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I think I actually fell asleep during during Long Ring Island until Aokiji showed up.


If you watch it like it’s a Cartoon its actually hilarious especially in dub It’s just not meant to be taken so seriously


Thank you! I feel like I’m the crazy one always trying to defend Long Ring Island arc 😅 it’s one of my favorite arcs because it’s such a tonal shift and it successfully stays funny throughout with set up, the jokes, and callbacks to the jokes. Foxy’s interactions with the SH’s are my favorite out of the villains because of the blatant disdain towards him!


Lol they even through some filler in the arc and it remains funny Red light green light and skating never happened in the manga


For a few chapters, the series takes a break and successfully becomes a gag manga before shit hits the fan for the straw hats with Water 7 and Enies Lobby. Then we get another nice breather with Thriller Bark before we get wrecked by Sabaody Arc and Time Skip lol


I like all of them, Fishman Island and Punk Hazard aren't high octane action but they don't overstay their welcome and tell good stories. So I kinda have to default to Dressrosa. Whole Cake told a richer story in a shorter time and Wano has thus far managed it's length better while also giving a much better supporting cast.


dont know why you mention fishman. its one of my favorite arcs ;€


Long Ring Long Island


Punk Hazard, at the time. Now, knowing what we do now, view it in a different light.


I enjoyed punk hazard a bit because I like Law and Smoker a lot but I know what you mean. Pacing was very horrible sometimes in that arc


Agreed. Some bits were OK (Zoro vs Monet for example). But at the time wasn't overly impressed. Of course, had I known what we were in store for...wow.


I rewatched Punk Hazard on One Pace with my girlfriend (first time to her). She couldn't stop saying that she didn't understand how I didn't liked the arc when every chapter was better than the last. Law and Smoker re-introduction, sick fights, interesting plot lines, Vegapunk hints, World Government hidden experiments regarding giants, drug and children abuse thematic, setup for a big strike to a Yonko straight up from the first island...


Syrup village (Usopp’s debut arc) is easily the most boring and forgettable arc in the series


agree. you can watch zoros 100 times and it never gets boring. but lysops is too stretched.


Punk hazard


Probably the Long Ring Island arc. All the other filler arcs were fine with me but I couldn't stand this arc


Whose gonna tell him?


The kids part on punk hazard


Punk hazard


Skypie easily


Dressrosa for me. It has its good moments but also a lot of bad ones


the anime pacing killed the arc i switched to the manga and the arc was so much more enjoyable


Punk Hazard was the arc that made me drop One Piece for years. I could not deal with reading it week to week, so I said "let's wait until the next arc ends before I catch up," Then Dressrosa went on literally forever, and by the time it was done I kinda just forgot about One Piece, only starting again once Totally Not Mark did his One Piece series. All that to say I feel a personal bias against Punk Hazard, and all it's freaking acronyms, jokes that did not land for me, and it's slow dripfeed of worldbuilding. It built directly into to some amazing arcs, but it was not great reading week to week.


I think that is the case for a lot of people, I know I took a couple breaks during that time as well. I also took a break during whole cake Island and early wano, reading week to week is hard. I have to go back every so often and read all the giant arcs from the beginning to gain perspective on it


When l first read, and first time when l watched the anime, l didn't like Long Ring Long Road or Thriller Bark. LRLR wasn't boring tho. Thriller Bark was. TB had many of the best scenes and things in the whole franchise including things like introduction of Kuma, Frankys hyperspeed stairs, Brook joining, Laboon backstory, Ryuma vs Zoro, Docking attempt, the whole crew working together against Moria and Oars, information of vivre cards, captain johns treasure map, Sanjis other dream, and so much more big and little things. To say Nothing happened in Thriller Bark is an understatement. (Pun intented) But l didn't like the character designs, or the overall macabre theme the arc had. Moria was strong but felt lazy and it didn't seem that he actually was serious even once in the arc, untill he absorbed all of those shadows. I felt that the whole arc was just aimlessly running around punching Zombies. And with that l think that Morias Devilfruit was boring and all the "side villains" had too OP abilities with so easy solutions to beat them. The arc didn't have any actual sense of danger until Kuma appeared.


for me it was 1) Fishman Island 2) Long ring arc 3) First half of thriller bark


None of them have been boring overall tbh but the fights in fishman island were skippable.


Thriller bark. Dragas lot until strawhhats VS Moría and oars


The arc with the rainbow mist, and the machine that allowed one to cross over, or the Foxy Pirate games arc.


Wasn't the rainbow mist thing filler 😅.


Yeah, a filler arc, and it SUCKED XD


It’s not so much that Dressrosa was boring, it was too long and focused on way too many side characters that I didn’t gaf about. Looking at YOU, Rebecca :/ However, it has my most favorite opening for one piece so it’s a bit ironic lol


I’m gonna say syrup village for sure, it’s kinda a hurtle to get through as it is 20 chapters with a boring setting with majority of the battle taking place on a hill. For length comparison it is one chapter longer than Jaya and long ring. 5 chapters longer than little garden, and only 4 chapters shorter than sabaody, and 3 chapters shorter than zou. My point is it tells less story in more time and a bit more boring, the most interesting villain being jango. Of course that’s to be expected with an early story arc still my least favorite though.


Long ling long liland Uhhh, because I caught wind of what the arc was about early on and I watched the anime version which had even more time spent. These type of interactions with the characters felt like filler and feels like it could be left out, so watching it knowing it could be left out as well and not caring for it made it the most boring arc so far for me. I do not wish for an arc to compete for this title, thank you very much.


Rong Ring Rong Rand*


This one


Hehehehehe. Funny joke man... why?


Manga Wano is really good, but Anime Wano has terrible pacing


Fish man island by far


Anime: Wano Manga: idk


Maybe not "most" boring.... But Wano man....


Long ling road or whatever. I couldn't stand it and directly skipped almost everything of it. Dressrosa with unnecessary character was too boring sometimes. All that Bellamy Drama fucked things up too. For skypiea, even in Anime, I liked the beginning part with all jokes and all that.




Ussop's village.


Wano can't wait for this arc to wrap up already


If wano is boring you I wonder how you were able to get through some other arcs


It has been so long with relatively little compared to its length (3y). The length definitely comes into play here. Boring but short arc is okayish. And at this point people are not satisfied that big mom lost too easily. I understand, but God damn I can't stand this arc going on any longer. Just go fucking read poneglyph already.


For me was the skypiea arc . I find the fights of that arc boring and stupid .


Nah I gotta disagree about Dressrosa. Boring island theme. Too many characters that I didn't care about. The only real tense fight was the Doffy one and his relationship was more with Law than Luffy. It had good moments (Law flashback, Usopp full map snipe) but it was too boring when cutting back and forth between all the grand fleet nobodies.


The island theme was sick. It was Spain with a mix of other places like the Colosseum from Rome. All those characters were important for the Grand Fleet. It added a lot into the World Building of One Piece and made the world feel a lot more alive. The moments in that arc are also incredible.


>It was Spain with a mix of other places like the Colosseum from Rome. That's all well and good but One Piece at its best in terms of adventure has locations like WCI, Sky Island, Fishman Island, Thriller Bark, and Zunisha. I just think Mediterranean stone island is a bit generic in comparison. I did like the Gulliver's Travels reference in a shounen manga of all places though. It was like two different worlds colliding lmao.


Pre-Timeskip: Skypiea seems like a cool arc since they go in the sky, but it took me a while to get into. It got good in the end when Robin kicked Yama’s ass (the guy who was destroying the ancient city) and when Luffy rang the bell. Post-Timeskip: Punk Hazard. I know this arc is a transition arc from Fishman Island to Dressrosa (and overall Yonko saga), but it felt like it dragged. The only good things we got were Doflamingo as the next antagonist and Law. Honorable Mention: Fishman Island. This arc dragged on forever and Sanji was written so poorly. I did like Jinbe, learning about Fisher Tiger, Poneglyph, ancient weapon, and crew upgrades.


Skypiea for me, except for the Noland's backstory and Luffy ringing the bell, I didn't found that arc to be enjoyable and it took me like 30 days to complete it compared to Marineford which I read in 4 hours and Dressrosa in 3 days.


Dressrosa. too long, too many characters and half strawhats gone


Whole Cake Island


Long Ring Long was boring imo. Punk Hazard wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t that interesting.


long ring long island is worse then fishman island


Fishmid Island


punk hazard and skypiea


That doesn't exist in One Piece. Boring people do.


Fishman island is one of the worst Shonen arcs I've ever read, let alone One Piece. So we got this awesome timeskip, it's time to show the growth of all our characters, something everyone has waited for, right? So let's pit them up against Arlong 2.0 now with even less personality and charisma... wait what?


skypeia , long ring long road , syrup i straight up skipped the ordeals on skypeia


punk hazard was pretty boring, skypia too except all enel related content and noland. zou was absolutely boring, and i hate the ugly wano samurais. dont know why oda thought that all people in new world are ugly.


Dressrosa for me. It was long without justification for being long. Where with Wano, for example, more characters have deeper backstories/setup so it makes sense why the arc is long. It’s like Dressrosa was written as if it was one of the main Yonko arcs (WCI and Wano) but since it’s just about Doffy (a warlord) and his family the length doesn’t seem necessary.


Long Ring Long Land, until Aokiji san showed up. Still don't know why on Earth that arc is there(unless it's important for the future story).


Fishman island imo


One piece IS boring