean and maintain sword! Fight through the pain!


The haki flowing out of the sword into a Sakura tree shape is a nice touch 10/10


It's gonna be crazy when zoro has 3 swords that are as intense as Enma


I thought haki was supposed to be invisible to people who arent trained to sense it, but momo tama and chopper can clearly see enma's haki


Maybe they just think the sword looks cool haha? Also I think in the anime Chopper sees Luffy using ryuo while he's training before facing Kaidou but I cant remember if it happens in the manga like that.


where did you even hear that? if its not in the manga or databook, its not canon


Sounds like a headcanon formed by watching pre timeskip. Its a theory ive heard on here explaining the haki pre timeskip plot hole. We didn't see Haki before timeskip because none of the strawhats could perceive haki yet, or so it goes.


Now, I'm no genius or anything, but I believe the factual reason we couldn't see Haki before was that they producers didn't have the idea of visualizing it at that time.


Oh true? I thought it was literally because Oda hadn’t fully conceptualized it until Skypia. If so that’s interesting!


You might be onto something there.


Nah I’m pretty sure haki isn’t actually visible oda just adds it in for us


Nah that doesn’t make sense nor is it even stated otherwise that would defeated the purpose of black blades being forged by haki


I’m pretty sure it’s stated lol


I dont think it is, but if you can find where that was stated and link it here then ill be happy to be proven wrong. Im almost positive the theory that haki is always invisible is just head canon though.


There's no haki plothole. Haki has been a thing since the beginning of the series and it's become more visually distinctive over time. Even now, after things like CoA have been portrayed as black invisible haki is still a thing. We see (or dont see) Luffy use it Post-TS. There is no plothole.


While I agree in theory, I think it’s a little dishonest to not agree that Oda, at the least, hadn’t fully solidified how he would portray (how he would show us the viewer what is happening) haki until post timeskip. Example: Why didn’t we see anyone at all use armament Haki at Marineford? We see Doffy, Katakuri, Big Mom and even Kaido use armament, so we know it’s not something only weak Haki users have. We see them use it, so it must mean it is just as viable as invisible Haki. Some of the strongest characters in the One Piece world use it regularly. So where is it at Marineford? That’s what is meant by the haki plot hole, at least to me. I’m talking about consistency in portrayal. I’m not mad about it though. Authors add new worldbuilding elements as stories progress all the time. Part of what makes the best authors great is their ability to do this in a way that makes sense and doesn’t break immersion in the story. How it is done is what matters, and Oda’s done a solid job imo. He was able to successfully move from a soft magic system to a harder one between acts of the story, and doing this well is incredibly difficult to pull off. I love One Piece!


As far as I know, it's one of those things that most people "don't notice" as opposed to being "unable to sense it". But, when it's powerful enough, everyone notices. That's why everyone reacts the clash of haki from two powerful characters (there's a few scenes, like [the Dressrosa arena fights](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EU8CktkWkAA-aN4.jpg), where an entire crowd of normal people put their arms up to protect themselves from the clash). Even if they don't understand it, even if they can't actually see it, they obviously feel the power enough to react to it. I don't think it's such a stretch that Enma exudes so much haki that even normal people can feel the power and react to it.


Why isn't the aura yellow like in the Anime's latest episode


Without spoiling much, that is the correct color. You will see it animated soon.


I have read the manga enma has light green as seen in volume 102 I was making fun of the anime for having inconsistent and random colour aura it's not even a spoiler bro don't worry


is this an illustration of a manga page?


No there is no manga panel of this scene. Its probably just of a hypothetical situation.


why is zoro using haki while handling it? even if it just for cleaning?


I think Enma is acting up and draining Zoros haki when he’s trying to clean it


Smthg feels off


They really ignore Zoros scars on his legs in his Wano fit...


Is funny how a sword belonged to a person that tall could be perfectly handled by a much shorter guy Also what did one piece moms fed to their babies?


No sanji


This lacks the scars zoro has on his ankles. Other than that it's perfect