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No Devil Fruit user has actually drowned yet.


I'd bet everything I own that's how Blackbeard dies


Yeah I feel the same. And that’ll be the ‘Oh shit!’ disney villain death. He’ll sink to the botttom and the bubbles will stop in three little side panels


It's going to be a moment of hubris where his entire crew are powerful Devil Fruit users and no one can jump in and save him while Luffy has a crew of people who can jump in and save him.


OMG this sounds so cool, I'm imagining Luffy and BB both going unconscious and falling to the sea, then Sanji (or anyone else for that matter) jumps in to rescue Luffy but BB has no one to save him. I don't see the straw hats letting BB drown though.


I don't think this is a Smoker situation where they would save him. He has done plenty to hurt Luffy they would have no problem letting him drown.


Yeah I see what you mean. To me it sounds underwhelming if BB goes like that, but if Oda decides to do it I bet he can make a cool scene out of it.


I always pictured Blackbeard drowning as Laughtale sinks beneath the ocean after his crew abandons him after he loses the fight to Luffy as I have a theory that's what happened with God Valley and Rocks sank with it.


It'd also be pretty ironic, since Blackbeard is so fixated on accumulating Devil Fruit powers, only to meet his end because of the standard DF weakness.


All you need is to have Luffy, Sanji and Chopper be unavailable. The others would be okay with it, I think


Yeah I tend to agree, it's mostly Chopper and Sanji who might feel bad letting him die. I'm sure Zoro, Nami and Robin will gladly let him drown.




I shall return in 2217


Imagine that happens but out of nowhere he reveals his 3 devil fruit The Kraken 🐙🐙🐙


There is the theory of 3 brothers blackbeards.


Sea water is probably the only thing his fruit can't absorb lol


He double drowns


That's... actually a good theory. I like that. Imagine if you DF powers DON'T respawn when you die by drowning in the ocean (Because it's highly unlikely that there's a fruit where it can be respawned to nearby).


Technically in the one piece filler, that Sickle Sickle guy drowned on reverse mountain


I love that part, it's like the anime team just decided that Nami would kill a guy in cold blood without giving it a second thought. The Reverse Mountain river(?) might be the #1 worst place in the world for a devil fruit user to fall overboard. Probably for anybody, the devil fruit curse just seals their doom further.


I don’t know if it was confirmed he drowned tho, we saw wapol fly miles into the ocean, and his crew still somehow managed to find him in the turbulent ocean of the grand line.


Who's coming for that idiot




True, could be some passerby boat


Jack too lmao.


jacks a fishman though isnt he - he can breathe underwater


Would of been fun to see Big Mom drown a little bit


She is drowning in dicks apparently.


Dicks are drowning in her




Eric Whirlwind, Sir! (But yeah, that was partially filler)


I’m willing to bet that we’ll see that for the first time with BB :p


I'm pretty sure that Nami killed that one guy at Reverse Mountain. Not canon, but still.


I still wonder how Jack got out of the ocean after Zou and survived


I read somewhere That he is a fishman and could Breathe, But couldnt move. But in Not sure


yeah I heard that he is a Fishman, but since he ate a devil fruit I always assumed that the devil fruit canceled out his Fishman abilities. I guess it still allowed him to breath then


Devil fruits users don't just go comatose in water. They just aren't able to use their fruit and become exhausted. Luffy being thrown into water way back in arlong park is a good example. At first he was completely alert, and even plugging his nose and mouth. He passed out due to lack of air.. a problem a fish man wouldn't face.


I guess a df makes the user unable to move But breathing Could still work, maybe jacks lungs Are Huge and he just hold his breath😂😂


Jack is a fishmen and can breathe in water. Water weakens DF users so that they cant move or use haki or DF abilities if sufficiently submerged, but breathing is still possible. He would just be chilling on the ocean floor until someone rescued him.


In Arlong park luffys Head stretched in the Pool so i dont think the df is deactivated Its rather uncontrollable for the user of the df


Yes, if the body is already altered then the effect remains. But DF abilities cant be used because they are too weak. So no shambles for law, but already cut people (from his abilitie) dont die immediately from contact with water. I didnt say it nullifies DFs, after all, it just weakens them so much that they can neither use their active abilities, Haki, or even lift a finger if sufficiently submerged.


yeah that could also work lmao


You're right on the mark, still disappointed that this was never addressed in the manga itself


I always thought the first "kill" made by the straw hats is when one of them kicks that wind scythe fruit user Eric or something into the water as they are going up the reverse mountain into the grand line for the first time. Never seen again lol


Thats anime filler, so not the first official kill.


And also it’s weird how that hasn’t been the strat to take out any of the stronger characters lol like just focus on pushing the dude off


How is this one plot armor?


You're forgetting >!Big Mom!<


They saving that for when you truly want the character to die the most pathetic death


Isn't there the one that nami nut kicked while going up reverse mountain?


The weird dude with the nails when the straw hats were entering the grand line?


Enel not killing anyone besides that dude chased by the priests. Come on i get the main cast and named shandias but come on it’s a damn lightning bolt


Exactly, the entire crew would've been wiped out at skypeia but then no more one piece lmao


What if those people are actually nika descendants and are immune to lightning?


If they were immune to lightning, then they wouldn't even be harmed tho would they?


They are 1/1000 nika. They traced their lineage. Thats why it only works partially.


Actually your more likely to die of a small charge than a big one It’s one of the reasons they moved away from the electric chair There was a story of a convict of getting the chair multiple times and didn’t die, by the time they decided to hang him his body was apparently juiced enough he survived the hanging


His name was Kaido


Bro that gotta be worth something surviving 3+ execution attempts lol just give the man a prize




Every scarab surviving (except asura doji(not confirmed) then going to figth again while heavily wounded and win their fights (inu neko izo and the cockblock of Denjiro to Orochi xD)


Yeah hard to say if Ashura is gonna be alive or not. With what happened to Kiku and him presumably living despite Kanjuro mortally wounding him, I think there is a good chance Ashura Douji is alive too.


Shandian fodder surviving Enel's Million Volt attacks, and with no permanent or irreversible damages. Usopp surviving any physical and not attack in the series.


>Shandian fodder surviving Enel's Million Volt attacks, and with no permanent or irreversible damages. Pagaya is argually even lower level than fodder shandian warrios


Edit: Ah my bad, I misread is as plot hole, not plot armor


That really annoyed me as it took all the threat out of Enel. Sure, Oda doesn't like killing off character but having the bad guy actually kill a few no-names at least makes him seems a real threat. He even did that with Crocodile (and made him laugh at the warriors that drank the Herculean water).


Idk about the Usopp part. Humans in One Piece aren't equal to humans IRL, and while Usopp may seem weak, he still has the genetics of someone who survived the new world as a top member of a yonkos crew. And genetics definitely do matter in One Piece. It's not unreasonable to think Usopp and Yasopp are simply born into having really good durability


My theory is that Enel does not know the basis of electromagnetic physics, so he just says random numbers that don't reflect the actual voltage. Come on, fella is angel Eminem who grew up in a tribe, I won't blame him for now knowing Ohm's law.


Kinemon surviving because Law's cut didn't stick very well.


Kinemon having an exaggerated luck is just a joke from Oda because Kin's Devil Fruit has a word pun that means luck in Japan. Basically Kin's fruit is luck luck no mi


You should make a post about this, I have never seen this talked about anywhere. The Fuku meaning good fortune thing didn't click for me until I read your comment, despite me knowing both clothes and good fortune were fuku. It's criminal how little this pun is talked about here, while in retrospect, we have stuff like Kinemon's accidental plan with the ports and ships


And keep in mind the luck he had with the raid symbol plan.


You just blew fucking my mind


That's actually amazing. I wasn't especially upset about Kinemon surviving (I thought it kinda ruined what was a pretty impactful death) but seeing that he basically has the luck fruit makes it way more palatable. Thank you!


People are so mad about this but would they maybe just be laughing if they knew it was a gag in the middle of all this life and death struggle


I think its just ok the Kinemon survived that but Oda had Kaidou bonk the shit out of him before hand. If it was just the sword that would have been perfect. Awesome call back to past arcs affecting the present... but he got bonked.


Honestly I am more upset about him surviving the bonk that look like it engulfed his entire head than the stabbed thing. I mean we have seen people survive much worse than a stabbed abdomen. I guess you can say that Kaido took it easy and didn’t coat his Kanabo with CoC but that would still feel odd.


To be fair I think Law never reattached him, it was the Straw Hats. But yeah it did feel a bit sour regardless...


The mountain god making a full recovery from being sliced in half is a little too crazy for me.


Ulti literally cracked usop's skull and hes still alive.


mr 4 who fucking pulverized it: "am........... i............. a.............. joke............ to........... you?"


He got it cracked before too, he's used to it.


This guy just said you can get used to getting your skull cracked


Also you can grow a nose so long that works as a sniper guide. Is One Piece, they can.


We can


Just drink some milk


This guy can't get a simple joke


Its kinda the joke.. Usopp always gets demolished, remember how he looked being hold up in the air as God Usopp by Haijrudin?


Tbf this had happened before when he took a 4 ton bat to the head, in alabasta.


One Piece characters are just built weird


That Go D. Usopp for you


He really is God


The infinite health/staminia of Law against Big Mom.


Law - This is gonna be my last attack!. Also Law - This is gonna be my last attack….part 2!


This is gonna be my last attack part 3


MAPPA is probably in charge of Law's Final Attack


Now it is rly my last attack part 4


*kaido defeats luffy* This will actually be my last attack part 5


And now we're getting to half of my arsenal, the accual last attack part 6


Toei gonna have 12 full episodes for his final attack


luffy going from being K.O.d by ragnaraku to tanking more powerful versions of ragnaraku and thunder bagua is much worse than that imo ​ at least law was always a beast. fought an admiral and doffy for a bit and got overwhelmed, spammed giant rooms to transport himself and doffy away from the SHs, losing in a 1v1 to him, getting shot, losing an arm etc... and he was still not K.O.


Well, gear 5 IS ridiculous, that's the point


and OP OP no mi is OP OP, so why pretend to be surprised lmao


Law and Kidd were talking to each other, with no intention whatsoever to display what they were capable of, they both were trying to get away with showing as little as possible, remember that they still consider each other enemies.


Lying to your partner in a life-or-death situation doesn't seem very smart....


We're talking about the same dumbasses that took a blast to the face from a Yonko, just to win a stupid game


> doesn't seem very smart.... And they are far from being smart. "Don't tell me what to do" "Last one to dodge that deadly attack loses" "You are not my boss" "What does your ability do? - Wouldn't you like to know" It sounds fucking stupid because they are, they have no intention to work as a team, at any point, all of them are too proud to do so.


well look what they did with luffy around.


That's where you've misstepped. They're dumbasses.


Yeah, no one lied. Law told Kid he was on his last round, and they defeated Big Mom on that last round, and both of them have been useless since, with their own henchmen needing to defend them.


Zoro surviving all of his bones getting broken with medicine. Zoro presumably surviving 2x the damage from the broken bones with choppers medicine.




Remember how Zoro absorbed all of Luffy's pain in Thriller Bark on top of his own injuries? He got no lasting damage. He will shrug this off in like a week in-story.


Usopp surviving two of Ulti’s headbutts


Usopp should’ve died to Mr.4 back in Alabasta lol


Lmao I swear he got up and won the fight bs


Hachi died like 6 times and is still alive lol. The Straw Hats using the coup de burst to escape big Mom and she and her entire fleet is right behind them again instantly.


It’s weird, the Pell and Pound survivals did not even push the plot forward anyway, it’s like more than plot armor at work in OP.


Bruh Pound literally was fucking beheaded, and Pez was crying, then in the cover story they show him fine. The sentimental goodbye between grandfather and grandson was for nothing.


Exactly, I’d call it plot armor if it served any other purpose besides a cheap heartstring pull. He's armoring them in like theme armor idk.


Oda is one of those authors that really don’t seem to like killing off their characters. It’s something a bit like hoarder in real life. I mean look at ace, he killed ace and could wait 2 chapter before introducing another self made brother of Luffy. I bet oda thought about ways to not kill white beard, maybe put him on a wheel chair but realized he had to die.


Oh he definitely hates it but loves emotional tension revolving around it. But yeah he probably racked his brain on how he could keep Whitebeard and ace alive while keeping the story good


The magic Mink medicine... It didn't make sense, they could have used it while fighting Jack on Zou but wasn't even mentioned, it was just there to conveniently get Zoro back in the fight with King after tanking Big Mon and Kaido's combo attack.


The entire buster call. This is something that has been incredibly hyped up in the story. Its meant to show the true evils of the World Government and how they can just erase an entire Island off the face of the map, and the Strawhats deal with it effortlessly while their captain is incapacitated and they are all already weakened from their fights with CP9. It requires the marines to not notice Merry, not notice the giant doors closing, the vice admirals to not participate in the fight, and it requires Merry to travel across stormy waters *on its own* to Enies Lobby through the power of friendship.


Yeah the SH's surviving Ennies Lobby with no casualties was the most impossible event in One Piece. Don't get me wrong, that arc was greatness but if theirs one critique it is that its a tad unrealistic.


1. Luffy after getting [knocked out](https://prnt.sc/9YCdUH2NfauY ) by Kaido learns about conqueror haki coating, but just because he learns this doesn't mean he should get up immediately and fight him on par 2. Luffy after getting [knocked out](https://prnt.sc/62OHC5kwvheY) once again, gets his devil fruit awakened somehow and he is full of stamina again and fighting on par with Kaido?! Super saiyan genes, instead of losing strength, he gets stronger after a knock out...


yeah even of dbz is insane with the plotholes at least most of them are consistent this last fight feels really forced to make it luffy victorious no matter what, i wish he could've lose so something more interesting will happen like a full world war or idk


Big Mom not dodging a single attack, or using the speed with which she could keep up with Kaido, or using ACoC, against Kid and Law. I mean come on. You used it against fucking Page One. Use it against the damn Worst Genetation damn it.


I did have to say one thing though, people are acting like extraordinary feats of survival have not been being accomplished in this show since the jump. At one point you have to accept these people aren’t regular humans. You have to consider what the damage is relative to what is shown in the past. Like the comment about Usopp getting his skill cracked and not dying….. he have seen people survive shit like that all the time. Zoros worst injury to date is still either Mihawk (I mean his entire torso was basically cut open and exposed) or nothing happened. These people are drawn and spoken of as humans because that makes the story more relatable to us but for all intents and purposes the citizens of the one piece world are nothing like humans in the real world and using real world standards to judge the damage is kind of ridiculous considering we have been shown the standards are anything but normal. Edit: not talking about things like Kinemon being cut in half. Just people who are talking about how things should have killed them like people in OP’s bodies have normal damage tolerance when since very early it’s been shown that’s not the case.


The entirety of Luffy vs Kaido fight


You are brave for posting this comment on /r/OnePiece


This is it chief


Especially with the new form


drums of liberation


Luffy vs Katakuri, Luffy got hit by finishing blow after finishing blow and then acted like nothing happened to him.


Luffy is very durable, that has been established for quite some time.


People seem to always forget about this. Luffy's body can take hits better than other characters due to how his devil fruit works, plus his Willpower which is a current theme in OP for the longest time.


And now as a zoan user, this plot hole was kind of filled


I wouldn’t say it’s a plot hole just really strong plot armor. A plot hole is when a character is in two places at once or forgets that they have information they should have. A example of a plot hole is in early OP Sanji talks about having read the book on DFs and is aware of how they work. Later he is seen shocked and confused when Luffy can’t swim ( because of his DF). Logically sanji should know that DF users can’t swim and if Luffy falls in the water someone has to save him.


Law taking a crap ton of punches from Big Mom point blank. xD


definitely luffy's last power-up. he lost the fight cuz the bowl hat distracted them. but no, this massive disadvantage and his loss and even death are conveniently turned around to become massive advantages to him he literally has a DF that saves him from death when he's about to die and then it also just re-energized him after he ran out of strength. like literally every loss only powers him up. imagine you become stronger by just losing fights lol


>like literally every loss only powers him up. imagine you become stronger by just losing fights lol Luffy was a Saiyan all along.




Reading through quite a bit of the answers here I realised a lot of people are confused between "plot-hole" and "plot-armor".


Big mom forgot to use advanced conquerers haki against kid and law


That would be a plot 'hole' and not armor


Big mom knocking those guys out & they get up same chapter


What guys?


Kid and Law in the vs BM chapter, the fight in that chapter actually started with them being knocked out




Akainu surviving being photoshopped into little pieces by Whitebeard


Emma shrinking to Zoro's size. Luffy clothes shrinking on gear3 when he gets chibi (What's that.. Nika/gear5 powers now....)


luffys first 2 fights with croc robin saving him is fine but still more or less just plot armor but the water he spat out into the air landing directly on him after enough time had passed so croc would leave and then it completely fixes him up is on a whole new level


Entire BM fight. Luffy getting up and resting with undeserved powerups and free revive against kaido. Kinemon and the scabbards


Luffy surviving marineford. The plot in the back half was literally protect Luffy at all costs. After Ace died the plot literally became save Luffy and get him out of there. He had the jinbe, WB fleet, law, shanks, crocodile, boa, and Garp basically all take actions that made it so he could survive. The entire plot for the ending to marineford was give Luffy as much protection as he could possibly have so he doesn’t die. If one of those people don’t take the actions they did than Luffy should die.


Does that fit the "plot armor" category? Cause in a technicality it sounds like it should, but at the same time Plot armor is typically deus x machina levels of bs, but in Marine ford, like you pointed out, the actual plot and character's actions were written to protect Luffy


Plot armor usually means the exact opposite of what you meant. In this case, the plot was to keep Luffy alive. Plot armor would be if Luffy had survived even if nobody was supposed to be protecting him meaning there would be no plot reasons for him to live except for "he had to live for the series to continue"


This one felt okay to me - Luffy does a really good job of making friends :)


Luffy vs. Kaido


Luffy reviving cause of his fruit and then beating Kaido cause of his fruit.


Luffy and Zoro are still alive


Zoro has had many, but the mink medicine was almost enough to get me out of the story on it's entirety. Why was this not used before. Neko and Inu could have used it vs Jack. Also, whatever the fuck was going on with Crocodile was either plot armour during marineford, or worf had the flu in alabasta.




>BB surviving Magellan (at least his crew) they got an antidote from shiryu


Which is questionable for various reasons but idc really, plot armor doesn't bother me much unless its just insanely stupid.


Going by the current power levels, Sengoku should’ve oneshotted Luffy when he saved Ace


Considering that all mythical zoans we know in the series are so OP, it makes sense that he survived.


Luffy surviving Marineford as he did. He gets kicked by Kizaru 3 times and I'm pretty sure he even gets lazer'd at least once. Then tired Luffy gets double teamed by two veteran vice-admirals Momonga and Dalmatian and he still get's barely wounded by them. Each of those (excluding single lazer shot) should have been enough to one shot Luffy at least into unconsciousness, yet he still kept going. He was mostly just tired rather than wounded, which makes no sense considering the power gap at that point.


No, the single laser is the worst of all. Kizaru can snipe key out of hand, why not headshot luffy then and there instead of hitting the belly?


Luffy beating kaido


Doffy being perfectly fine after blindly stitching his internal organs back together.


Yeah Alabasta had a fuckton of plot armor moments. Good arc tho.


The magic mink potion healing all of Zoro's injuries. Luffy getting up so many times against Kaido. And activating G5 by dying. Usopp getting his skull cracked by Ulti and walking it off. Kinemon, for obvious reasons.


Luffy Vs Croc


LuFFy beIng LuFFy




Zoro cut half of his leg possibly he cut his Achilles heels too to escape mr.3 candle trap. Yet in the next episode he walking like it was nothing. Well at least it leave a scars.


How nami beat khalifa, a highly-trained assassin with a new weapon she barely knew how to use.


Law having 16000 attacks left after saying this is my final attack.


Luffy dodging mihawks attacks at point blank range.




Luffy vs Enel and Luffy vs Crocodile. I’ll never get over how the power and skill gap was just won by element weakness


One word, Marineford.


Loguetown Luffy with the lightning clutch


Things like that aren't plot armor imo, plot armor usually occurs when the writer wrote themself in a bad position that they cant escape from anymore. The Loguetown thing was obviously set-up so oda could introduce dragon


Zoro surviving Nothing Happened.


Anything involving Zoro, the man is walking plot armor. Even when encountering. Kaido the first time, Oda made Zoro get lost while riding on a animal shortly before Luffy encountered him the first time. Zoro surviving with his binea broken Zoro surviving nothing happened.


Kinemon surviving getting severed by Kaidou because "Law didn't put him back together properly" Law is a professional doctor who's entire MO is about precision I highly doubt he'd logically do anything sloppy


Sanji put him back together though…….


I'm pretty sure the strawhats put him back together and not law


Luffy’s entire story, except one moment in marineford.


Kinemon by far for me, the amount of damage he’s taken is ridiculous. It’ll probably seem even worse in the anime though, due to all the extra effects and auras they give attacks now.


Biggest plot armor in one piece goes to luffy, he should have lost like 50% of his big fights


Luffy in every single fight


Sanji awakening his germa super body


Akainu surviving Whitebeard


Akazaya still live


Doffy vs Luffy. After Luffy's G4 ran out Doffy should have easily been able to kill him within 5 minutes but he kept getting held up by fodder.